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Stat priorities for CM


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i think it depends on what you're doing.


this is for PVE, but...

as far as augments go, i only use aim/end augments

for crit/power, i try to get to ~350 crit then stack power

for alacrity/surge, i try to stack as much surge as i can because getting 9% alacrity from talents alone is really huge


now, if you don't trait for 9% alacrity, that could affect your own build (for reference, i have about 150-200 alacrity from gear in addition to the talents)



as far as the implant / earpiece / offhand go, i go with the black hole med-tech offhand (102 power is just too good to pass up compared to 84 crit and a lot less aim), med-tech implant (crit / alacrity), and boltblaster earpiece (crit / surge)




and for reference, you only balance crit / power (on mods and enhancements) and alacrity / surge (on enhancements only)

and this is the spec i use btw if that helps.




and this is all from a pve perspective. for pvp, i think more alacrity is very important, perhaps even moreso than those huge crit heals, but i usually dps when i pvp (and don't pvp very often anymore as a commando)

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I've been trying to research this too, and there aren't really many guides out there about what is BIS for Combat Medics. The only real guides I've found have said to get crit chance to 30%, surge to 75%, and then stack the rest into power first, and alacrity second. Based off of those requirements, here's what I am thinking of going for:




I was wondering if anybody could look at this build and let me know if it will be effective. I stacked crit until I got both my tech and ranged crit chance to 30%+, but I was wondering if I only need to worry about getting tech crit to 30%? Or is it more important to stack my crit and surge to ~350 and not worry about how much my main stat is adding to those stats?

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For both PvE and PvP, I've preferred Aim > Power > Surge > Alacrity > Crit. I like the consistency and reliability of it that way -- especially since the high power rating has given me a lot of freedom in ammo management since the abilities naturally heal quite high. For instance, my Kolto Bomb is guaranteed to hit for 1k and can crit for over 3k with some lucky RNG in PvE (this is obviously less in PvP, but incredibly underrated for 1-ammo ability) and my Bacta Infusion hits a few hundred less than Medical Probe.


And as much as I hate alacrity, you need some to ensure you have time to cast -- just not so much that it cuts into other more valuable stats (Aim/Power/Surge) or hurts your regeneration rate.

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The whole idea is to avoid Diminishing Returns on stats.


So, get your complete set of gear, then start min/maxing it like this:


Get Crit to 300

Get Surge to 300

Get Alacrity to 250


After that everything else into Power or Aim.


If you are at 350 Alacrity, switch some enhancements to shed the extra Alacrity, etc....

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