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Star Wars: Episode I (rewrite)


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A/N I am really happy about how this story is turning out. But I have a question for readers- (Which will probably not be answered because NO ONE COMMENTS)- Anyway, I can either make this story short, or long. Which would the readers perfer?


For the first time ever, I have been fully sucked into a Fan-Fic. Dude, my advice to you is do it how YOUR comfortable with, if you believe you can build towards an excellent ending point by whittling out as many pages (or chapters) as you need go for it. Count me amongst your fans, I'll start commenting on them as soon as I see them. I've only made it to the 3rd chapter (or was it the fourth) anyways. Good work. :p


PS: Not to sound like I'm stealing your idea but, your tempting me to do a rewrite of A New Hope and Maybe Return of the Jedi (Im considering skipping Empire Strikes back since its awesome as is).

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Ahaha sorry about the lack of content I've been wicked busy this week ahaha. I was commenting this morning just to say that I would be posting later this afternoon- and your comment just made me so happy ahaha. Thanks man, and keep reading.
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“Anakin...careful.. yes, no.. yes, there.” The voice of Anakin's mother filled his ears as she leaned over him. He stared ahead at the vast yellow expanse of sand- The familiar feeling of home returning to him.

He knew that this was a dream, or some sort of phenomena, but he allowed himself to relive his younger days. He played the part of a young and inquisitive toddler, and bathed in the attention his mother gave him, relishing her every touch, absorbing every word.



He had missed her.



“Anakin! No! You're going to lead us into a sand bank! Like this!” his Mother laughed, and Anakin looked down as her hands folded over his, which gripped weathered reins that directed a dewback, a common beast of burden found on Tatooine. His mother reared the animal on the right path, and Anakin giggled slightly when he saw that they were indeed headed for a large sandbank.


His mother laughed with him, leaning over and resting her chin on his head. They continued like this for awhile, the desert air still cool and comfortable in the early morning. The dewback snorted and grunted as it waddled forward, and Anakin found himself slowly drifting to sleep. It was only when his mother kissed him lightly on the cheek he woke up.



“Come on, we're here, and I need your little fingers.” She grinned. She had slid silently off the dewback, and was by Anakin's side. He looked down on her from the beast of burden. She leaned high and unshackled Anakin, grabbing him and bringing him close in a warm embrace. She put him down, and he looked up at her now, smiling weakly, and yawned.


“You look so much like him.” She said. Her voice sounded far away and..and afraid.


Anakin was troubled by this, but he forgot his worry, just like how he forgot about everything else, content to spend time with his mother. She smiled and offered her hand to him. Anakin took it gratefully, and she slowly led him to a moisture dispenser, Anakin's mind warming fondly at the old image.



“Oh my- I forgot the most important thing!” She said suddenly, and Anakin watched as she bounded back to the dewback, her dark hair bouncing, her tanned skin smooth, her features precise and striking.

She returned carrying a sack, and then knelt down by Anakin, her light eyes catching his.


“I need your little fingers for this,” She began, pulling out numerous little cords and then a larger tube. Anakin saw that the cords fed into the tube, and he remembered this little ritual again as well.


He smiled as he gently took a few cords into his own hands, and then started grafting them onto the hard to reach receptors of the moisture dispenser. Anakin's mother gasped happily.


“You're mommy's little worker today, aren't you?” She said happily as she stood by him, attaching the cords to the receptors that found themselves higher on the dispenser. After all the cords found their places, Anakin and his mother sat side by side, their now numb fingers slowly being warmed by the suns. Anakin smiled up at his mother, and she grinned, not looking at him, but knowing his eyes fell on her.


“I love you,” He said softly, his small arms curling around her waist. She held him in response, and began to hum softly, a beautiful, but sad sounding song.



My essence.


Anakin's eyes shot open as his held a skeleton. He saw masked men- or what looked like men, chanting and whooping around him. He was scared. Afraid.


“Mother!” He screamed. He jumped from the skeleton, and it immediately fell over and turned into ash.



My essence. My fury. My..Revenge!

“What is this?” Anakin screamed, tears streaming down his face.



You are the bane of the force. You are its master. Use it's power... You are magnificent... You are...me.


The masked men fell upon Anakin, and his eyes shot open a second time as he screamed. Then he fell off of the table he was laid on, and tried pushing himself up with an arm that was no longer there.


He was too shocked to scream then, and then he was shaken again, debris falling from a high shelf and hitting his head.


I get it. I'm awake. Anakin thought darkly.


Then he remembered his arm. His eyes slowly looked at the bandaged lump.


OBI-WAN!!” Anakin screamed. He looked around- he could tell from the space-saving placements of the room that he was in a ship. The battle with Saedra and his men...


Anakin then remembered what he'd done with amazing clarity. He had somehow transferred positions with Jarjar- using their shared connection with the force- a connection that to an extent all living beings had. It was essential to life.


The dark voice from his dream loomed in his thoughts.



“He wakes up now?! Great! Kid! You better find something to hang on to- This is going to be a hell of a ride!” Jarjar roared. He sounded happy.


“Anakin!” Obi-wan yelled. “I'm at the controls I can't- See if you can make your way to the cockpit!'


Anakin gingerly rose himself to his feet, and made his way around the ship as it shook and rattled, looking for the cockpit that contained his Master and Jarjar.

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“Damn! They're really going to town!” Jarjar bellowed as he gripped the controls, jerking them upwards, the force of the ship's movement pushing him back into his seat as his engines roared to their fullest extent, climbing over the side of a massive Federation cruiser. Laser fire harmlessly lagged after them as they flew, hitting the cruiser in blue explosions as they were absorbed by the ship's shields.


“Yeah! That's like it! Here, press this,” Jarjar said to Obi-wan, who sat next to him in the co-pilots chair. He pointed his head to a deep blue button that stuck out from the rest in the mess of the control board.


“It'll make them go boom. Boom is good, Jedi. Boom is good.” Jarjar said, a huge toothy smile on his face. Obi-wan looked at him, and then pressed in the button reluctantly.


Right as they reached the top of the Federation cruiser, Jarjar's bombs fell.


Lets see how you bastards like this. Jarjar thought with a devilish grin. His ears waited for the sound- and then they found it as low-impact THUDS were heard. The fighters that had been sent to destroy them were now space dust.


Jarjar smiled. But it didn't last. As he weaved through the towers that lined the Federation cruiser's curling arms he saw that the black expanse was filled with them. Hundreds of cruisers surrounded the planet, and he saw a grey cloud coming in his direction. More fighters.



“Damn. They don't quit, do they?” Jarjar bit his lip and settled in his pilot's chair.


