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Fanfiction : Swtor: Revisiting the past.


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Hi, this will be my fan fiction story about my sith warior. my story is personly written and does not match the class story so you wont need to worry about spoilers. this story go's about remembering his past that leads up to the moment where became Darth and beyond.


comments and tips are welcome. i'll give you chapter one and a part of chapter two. enjoy


Chapter One: The nightmare


Even though he was fast asleep in his nightmares, he could still feel his surrounding tremble of the immense force he possesses. Objects were flying around, framed pictures and painting fell of the wall on the floor, there was glass everywhere and all because of the same dream he was having every night when he was a child. He wasn't a child anymore, this was the first time he had this dream as an adult. It all began when the Empire and the Republic were at war, long before the Republic signed the Treaty of Coruscant. It was at the time the Empire returned to known galaxy after being exiled.


It was a stormy night on Alderaan. It was dark and raining, lightning racing across the sky so every now and then. One night ago the war reached Alderaan as well. The Empire landed a few ships on Alderaan with couple Sith's and Imperial troops on the surface to take the planet under their control and to hunt and kill or capture every Jedi they encounter. It was that night when three complete stranger came knocking on the door of an isolated family who lived in peace on their farmland. When they opened the door they saw two men and a woman soaked in their robes and petrified by something they've seen. As they stepped into the house of the farm people without waiting for an invitation it became obvious that they were Jedi's. One of the men appeared to be older than those two other Jedi's combined, was badly injured. It was hard to tell which part of his robed was soaked with blood and which part was only soaked from the rain.

As the man spoke you could read the agonizing pain on his face.


"I am Master Zaed and these two are my apprentices, Jean Pierce and Morrigan Windrunner. We got attacked when we were bringing some villagers into safety by a group of Sith. We tried to hold them off for the villagers to run to safety but I'm not who I was back then thirty to forty years ago. And my students are not ready to fight such a force as the Sith's we faced. They needed more training, more time but let's be real, time is a privileged we do not possess and a luxury the enemy will not give us."


The older men started coughing up blood.


"Master please no more, you need to rest begged the women named Morrigan. Is there a place we could hide and rest and fix our Master wounds, or at lease till the night is over?"




Whispered the couple who had been quite the whole time because they were scared and startled by the fact of what they've heard and seen.

The fact that they lived isolated from the rest of the world of Alderaan, it isn't a surprise that they didn't heard of the return of the Empire and the war that settled down on their home world.



"We have a hidden spot beneath the house you can go in. We have food, water, we really don't have much but we like to offer it to you if you require such." Confessed the women.



"We can communicate fine from up here and downstairs, so if you need anything just let me know, oke. I-I'm Kathryn and this is Aiden my husband and these two here are our sons, Unoshi and Zinno."


"Nice to meet you." said the older men.


"Although I'd wish it had been under better circumstances."


"Hey, I know your species. Your Zabrak's aren't you? I've read much about your species in the archives and."


She was cut off by the coughing of her Master.


"Morrigan! Now is not the time to play discovery. Help me get our Master downstairs."


The old men lifted his head up one last time and thanked them for their kindness and hospitality. As they proceeded downstairs, the women gave them a couple blankets and a plate with water and food before shutting down the hedge.


It has been five hours ago since the Jedi's came knocking on the farmers door and it seems that the storm is finally settling down as does the family of the farm do as did the group of Jedi beneath the house.


The sun started to shine through the windows. The two younger Jedi's were already up and sitting at the table in the house discussing further plans while drinking some fruit drink from the fruit they managed to pick outside on the farm. Not long after, the mother and her two sons were awake as well and joined the other two. After greeting each other, Jean took the mother of the two kids apart to tell her that his Master isn't recovering well and seems worse than ever. Morrigan took the two boys to the other side of the room as well and starts telling them tales about the Jedi's and their Order. About how they protect the defenseless and helpless, to stand up for the poor and weak, to be the voice of the voiceless. She told them about how the Jedi's are the light in the dark. Especially in times like these.


It was quite on the farm. It seems the war hasn't reached out to this side of the mountains yet. They all hoped it never did. It seems the sith's they fought didn't put in the chase. They were very lucky to have escaped them. Collapsing the ceiling of the tunnel after the Master and his students went deeper was a risky but necessary move.

