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(L,F&E 90) Swirling Force? Or Destiny?


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It was very quiet in the queen’s nesting chamber of the Sitolon homeship. Queen Sarai was sitting, her posture dejected as her retainer tried to cheer her up.


“It is not your fault, Sarai.” Ji said desperately. “It is not your fault. Lohas cleared it all with all of us, it is not your fault.” The younger bug was rubbing the queen’s carapace, trying to stimulate circulation and relaxation. But Sarai’s decision to blow up the nanite production facilities on the Sitolon homeworld had thrown her into a deep depression, one even the hivemind was having difficulty easing her out of.


“I know.” Sarai said sadly. “But the drones who carried the bomb in were ours. I asked, they all volunteered. But… whether they volunteered or not, they were part of us. They will be remembered. But I gave the order…”


“Sarai… Please…” Ji was getting exasperated. “It is not your fault. None of this was your fault.”


“Listen to her, Sarai.” Lohas said from her spot nearby. The young Sitolon nanite controller was busy with something, her claws flying as she worked a holo. “We had to stop them from taking the production facility. If you must blame someone, blame me. That I couldn’t stop those scum from taking over the…” She broke off as a sour voice came from nearby.


“Lohas, claw.” A blue skinned Twi’lek strode to stand beside the small silver form. “Now.”


“Melita…” Lohas sighed deeply, turned off her holo and held out her claw. The Twi’lek slapped it hard and then retreated. Lohas shook her claw as she recovered it. “Ow. It is a good thing I am not a queen Melita. Abusing a monarch would have serious consequences.” The Twi’lek just sat, her face desolate and Lohas sighed. “I am sorry, Melita. I tried… I couldn’t get through to her. I could barely touch poor Ecmin. I could feel her, but… It wasn’t her, Melita… It wasn’t Olandas.”


“I know.” Melitas said, tears starting to fall. “We were not really involved, just… friends, you know. Colleagues, coworkers. She needed help, I gave it. I needed help, she gave it. I know that the bad guys win a lot, I know that she is alive and where there is life, there is hope, but…” She froze as a gentle hand touched her arm. She looked up into concerned brown eyes. “Jina…?”


“I came as soon as I could, Melita.” Jina Darkstorm said with a sad smile as she hugged the Twi’lek who had been her first love. “We need to talk. All of us.” Something in her voice had Melita tensing.


“Jina…” The Twi’lek rose and embraced her old lover. “What is wrong?” Jina smiled at her and hugged her back.


Which one of us has the Force?” Jina asked sarcastically and then she smiled and motioned for Melita to sit. She sat as the Twi’lek did, well within reach. She smiled as the Twi’lek’s lekku caressed her gently. So many good memories. “I may be able to help Olandas.” Both of them looked up as Sarai hissed in shock.


“Jina… No…” The queen said, disapproval oozing from every pore. “Do not even think about such a thing.”


“I am not surprised you knew.” Jina replied, her tone absolutely neutral. “I am surprised you kept it from me.”


“Jina… No…” Sarai replied lamely. “I didn’t want to lose anyone else. I don’t… No…” She cried as she stepped forward. “Don’t… Please, we can find another way.” Melita stared at the Sitolon whose body posture of fear and worry now and then at Jina.


“Jina…?” The Twi’lek’s voice was soft, scared. “What are you going to do?”


“Not many loves survive a death, Melita. You died and I got you back.” Jina said as her hand caressed her good friend’s arm. “But know that no matter what, no matter what happens to me, I will always love you.”


“Jina…” Melita said, eyes wide. “You are scaring me. Whatever I see in your eyes… Don’t do it…”


“Oh, Melita… Always the brave one.” Jina sighed. “It is the only way. Sleep, Melita.”


“No!” The Twi’lek cried as Jina’s hand clamped onto her arm and her form was resisting as the Force eased her into sleep. “No… Jina… No…” Her face relaxed into sleep and Jina caught her and laid her down gently. Her hands caressed the Twi’lek’s lekku as she sighed.


“I am sorry, Melita.” Jina said as she bent down, kissing her old lover on the lips gently. “Where I go, you cannot follow.” She arranged Melita’s limbs so she would be comfortable and then rose slowly as if she were an old, old woman. She turned to face to face the stunned Sitolon. “You will need to keep her asleep or in stasis until I am… done. Otherwise she will chase me and get herself killed. Please… I don’t want anyone else to die following me.”