“Can we get past it?” Obi-wan asked. Jarjar eyed the thriving mechanical mass before him.


“Yeah. We can get past it.” Jarjar answered.



Jarjar banked forward suddenly, zooming out of the metal forest of the Federation behemoth. He flew in open space now, Cruisers ahead of him, below him, and above him, although far away.


Obi-wan was immediately concerned. “Is this wise?! We have no cover if they fire on us-”


“Let them waste their turbolaser batteries. Only a fool would actually try to hit us, we're such a small size compared to capital cruisers, which those cannons are made fo-” Jarjar was cut off by the sound of a turbolaser cannon grazing his ship's rear.


Obi-wan looked at him innocently.


They are literal fools! Skarking morons!” Jarjar said in disbelief as he swerved low and right, barely missing another blast.


“If they hit us with one direct shot... we're toast. But they won't hit us. I'm more worried about the fighters than anything.” Jarjar said. The grey mass had gotten closer.


“We can't go into hyperspace?” Obi-wan said, his tone growing more hurried as Jarjar effortlessly maneuvered away from a turbolaser battery.


“No, they've got some deep-well gravity generator or something. We won't be able to break space until we get past this skarking blockade. Your Empire better pay me a lot for this.” He raised his head slightly and grinned.


“Hold on to something because this-” Jarjar was cut off when Anakin released a blood curdling scream.


Damn it! The worst time for this kid-



“Obi-wan!” Anakin cried. Jarjar swore.


“Damn it kid! You better look for something to hang on to, because this isn't going to be a skarking space resort tour!” Jarjar responded.


“Anakin! Find your way to the cockpit! I'm at the controls!” He said. He looked at Jarjar.


"He's calmed. I can sense it."


“You know that's great, Jedi. As we get massacred by these fighters I can die easily knowing that Anakin is calm


“You did indebt your life to him.”


Only for the credits.”


“Ah, Mandalorian honor at it's finest.”



“If I wasn't so busy trying to save all of our lives, I'd kill you.” Jarjar barked. He weaved and dove, like a metallic bird in the night sky, his ship too fast for the Federation lasers. They were nearly half way through the blockade.


“Press that,” Jarjar ordered. Obi-wan looked at the controls with a ready finger.


“No, not that. That. No, the green one. No, dark green. Yes.” Jarjar said, his eyes on Obi-wan's fingers and on the viewscreen nearly simultaneously. Jarjar grinned when he heard the hum of his ships hyper drive generator begin to thum.



“We'll be able to jump as soon as we break this blockade.” Jarjar said. Sweat beaded on his forehead.


“Master?” Anakin groaned. Jarjar didn't turn his head around, but he knew that the young boy was at the doorway of the cockpit.


“Anakin, I promise i'll explain what happened after we-” Obi-wan began, but he was cut short by Anakin.

“No, I..I remembered, this time.” Anakin said softly.


“I think that-” A laser blast rocked their ship upwards, causing Anakin to fall backwards and Jarjar and Obi-wan to jostle in their seats.


“...Sith's skarking blood! Anyone want to tell these skarking idiots to relax?!” Anakin screamed. Jarjar would've laughed, but he looked at his ship's holoprojector.


“Damn...they've hit us right in the vitals!” Jarjar said with disbelief as the source of the fired shots zoomed past them- a squadron of fighters.


“That's how they wanna play...You! Kid! Switch places with your master. Jedi, see if you can find your way to the turrets without falling over.” Jarjar ordered.


Anakin and Obi-wan hesitated.


“Now! We're sitting ducks out here!” Jarjar ordered. Obi-wan jumped from his seat, guiding Anakin into it, and then bounded from the cockpit, his hands on the walls for balance. Jarjar watched the holoprojector anxiously, and then smiled when he saw the turrets activate.


“I don't know how I'll be any use like this!” Obi-wan said.


“You were more useless before! Now just follow the ships with the controls, and when you see a shot, press the red button!” Jarjar said.


He turned to Anakin, who looked comically disheveled.


“Hopeless. He's hopeless.”


Anakin nodded.


“You're telling me. Try spending six years with the guy.”


Jarjar beamed. “You're alright, kid.”


Jarjar's ship jumped upwards, and then descended with impossible speed, being trailed by fighters behind and a mass of fighters raced towards them from the front.


“Are you going to-” Anakin began. Jarjar nodded.


Smart kid.” He said.


He could hear Obi-wan firing the turrets- He hadn't hit any fighters, but they were now not flying as close as they had before. Jarjar stole a look at the holoprojector. The hyperdrive was leaking.


“Damn it. Leaking.”


“I think I went a little too.”


“No! They hyperdrive!” Jarjar said as Anakin laughed. The two clouds of fighters were nearly next to each other now, with Jarjar in the middle. They both started firing, and Jarjar twisted and turned and danced, evading the deadly lasers, his ships shields being grazed slightly by the offensive assault.


“Hey, uhm!” Anakin stammered as their veiwscreen was filled with Federation fighters. They were too close now.


“Relax.” Jarjar said as the ship dropped instantly, the force of the fall forcing Anakin and Jarjar in their seats. Anakin, gasping, leaned over and looked up from the viewscreen. The cloud of fighters had collided.


“Nice!” Anakin said. Jarjar nodded.


It was one stretch now, He was almost out of the gravity well's range. He smiled as he punched the controls forward. They zoomed ahead, the image in front of them turning to streaks of colors as they flew. Obi-wan shot the turrets savagely at the re-organizing fighters.


He continued to descend deeper, below the fleet, and he smiled as it was as he hoped. The gravity well's range didn't account vertically. They had fighters to make up for this flaw, but no ship could outfly Jarjar's.



“Breaking space!” Jarjar screamed as they entered hyperspace. They were still for a handful of painful seconds- the sound of laser fire skimming them as Obi-wan fired back could be heard.


“It seems I got one-” Obi-wan began. Jarjar laughed as they entered impossible speeds- Their ship now traveling in a blue vortex, the blockade millions of miles away.


Jarjar relaxed in his seat and cheered. Anakin did as well, and even Obi-wan clapped from his turret tower.


They made it. They were alive. And Jarjar was truly happy for the first time in nearly twenty years.


I made it.

I'm alive. I'm free.

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“Aguari, stop!” Padme giggled as the heir to the Imperial throne threw her over his back. She saw Deak, his brother, silently following them both, his eyes dark and his silver hair framing his handsome face.


