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Ok. How about a crafting system where the things you could build were based on what skills you had at that time. Like..if your skill was higher in wielding a sword/rifle/bow then you could have a "crafting queve" window and put things in their to craft while you were running around the world doing different things. Kind of like the eve skill training queve but for crafting. Also, not as long. The higher weapons/armor you made the better of those pieces you could make. You would also get the choice of either doing it yourself if you wanted, or putting them in the "crafting queve". How about that? What would you add?
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And neither would the HUGE majority of players out there


For all the fabled spin created about SWG crafting, it was not popular to many but the most hard core of crafters and its design lead to HUGE economic ruin inside game as items were grossly over priced because so few pushed to the high end of crafting because of its complexe nature and design.


I suspect you didnt even play the game if you dont understand this and think a even more complexe version would at all appeal to the mainstream of players!


Im all for grind and time sinks but SWG crafting went over board and drove allot of its small player base away because of it.


There is a reason things got dumbed down like they did in WOW and other games after SWG and such niche games.


So nope, wouldnt even look at the game and I suspect no more then 50,000 would to be honest.


Now you can disagree and tell us how great sWG was and blah blah blah (IE: normal spin of falsehood and make beleive)


I hope you know I am not saying anything about how great star wars galaxies was in this thread...I was merely using it as an example because this is a Star Wars game and so was that. That's all. :) Star Wars Galaxies was a big letdown :(


Sooo...EQ crafting mixed with TERA mixed with TOR, mixed with WoW crafting? Something like that? With no failure rates or very few?

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I hope you know I am not saying anything about how great star wars galaxies was in this thread...I was merely using it as an example because this is a Star Wars game and so was that. That's all. :) Star Wars Galaxies was a big letdown :(


Sooo...EQ crafting mixed with TERA mixed with TOR, mixed with WoW crafting? Something like that? With no failure rates or very few?


How about an entirely new system that is innovative and doesn't use any formulas from any pre-existing MMO's. I like new, not rehashes.

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The different questing style is an idea that grabs my attention. Certainly something needs to change, and while the class stories are alright they are not enough by themselves. Both SWTOR and GW2 are examples of this. And most side quests=snooze fests.


As for the crafting and RP friendly, those don't interest me very much. I do wish that player created items were the best in a game, or that certain categories of player created items are the best in a game (i.e. weapons and armor are looted but stims, cybernetics, jewelry, misc. items, etc. are best when made by characters). SWG's crafting system was enough of a job by itself that if you want something harder or more in depth I'm going to suggest actually learning to make something in the real world. If you want to work that hard, learn smithing or leather working or wood working or something.


I play RPG's IRL and in comparison MMO RP is currently stale and canned to me, so RP in an MMO is not on my list of priorities. If a game is set up to be RP friendly and is still fun in other areas that's great, it draws in others to play, but it's not something I look for. The closest thing to RP I enjoy are some sandbox elements like being able to create player cities, especially if this features a siege system for PvP between groups of players. Although the ability for players to generate their own instanced stories/dungeons/raids/environments, like what Neverwinter is doing, intrigues me and does offer an option that may improve MMO RP content and options.

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How about an entirely new system that is innovative and doesn't use any formulas from any pre-existing MMO's. I like new, not rehashes.


Hmm...since I am doing everything else innovative. I will not leave anything out! Creative crafting system it is! This is balls to the wall actual revolutionary for mmorpgs that will be EXTREMELY addictive and fun! Not boring. Trust me. :)

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Really Op?..couple of hours ago..in your other post..you where all praises for this game as it is now..telling people if you dont like it..leave..it not for you...now your bored standing around..doing nothing...my god..what are you 12 with A.D.D? link to your other post



Who said anything about me not liking the game? I certainly really enjoy this game a lot. If you think I don't. I'm sorry. I am just wanting see what people like don't like and what they would like to see in future mmos. That is all.

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Do mmoers really like difference? Or do they just say they do but then when something hits they won't like it because it's too different. Would you welcome a game that's not a wow clone and a completely fun, rejuvinating experience to the mmorpg world? Need feedback thanks!


I utterly agree in every word of that. I was just devastated when SWG closed down, even more so when I realised what a hunk of junk WoW clone SWTOR really is.

It almost sickens me that SWG, a game that was successful for 8 years, was closed down for a failure in coding, planning & community of a game. All SWG needed was a new update. :(

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