“Jina…” Sarai’s voice held horror. “Don’t do this… Please…”


“What choice do we have?” Jina said slowly as she turned to go. “The fate of the Third is clear.”


“It is a prophecy, Jina!” Sarai complained. “It doesn’t make sense until after it is done.” Jina started for the door. “Jina… please?”


“Queen Sarai…Stop her…” Lohas said slowly. “If… If she goes, she will die! Jina no…Don’t leave us… Don’t leave me… I thought you were my friend… Why are you leaving me…?” Her voice sounded so lost and young now. Jina paused and shook her head as she moved towards Lohas.


“Hey…I am your friend, Lohas.” Jina said gently as she moved to stand beside the young nanite controller. “It’s okay Lohas. I have spent my whole life trying to help others. I knew that my death would come helping others. The visions are clear now.”


“Jina…” Lohas shook her head and held out a claw. “Please… Visions are never clear. Don’t leave us, please?” She dropped her claw as Jina shook her head. “I… No…” Lohas said, near panicking. She was still very young.


“I have to, Lohas.” Jina bent down and gave the slumping bug a hug. “I have to. Maybe I can help Olandas, Katherine or poor Ecmin in the process.”


“You would…? Jina… I…” Lohas asked, her form shivering in grief and fear. “I could send some of my children with you… They could help…” Jina shook her head. “Jina… please…”


“You will need all the help you can get to hold Firdlump’s artificial hivemind off the nanites on the Sitolon homeworld, Lohas. If they get the mass of nanites that have been working to rebuild the ecosystem, we are screwed. Concentrate on that, my friend.” Jina said as she hugged Lohas again and then rose. She nodded formally to the Sitolon queen. “Do I have your permission to leave, Queen Sarai?”


“Jina…” Sarai was heaving in grief as she stepped forward. “I don’t want to lose you… I know it was wrong not to tell you what I suspected, what we suspected…” She broke off as Jina shook her head. The former Jedi smiled as she embraced the queen gently and then stepped back. “What about Zana?” Sarai asked as she slumped.


“Zana… has said she will stay with me, to the end. I am going to try and keep her from following.“ Sarai tensed and Jina nodded. “I don’t expect to succeed, but I have to try. The future is always in motion. Not your fault. You did the best you could with what you had. Everything dies, Sarai.” Jina said slowly, her face sad. “I just wish it wasn’t Istara who was going to kill me…”

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<The Stormhawk>


“Hello Cina.” The soft voice had the Bladeborn warrior freezing in the middle of her workout in the training room on the renegade battlecruiser Stormhawk. She stretched, finishing her extension lunge and then sheathed her training sword before she turned to face her sister. “You look good.” Jina Darkstorm said with a sad smile.


Cina Darkstorm stared at her older sister. What was wrong? The Force was trying to tell her something, but she could not understand what it was. She couldn’t keep her eyes from the knee she had amputated to try and wake Jina up from a dangerous Force trance. Jina smiled at her and her heart eased a little, but then it constricted again. Something…


“Jina?” The younger Darkstorm sibling said slowly. “I thought you were on the homeship.”


“I was.” Jina nodded, her face sad. “I… I haven’t seen you since mom and dad died. I…” She stopped talking as Cina stepped forward, her hands going to her old sister’s shoulders.


“You have been busy.” Cina said as she embraced her older sister. “Jina, what is wrong?” She asked as her sister did not return the embrace. “Jina…?”


“I used to think destiny was a pile of poodoo. That people made their own.” Jina said with a smile as she ruffled her sister’s hair. “Now I know better. I know that everything I have done has led me now to this place. I have tried to avoid it, and all I have done it hasten my steps.”


“Jina…” Cina gave her sister a shake. “What is wrong?”


“I need to talk to you, Mama Lizard and Ona if she is available.” Jina said as she stepped back. “If not, then Jon.”


“Are you hurt or sick?” Cina asked, looking with more than her eyes, but finding nothing. Not that she could really sense Jina’s presence, the Force dampener built into Jina’s armor was powerful. “What is wrong?” She asked again, suddenly afraid. She couldn’t say why, just that suddenly, her whole form shivered in fear.


“It’s okay, Cina.” Jina said as she stepped close again, easing her sister’s irrational fear with kindness. “I know what I have to do.”


“Jina…” Suddenly Cina felt fear the likes of which she had never felt before. Not when she had gone to the Sith as a child. Not when Bob had taken her and programmed her to serve him. Not when she had faced Ravishaw in a training ring one time and gotten her chrono cleaned. Not even when her parents had died. “No…” Cina cried as she hugged her sister tight, tears starting to fall. “No…” She was blubbering and didn’t care.