“Deak! Make him stop!” Padme laughed, begging, and Deak offered her a small smile, but shook his head. Aguari relented, laughing, as he put Padme down, holding her arms with his soft hands. Padme regarded him for a moment. Aguari was handsome, more so than his brother, with icy blue eyes and silver hair that reached the bottom of his strong chin. He was taller than her, with broad shoulders and arms blossoming with trained muscles.



“When you're my wife, and queen, you'll never have to walk again!” Aguari said, kissing Padme lightly on the lips. Padme blushed, smiling.


“If I never walk, I'll get fat. Do you really want that to happen?” She teased. Aguari's smile disappeared, his face becoming still and serious. “I promise you Padme, you could become as fat as a hutt and I would still love you.” He stared at her for a moment, before he broke and busted out laughing, causing Padme to laugh as well, her cheeks red and her eyes brimming with happy tears. She even heard Deak, who had caught up with them, laugh softly.



Padme's laughing died down and she looked around her surroundings, breathing deeply. She saw dozens of aliens and humans walking by, the smell of cooking food and ale and bursts of laughter filled her nose and ears. She saw a few of the people looking at them, and she self consciously noticed how well and rich they were dressed.


“Aguari. Where are we?” She asked with a smile on her face. Aguari grinned and took her by the shoulder.


“Padme my love, we are in the heart of Coruscant's commons. It's a different smell here-”, He paused and sniffed dramatically for effect, “More... real. More raw than the higher levels.”


Padme frowned slightly. “Isn't this dangerous?” She asked, turning around to see that the Taxi that had ferried them was gone in a blur of speeders weaving in and out of traffic.


Aguari pulled her closer and kissed her on the cheek. “Yes, it's dangerous. But that's the wonder of it all, isn't it? Besides, you said you were hungry at the Imperial district. I'm sick of noble food.. I need something fattening” He smiled. Padme raised her eyebrows and sighed. She loved Aguari, but sometimes he was a little too adventurous for her tastes.


Deak, who had been silent, spoke up quietly.


“Well, can we find something? I'm starving.” He said, his voice grave. Aguari laughed and included Deak in his embrace.


“Come on brother, you're too serious. You only have a few years to go before you're a full fledged Jedi Lord, relax.”



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I lost internet! I'm wicked sorry. But it's back now. So here we go-



Deak frowned, his eyes serious.


“That's right. I only have a few years. I should spend this time training, not meandering around with you and Padme.”


Aguari smiled. “You didn't have to come with us.”


“I was hungry.” Deak shrugged at Padme. “And it's her birthday.”


Padme laughed with Aguari as Deak smiled. She liked spending time with them, and she did appreciate the effort it took Deak to break away from his studies in order to celebrate with her. Aguari was right- Being kept up in the Imperial district was bothersome- And as they walked through the mid-levels she did feel exposed and free. She suddenly felt constrained in her noble clothing, and wished she had been able to change before they have arrived here.


Deak walked ahead of them, in front of a small restaurant that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in eons .


“How about here? This looks refreshing.” Deak said, uncharacteristically loud as he spoke over speeders and crowd conversation. Padme looked up to Aguari and he glanced at her and shrugged with a smile.



“Yeah, this place seems interesting.” He walked with Padme, tall and handsome amongst the diverse crowd that walked past and ahead of them. They found Deak waiting by the door, the light of the sun gleaming on his lightsaber which hung from his belt.



“Shall we proceed, my king?” Deak said with a grin. Aguari laughed weakly.


“I see Deak is out today, hm?” Aguari teased, patting Deak on the back and ushering Padme into the restaurant before him.


Padme was instantly hit by a multitude of foreign smells- Her nose had picked up somewhat the scent of the cooking outside, but now that she found herself inside the building the experience was totally different. Thick spices swarmed her nostrils and fried meats beckoned her with crisp flavor. The clean smooth smell of malted ale then sifted past as a droid waiter carried a tray to a waiting table of aliens.


She then suddenly noticed that they were the only pure humans inside the restaurant. She suddenly felt uneasy. They waited for a moment, standing in the way of waiters and patrons alike as they were completely ignored. She heard a few hushed gasps of laughter as they stood, bewildered.


“Oh.. right!” Aguari said, blushing slightly. Deak and Padme looked at him, puzzled.


“We should sit ourselves.” He said quietly.


“Isn't that rude?” Deak asked, Padme nodding in agreement.


“I think we're being rude right now.” Aguari said, scanning the room for seats.


Padme noticed that all of the table seats had been filled. She then gazed at the row of bar seats longingly, until finding three empty chairs in a row between two groups of aliens.


“Aguari”, She tugged on his shirt.


“Over there?” Padme pointed with a smile. Aguari raised his eyebrows.


“Maybe that isn't the best place...” He began, before Deak walked ahead of them, politely stepping out of the way of the many moving waiters and diners, and sat in one of the bar seats. As he sat down, a burst of laughter erupted from one of the alien groups.


Padme looked at Aguari uneasily.



“These will be my people soon. I should get to know the lower-class.” Aguari led Padme by the hand to the seats next to Deak. As they themselves sat down, more laughter was heard, this time more apparent.


Padme ignored the laughter, placing her hands on the counter of the bar.


“This place does have a nice feel to it.” She commented, trying to ignore the growing wave of chortled laughter behind them.


Aguari nodded. “Yeah, The smell is...Deak. It's fine. Relax.”


Padme noticed Deak begin to turn in his seat.


“It isn't fine. They have no idea who we are. Who you are.” Deak said.


Aguari was about to respond when he suddenly felt the back of his head explode in wet, dripping heat. There was a bark of laughter as Aguari felt the thrown food drip down his neck and into the curve of his back.


Deak jumped from his seat.



“Who did this?” He asked. Everyone continued to laugh, ignoring him.


“Deak it's-” Aguari began, visibly shaken.


It isn't fine.” Deak hissed between his teeth, and then turned his attention back to the alien table behind Aguari and Padme.


“Which one of you did this?" He repeated.


Padme looked at Deak, worry filling her eyes.


An alien of which she did not know the origin spoke in a brutal language, clearly addressing Deak.


He looked about him and then nodded forward at another alien sitting at the table.


“What did he say?” Deak asked.


A near human alien answered him, his voice slurred.


“He doesn't like you.”




Deak reddened.


“I'm sorry to hear that, but this man is your princ-”


“We don't like you either!” The near human roared, backed by laughter.


Deak narrowed his eyes.


“Deak you don't need to..” Padme began, but she was ignored.


“Aguari do something!” Padme turned to him.


He smiled shakily. “I'm sure everything will sort itself out..”


“I'm a wanted man. I've got the death sentence in over a dozen systems.” The near human boasted.


