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Just a quick one-shot.


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Just a quick one-shot involving two of my favorite things. Kind of long for a one-shot, but whatever. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: The song lyrics do NOT bleong to me in any way, shape or form.



The room was dim. That didn't matter; the Chiss were used to the dark. She was sitting there, in her dressings, fiddling with a package. It was a small, metal lockbox. The young Chiss examined the soft fabric, nerf fur. It had seen a lot of wear. Delicately, the fur was unwrapped, and the box opened. Inside sat a small, ancient music box. It was mostly black, with golden trimmed edges. Upon the box sat an unusual little creature; it somewhat resembled an ewok. It was taller, however, and wore a red vest. In it's hands were two round, golden discs. Nobody knew what the creature was supposed to be; regardless, the Chiss loved it. It was from an old human opera that predated known history.


The girl had seen newer versions of the old human opera. She loved it. It was a beautiful story; about passion, jealously, betrayal, and love. When she was 19, she recieved a package from her brother. He had found a relic on the black market. It played the tune of his sister's beloved musical; he knew she should have it. She cherished it; she hadn't seen her brother in years.


She remembered the tune. She examined the box, looking for the fimiliar handle. This box was played whenever she felt stress. Finding the little zig-zagegd handle, the girl began to crank it. When the bar finally hit a stopping point, the bar was released. It played a small, sad tune; knowing the lyrics by heart, the Chiss sang along quietly.



Paper faces on parade


Hide your face, so the world will never find you....

I love you....."


She always forgot the character's name. It bothered her that something so important to her was erased from her memory.


"Why do I always forget the name? I can't believe something I love so much eludes me...."


Suddenly the silence was shattered by one word.




Her head shot upward. Standing in the doorway was a man. He a bit taller than she was, with blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a muscular frame.



"The girl. Her name is Christine."

"How would you.....you were listening, weren't you?!"

"Well, it's MY room too, after all."

"Hmm. That's true."


He cam and wrapped his arms around her. She loved him, even if he was intruding.


"I love you, Torian."

"I love you too."


They lay there in silence, Torian stroking her hair. As she drifted off into sleep, he sang her a song from the old human opera.


"Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime.

Say the word, and I will follow you

Share each day with me, each night, each morning

Anywhere you go let me go too.

That's all I ask of you."

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It was a great opera =D


It's the best show EVAR. I got to meet Anthony Crivello, the Phantom in Vegas. He was so awesome, it's a shame it's closing. He actually inspired me to double major, one in programming in musical theatre/preforming arts. I'm probably going to wind up a programmer, but if the chance arises to play a character in Phantom, I want to be ready to take it :3

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