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jedi vs sith


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i did a quick search and was shocked to not a a thread for this


just in general, who is better, who is stronger, who is more popular, you can discuss individuals or talk about each order as a whole. as the force transcends time and space, so too should this thread which gives you over 5000 year to prove your point and prove why your opinion is the right one

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If we are including every Jedi and Sith Order, then the Jedi win. Hands down.


The Jedi Order would include

The ancient Jedi that exiled the first Dark Jedi

The Jedi that fought Naga Sadow

The Jedi that defeated Freedon Nadd

The Jedi that imprisoned Exar Kun

The Jedi of TOR

The Jedi of KOTOR

The Jedi of KOTOR II

The Army of Light

The PT Jedi Order

The New Jedi Order


The Sith Order would include

The old Dark Jedi, which include Marka Ragnos, Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow and the like.

Naga Sadows Sith Empire

Freedon Nadd's Empire

Exar Kun's Sith (If he had any)

The Sith Empire of TOR

Revan and Malak's Sith Army

The Sith Triumvirate and their Sith Empire

The Brotherhood of Darkness

The Banite Sith

The One Sith


These are all of the Jedi and Sith Orders that I know of.

So, we pit each era of Sith and Jedi against eachother.


The ancient Jedi vs. the ancient Sith: Because we know only of the Ancient Sith and nothing about the ancient Jedi, I think the Sith win this one by default


Naga Sadow's Empire vs. the Jedi: The Jedi defeated Naga Sadow already, so they win


Same with Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun


The Sith Empire of TOR has a greater number of Sith then the Jedi do and their Sith are much more powerful. The Jedi are outmatched and outgunned. Sith Empire wins


Revan and Malak's Army of Sith almost destroyed the Jedi Order. They win this matchup.


The Sith triumvirate was defeated by a single Jedi. I think the last of the Jedi could defeat the Sith in this matchup. Jedi win


The Brotherhood vs. The Army of Light: this seems to be a fairly even matchup, but the Sith numbers were eventually overwhelming Lord Hoth on Ruusan. Brotherhood wins


The Banite Sith vs. the PT Jedi: The PT era Jedi were the best of the best, same with the Sith. Eventually, the Sith would win however, but only because of Palpatine. the battle would eventually come down to Sidious vs. Yoda. What would be interesting would be a battle between Plaguies and Mace Windu


NJO vs. One Sith. No contest. NJO wins. Luke Skywalker could pretty much solo the whole order.


I am writing this in haste, so a more fleshed out analysis will come later.

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I disagree on some of those:


The ancient Jedi vs. the ancient Sith: Because we know only of the Ancient Sith and nothing about the ancient Jedi, I think the Sith win this one by default


But the Jedi exiled the Dark Jedi who became Sith. I think up to Naga Sadow's time they had to constantly improve themselves to reach the Jedi's level.


Naga Sadow's Empire vs. the Jedi: The Jedi defeated Naga Sadow already, so they win


Same with Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun


Interesting, though, that in the case of Naga Sadow and Exar Kun their apprentice played a critical role in weakening them. And if I remember correctly in both cases their apprentice felt remorse and wanted to turn back to the light.


The Sith Empire of TOR has a greater number of Sith then the Jedi do and their Sith are much more powerful. The Jedi are outmatched and outgunned. Sith Empire wins


Then why are Republic and Empire an even match (the Republic even drives the Empire back at the End of the game)? Is the Republic military so strong that it compensates the Jedi's disadvantage?


I think Jedi and Sith are around the same level in this game, lore wise.


Revan and Malak's Army of Sith almost destroyed the Jedi Order. They win this matchup.




The Sith triumvirate was defeated by a single Jedi. I think the last of the Jedi could defeat the Sith in this matchup. Jedi win


But the Sith got closer to exterminating the Jedi then anyone else in history exept Palpatine. I would give this one to the Sith.


The Brotherhood vs. The Army of Light: this seems to be a fairly even matchup, but the Sith numbers were eventually overwhelming Lord Hoth on Ruusan. Brotherhood wins


Both sides hat no real chance for winning until Bane came in.


The Banite Sith vs. the PT Jedi: The PT era Jedi were the best of the best, same with the Sith. Eventually, the Sith would win however, but only because of Palpatine. the battle would eventually come down to Sidious vs. Yoda. What would be interesting would be a battle between Plaguies and Mace Windu


I'd give this one to the Sith too. Deception is their main weapon at this time and it made them win.


NJO vs. One Sith. No contest. NJO wins. Luke Skywalker could pretty much solo the whole order.






All in all, I don't think the military strenght counts that much. In most cases the difference is made by Jedi who fall to the Dark Side and Sith who are redeemed. By betrayel and self-sacrifice.


Strenght doesn't really matter, what matters are the (moral) decisions of individuals.

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I disagree on some of those:




But the Jedi exiled the Dark Jedi who became Sith. I think up to Naga Sadow's time they had to constantly improve themselves to reach the Jedi's level.




Interesting, though, that in the case of Naga Sadow and Exar Kun their apprentice played a critical role in weakening them. And if I remember correctly in both cases their apprentice felt remorse and wanted to turn back to the light.




Then why are Republic and Empire an even match (the Republic even drives the Empire back at the End of the game)? Is the Republic military so strong that it compensates the Jedi's disadvantage?


I think Jedi and Sith are around the same level in this game, lore wise.








But the Sith got closer to exterminating the Jedi then anyone else in history exept Palpatine. I would give this one to the Sith.




Both sides hat no real chance for winning until Bane came in.




I'd give this one to the Sith too. Deception is their main weapon at this time and it made them win.








All in all, I don't think the military strenght counts that much. In most cases the difference is made by Jedi who fall to the Dark Side and Sith who are redeemed. By betrayel and self-sacrifice.


Strenght doesn't really matter, what matters are the (moral) decisions of individuals.


1. Like I said. Not much in known about the ancient Jedi so I gave the Dark Jedi the win purely on the fact that I don't know about the ancient Jedi. I'm sure someone knows more, but I don't.


2. It's been awhile since i read anything on Naga Sadow, Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun, but since the Jedi beat all of them before the Jedi get the win.


3. This is purely Sith vs. Jedi. I did not factor military strength in this battle. the fact of the matter is, the Sith have far more powerful members than the Jedi. That includes the Emperor. The JK would be too busy fighting the Emperors Wrath to face the Emperor. Same with the JC and SI.


4. Glad you agree.


5. But you fail to consider Meetra Surik, who pretty much cut through the entire Sith ranks to reach Traya as well as defeating the immortal Sion. Not to mention defeating Nihilus.


6. I gave it to the Brotherhood merely because Kaan was about to move in on the Jedi when Bane came in. Truthfully, Bane saved both the Sith and the Jedi with the thought bomb.


7. Which was the whole point to the ROT.


8. Luke Skywalker could take the whole One Sith single handedly.


When it comes down to it, the Jedi seem to win the majority here.

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