Deak frowned.


“I'll be careful.”


The near human pounced.


You'll be dead! Die, human!”


Deak's lightsaber flew to his hand and ignited in a blast of green energy at the same moment the near human produced a small blade and lunged for Deak's chest. Before he could back down, Deak removed his knife arm with a swift cut, and the alien toppled over and fell at his feet.


It screamed, writhing in pain on the ground as Deak loomed over him, lightsaber humming.


The bar was silent.


“Deak...” Padme trailed off.


Aguari was silent.


“You threatened your future Emperor, my brother.” Deak said, raising the tip of his blade above the whimpering alien's eye.


“I-I'm sorry, I didn't know-” It began.


“So if he was just any other human, you would have thought it ok to harass and them kill him?” Deak asked.


“No-m'lord.. I-” The alien stopped and regarded Deak's lightsaber.


“Don't kill me lord! Please!” The alien begged.


Padme had stood up by then, her hand on Deak's arm.


“Deak, enough. We have to leave.”


“Yeah Deak, it's over.” Aguari added.


Deak smiled at his brother.


Not yet.”


He impaled the alien through the eye, braining him. The alien's skull sputtered as it was burned by the heat of Deak's lightsaber.


Padme watched, not believing what she saw.


“Deak!” She gasped. The restaurant erupted noise as the aliens rushed outside, fleeing Deak, until only he and Padme and his brother remained.


The alien corpse smoked as Deak deactivated his lightsaber.


“We'll need to find another place to eat. I'm still hungry.” He said simply as he hooked his blade to his belt.


“I hope the mid-level was as exciting as my brother had hoped, my lady.” Deak said to Padme as he slowly stepped over the body and left the restaurant. His cape flowed menacingly from his budding shoulders.


Aguari and Padme watched as he left, both of them nearly sticking to each other.


It was at that moment when Padme decided that she did not like Deak Valorum.

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Anakin sat in a hard chair, leaning on a small table and looking into a bowl of gruel that was bumpy and gray. It tasted like nothing, but it was hot, and he needed to feel the warmth in his stomach. They had been in hyperspace for some time, and Anakin was content to stay on the ship. It was a haven for him, and every time he moved he was reminded of his missing arm. In the ship not having an arm was a minor inconvenience- on the outside it could lead to his early demise.


Anakin expunged the thoughts from his head and listened to Jarjar and Obi-wan, Jarjar sitting at the head of the table, and Obi-wan sitting some spaces to Anakin's right.




“We're lucky to be here.” Jarjar said, leaning back in his seat and placing his hands behind his back.


“But we're leaking. Once we get out of hyperspace, we need to find a planet to make repairs.”


“That wouldn't be a problem on Coruscant-” Obi-wan began, but stopped when Jarjar shook his head.


“We aren't in the vicinity of Coruscant. Or any coreworld.” Jarjar reported. Obi-wan and Anakin both looked at each other, and then Obi-wan turned his attention to Jarjar.



“We need to get to Coruscant. Anakin needs more medical attention- And the Federation!” He exclaimed.


“If I plotted us to jump towards Coruscant, we would have died in hyperspace. Like I said, the hyperdrive is leaking. We're safe for now, but once we reach our destination we will not be able to make another jump until we get some repairs.” Anakin frowned.


“So where are we going?” He asked.



Jarjar smiled.


“I know a businessman who owes me a few favors. We should be able to get repairs with him. On Tatooine.”


Anakin's heart jumped.






After all of this time... I'm returning to Tatooine..

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Padme watched Daalu pace back and forth before Emperor Valorum. She stood, with her head down, beside Aguari and Deak. Two of the Emperor's guards watched impassively, their eyes shielded by black curved visors. To the side of Valorum, Kintark Dess, Grand Sabre of the Jedi Lords, stood solemnly. Padme noticed that the man, tall and gallant in his red robes, glared at Deak. The young boy avoided his gaze.



Daalu stopped pacing, his eyes wide with anger.


“What made you think the mid-levels were safe?!” He asked, repeating the question he had demanded answered by Aguari several times before. Padme watched Emperor Valorum's eyes shift to met that of his son's, waiting for an answer.



Padme turned her head to look at him, and his eyes were downcast, sad.




She opened her mouth to say something, but then brought a hand to her face to cover it instead. She wanted to speak- but she couldn't.



“I don't..I don't know, sir.” Aguari stammered. Daalu looked at him incredulously.


“Our relations with the lower-class are bad enough as it is- And you decide that it would be a good idea to flaunt around in one of the most heavily populated and dangerous areas?!”


“I- I had no idea Sir..” Aguari explained, only to be buffeted by a barrage of cruel laughter from Daalu.



“Of course you had no idea. Deak, I expected better from you-” Daalu began, but cut himself short as the Grand Sabre stepped forward slowly, his icy blue eyes trained on Deak. The man was old, perhaps fifty, and Padme felt chills as he approached them, eclipsing Daalu and making no noise, save for the silent whispers of his flowing clothing.



“Deak.” Kintark spoke, and Padme again felt a wave of both fear and awe- his voice was menacing- but there was a command to it that she could not place.


Padme's eyes glanced over to Deak, and he looked at her in return, his face grim.



“Yes, Grand Sabre.” Deak responded, falling to one knee.


Kintark looked at Deak with a frown.

“Rise.” He hissed.


Deak rose.



“What is your duty, Deak Valorum?” Kintark asked.


“To protect and serve the Emperor. To fulfill his goals and interests. Until my heart ceases to beat, I swear fealty to the Empire.” Deak answered.


“And how long has it been since you have taken those words as your own?” Kintark said almost conversationally.


Padme could nearly feel Deak tense. She knew what was coming.




“Two years, Grand Sabre.”


“You have taken life Deak. Life that did not yet need to be reaped.”


“The alien threatened-”


Kintark's hand went across Deak's face like a bolt of lighting. The boy nearly fell backwards at the strength of the blow.



“You went too far!” Kintark roared.


“I-we did not train you to take such action! The Guard doesn't attack unless his Emperor is threatened. He does not kill unless his Emperor orders it!” Kintark yelled, and Padme watched Deak, filled with sympathy, as he took the verbal punishment, his eyes refusing to blink, his hands refusing to rub his hurt cheek.



“Grand Sabre, I take full responsibility for my brother's actions, I-” Aguari started excitedly.


Deak shook his head slowly.


“No, brother. This is my doing.”


Padme saw Deak's eyes glisten with tears.



Kintark smiled weakly. “It seems you have not forgotten honor. In times past, when a Guard killed recklessly, they were punished in kind.” Padme felt herself tighten.