The Master got hit by two blaster bolts, one in the stomach and the other one in the chest. He was exceptional strong in the force, so he could rely on it to prevent his wounds to kill him. Hoping he could extend it long enough for his students to heal him but time was of the essence.


The two younger Jedi's went to explore the farm, trying to see if no one really managed to follow them. They hoped to keep it secure. They hated it if they had to deal with an surprise attack because those are far worse than any other. The fear it spreads, the confusion, despair. Thousands of people running scared all over the place, most of them are running to their own death. Not looking where the enemy is but just running towards a spot where they once felt safe and comfortable but most of the time those are the places where death lurks from a dark corner.


In this case only four to five people would run scared around and there wouldn't be anywhere to run then the only house on the farm.


"Do you think our Master will recover?" Asked Morrigan.


"Of course he will!"


Jean almost screamed at her but you could hear the desperation in his voice. The fact that he screamed at Morrigan just proves that he is trying to convince himself that as well.


"I'm sorry I screamed, it’s just that... "

He paused and stared at her, then to the ground and took a deep breath then continued.


"It’s just that we have been living in peace for so many years and now we have to fear Empire? It just doesn't make sense. We killed them didn't we, took control of Koriban. Then how come no one saw this coming?"


"I don't know Jean but we have to be strong. There are people counting on us. If we show weakness in these times, then who will defend the ones really in need? I'm just saying try to remember your training. What you stand for. What we stand for. There is no emotion, there is peace."


Morrigan tried to comfort her friend but she could read the fear in his eyes. If she could, how easy would it be for a sith to feed on it?


"There is no emotion? There is peace? Morrigan are you seriously going to recite the Jedi code to me? ME!! There is no emotion, then what is it that I'm feeling right now? What is it that you're feeling right now? If it’s not emotion then what is it?"


She wanted to give him an answer but she just couldn't find the words, neither could she find her own voice. All she did was listen as he continued screaming at her.


"There is peace, peace Morrigan Peace? look around you, it may seem peaceful around here but did u saw peace when the Empire invaded Alderaan? Did u saw peace when they butchered civilians? Look at our Master, is that the result of peace! Tell me! Tell me Morrigan, tell me!"


She was so surprised at the furious outburst of her friend, she could feel her lip trembling and her vision was getting blurry. It wouldn’t take long before you started to cry.


"Don't u ever recite the code to me again or I'll make sure you will have no emotion and meet your peace."



Those threatening screaming words were the last drop she could take before bursting into tears. She looked at her friend, if he still was that and slept him in his face.


"How could you say that? Did you even listen to yourself? I can't believe this. i…"


before she could finish of her sentence she turned around and ran back into the direction of the farm. Jean wanted to say something but decided not to. They didn't even finish securing the perimeter. He decided it was not wise to do so alone. Before he set of to the farm as well. He thought back at the words of Morrigan. ; There is no emotion, there is peace;. He felt himself getting angry again and whispered Jedi code.


"There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no death, there is the Force."


He spat on the ground and hissed and made up his own code just to mock that of the Jedi.


"There is emotion, there is no peace.

There is ignorance in their knowledge.

There is passion, there is no serenity.

There is death by the way of the force."


He tried to set his thought straight trying to figure out what he actually meant by that. There is emotion, he feels it every day as do millions of people do as do the Jedi's do, they are just lying about it. There is no peace, even without the Empire, there was war within the Republic. There is ignorance in their knowledge. Thinking that the code is flawless and that the order stands above all shows enough of ignorance and arrogance. We all know of this with the tale of Revan. The Order refused to support the war because it didn't threaten them? What happened about defend the defenseless? There is passion, we all have it. Damn those Jedi's. Thinking there is serenity is for the fools. There is death and that's what my Master will be if we don't find real help soon. Where ever death is, it’s always entwined by the force.


He decided it was time to return now, after walking for a half hour he put an abrupt stop to his march. He thought he heard and saw something moving. He closed his eyes and tried to use the force to sense if there's any danger. Nothing, he felt nothing. He still was raging with anger.


"There is no emotion, there is peace"


The same code he was mocking a while ago he quickly fell back on to recite but without success. Well if he couldn't use the force he would have to use his eyes. He tried to look around and even though the sun didn't really set under yet it was getting dark in the woods. He pinched his eyes to scan the area but nothing. It must have been my imagination he thought. Just as he tried to walk away he heard it again.


"Who's there? Don't be a coward and show yourself. C'mon face me."


