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How to build the perfect Carnage Sentinal Equivalent


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Sorry, I do not know what the Carnage spec is called on the Repub side, but here goes:


This guide does not tell you how to play properly, if the feedback is good for this guide I'll put together my DPS rotation and general PvP guide.


Also note you can do Step 1-4 WHILE doing Warzones so it doesn't impair your progress. Always make sure you are grinding out comms while you are doing all of the below for the fastest gearing up process.


If I were to start over again and rebuild my Marauder this is exactly the order and process I would go.


Step 0:


Get all the Strength, Endurance and if you're a freak like me Willpower Datacrons. Willpower datacrons boost your force attacks like dots and force scream. Then level up all your companions affection to 10k (The non droid ones). When you do this you will gain 1% accuracy, 1% surge, 1% crit, % of HP increase, and increased healing on yourself.




Step 1:


Level up Biochem for the Stim, also pickup slicing. Since you have 10k affection on all your toons once you have your stim, run slicing missions while you do warzones and sell the mission discoveries. You'll make enough money to supplement buying V-1 Seismic Grenades, Warzone Medpacs, and Warzone Adrenals. All a must in my opinion for doing well in RWZ's and extremely well in Regular WZ's.




Step 2:

Get the recruit gear.




Step 3:

Then when you replace all the recruit gear, replace it with the BATTLEMASTER VINDICATOR armor and Lightsabers. With the Armor you'll have to rip out the mods and put them in a medium armor equivalent slot. Buy the POWER relics




Step 4 if you can afford it:


Buy 18 strength + 12 Endurance Augments and put them in every slot you have.




Step 5:




Buy the War Hero Vindicator Armor and the War Hero Foestopper's MK-1 Device, and 2x War Hero Pummeler's MK-1 Package as well as 2 War Hero Power Relics. The War Hero Vindicator Armor will give you the 10% damage on Force Charge which is SIGNIFICANTLY more useful for DPS than the Weaponmaster set. You'll find that you aren't using Undying Rage on CD, but that you are in fact using Force Charge on CD.




Step 6:


Buy the Legacy Bracers/Waistcord. I have the Advanced Might Armoring 26's in mine, but you can use 25 if you can afford them. Use Advanced Deft Mod 58A MODS until you start Min/Maxing (Step 7)




Step 7:


Time to MIN/MAX. This is what you're completed gear should look like, note the build doesn't include the Stim:




The difference between a fully Min/Maxed War Hero Marauder and a Regular fully War Hero geared Marauder is like going from Recruit gear to Battlemaster gear. It's a massive difference. I'm not fully optimized yet and I have 1208 expertise, 623.1 Bonus Damage, 25.87% crit, 78.80% surge, 98.67% Accuracy, and 20.1k HP fully buffed with Stim. (I also have all 4 class buffs so that helps)


The first thing you want to replace is all your mods so get: (Note the Vindicator Lightsaber already has this Mod and the second best enhancement so you save commendations)



War Hero Vindicator's Handgear (Gloves)

51 strength (++)

32 endurance (+)

39 power (++)

30 exp


You will get the best Warrior Mod and the SECOND best Enhancement. Replace all your mods and 3 enhancements with what is inside the Vindicator Gloves. Keep the Chest and Helm Enhancement as it has Accuracy + Power and you need the Accuracy for Carnage.


Once you do that, now it's time to replace the enhancements in 3 pieces of your armor and both your lightsabers with:



War Hero Force-Mystic's Gloves

27 Endurance (+)

30 Expertise

41 Power (++)

53 Surge (++)


Use this guide for whatever step you are on, but if you're starting fresh, do it like this for maximum enjoyment.

Edited by Megatfx
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Step 8:


When they inevitably nerf Marauders, level up a Jedi Knight, transfer all gear to him via Legacy gear, replace your Earpiece, Relics, and Implants since they won't transfer and you will have a sub valor 60 Battlemaster Juggernaut who is fully optimized for PvP and enjoy 7k smash crits 2-3 days after hitting level 50.

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