Did he really intend to kill Deak?

“But, of course, I could not kill the Emperor's second born son. He is nearly a son to me, having taken my vows, bearing no children in order to serve.”


Padme let out a gasp of relief audibly, as did Aguari.



“But a punishment must fit the grave misdeed you have committed. Deak Valorum, you are hereby suspended from the Imperial Guard Corps. You will be unable to train, learn, or use Imperial Guard facilities. Your scores will be revoked. You will be forced to return to the position of initiate when you are returned to the Guard.”


“And how long is this punishment?” Deak snarled.



“Two standard years.” Kintark said.



“Father?” Deak raised his eyebrows toward Emperor Valorum. The Emperor shrugged.


“It is a fitting sentence. You have undermined my campaign efforts against Palpatine before they have even started.”


“And what of my brother? What of Padme? Will they not be punished?” Deak asked. Padme was stunned. She didn't think he would try to rope himself along with them- He had done the killing. Aguari and herself were against it.



“They did not end a life.” Emperor Valorum said, mirroring Padme's thoughts. Deak looked about the room, regarded Kintark, and then whirled from them all, his light black cape sliding across Padme's leg as he left. She shivered, his cape might as well have been ice.

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Obi-wan sat in his “room” with Anakin. The boy was on the floor, his legs crossed, opening his right hand and closing it. Obi-wan's eyes kept being drawn to Anakin's left arm. It wasn't an arm at all, but a disfiguring stump.


Why tatooine? Why now?



Obi-wan closed his eyes and grimaced. He wasn't ready. Anakin hadn't say anything yet, but Obi-wan knew he would try to find his mother. And when he did, she would tell him everything.


What would Anakin think of Obi-wan after that?


He couldn't risk it. Anakin wasn't ready to know the truth. Not yet. He was still too young. Ob-wan planned to tell Anakin... but not yet. He was too impulsive. Too quick-thinking. He had to wait until Anakin would be able to sit down and think things through logically.


Damn it! Why now!


Obi-wan smiled at Anakin as the boy looked at him curiously, but still silent. Anakin grinned back, his face reverting to that of youthful ignorant bliss. Obi-wan didn't know how Anakin kept his spirits up- Any other boy would have been devastated by the loss that Anakin suffered. But he never complained. He joked about his left arm more than anything. He accepted Jarjar's life debt with a joke and a grin.


He had grown so loving and caring for others. Obi-wan couldn't, wouldn't let all of this go to waste. He had to keep his promise to Qui-gon.



I need to reach Anakin's mother before he does.

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Anakin sat in the co-pilot's chair with Jarjar as they warped out of the blue tunnel of hyperspace. It had taken nearly four hours to get to Tatooine, and they hadn't arrived a moment too soon.


Jarjar clicked his tongue as he checked the leaking hyperdrive.


“Damn, we just barely made it.” He whistled.



“What would have happened if the hyperdrive clonked out while we were in hyperspace?” Anakin asked, ever curious. Jarjar grinned sadistically.


“Well, we would be inside an asteroid. Or be flying towards some backwater planet at unimaginable speeds.” Jarjar lifted his eyes from Anakin and to the brown and yellow planet looming in space like a dirtied jewel.


Anakin looked at the planet as well. He hadn't seen it in so long. Emotion began to well up in him, sadness, joy, and fear grew inside him, building up until it seemed like it would come spraying out of his ears.


“This was my home, once.” Anakin said, his voice far away, on the dunes of Tatooine.


Jarjar nodded. “Tatooine seems to be everyone's home at one point. It's a safe haven for rapists, cheats, and thieves. Which one were you?”


All of the above.” Anakin responded, and Jarjar looked at him with wide eyes until Anakin broke out laughing, his contagious glee infecting Jarjar as well.



“Where is your master?” Jarjar asked, suddenly noticing the older Jedi was missing. Anakin shrugged.


“He's been keeping to himself lately. I dunno. He's probably out again.” Anakin answered.


Jarjar put his hands on the controls and began the slow descent to Tatooine. Ships surrounded them, leaving and entering the planet, and Anakin saw the difference between Coruscant's orderly space traffic as opposed to Tatooine's- here, ships zoomed past each other like they were the only flying vessels in the sector- several ships nearly grazed them as they themselves flew down.



Out?” Jarjar said, swearing as he lifted the right side of his ship so that a single-pilot frigate zoomed past them without any casualties.


Anakin nodded, his eyes again fixed on Tatooine.


“Yeah, he...he checks out sometimes. I think it's from the war. I don't understand how it was so terrible.. I know war isn't easy.. but..” Anakin trailed off. He had no idea what Obi-wan suffered, and it irritated him. He was his apprentice. He should know what troubled Obi-wan, his master.


Jarjar grew darkly silent. Anakin shifted uncomfortably in his seat as Jarjar piloted the ship- Anakin was about to open his mouth and comment on something, anything, to change the subject, but before he could, Jarjar spoke.



“The war was more than terrible. For thirty years it tore apart the galaxy. I was so young when it began...I fought in the war. Most people my age did. Every day was washed in blood and conflict. There was no end to it. Even my clan abandoned the war, and in my foolishness I remained. I did things that haunt me to this day. Your master probably did too. The Jedi... they were butchers.” Jarjar whispered, and Anakin saw his hands shaking.


Anakin's eyes lingered on Jarjar's shaking hands for a moment, and then slowly tore away, looking at the man's face.


“Why was the war even fought? I mean, I know that Stark created a coalition to challenge the Empire but..” Anakin shook his head.


“It doesn't make sense. Why were they such a threat?”


Jarjar laughed grimly.


“Is that all they told you?” Jarjar smiled.


“Typical. The war was the Empire's fault.”


Anakin was more curious than angry about the accusation.






Jarjar darted an eye at Anakin and then returned his attention to space.


“The Empire was making more money that ever before. Trade flourished. And when that happens... So does piracy. The Empire had no problem policing the core worlds- But it was the mid and outer rim worlds that fell to black trade. So, the Empire had a solution. They set up “Stark”. A crime lord. They gave him Imperial weapons, Imperial credits, and Imperial training. In return for making sure the majority of the credits made in the mid and outer rim returned to the coffers of Imperial traders and their diplomatic representatives in the core, Stark was allowed unrestricted power in those territories.”


“So they had him destroy the other gangs?” Anakin inquired.


