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Increase Character Slots from Eight (8) to Ten (10)


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Hi All,


I posted a ticket to the help centre suggesting that they increase character slots from 8 to 10.


The idea behind this is that people will have their favourite classes and would like to play the other option. For example, if you have a 50 Operative, you can also play a Sniper.


My idea of the increase comes from the fact that the Republic and Empire have 4 classes which means that if you have play all classes for each of the factions you can't have the other option for your favourite class.


I have a Jedi Sage, and have created a Jedi Shadow. This means that I have no spots left to create a Jedi Knight which I'd like to do. I currently have 2 level 50 Empire characters.


I believe 2 extra slots is manageable.


My idea has been forwarded to the Developers. If you can post reponses for and against the idea may be adopted.


Thank you for your feedback.



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After talking to the people in game chat, additional slots haven't been considered yet. Or at least that was impression given to me. As the idea will be forwarded to the Development Team.


The more that say they are in favour of it, the more likely it will happen.

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I found that the current 8 slots is enough.


As of right now, I have 4 on Imperial and 2 on Republic. I have a Marauder, a Sorcerer, a Mercenary, and an Operative on Imperial and a Guardian and a Gunslinger on Republic. I was going to roll a Shadow and a Vanguard, but I honestly don't want to roll another Melee or close range class.


8 slots are enough because I believe that the advance classes are mirror on both sides. Ex: Marauder = Sentinel, Mercenary = Commando. If, let's say, you have an lvl 50 Operative and want to give Sniper a try, just roll a Gunslinger, the mechanic is pretty much the same. Got a sorcerer and want to try Assassin, roll a Shadow. Got a mercenary and want to give powertech a try, roll a Vanguard. If you go with my model, you can try all 8 types of advance class while doing each storyline at least once.


One good reason I can think of for additional character slot is if you want to do some class story more than once (ex: you played a total Dark V Sith Pureblood Sith Warrior but want to try rolling a Light V Miraluka Sith Warrior) but don't want to go to another server (thus losing all legacy unlocks and shipping things to your alts). However, I believe that sooner or later, the legacy unlocks will become account wide and you can eventually ship things to other servers.

Edited by Contin_gency
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