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Dirty metal pvp hybrid (just for fun, Lethality / Engineer )


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Hey guys, I've been playing with this engineer / lethality hybrid on my battle-master geared alt for fun.

It actually works pretty good so I though id through it up for anyone who wants to give it a try.


<Dirty metal pvp hybrid>



The basic idea is to apply cluster bombs through explosive probe with lethality poisons and then use cull to trigger it it all off. This will keep the energy recovery nice and high, so that you can splash in some aoe burst damage with frag grenades or anything else you find appealing. I think there's nice symmetry to the build since lethal dose applies to the probes and cluster bombs, with explosive engineering and experimental explosives applying to corrosive grenades.


I was easily out dpsing the majority of players, but a player that is more seasoned with snipers could probably pull it off better than I did. I made this build because the engineering tree is fun but lacks the "BAM" that the other two have.


Any-ways have fun and let me know if you enjoyed trying it.


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. I think there's nice symmetry to the build since lethal dose applies to the probes and cluster bombs, with explosive engineering and experimental explosives applying to corrosive grenades.



Lethal dose only applies to periodic effects. - Explosive Probe and cluster bombs are not periodic effects , they are reactive effects. So you get no benefit from lethal dose on those 2.


You didn't specifically state this but -The other common misconception is that Cull 's additional internal damage effect is added for Interrogation probe, this is false since it is not a poison effect.


While your build may be fun and probably helps you with energy, it loses DPS to a full lethality build. because you are losing out on weakening blast, which adds 30 % damage to corrosive grenade and corrosive dart.


A full lethality build using only rifle shot as the filler would out dps and return better energy then the hybrid build.

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I run with a hybrid as well and it is fun...I put two points into the bonus SoS and cull dmg in marksman instead of the bonus surge for area effects...wonder which works out better also took the bonus to endurance instead of the reduced cooldown on frag and flash Edited by vladunk
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