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Your favorite Star Wars characters meet your SWtor characters.


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Imagine that any of your favrotie characters from the movies or EU cross paths with your SWtor characters. What kind of scene do you see unfolding. In my case, my 3 favorites are Mara Jade, Ahsoka Tano and Cad Bane.


Mara Jade:

JK: The two of them become strong allies. They spar many times and are evenly matched and often participate in many missions together. My JK helps Mara learn more self control for ehr dark emotions and Mara helps my JK fine tune her unarmed combat skills.

JC: The two fo them don't really talk but Mara might come to my JC for info from the Jedi library on occasion.

Smuggler: She tries to rip Mara off but gets the tables turned on her learning a harsh lesson.

Trooper: The first time they meet they get into a big fight. Mara prevails and afterwards my Trooper has grudging respect for her.

SW: The two of them end up in an epic fight to the death with Mara having a 50/50 chance of actually prevailing.

SI: My SI initially manages to capture Mara and make her a slave. However Mara quickly escapes, turns the tables and kills her.

BH: BH is sent to take her out. Gives her a fight but starts to get too arrogant and even tries to grope her. She then beats him down and puts him in his place real good.

IA: The two fo them would have been good friends back in the Empire. My IA in particular taught her some of her deadly unarmed fighting arts. Later on, when the Empire starts to turn on my agent, Mara helps her with the decision to defect.


Ahsoka Tano:

JK: My JK takes Ahsoka under her wing and is able to mold her into a model Jedi with better discipline and finer honed fighting. She and Kira Carsen particularly bond and become great sparring partners and sisters in battle.

JC: Sometimes teaches some of her history classes and forced to put up with her mood swings but patiently bears through it all. Offers her some sage advice help on occasion.

Smuggler: Manages to rip Ahsoka off at one point though eventually Ahsoka gets back at ehr and also teaches her a lesson.

Trooper: Is in a squad of soldiers that Ahsoka is teamed with and put in command of. At first my Trooper isn't too impressed by the "kid Jedi" but after seeing her in action comes to accept her.

SW: They end up in a fight tgo the death and even though Ahsoka fights bravely, is ultimately killed.

SI: Also captures Ahsoka and tries to break her as a slave. Ahsoka is held captive longer than Mara before Ahsoka ultimately breaks free and also teaches my SI a lesson, but doesn't kill her.

BH: BH manages to capture Ahsoka but she manages to escape before she is turned over to my BH's employer. However she escapes and does not have a rematch.

IA: Ahsoka intercepts her during a mission against the Republic. My IA manages to KO Ahsoka but is stalled enough that she is forced to abort her mission.


Cad Bane:

JK: Cad Bane tries to take out my JK a few times. In either case he is either beaten by my JK, beaten by Kira Carsen, or intercepted by my JK before he can kill Kira. Eventually decides to forswear any contracts against her.

JC: He is attacked by Cad Bane and even though my JC manages to hld his own, he is forced to sacrifice himself to save innocents from collateral damage. Nadia finds out and is driven into a rage which forces her to go to the darkside and become a fairly powerful Sith. Gets revenge against Cad bane years later but her soul is lost.

Smuggler: Often hires Cad Bane to do some dirty work for her.

Trooper: They fight each other many times with fairly equal wins and losses a piece. Neither is able to finish the other off during their long running feud.

SW: Occasionally joins with my SW's warmongering horde to do some damage. At one point is hired to take out my SW but is killed fairly easily by him.

SI: Cad bane hired to assassinate my SI in her Alderaanian mansion. Is nearly successful but Zash ends up sacrificing herself saving my SI. This drives my SI into a great dark side rage and she obliterates Cad Bane but afterwards loses herself to insanity becoming a threat to all around her.

BH: Enjoy a lifelong love/hate relationship with each other. Ocassionally fight, often one up each other over bounties...occasionally team up on a common goal with grudging respect for the others skill.

IA: My IA actually helps Cad bane out of a sticky situation at one point. Afterwards he becomes an essential conact and soruce of info for her.

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