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Switching from Combat Medic to Assault Spec Questions


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So I am switching from being a full healer to Assault spec, Got the tree down fine, and am going to buy the Eliminators gear for the set bonus / higher power. only really have two questions


Should I just keep stacking AIM through Augments and all that or should I be worrying about Power


and on that note, does anyone know Diminishing returns on AIM for a commando?


and im thinking about just getting the BM offhand


Any/all tips from the few of us that still play / love commandos would be greatly appreciated!

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I'm currently playing a Pyrotech Merc (Mirror spec) as well as an dabble w/ my Assault spec VG when i tired of tanking...so while not identical, I'm pretty sure the same ideas apply.

I'm also assuming you're asking about PvE. I have little experience in PvP :)


So I am switching from being a full healer to Assault spec, Got the tree down fine, and am going to buy the Eliminators gear for the set bonus / higher power. only really have two questions


Should I just keep stacking AIM through Augments and all that or should I be worrying about Power


I personally stack AIM and swap out +crit enhancements for power/surge. So far, loving the results (even if my tanks don't).

and on that note, does anyone know Diminishing returns on AIM for a commando?

To my knowledge, primary stats do not have any DR.

and im thinking about just getting the BM offhand

Get the Med-Tech BH generator. The DPS one is stamina heavy so it wastes a lot of it's itemization budget. And it goes both ways, should you go back to combat medic every once in awhile :)

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I am a Assault speced Commando. I stack both aim and power threw my augs. I only PvP tho. I have split my augs in half with overkill and aim one(cant remember name). Also Have my point split between Assault and Gunnery. Tho I do not have many point in gunnery. I would post my spec but am at work right now. Hope this helps in some way. BTW I do anywhere from 130k-280k damg in pvp.
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