Nothing, no movement, no shady figure, no nothing. He stared into the direction where he thought to have heard the sound. As he tried to turn his head he heard someone. He fixed his gaze back into that direction.


"If you stare long enough into the darkness, the darkness will stare back at you."


Just as he heard those words, he saw two lightsabers ignited in the dark and that's all he saw.

It must have been two or three hours since he passed out. When he woke up he immediately jumped to his feet igniting his blue lightsaber swinging around. He saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing. Only thing he felt was a huge beating headache. He used his lightsaber to see around him. He saw two sets of footprints. One matches his; the other must have been from Morrigan. Besides the footprint of his self that he left while heading to the farm he saw no other footprints that could indicate that someone was really here. Was he going crazy? Was It all in his mind he thought to himself.


Still wary and afraid that something might have happened to his Master and the others he rushed to the farm. Once there he saw everyone in the house, safe and sound, even his Master. His Master was talking to the two boys who were admiring his lightsaber. He ignited his blade and moved it left and right. The area was lighted up with blue light. Why is it blue? One of the boys asked.


"Well blue is the color of the Jedi, color of the light side, although some Jedi sometimes use the green crystal color"


"Are crystal important for your lightsaber?" Asked Unoshi.


"Of course it is and you know why?"


Master Zead asked and continued to answer his own question knowing that they wouldn't.


"The crystal is the heart of the blade.

The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.

The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.

The Force is the blade of the heart.

All are intertwined.

The crystal, the blade, the Jedi.

We are one."


He could see the confused look on the faces on the boys and laughed. You are too young to understand and that's when he noticed that Jean entered the house.


"Jean your back! We were worried about you."


"Master are your wounds mended?"


"Yes my student. Kathryn and her husband found some med kit and an old med droid from couple years old between their stuff. It patched me up but it still will take days before I'm back at full strength. For now I'm still weak."


Jean looked around trying to see if Morrigan was looking but she was avoiding his gaze.


"She told me, we will have a private talk later. Right now try to eat something."


"No time Master, I thought I saw sith's in the woods."


"Are you sure my padawan?"


"I'm not sure; I thought I heard something or someone say something. Then I saw two red lightsabers and that's when I passed out. When I woke up I was all alone. I came here as quick as I could to see if everyone was oke."


"Mmm, I see and what did this person say. You said you heard someone say something"


"I heard, If you stare long enough into the darkness, the darkness stares back at you"


As soon as Jean said that his Master's eyes went wide open and his skin turned pale.


"Master what's wrong? Are you oke?"


"We need to get out of here, this is no joke. The one you spoke with today his name is Vitious, Darth Vitious. He once sneaked a strike team on the Ormadella ship. One of the biggest in his time and cut through our defenses as if it were nothing. He's the one who killed my Master and other padawans I was training with. Before they could kill us all, my Master forced me into an escape pod. He killed everyone on the ship except me. He's been hunting me ever since. I thought he died somewhere along the line."


"We must hurry then" Morrigan said.


"We can't, not now my padawans. It’s dark and where alone. We need to hide."


And just as Master Zaed puts his hands on the two boys he felt the force through them. That's when he senses that the sith's were close.


"There here!"


"How do u know Master, I don't sense them" said Jean.


"The boys, the boys are force sensitive! When I touched them they strengthened my powers for a brief moment."


"That means..."


Morrigan was cut off by her Master before she could finish.


"No I didn't feel anything and now is not the time to play investigation. Let's go."


Everyone ran to the hideout or so they thought. Unoshi ran to a place only he knew off. He sometimes hid there from he's parents and brother. It must have been put there by the previous owners. It was small but big enough for a child to hide in there. They waited and they waited for something to happen but when nothing did that's when they realized Unoshi wasn't with them.


"My baby is out there!" Murmured the mother. "Please I have to go get him."


"No it’s too dangerous. I don't know if there out there. I'll go."


"No Master, you’re still weak. You wouldn't be a match for them. Let me go"


"I'll go with Morrigan you four stay downstairs. Morrigan are you ready?"


"No, but we don't really have a choice. Let's go"


As they went upstairs and closed the hedge. They began to search for Unoshi. They whispered his name and looked underneath tables and behind couches. No results. Just when they were about to open the closets door. The front door swung open. It was really dark outside. All that they saw was darkness. And out of nothing a red lightsaber came swirling there way. Jean dodges the spinning blade just in time. One second too late and it would've cost him his head. Just as the blade came out of the darkness so did it vanish into the darkness.