“Cina…” Jina rubbed her sister’s shoulders gently. “Let’s go talk to Mama and Ona.”




Cina hadn’t wanted to leave her sister’s side. It had taken a direct command from Mama Lizard to get the young Bladeborn to sit. Mama Lizard puttered about the quarters she had revamped into her new ‘den’, making tea for the group and making sure that Ona did not move.


“Sssit, Ona.” Mama declared as Ona tried to stand up and move to Jina’s side again. “You are ztill nowhere clossse to recovered.” She handed the Bothan a steaming cup and sat beside her with one of her own. Her attention was on the Bothan and her expression made the healer sigh and sit carefully, easing sore muscles and bones.


“I can’t feel you, Jina.” Ona said slowly as she nursed her cup. “Why have you closed yourself up so tight?”


“I don’t want to hurt you, Ona.” Jina said as she sipped her own tea, smiling at the taste. She made a sour face but not at the tea. “This is going to hurt a number of people, badly. You Ona… I think worst of all. You and Istara.” Ona froze, her cup halfway to her lips.


“Jina…” Ona’s voice was horrified. “No… Not you… Not now…” Jina continued, as if the Bothan had not spoken.


“I was meditating on the homeship a week ago…” Jina said quietly in the silence that descended. “Zana has been meditating with me. She would have made a heck of a Jedi. But I wouldn’t change her now for anything.”


“Where isss Zana?” Mama asked slowly, looking around. “Ssshe would not have left your zide willingly.”


“She is getting something for me, something I left here the last time I was aboard. I tried to leave her on the homeship.” Jina said with a grimace. “That was a mistake. She chased me down. I don’t want to… be responsible for the death of another learner. Even if she is not a padawan, every learner who studies with me dies…”


“Jina…” Ona said slowly, gently. “It’s not your fault.”


“I know that.” Jina said sadly. “But that does not change the facts. She made her choice and I will not gainsay it.”


“What did you see, Jina?” Cina had not touched her tea. “In your vision?” Jina patted her sister’s arm before speaking.


“I saw Istara. She was…angry. Angrier than I have ever seen her.” Jina mused, her own cup forgotten. “Someone was trying to calm her down, a female that I do not know, but when Istara gets that angry…”


“People die.” Mama Lizard said, her face ashen. “Jina…”


“She wasn’t wearing armor and she wasn’t much older than she is now.” Jina said quietly. “So it’s soon.”


“What happened?” Cina set her cup down and reached out to her sister. “Jina…?”


“I don’t know.” Jina said softly, her eyes distant. “It happens fast, I know that. One moment I am looking at her, through something, maybe a helmet? I don’t know. I am wearing armor I know that. I am aiming a weapon at her, not a saber, a stunner I think, definitely not a blaster… It feels odd… She is charging, she is not wearing anything but a nightgown! I… I don’t want to hurt her, but she is so angry… So fast and angry… I can’t move fast enough, the armor is slowing me down. I have to hit her, knock her out before she kills someone! I focus on my shot, I try to fire… And then… she hits me and…” She looked up, tears falling. “I woke out of the meditation screaming. Zana saw what I did, she was screaming as well.”


“By the Force…” Ona’s face was pale. “But Jina, it was a vision, just a possible future.”


“Two of us having the exact same vision?” Jina inquired softly. “And every night for the last week?” She shook her head. “It is coming, soon.”


“No…” Cina jumped to her feet and ran to her sister, pulling Jina into a rough embrace. “I can’t lose you, not now… Not when I finally have you back. No…” Mama Lizard and Ona both looked at each other but did not intervene.


“Cina.” The former Jedi held her younger sister out at arm’s length. “I need you to be as strong as I know you are. This is going to tear Istara completely apart. That is part of the prophecy, actually. She will kill herself in remorse for what happens to me. You cannot let her die.”


“But…” Cina was holding onto her tears by her fingernails. “Jina… I…”


“You are the last of the Darkstorms, girl…” Jina said, giving Cina a shake. “You have to be strong, you have to persevere. Life has given you a good shellacking, but it has taught you how to survive. On that note…” She nodded to the side and Zana entered the room, a bundle in hand. The young Bladeborn bowed to Mama and Ona, then knelt and laid the bundle at Cina’s feet before rising and leaving in silence. “Cina… This is everything I own. The deed to the estates on Vanaria, Mikol’s journal, Some robes that may or may not fit you, spare parts and a lightsaber. My old one.” Cina was shaking her head, but Jina shook her gently again. “Cina… Please… I need you to do something for me.


