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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to make STUNS fun.


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I think the main reason people hate so many stuns in this game is because you can get chain stunned, and then even rooted again and again (even with full resolve). I propose a fix for this, and its not to remove them. Its to change (slightly) how they work.


Proposed Stun Change:

  • When stunned (long or short), players now receive a self-buff of 65% damage reduction for incoming damage taken, for the duration of the stun.
  • Mezzes/sleep are unaffected by this change and continue to work as intended.


What this does:

This makes stuns very useful still in pvp, but it will allow players who are stunned to stay alive longer and not feel usless as they head into battle, only to be chain stunned and killed, without firing a special, and then biking back into the pvp action again. Stuns should be used tactically, not overwhelmingly.


You could also propose this change for PvE NPCs as well if you wanted. But thats TBD.


As for classes (like vanguard/powertech) that have similar buffs when stunned through their talent trees, I would recommend leaving those alone. As it will serve as an added bonus to stun-defense for them.

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I said in various threads that the time for the stuns should maybe just be halved, but OPs idea could also work. The underlying problem is that the time to kill is probably shorter than BioWare planned when they put all those CC effects into the game.
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I said in various threads that the time for the stuns should maybe just be halved, but OPs idea could also work. The underlying problem is that the time to kill is probably shorter than BioWare planned when they put all those CC effects into the game.


Hammer, meet nail. Nail, hammer.


The damage in PvP has quickly outpaced player survivability. Resolve Effect CCs (RECCs) were implemented back when players could actually survive 2 stuns and would therefore be able to make use of Resolve Immunity. Two players can now easily kill you within the 8 second duration of their two stuns, even if you have a pocket healer (depending on the class).

Edited by Darth_Philar
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