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Are levels 9-49 becoming too easy?


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Since I really began to use crew skills instead of credit haul I've began to notice that the game has become worryingly easy in comparrision. On all my characters I now use Cybertech, Scavenging and Underworld Trading, and I use the formal armor set (Only requires Social I) and I just make blue quality enhancements. Since doing this I find myself consistently at 14k hp in warzones even as a DPS, my companions (Particularly M1-4X at the moment) have become more powerful than mobs of higher levels than me. I'm not exactly complaining, but has anyone else who's done this found the battles less challenging?
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My Smuggler is supported by my Artifice crafter and my Cybertech crafter ... she's decked out in purple armoring/mods/enhancements + I bought some Augs (blues and purples) - she's bad ***.


But yes, compared to playing in the BETA, and compared to January - about March, I find the game a bit easier. Not only with regards with the fact that I have two high level crafters, but also an end game main toon being "sugar daddy" to the rest of my toons. So, my new toons have it easy.


Although, rumor mill says that there is some stuff in the works to make end game a bit crazier.

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The more 50s I get, the higher my presence is and my companions are powerhouses. I like this though, as it allows me to skip over planetary quest lines I've done before and focus on the class missions, which I can do even if under leveled.
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It is normal for any game to have this sort of a progression.

It is because:

  1. With each character you know more
  2. As mentioned the funds from the lvl 50 make the alts life much easier
  3. Crafting purple/orange mods on alts gives the alt access to much more powerful items then intended


That said it is normal. People want to help put their characters and If the funds have no limits and the toon is decked out in top notch gear that they just barely fulfill the level limit for, they are going to rip the campaign a new one.


I have just started and it is is my first character and I must say that when you you just what you get from rewards and drops the difficulty is just slightly to the easier side.


Stuck on the Mandalorian Boss fight now on nar shadaa need to gear up. The easy mode really starts on your 3rd character I think when you have an Armorer and Cybertech crafter plus the money to funnel into the alt.


Overall I would raise the difficulty by 10% still like the challenge.

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The more 50s I get, the higher my presence is and my companions are powerhouses. I like this though, as it allows me to skip over planetary quest lines I've done before and focus on the class missions, which I can do even if under leveled.


Question for this: are the planetary quest the same for all classes. or accessible for all classes I have seen the non class quests to have the green zone as bounty hunter only so I assumed they will be different. At least slightly in the locations or objectives but in same general area.

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Question for this: are the planetary quest the same for all classes. or accessible for all classes I have seen the non class quests to have the green zone as bounty hunter only so I assumed they will be different. At least slightly in the locations or objectives but in same general area.

The planetary quests are the same for all classes. Only the class-specific quests (green/red areas) are different.


Sometimes the class quests interact with the planetary quests, though, which can be interesting. I did the Justicar quest line on my Sage first, and when I did it again on my Commando, the trooper class quest gives you a bit more background on the Justicar situation, which I thought was cool.

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