“Anything…” Cina said but paused as Jina slapped her arm gently. “Wha…?”


“You do not know what I am going to ask.” Jina said softly and then turned to where Mama sat, transfixed. “One does not …leave… the Bladeborn. But one can take a leave of absence, correct?”


“It isss mozt irregular.” Mama said with a frown. “But it hasss been done. We need a reazon.”


“I have one.” Jina said quietly. “Cina Darkstorm…” Her sister jerked as Jina stepped back, her face impassive. “You have learned well your clandestine lessons over the last several months. Your studies have not gone unnoticed. Every teaching droid on this ship reports to Boss, who has kept me appraised.” Cina tensed, but Jina smiled at her and the younger girl relaxed a little. “No one minds you learning as much as you can. Even about the Jedi.” Both Ona and Mama were staring open mouthed at Cina as the girl froze in place. “The warping that was done to you, by the Sith and by Bob to pretend you were a Sith, both of those tortures have left scars upon you, scars that will never likely fade. But you are strong in the Force and wise to learn as much as you can. You will need more instruction in the Force and the Bladeborn cannot teach you what you need to learn. The sword? That they know better than any I have met. The Force…? Not so much.” Cina was shaking now and Jina sighed as she stepped forward again, taking her sister’s hands in her own. “Bob made you Bladeborn against your will.” Both Mama and Ona hissed in disbelief and shock, staring from the former Jedi to Cina and back. “It kept you alive, so that one day you could find your true path. And…” She smiled. “I happen to know a Jedi who is looking for a padawan. Someone who wishes to learn.”


“I…” Cina shook her head violently. “I can’t… I am Bladeborn.”


“Isss it true…?” Mama asked as she rose slowly. “You were not given a choize?” Her voice held horror. Cina shook her violently, tears flying every which way as she tried to control herself. Ona likewise rose, her face a mask of sadness. “Oh, child… Why did you not sssay anything…?” The Barabel was crying.


“The others were given the choice, serve as Bladeborn or become troops.” Cina said in a monotone as the Barabel and Bothan came close, joining in the hug around her. “He… he needed me as a trainer. I was obstinate… I fought… I didn’t know what was happening, just that he demanded my service and I refused. I woke with the brand on my arm and… I… I can’t Jina. I can’t…”


“Oh Cina…” Mama Lizard held her gently as the younger human girl sobbed. “I am sssorry. We never asssked…”


“Not your fault.” Cina swallowed her pain and grief and calmed her emotions. “It is for life though.”


“This has happened before.” Ona said in the silence that fell. “Once, long ago, an arrogant Masterblade raised two young children to Bladeborn status without permission or informing the Order. He trained them in our ways, but they did not wish to be Bladeborn. Trugoy was… incensed…”


“Trugoy tore the man’sss head off when he found out.” Mama Lizard corrected Ona with a sad sigh. “But thiz means, that there isss prezedent.” She took Cina’s hands in her own. “Cina, do you truly wisssh to leave uz?”


No!” Cina protested. “You all… You all are my family now… I… I can’t…”


“Cina.” Jina’s voice as calm and matter of fact. “Mind your feelings, girl. Be calm, at peace.”


“Jina… No…” Cina was begging as Jina bent down and pulled a silver hilt out of the bundle. “I… I can’t…”


“Giving up without a fight?” Jina said with a frown. “That is not like you, Cina.” She held out the lightsaber hilt. Cina stared at it as if it were venomous. “You do not have to choose this, Cina. It is a hard road. A very hard road. But one you are eminently qualified to walk. I give you the choice you were denied.”


“Jina…” Jina’s little sister has tears falling in sheets now. “I… am… Bladeborn…”


“Are you?” Another voice spoke up and all eyes turned to the door where a brown robed form stood. Hawkir Strum’s face was sad. “I met your mother once, Cina Darkstorm, a long, long time ago. I was just a padawan back then, but I remember her. Know that if you choose this path, it will not be easy, or quick.”


“Easy is not for a Jedi.” Jina said almost inaudibly.


“The Bladeborn that I have met and worked with…” Hawkir bowed his head to Mama who nodded back. “...will not hold you against your will.”


“Mama…?” Cina asked, her gaze turning to the matriarch of the Bladeborn. “I don’t want to leave… Don’t send me away…” Her voice was scared, now.