“Exactly. He destroyed organizations that threatened the Imperial interests in those territories. He absorbed gangs that didn't want to be ended, creating a sort of dynasty that slowly but surely grew stronger and stronger everyday. It was then that the Empire grew worried. They threatened Stark, told him to give 50% of his profits and nearly 67% of his war assets. Mercenaries, ships, troops...Stark refused. The Empire then razed his homeworld. That was the beginning.” Jarjar said with a sigh.



He continued. “Stark rallied his forces. He recruited the Mandalorians. He gave the BlackSuns, who he had conquered, autonomy to attack the Empire. For awhile, the only combat occurred in border skirmishes in space. But two years into the war, it had escalated into a full-scale war of ideals and power.”



Jarjar grinned with a face of sarcasm. “Then Stark's agents found plans for something. Something big. That is when the bloodshed was increased tenfold.”


Anakin took all of this in with awe and worry.


“But how were the Jedi...butchers?” Anakin asked. As Jarjar was about to answer, Anakin heard Obi-wan's voice behind him.



Anakin.” he said sternly.


“Now is not the time for this. You should not be asking Jarjar these questions.”


“But Master-” Anakin started. Obi-wan simply looked at him with his icy eyes.


Jarjar coughed awkwardly. “We're making the final approach” He announced. No one answered him.


As Anakin glared at his master, his heart tugged for answers.


Obi-wan... what did you do during the war?

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A/N I've been making a lot of promises about posting. Sadly, this website doesn't show me who follows this thread and not many comment but a lot of people read. Anyway, I'm thankful for your support. Let me tell you about how I write.


I want to produce GOOD chapters. So I need time to write them. I thought I had time yesterday, but I didn't. I haven't given up on this fanfic, and I will continue to write it. But this week has been demonically busy ahaha. So leave comments and follow and critic- that will help me continue.

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The dark lord of the Sith raced through the darkened hallways of the tomb, his red lightsaber pressed close to his hip, the butt end of the hilt facing forward, the blade trailing behind him. His prey, another force user, ran ahead with speed only attainable by those with the touch of the force.



“You cannot hope to outrun me.” Sidious called to the man, his voice amplified by the power of the dark side. The man ignored him as if he didn't hear, dashing ahead, his own blue lightsaber illuminating the path before him. Sidious watched him with his keen eyes, knowing the direction the man would go by the subtle cues of his body movements and twitches.



Sidious spurred forward, and found himself only a few inches away from the man... when he suddenly turned.


And attacked.



Sidious raised his lightsaber defensively as his opponent crashed down on him, sputtering flicks of energy falling from their laser blades and onto the stone floor. His opponent reared backward, and prepared himself for another blow, jumping forwards, leaning to Sidious' left side. The man slide his lightsaber parallel to Sidious' waist, aiming to cut him in half. Sidious twirled on the ball of his foot to evade the blow, the man's swinging arc traveling with him harmlessly until it was no longer in reach.


Sidious then lowered himself to the cold tomb floor, releasing his grip on his blade and instead using the force to wield it for him. The man rushed to attack Sidious just as the Sith Lord launched his blade, pointed at the man's heart. The force user gasped audibly as he slammed himself into the right wall of the tomb's hallway in order to dodge Sidious' attack.



Sidious launched himself from the floor and reached out with a gloved hand, grabbing the Man's lightsaber arm and twisting until he relinquished his grip. The man's lightsaber fell with a loud clank that was echoed throughout the tomb. Its blade then dissipated as Sidious' own lightsaber floated by the two men, basking them in red light.



“Who..are..you?” The man asked, pained.


Sidious didn't answer. He reached with his other hand and gripped the back of the man's head, the points of his fingers digging into the man's skull.



“Before I kill you, I want to know what you are doing here.” Sidious inquired.





“Researching what?” Sidious continued.



“Power.” The man responded.



Sidious lessened his grip on the man's head and arm, and turned him around, so that his back was now facing the wall. He willed the lightsaber closer to the man's face, covering the man in a red glow as he craned his neck to avoid the heat of Sidious' blade.



“Are you a Sith?” The man's voice was filled with fear and awe.






“Impossible. They were all killed.”




“Not quite.”



“What is your name?” Sidious demanded.



The man hesitated.



Sidious willed his lightsaber closer to the man's cheek, burning it slightly.






Sidious' eyes widened, though this was not able to be seen by Xanatos, on account of Sidious' dark shroud that he kept covered over his face.



“Qui-gon's former apprentice. You fought in the war.” Sidious said, not so much as to Xanatos, but to himself, to confirm the man's identity.



“You knew Qui-gon?” Xanatos questioned.


Sidious didn't answer him, but released his hold on the Jedi Knight, and backed away from him, his lightsaber floating with him.


“What is a Jedi of the Empire doing on Korriban?” Sidious demanded. He also lowered himself to sit, leaning his back against the cold tomb walls. The fight had taken up more energy than he had wished.



Xanatos looked down on him, puzzled, but his eyes still gleamed with slight fear.


“I was on assignment on Dathomir... investigating slight ebbs of dark energy.”



“Why would the Council send a Jedi to such a task?” Sidious' head raised to meet Xanatos' eyes. They were intelligent. Resourceful. And whispered of danger. Of course, all that Xanatos saw was hood filled with darkness, highlighted by red light glowing from Sidious' blade.



“I..had shown the most restraint during the war. They thought I could handle the task. They're afraid. Ploo sent me when he began to be unable to use his powers of precognition. He said that this was a sign of dark side activity.”



“Which was focused on Dathomir.” Sidious added.


Xanatos nodded. “Yes. The planet...is nearly barren. I had been there for months. Until I found something.”



Xanatos paused, the thought obviously troubling him.



“One night, I felt a spike of dark side energy. I nearly screamed, but...It was not as I had been taught. It was powerful, yet...welcoming. It called to me. So I followed. I was lead to a group of human females, savages, who employed an art of the force I was not familiar with.”




Sidious smiled within himself.


“The Nightsisters.”



Xanatos nodded. “I've felt the darkside before. All Jedi during the hyperpsace war have. But...this was different. It was controlled. It wasn't anger. It was domination. It was...pure. It was a tool, instead of a temporary boost of power.”



Xanatos eyed Sidious curiously. “How do you know of the Nightsisters?”



“I've felt their presence for some time.”


“Are they Sith?”



Sidious nearly laughed. “No, gods no. They have the same mastery over the Dark Side...but without the same degree of control of emotion and knowledge.”




Sidious felt his body recovering from his duel. He slowly rose, and stood, a few inches taller than Xanatos.



“What makes a Sith?” Xanatos asked.



“I will tell you once you finish your tale. Come.” Sidious commanded, and walked ahead, deeper into the tomb.