Both Jean and Morrigan ignited there blades, waiting for another saber come spinning. Both were excellent at lightsaber combat. A black hooded figure stepped into the room and another one and so did another one. Three sith’s were standing in the room. All three covered with their hoods and all three were wearing masked. And all three ignited there red lightsabers and took on three different fighting poses and thus the battle began.


Jean was fighting against two of the sith's. The room was litted every time the blades clashes against each other. Morrigan didn't have any problem with her opponent. Having a double ended lightsaber she could easily block every incoming attack. All she needed to do was to find a good opening to strike. Jean had it allot tougher. It didn't matter how hard he tried to dodge and block he couldn't avoid all of the attacks. One of the sith's swiped his blade on the chest of Jean tearing his robe apart and leaving a mean cut on his chest. Jean being angered by this rose up calling on the force while he jumped in the air. Kicked one sith in the face while plunging his saber into the throat of the other.


The sith that was fighting Morrigan saw this and let his guard down just for a second. He was startled by the brutal death of his comrade. The way Jean killed him was unusual for a Jedi. That one second that the sith left his guard down was the second Morrigan needed. She spun her blade cutting both hands of the sith and then stabbed him in the chest. As the sith dropped to the floor Morrigan went to help Jean who was still fighting the other sith.




Both Jean and Morrigan surprised by the voice that wasn't coming from the sith, stopped there attack. Even the sith did.


"Tell me where Master Zaed is and you may just save your own life"


A taller skinnier sith walked into the room. He's face was blood red, his eyes were dark yellow. His chin was covered with tentacles and all of them had some jewelry on them as did his nose bridge.


"I'll ask you one more time, where is your Master."


"I'll never tell you that, I rather see you die then laying your filthy sith hands on him."


Right after saying that Morrigan charged at the sith. But before she could even charge a meter from where she stood. The sith sends a barrage of lightning from his finger tops flying into the chest of Morrigan. He kept going and kept going and smiled while she screams of agony. He even kept going when there was smoke coming of her skin. He only stopped when her screaming stopped and her body was nothing but a burning corpse.

After seeing that display Jean fell to his knees. Still not believing in what he just saw.


"That power, so much power" he mumbled.


"I am Darth Vitious and I will ask you one last time. Where-is-your-Master?"


Jean pointed over to the hedge. Darth Vitious sends his apprentice to go down there to check it out.


"So much power, how can it be?"


Jean finally lifted his head to look at Darth Vitious.


"Take me as your apprentice, I want to know the secrets you have, have the power you wield and the fear you spread."


Darth Vitious looked and Jean in consideration but finally told him no.


"I sense darkness in you and allot of anger but you turn traitor soon as possible when you saw a superior person. Someone who was stronger then you. How do I know you won't betray me that fast?"


"I won't Master, I won't. Peace is a lie, peace is a lie, peace is a lie."


Jean said while crying, fearing his life.


"Look at you Jean, I thought you better than that. You let five people die just to save one life, your life!?"


Master Zaed was very disappointed in Jean but mostly sad.


"You've seen his power; do you think you can defeat him?"


"Shut up you low life"


Darth Vitious commanded,


"You’re pathetic."


"Yes Master."


"I am not your Master. Stand up and stand next to your Republic friends."


As Jean stood up he walked towards the other looking down to the ground. Ashamed and scared to face them. Knowing that this could be his death he sought one opportunity to save himself. As he walked pass the apprentice of Vitious he grabbed the light saber of the sith and ignited and severed his head within seconds. The head fell down and rolled to the feet of Darth Vitious. Both Darth Vitious and Master Zaed were surprised and shocked by this.


"Now you have no apprentice and have no choice to take me as your own."


After a long pause Darth Vitious agreed.


"Very well then."


"Really? I'm honored my lord."




"But you said..."


"I changed my mind, no I lied. That's what sith's do they lie, scheme, betray, kill and enjoy it. Your fear and coweredness is just a weak excuse for becoming a sith."




Jean begging turned into screams when Darth Vitious sends a barrage of lightning to Jean as well. This one struck him in his face and died pretty fast.


"Now Zaed tell me what I need to know. Where did your Master hid the artifact because it was not on the ship. You remember that don't you? Me killing your Master?"