“Oh Cina… We will not forget you…” Mama Lizard said gently as she tweaked the girl’s nose a little. “You have worried usss, child. You were never… quite… right with uz. We did not know. You ssshould have zaid sssomething…” She hugged Cina again.


“I was ashamed.” Cina admitted as she stood stiffly in the Barabel’s embrace. “I was weak, I fell…”


“No one can be strong all the time, Cina.” Her sister said as she ruffled Cina’s hair. “Everyone has weaknesses that enemies will exploit. But you will get stronger.” Jina bowed her head and stepped back. Mama Lizard as well stepped back from the now cringing girl. Ona gave her a hug and stepped back to join the other two.


“No…” Cina said slowly. “I am not strong enough… I am… I am afraid…”


“So am I, Cina.” Jina Darkstorm said slowly as she held out the lightsaber again. “But you get past it.”


“Know this, Cina Darkstorm…” Ona said formally as Mama nodded. “You will always have a place in our hearts and memories. If you need assistance, you have but to call, battlesister.” Cina stiffened as both Mama and Ona bowed, to her. Then they turned and left the room silently.


“I…” Cina shook her head, stunned. She bowed her head slowly and then raised it. When she did, her face was calm. “What do I say?” She held out her hand and the saber hilt flew from Jina’s hand to hers. She stared at it and then slung it at her waist with a sigh.


“It is simple, Cina.” Jina said with a smile. “Say ‘yes’.”


“I don’t want you to die, Jina.” Cina said, her face calming as she accepted her burden. “But what I want is rarely what I get, isn’t it?”


“The Bladeborn’s loss is the Order’s gain.” Jina said as she stepped closer. “Do not forget who and what you are, Cina Darkstorm. You are my sister, now and forever. But you serve a higher calling now. A noble cause, a hard and dangerous cause.”


“I will make you proud of me, sister.” Cina said as she bowed to Jina and then to the Jedi Consular at the door. “I swear it.”


“Cina…” Jina said with a sad smile. “I have been proud of you since I first met you. Annoyed with you, yes. Wanting to knock sense into you, yes. But always proud. Be well, Jedi Padawan Cina Darkstorm.” She bowed formally and left the room.


“Is it wrong that I am sad, master?” Cina asked as she stared at the closed door.


“No.” Hawkir said in a quiet tone. “But you need to learn how to handle it. Your blade handling and physical training are well advanced, but your other skills are…” He sought a diplomatic term but Cina just laughed sourly.


“They suck.” Cina smiled as she looked at her belt and the saber that hung there now. She didn’t need to ignite it to know the blade was blue/white. Jina’s original lightsaber, before she had known she was one of the Seven. “Well, no time like the present. What should we study first?” Hawkir smiled at her and waved her to take a seat. He knelt in a meditative posture and she did likewise.


“Repeat after me, Cina… There is no Emotion, There is Peace…”

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“Did you really think…” The soft, pained voice spoke from nowhere and Jina stopped in midstride in the empty corridor heading to the Stormhawk’s hangar bay. “…that I would let you go…” A black armored form appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the corridor. “…without at the very least saying ‘goodbye’?” Will Kalenath’s eyes were glistening, but he was not crying.


“Will…” Jina’s voice was low and sad. “I thought you were on Correllia.”


“I was, I did the weekly delivery but too many bounty hunters.” Will said sadly. “If I go in with Istara, all hell will break loose. Lots of casualties, lots of collateral damage. I want to. I almost did anyway. Then… Sharra called.” His voice turned sour. “She is a bit angry with you.”


“I bet.” Jina winced. Sharra was one of her oldest friends outside the Order. “I couldn’t, Will. I couldn’t talk to her…I couldn’t face her and keep going.”


“Oh Jina…” Will said sadly. “Come here girl…” He held out his arms and Jina stepped into them. He shook his head as she shuddered. He embraced her gently as if afraid she would break. “I am not going to ask anything dumb, like ‘are you sure’ or ‘have you lost your mind’. This whole Seven business is completely nuts. I mean, look at me, I am working with Imperials…” This from a man who was on the Empire’s ‘Most Wanted’ list for nuking an Imperial space station and shipyard.


“Tell me about it.” Jina said as she hugged the man who had found her freezing in a cave with no memory twenty years previous. And then he had come for her when she had gone back seeking answers. Answers that nearly killed her. “Will…I… I go to my death.”


“I know.” Will Kalenath said sadly. Jina looked at him and he shrugged. “I have a lot of spies, Jina.”


