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Simple fix for commando to be pvp viable


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I think this would be a simple fix to make "31pt Gunnery DPS" commando more appealing and viable in RWZ or pvp in general:


Take the entire 1pt box of the healing tree called "Combat Shield" and make it innate to commandos. All commandos then get that (not vanguards, although it wouldn't' really affect them anyway, they don't have many casting bars). For those of you who don't know what Combat Shield does for healing commando:

-- "Reactive Shield now further decreases ability activation pushback by 30% and makes you immune to

interrupts (over the duration that you have Reactive shield activated)".


So then the problem, what to do for the Combat Medic tree to replace that skill with? Obviously feel free to insert whatever fix/change you'd like. I'd recommend an increased damage reduction for getting that box applied to your Reactive Shield. Perhaps an additional 25% incoming damage reduction boost. This would put combat medics reactive shield up to a 50% damage reduction buff.


Or if you didn't like that idea or wanted to add to it instead, you could do something simple like, "while active, reactive shield prevents roots/snares" (will not remove existing ones however...thats in the assault tree). For increased mobility/escape for commando healers.

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I understand you try io change "Combat Shield" in CM skill from tier 3 to tier 1. Gunnery Commando with 31 Points in gunnery skill can up it This can help Gunnery Commando uninteruptable during shield activate.


But I think this not help to much.

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well im typically top dps in my solo que warzones between 250-500k depending on the warzone, healers, enemy and group comp. On a bad run, ill take 2nd or MAYBE 3rd to a Sentinel or powertech. But they aren't beating me by much.


And this is on just my commando with full BM gear. I'm actually using a 4 piece combat medic set, as i've been healer on him for the past several months since launch, and just recently went DPS Gunnery.


The changes I see above are the only changes I feel could be usefull for commando. I'm not sure what else you guys think is lacking? I do just fine on my commando.


Ill do a rated this weekend and maybe post some screen shots. I think with a dedicated good group and a healer my results would just be even better.

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well im typically top dps in my solo que warzones between 250-500k depending on the warzone, healers, enemy and group comp. On a bad run, ill take 2nd or MAYBE 3rd to a Sentinel or powertech. But they aren't beating me by much.


And this is on just my commando with full BM gear. I'm actually using a 4 piece combat medic set, as i've been healer on him for the past several months since launch, and just recently went DPS Gunnery.


The changes I see above are the only changes I feel could be usefull for commando. I'm not sure what else you guys think is lacking? I do just fine on my commando.


Ill do a rated this weekend and maybe post some screen shots. I think with a dedicated good group and a healer my results would just be even better.


Personally, I'd like Hold the Line. Interrupt immunity is along the right lines but 12 seconds every 2 minutes? Not gonna help a lot. 8 seconds of Interrupt/Leap immunity every 30 seconds would help a lot though.

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Personally, I'd like Hold the Line. Interrupt immunity is along the right lines but 12 seconds every 2 minutes? Not gonna help a lot. 8 seconds of Interrupt/Leap immunity every 30 seconds would help a lot though.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but hold the line doesn't protect from interrupts does it? I mean bosses have immunity to controlling effects, however you can still use interrupts on them.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but hold the line doesn't protect from interrupts does it? I mean bosses have immunity to controlling effects, however you can still use interrupts on them.


Actually that depends on the boss but you're right. Commando version should make us immune to leaps and interrupts but not immune to movement controlling effects. Different classes different needs.

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