Sidious could sense the hesitation in Xanatos, and then smiled again as he heard the man's footsteps behind him.


“Now. How did the Nightsisters lead you to Korriban, into the tomb of Ajunta Pall?”

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Boba hated Coruscant. It was not a hunter's planet. It stank, it smoked, and it was filled with avarice, lust, and corruption. He found himself in a low-level bar, experiencing all of the sensations of Coruscant at once. The bar reeked of death stick, he eyed sentients, mostly alien with a rough-looking human among them, gambling, He saw two humanoid aliens dressed in revealing outfits sticking to the corner of the bar across him, whispering and winking to whoever and whatever walked through the bar's doors. And then he saw a man dealing counterfeit trading passes. This man no doubt day-lighted as a Coruscant customs officer. He sighed and lifted his glass, which was half filled with a thick Coruscanti ale. He drank deeply, suppressing the urge to burp as he put his cup down.




The only thing Boba hated more than Coruscant was waiting. He hated waiting. He glared at his fellow patrons as he opened his holocom. The bright device lighted up his lap in a white glow, and he frowned when he received no messages. He was waiting for his contractor. The man that had him kill Mace Windu and Ploo Koon. Apparently, he had another assignment for him. Boba smiled then. He remembered their deaths well. Death was the one thing that calmed him. And the thrill of the hunt was the one sensation that Boba craved. He lived, day to day, waiting to kill. The prospect of ending one's life made him feel like a god, like he had control over the entire universe.



“You've finally showed up.” Boba said in a hushed voice as he put his holocom away, and looking up at the pale human who sat before him. The human was bald, with dark rings (Boba could not tell if it was makeup or natural) around the man's eyes. The man was dressed in dark clothing, like always, and was deathly thin. Strained purple lips curled into a smile, revealing too-white teeth.


“I'm sorry. I know how much you hate it here.” The man croaked. He placed his hand on the table, and slid it towards Boba, and then lifted his hand slowly, returning it to his lap. Boba eyed the credit storage chip with little interest.



“How much?” Boba asked.



Forty six thousand.” The man said, baring his disgusting grin again.



“I don't need credits. There's only one thing I want.” Boba answered, getting up from the table. The man looked at Boba with wide eyes.


“Oh! Stars! I forgot!” He exclaimed, a little too loud, as sentients began to look over to their table. Boba quickly snatched the credit chip before any of them saw it, and sat down again smoothly, finishing his drink in the process.



“What else do you have for me?” Boba began to play with his empty cup, spinning it on the table.


The man produced a small datapad. Boba lifted his eyes to it, and then back to his cup...and then his eyes darted to the datapad again, until he finally began to reach for it slowly. The man moved the datapad out of his reach slightly.


“Give it to me.” Boba said darkly. The man grinned again.


That horrible grin.



“Once you fulfill your task, you will have the datapad.” The man teased.



“Just tell me what to do.” Boba leaned forward, his dark eyes piercing. The man, shaken slightly, gulped and continued.



“You are to go to Alderaan. And wait there until you are given further orders.” The man finished.



“That's it?” Boba said, frowning.


The man nodded.



Boba glared at the man, but mirrored his nod, and then got up quickly, eager to leave the foggy smell of the bar. There was no honor in his current task. But he had no choice. Whatever the reason, he had to go to Alderaan.


The datapad.


His father.


Boba swore silently as he walked through the darkness of the alley, in the bowels of the city-planet Coruscant.



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The Toydarian flapped his wings faster than was necessary, releasing some of his anxiety through the movement. He watched with nervous eyes as a BlackSun representative walked through his shop. The BlackSun member was human, with icy blue eyes and blonde hair that touched the sides of his cheeks. He wore a simple leather jacket, black, with ebony pants that had white lines vertically traveling down them. A blaster pistol was found very obviously, jutting from his belt. An illegal, shortened vibroblade was strapped to the sleeve of his jacket.



The silence was terrible. Watto hated feeling terrible. And he hated this man in his shop, scaring away his mid-afternoon business. But the man simply walked around, picking up droid parts, trailing his finger along untouched machinery, and investigating the dust found on his finger.



“Watto,” The man said suddenly, his voice was quiet, but strong.



Watto flew higher like an aroused bug, his eyes focused on the man.



“Y-yes?” Watto bowed his head a little lower in respect to the human.



The human smiled weakly.


“You've been behind on your payments.” He said nonchalantly.


Watto knew this was coming.



“Well, with the Empire's taxes I-” The human raised his hand, closing his eyes, then opening them. His pupils seemed smaller, more intense than before.



“You were able to pay tribute before. With the taxes. Then, you started giving us excuses. For the past five years you have been.” The man's voice slowly rose.




“Well, you know I lost one of my...my slaves...” Watto began.



“Your slaves? You mean the slaves we gave you. You were lucky. The one we gave you was pregnant. We allowed you to keep the child. You got a second slave for free.” The man picked up a broken pit-droid by the neck, and then threw it across the shop.




“But we were okay with this. You had been faithful to us. So we waited. Gave you chances. But you cannot cross the BlackSun, Watto.”





Watto lowered himself, and flew slightly away from the man.



“Where is Kandros?” Watto asked. Kandros was his former BlackSun representative.




“Dead. My name is Baraga. Kandros told us quite a bit about your operation, Watto. He died horribly.”


Watto's heart froze.



“Using the money you get... Which belongs to us... to free slaves. But not your own. That would be too obvious. So...you dip into our tribute, giving her...” Baraga smiled with sick humor.



“An allowance.”



“Kandros told us all of this. And it's also very funny, Watto, how the inhabitants of this planet will turn on each other for a few bits. Money is the gateway to the trustfulness of one's character. You cannot trust anyone here.” Baraga snapped his fingers.



Watto's eyes grew teary and wide as he saw two aliens, dressed similarly to Baraga, dragged in a beaten slave. His slave.







Her hair fell over her face, which was bloody and beaten. Her clothes were ripped, horribly showing her bodily form, the body that he had joked about and eyed when she wasn't looking.



“It was easy to find her. Like I said, Bits. People here would betray their fathers for those damn Bits.”



“Please...don't...” Watto began, tears now falling from his eyes freely.



“Oh, we won't kill her. We won't even kill you. You're both still relatively healthy. At least twenty more years of strength left in you. But we're taking this slave back. A man on this planet, a farmer who could always use more slaves... his name... Cliegg...” Baraga trailed off, feigning forgetfulness on the man's name.



Watto, however, knew the name well. “Cliegg Lars...” Watto knew the man to be cruel. To be violent. He needed more and more slaves because he ruthlessly worked them to death.