"You monster.."


"Where is it! Oke I see you don't wanna talk, let's play a game. It’s called how many people do I have to kill to make you talk."


He lifted his hands into the air but instead of lighting he used the force to pull the father closer and when he reached Darth Vitious he received a lightsaber into the stomach. The wife of the man screamed and fell to her knees of disbelief.


"Stop it!" Master Zaed demanded. "Just stop it!"


"So you'll tell me?"




"Ah well if you still want to play that game, mm maybe that little boy."


"No stop, I'll tell you."


Two more sith stepped into the house.


"Master they found it, the artifact it has been retrieved"


"Oh, did you heard that Zaed? I won't be needing your help after all."


He struck Master Zaed with lightning till he fell to his knees and then stopped.


"Kill them, then burn the house" he told his apprentices.


"No!" Cried Kathryn. "Unoshi, if your here, run! Run baby and know that momma loves you."


Unoshi who still was in his hiding place saw everything. From the moment Jean and Morrigan fought till the moment Jean betrayed them and now, even watching now as his mother would be killed. All he could think of was that the Jedi who swore to protect the defenseless, helpless betrayed them. Even Master Zaed left his father for dead.


"There's someone else here? Find him. Kill these three here and find the other kid. Search the place."


As Unoshi saw his brother got killed then the Jedi Master, it was now the turn of his mother.

Just as she was about to die she made eye contact with him and for a second she smiled before whispering I love you. The blade then pierced her from the back to the front and she fell down lifeless.

"No sing of the other kid, Master." The apprentices reported.


"Then burn this place down."


As the fire started to find its way over the place and smoke filled up the room, Unoshi had no choice then to get out of his hiding spot. He walked over to his mother’s corps. He stood there watching it still trying to belief his eyes. When he was about the reach out for her the smoke began to burn his eyes and the fire was raging wildly through the place. It could be only minutes before the roof would burn down on him. He rubbed his eyes trying to make the burning feeling stops. He ran towards the door and before opening it he took one last look back and fled the house. Surrounded by smoke and not able to see anything or breathe properly all he could do is cough. When the smoke cleared the first and last thing he saw was a red beaming light coming towards his face.

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Chapter two: Going up the ranks


He sat straight up in bed, his heart still pounding from the nightmare, Sweat dripping of his body and head. He sat still for a minute still trying to shake off the feeling he had while he could feel his anger cooking. He removed the blankets and stood up, noticing the mess he made in his room, Glass everywhere, pictures, books. He walked carefully not to step on anything and unlocked the door to checked the hallway of the ship. The rest of the crew seems to be sleeping still the only one out there was the droid.


"Bee two seven see, go get me a glass of water and then clean up the mess in my room! And do it quick before I rip your power core out of that pathetic model frame of yours"


"Yes Master, right away Master! Anything else you require...Master?" B2-7C was the droid that was maintaining the ship and looking out for the crew.


"Just do it before I throw you for the scavengers while you’re still active."


Without saying anything else B2-7C ran off as quickly as it could. After a minute or two it came back with a glass of water and ran off right away to Unoshi's room to clean up the mess. Allot has happened since that night on Alderaan. After Unoshi ran outside he's face got scared by Darth Vitious lightsaber. When Darth Vitious felt the force in him he took him as his own apprentice. Now nobody's apprentice Unoshi has rissen to the rank of Lord.


Unoshi walked towards the cockpit and sat in the captain’s chair and drank his glass of water while trying to calm down. He looked through the cockpit window staring at the planet in front of him. Dromund Kaas. The capital planet of the sith, of the Empire. The planet was surrounded by dark clouds where it was constantly lit up by lightning. This was one of the reason why Dromund Kaas was one his favorite planet besides Koriban. He was just out of orbit of the planet. He had a meeting with the Dark Council tomorrow, he didn't told his crew yet but then again he wasn't going to tell them. Even he would tell them he didn't know what it was about.


He returned back to his room, the droid was still cleaning up.


"Get out!" He commanded B2-7C.


"Master your room isn't properly cleaned."


He smashed the droid against the wall, left then right then up and down, finally he force pushed it out of his room against the wall. When B2-7C fell to the floor all sorts of wire were hanging out of him and his arms were broken as well.


"And stay out!" Unoshi gritted through his teeth before closing the door and locked it.

Edited by Rakugo
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