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Exarr Kun vs. Vader


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Mace would win because of Vapaad.



Katarn borderlines the threat of the dark-side because he uses Dark-Side Abilities.


Vapaad channels the opponents and the users dark-side and uses it against the opponent. Which is why he beat Sidious in a duel.


Plus, he also has shatterpoint.



Mace is a brute in the Force.


That's what I was thinking as well. As powerful as Katarn is, I think Mace is just better.

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I'm just saying, Anakin got his arm cut off and didn't scream. And when Dooku got both hands cut off he didn't even cry out. Luke just lets out a yell. Windu's like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! and then some more :p


Mace was also getting shocked by lightning when he got his hand cut off.

Edited by ToEasy
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I'm just saying, Anakin got his arm cut off and didn't scream. And when Dooku got both hands cut off he didn't even cry out. Luke just lets out a yell. Windu's like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! and then some more :p


Anakin wasted all of his crying over Padme falling off of the gunship. Dooku is Christopher Lee. Luke did the same as Mace to a lesser degree. Windu was being zapped by lightning shortly after the loss of his limb, which would prolong screaming. I doubt anyone here wouldn't scream after the loss of a limb.

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Not sure why Vader is always given such a high level of power as a Sith in peoples opinions.


Anakin SKywalker - created by the midichlorians and birthed by the Force it's self (basicly).


Remember Luke though, son of Anakin and his sister Leia. They didn't race pods or crush droids when they got angry through pure proximity. This means even the most powerful force users have to be taught to use the force, they are not simply born using force suggestion to get their moms to give them a cookie.


Anakin was powerful but he was still learning to control these powers. Remeber what Obiwan said to Luke.

"I feel the force" - Luke

"but you can not control it" - Obiwan

Luke was not "Grand Master" or even considered by Yoda to be a Jedi at that point but they told him it was at a similar point in his training to where Anakin was when he fell. If we asume that Anakin was more powerful at that point, however, it still means he had a long way to go before he was at his true potential.


Then Anakin turned to the Dark Side, SO it was almost like beginning his training all over again. Then before he can become all powerful he was cut down by Obiwan. With so much of his natural body gone he also lost a lot of Midichlorians and thus his connection to the force. He also amongst other things lost the potential to use Force Lighting. So we know he also lacks access to certain abilities. The Suit amplified his remaining powers, true. Not suit though is as powerful as a Force user at his/her peak natuarly. Or they would all simply wear suits and kick each others behinds.


Sidiouse himself felt his diminishment in the force when he was hurt which is why in the revival scene near the end when he came to int he suit he crushed everything around him but couldn't touch the Emperor (More detailed int he book). Sidious told Yoda "Vader will become more powerful then either of us". So we know he would have. We also have his confession to Padme "I'm more powerful then the Emperor I can overthrow him", was mostly arrogance but some truth to it if his future wasn't destroyed in the fllowing battle.


With this in mind and the fact that Kun basicly took out the Jedi single handedly I think Kun wins hands down. Not sure Kun could beat Palpatine but I'd have loved to have seen the battle.

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Sidiouse himself felt his diminishment in the force when he was hurt which is why in the revival scene near the end when he came to int he suit he crushed everything around him but couldn't touch the Emperor (More detailed int he book).


Sidious told Vader, "I will provide you with the means to increase your power, and broaden your understanding. In due time, power will fill the vacuum created by the decisions you made, the acts you carried out." [The Rise of Darth Vader, p. 55] Also Sidious's thoughts on Vader's weaknesses were this, "Vader's real weaknesses were psychological rather than physical" [p. 142]. Of course Vader did have various abilities aside from his telekenisis and force push, like his force scream, choke, ability to communicate with others across vast regions of space, "Vader considered reaching out to Shryne through the Force" [p. 174]. Shryne was in the Outer Rim and Vader on Coruscant. Vader could greatly enhance his physical strength with the Force and he has other abilities as well.

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