“Sarai called you.” She shook her head ruefully. “I should have known that crazy bug would…”


“She didn’t.” Will said sadly, cutting off her half formed rant. “Jainine did. She told me, Jina.” Now he was crying. “Oh Jina…” He shook his head as he embraced her tightly, squeezing her against his armor. “I want to do something, anything…” Jina nodded soberly. He had lost so many friends, most of whom he had never had a chance to say goodbye to.


“But you won’t, will you?” Jina asked him as he shuddered. “Will, I am sorry.”


“I always knew your road was dangerous, Jina.” Will said sadly as he stepped back. “As crazy as my life has been, yours has been just as nuts. I do love you, Jina Darkstorm. I always have, and I always will.”


“Will…” Jina said as she stiffened. “I…” She broke off as he raised a hand.


“You were a Jedi. I was a grunt.” Will said sadly. Then he laughed a little. “If things had been different…” He paused and then laughed a little abruptly. “No, I still don’t think we would have had a chance anyway.”


“Not with Sharra on the prowl.” Jina said with a smile. “She could give a black hole immovable lessons sometimes.”


“Yep, she could.” Will agreed, hugging her again. “Jina, I want to help and I can’t. I want to make it better, and I can’t.”


“No, you can’t, Will.” Jina agreed. “This isn’t something you can shoot or blow up.”


“We haven’t tried that yet.” Will argued comically and then sighed. “I would tell you to be careful, but you won’t. You will do whatever you have to do. Just like always.”


“Yeah.”Jina sighed as she started off again, the black armored form keeping pace. “Will… Don’t let her… I mean… Don’t let Istara…” She did not pause as his arm went around her, offering support.


“I won’t.” Will’s voice was sad now. “She will try, the prophecy is clear on that. We will stop her.”


“You will do your best.” Jina agreed. “Cina is…” She broke off as Will smiled. “You were watching weren’t you? Creep!” She exclaimed as he grinned. She slapped him on the shoulder pauldron. “You have to stop stalking people, Will. People will talk.” She grinned at his expression.


“Let them.” They were in the hangar now and Zana stood by the small ship that Jina had been given by Sarai and the Sitolon. “Jina…” Will paused as Jina turned to face him. “Good Journey.”


“Will…I…” Jina paused and shook her head. “Aw to hell with it!” She reached out, pulled him close and kissed him hard. She held him for a moment as he jerked and then relaxed into her embrace and kiss. Finally, she had to come up for air and she was smiling as she stepped back. “Sharra will kill me, but it was worth it.”


“No I won’t.” Another voice said and Jina went stiff as a female human stepped out of another small ship nearby . The female form was surrounded by Sitolon, all of whom had weapons out. “Hello Jina.” Sharra Kalenath said quietly as Jina goggled at her. Will stared as well; he seemed equally shocked to see his wife.


Sharra?” Jina stiffened. The woman could not leave the homeship or bad people would find her… “What are you doing here?”


“Saying goodbye to my best friend.” Sharra had tears in her eyes as she stepped closer. She reached out, pulled Jina into a rough embrace and kissed her. It didn’t last long, but Sharra was no slouch in kissing. Finally, she stepped back and nodded to Jina. “You were always the rock, Jina. Always the strong one, even when I wasn’t.”


“Sharra…I…” Jina found herself at a loss for words as both Will and Sharra embraced her. “I…” Her vaunted Jedi control cracked and she was crying as she held them both.


“I had to say goodbye.” Sharra said sadly as she gave Jina another squeeze. “But now I have to get back.” Her eyes were overflowing as she kissed Jina on the cheek this time. “Take care of yourself, Jina. May the Force be with you. Wherever it takes you, know that you have people who love you.”


She hugged Jina again and then walked back into the ship she had come out of. The Sitolon, none of whom had relaxed for a millisecond, followed her. The ramp shut and Jina stared as the ship took off and flew out of the bay.


“She did all that…” Jina was crying hard now. “Just to say goodbye?”


“She loves you, Jina.” Will said quietly as he held her. “So do I. We may understand and accept what is going to happen. We do not like it.” He hugged her again and then stepped back. “Good journey, Jina Darkstorm. I hope we will meet again, in this life, or the next.”


“Me too.” Jina said, focusing herself. But when she looked up, he was gone. When she spoke, her voice was low and sad. “Good journey Will and Sharra Kalenath. I love you too.” She shook her head and started for the ship again. She had a long way to go and not a lot of time to get there.