“How can his farm be more efficient? He'll kill her!” Watto raised his voice, though it was still stifled back by fear.



Baraga sighed. “Watto, Cliegg pays his tribute. He always pays. Sometimes he gives us more than we need.” Baraga laughed.



“He's a good slavemaster. Unlike you.”


Crot you, Baraga.” Watto swore. His eyes were red and filled with tears, a mixture of anger and sadness taking him.




“We're done here. Zek, Talvo. Burn the shop down. Watto, I'd recommended you leave this shop. And I'll be expecting payment soon Next month, infact..” Baraga said, taking Shimi by her hair, leaving Zek and Talvo with Watto. They had fire-canisters.



“We aren't going to wait for you to leave.” One of them said. Watto, filled with emotion, but too weak to resist, flew from his shop, dejected. When he heard the first canister explode, he tensed and shuddered, releasing himself to his woe. He cried, and cried freely.



I'm sorry Shimi.


I'm sorry.

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Sidious stood with Xanatos, in the main bed chamber of Ajunta Pall. The coffin visibly overtook the room, covered with swirling designs and ancient Sith runes. The coffin itself was much bigger than the human body, rising from the dusty floor all the way to the Tomb's ceiling. Sidious mused that it must have been at least thirty feet high. A relief of Ajunta was found on the facce of the Coffin, gaunt and haunting, with hollow eyes and a closed, pursed mouth.




“Amazing, isn't it?” Sidious finally spoke, his head still raised, looking at Pall's marble eyes.


Xanatos nodded in agreement. “Jedi are not given such burials.”


“No,” Sidious chuckled, “They are not,” Sidious walked closer to the coffin, placing his hand on the flat marble surface.



“The way of the Sith is about knowledge. Power. Survival. Among the Sith, true Sith, survival is celebrated. Pall died eons ago, but his survival, his order, lives on.”



“Poetic.” Xanatos said with a grin. Sidious waved his hand behind him. “A jedi wouldn't understand.”



“The dark side led me here. To this tomb. I cannot ignore this kind of power.” Xanatos moved closer to Sidious, the dark lord could hear the footsteps Xanatos made on the stone flooring.




“So what do you intend to do, Jedi?” Sidious asked. Xanatos was silent. It was then Sidious heard the Jedi's lightsaber activate.




“I have an obligation to the order. I'm taking you under arrest.” Xanatos charged Sidious, and struck.




His lightsaber cut only through empty robes. Bewildered, he stood, alone in the tomb, the only sound was the silent whisper of cloth falling on the tomb's stone floor. Xanatos bent down, and ran his hands through the dark robes, until he felt something. He grabbed at it, and shook it free from the black cloth.



It was a small object, shaped like a pyramid, with red light illuiminating from it. He heard dark whispers, the same voice that had spoken to him on Dathomir, but quieter. More controlled. Less frenzied.


When you have learned all you can, go to Alderaan.


Xanatos brought the pyramid closer to his chest, and made his way out of the tomb.







Sidious collapsed on the ground, convulsing and covered in sweat. He had overdrawn himself. He curled into a ball, shaking, naked, on the floor of his apartment. From the muted sound of traffic that came from the viewports, Sidious realized he was on Coruscant. He turned over and retched blood- A thick, gooey liquid that came spurting from his mouth. He had to be more careful. The duel with Xanatos and then the transportation- He had been foolish. But, he smiled despite the blood that fell from his mouth. He already had an apprentice, but there could never be too many prospects.



To combat the numbers of the Jedi, he would force them to fight something twisted, something born from their own faith, trained in their ways, but under the influence of the dark side.



He would send them Dark Jedi Knights.

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The dust of Tatooine was blowing around Anakin's knees, some wayward particles threatening to fly into his eyes. His long braid, the sign of the apprentice, flew freely behind his back as warm tears, further heated by the blazing two suns, streamed down his face.


Jarjar and Obi-wan stood by him, both silent. Anakin could feel emotion from them. From Jarjar, he felt compassion, and understanding of loss. From Obi-wan, he felt almost nothing, his emotions nearly expertly hidden. But there was a hint of something there, something like relief.



Anakin's eyes were fixed on the burning building that was once his workplace. The building his mother would have been in at this time. Sentients walked by the building slowly, some stopping to watch the black flames rise, and then continuing on their way. The smell of burnt cloth, wood, and machine filled the dusty town. The building itself still stood, the hard rock frame holding against the flames. But the inside was an inferno.



Flames and smoke sputtered from the windows and from the door, licking at the air when the breeze picked up, a breeze that sent a screen of sand across Anakin's view. But when it passed, the reality of Anakin's loss hit him.



“Anakin.” Obi-wan began, moving closer to his apprentice. Anakin's mouth turned at the sound of his master's voice.



You!” Anakin turned, his eyes frenzied, angry. Obi-wan stepped back, startled by Anakin's rage.



The young boy's chest heaved, his breathing heavy and labored, his nostrils flared.



“I felt it from you! Relief!” Anakin accused, his one arm pointing.



“You don't understand, Anakin-” Obi-wan tried to begin, but Anakin shook his head manically, and then focused his eyes on Obi-wan. His eyes were growing darker, the pupils brightening to a yellow shade.



“Why? Why did I feel that from you? What was I not supposed to learn from meeting my mother again?” Anakin sobbed, throwing himself on the dusty ground, his hands gripping at the hard sand of Tatooine.



Jarjar shot at look to Obi-wan. The Jedi glanced at Jarjar, and then attempted to approach his apprentice.


“Anakin, you need to relax. The Code..”



“Forget the Code.” Anakin said with a disturbing touch of finality. He felt engrossed in darkness- Is this what the dark side felt like? It was welcoming. Calming. It enveloped him, nursed him, taught him.

He saw himself at his old home, before Watto, before the slavery, on the outskirts of Mos Espa, when it was only him and his Mother, No Jedi...no Empire...No Code... He shut his eyes tight, and then felt a whoosh of air, felt as if he had moved faster than sound allowed, as if his entire body had been transported- Anakin opened his eyes, and found himself looking at the abandoned hovel that he once lived in. Shock replaced anger, and then fear followed.



“How...” He asked, rising to his feet. As he did, he felt a little uneasy, but took tentative steps towards his old home. He approached the door, smiling slightly- he was so small when he last saw it- Now he had to crouch in order to fit within the stone frame. He placed his hands on the weathered panel, waited, and heard the labored hiss as unused servos were suddenly brought back into action. The panel vanished, crawling upwards, revealing Anakin's home on the inside.



With weary eyes, he stepped inside.

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