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More In-Game Feedback Requested


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I'm glad to see that the AoE indicators have now been color coded giving us better feedback. Now I have a few more suggestions for feedback improvement:


1. Color Code nodes in PvP Warzones, especially doors in Voidstar. It is much faster to respond to visual queues than it is to logical ones, and landmarks are the primary driving force in human navigation. Giving us better landmarks that are easy to see will make playing as a team much easier for everyone.


2. Identification of Guard and Taunt targets. When a tank puts a guard on someone, that person sees that they have a guard up, but they don't see who they are supposed to hang out near. Please add a faint blue line connecting the Guard and the Guarded that only they can see. Please add a similar faint red line connecting the Taunter and the Taunted (what's the point of a taunt if I don't know who is taunting me?).


3. Debuff Cleanse Indication. Please put a green border around all debuffs that a player can cleanse and a red border around debuffs that a player cannot cleanse. This applies for both myself and friendlies I select. For example, if my Sorc Healer gets hit with a tech debuff, or if I select a friendly with a tech debuff, that debuff should have a RED border since I can do nothing about it.


4. Debuff Effect Name Flytext. When hit with a root, the word "Rooted" should fly up in the same way that damage text does. Snares should say "Slowed"; poisons, fire, bleeds, etc. should say "Health Drain"; Stuns should say "Stunned"; Mezzes should say "Incapacitated"; and movement effects should indicate "Knockdown", "Knockback", "Pull", "Push". It would also be helpful to have the effect type listed in parenthesis, for example: "Incapacited (Force)" for the Sorcerer Mezz.

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