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“Jina…” Zana asked as they settled in for the long flight to Tattooine. The Stormhawk routinely went places that the rest of the galaxy had never even heard of. It helped cut down on incidental skirmishes that served no purpose. But it did add a lot of hours to travel time. “I have questions.”


“I know.” Jina Darkstorm said as she finished computing the path to Tattooine. The small ship jumped into hyperspace with no problems at all. An omen? Jina certainly hoped so. “Go ahead.”


“I…” Zana shook her head slowly. “I am uncomfortable.” She sighed.


“With me?” Jina asked slowly. She had expected this sooner, but Zana sort of defined stubborn. “Or my lifestyle choices?”


“Both, I think.” Zana said slowly. “I know what we saw…” She gulped a little. “I know… According to what I have been told, when Istara is raging that badly, she has no target control. I don’t want you to die, but everything does, eventually. I like you. I mean, I admire you, I owe you my life, my sanity, even if you do say that Morey was not trying to enslave me, I still feel that he was. That I was a hairsbreadth from being turned into a slave. I do owe you. I will pay that debt.”


“I know, Zana.” Jina said gently. “But it is the other that bothers you more, isn’t it?”


“Y…Yes…” The young Bladeborn said hesitantly. “I mean no disrespect, but… It makes me uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.”


“I understand.” Jina said sadly. “It’s not something I can stop doing though. I don’t know if it came from the bugs, from my original upbringing, or something else. I have just… always preferred the company of females.” Zana goggled at her and Jina sighed. “Don’t go there, Zana. No Wookiee jokes…” Her grin was wicked and Zana surprised herself with a laugh. Jina shrugged. “I know it’s not… normal, but...it feels normal for me.” Zana looked at her and licked her lips.


“I…” She stammered a bit and shook her head. “I don’t know what to say. It’s not my place to say.” She sighed and turned her gaze to her instruments.


“Zana.” Jina’s soft voice had young Bladeborn stiffening. “I am sorry. I wish…” Jina shook her head. “I know that the only way anyone would get to me is through you. And the only way Istara could possibly hit me… is if you are…” She swallowed heavily and shook her head again. The only way Istara would get to Jina was through Zana’s dead body.


“The future is always in motion, Ma’am.” Zana said sadly. “I want to pay my debt to you and get on with my life. But honor demands that I do this.”


“Stubborn Bladeborn.” Jina said sadly. “The bunk is yours. I will stay, we have a four day trip to Tattooine. We will take shifts here. I have first, get some sleep.”


“I….” Zana started to speak and then shrugged. She rose from her seat and started for the small dormitory. She paused at the entrance to the cockpit. “Jina… I…”


“You are not in love with me, Zana.” Jina said kindly without turning. “You are stressed. It is okay. I am okay.”


“No, you are not.” Zana said slowly. “You have the best emotion control of anyone I have ever met outside of the Order, but you are not okay. I want to help, and I can’t. Just the thought makes me sort of sick.”


“I know.” Jina said quietly. “I can feel your revulsion.”


“Revulsion?” Zana said slowly. “Do I…? Have I…?” She asked, horrified. “Is that what I am feeling? My god… It is…” Zana shook her head, her mouth hanging open. “You have been putting up with me… Oh Jina…”


“It is hardly an uncommon feeling, Zana.” Jina said sadly. “But I am not going to put you in a position where you…” She broke off, her eyes narrowing as she turned to look at the Bladeborn who was shivering slightly. Now her voice turned sharp. “Zana, what is wrong?”


“Nothing.” Zana said, but she stopped when Jina moved and had a hand on her arm before she could leave. “Jina… I…”


“Don’t lie to me, Zana.” Jina said slowly, tipping the girl’s head up so that she looked Jina in the eyes. “The ship is on autonav and the computer will alert us if anything happens. What is wrong?”


“I…. No…” Zana tried to look away, but Jina’s gentle fingers pulled her head back to face her. “I can’t…”


“Zana…” Jina’s voice held exasperation now. “You are not attracted to me. That is not the problem. What is?”


“I didn’t… I can’t… No…” Zana said, but gave a squeak of surprise as Jina hefted her easily and carried her into the main bay of the small starship. Jina sat Zana down in one of the two chairs and started making a cup of tea for her. “Ma’am… I…”


“Here.” Jina said gently as she handed Zana the cup. She started fixing a cup of her own. “We cannot have distractions, Zana. What we are going to do is dangerous enough. What. Is. Wrong?” Jina pressed as she sat in the other chair.


The ship was tiny. Aside from the small bay they were sitting in that was barely wide enough for two people to walk by each other, a small dormitory had two bunks, one above the other, and a small refresher was the sole sanitation facility aboard the ship. Other than a cargo hold that was filled with food and other supplies, the entire rest of the main ship was the cockpit and an airlock. It was cramped and was already starting to smell. Zana looked around, trying to find something to distract Jina, but the former Jedi was not easily dissuaded.


“Zana…” Jina said gently. “What is wrong? Is it the visions?”


“Yes… No…” Zana said, unable to vocalize her issues. “I don’t know.”


“I tried to leave you behind.” Jina said quietly. “I knew it would irritate you, but I didn’t want you sharing my fate. It was wrong of me, but I had to try.”


“I understand that, Jina.” Zana said, her face hardening in remembered rage and grief. “But it was my choice. My honor demands this, and I live by my honor.”


“And my honor demanded that I not drag you down with me.” Jina sighed. “Enough trying to distract me, Zana. You are not attracted to me, I know that. I am not attracted to you, for one thing, you are far too young, even though you are cute.” Zana’s face turned an interesting shade of embarrassed, but Jina continued. “So… What? I feel your conflict.”


“There is no conflict.” Zana replied stolidly. “I am fit for duty.”


“That is not in question.” Jina sighed, extremely exasperated now. “What is wrong, girl? Why are you acting like you have never… been…” She broke off and froze as Zana stiffened. “Zana…?” The girl shook her head slowly and her sense in the Force was a clam. Jina’s face was a study of shock. “You have never been kissed, have you? You have watched me do what I do, and never said a thing… Zana…” Now her voice was horrified. "Bladeborn are not prudes, but you are too young for most. You have never even had any kind of relationship, have you?"


“I…” Zana choked up and could not speak. Jina sighed.


“I never asked about your past, Zana.” Jina said gently. “But now I have to. We fly into uncharted territory here. Danger will lurk close at every turn. This is a distraction, one you cannot allow. One ‘I’ cannot allow.”


“Jina…” Zana tried to get words out. “I can’t…”


“Zana…” Jina’s voice was serene and very kind now. “Drink your tea and we can talk. I think… We both need to. We cannot have distractions in what we are doing. It will be dangerous enough with no distractions.” Zana made a tactical retreat and took a sip of her tea. “They told me about the cult. Who were you before?”


“I was…” Zana said in a monotone as she sipped. “I was the third child of a pair of farmers. I was...odd. I never knew it was the Force. Then the cult…They made me do things, but I was too young to reproduce as they said… So…I was a helper, a fetcher, a carrier, not a reproducer.” She shivered. “After the cult was destroyed I had nowhere to go, the Bladeborn took me in. They taught me everything I wanted to learn. I learned so fast. I loved learning… But the sword was everything. I wanted to be strong, to be fast. Like Atara and Tiana… Nothing else mattered…”


“No relationships…” Jina said quietly. “Just the sword… Oh yes…I do understand.” She bowed her head. “Oh, Zana… For the first time in my life I wish I was male and younger.”


“What?” Zana jerked up and stared at the Jedi. “Why?”


“I can’t help you, Zana. I want to, but you find me repulsive.” Jina said with a sad smile. Zana shook her head desperately, but Jina sighed. “Zana, do not lie to me. Your honor demands that you follow me around until you can pay the debt that you feel you owe. But you find me and my… proclivities distasteful.” Zana looked horrified, but Jina wasn’t done. “Zana, that doesn’t matter. I go to my death, I know it, you know it.”


“Jina… I…” Zana shook her head and tried to focus, but it wouldn’t come.


“Zana, it’s okay. How you feel is normal, for you.” Jina said kindly. “I do not feel the same way, and cannot, I am a different person. Let me tell you about me…” She took a deep breath and then sipped her tea. “My first clear memory is waking in the recovery ward of the Jedi temple on Coruscant. I have scattered bits and pieces of when I was found on Tralus after the Dark Cousins wiped my memory, the escape and after, but until the Temple on Coruscant, my memory is fragmented, unclear. I was sick as canine for weeks after they brought me in. I had been on the Dark Cousin’s nectar for months at the very least, maybe as long as a year. I have no idea how long it took them to heal the damage the black bugs did when they caught me. I don’t think I want to know. Anyway… Coruscant… There was Zeltron Jedi there, her name was Elenaia. She was a healer, much like Ona. She was… different from the others. It took me a while to figure out why, I was a bit out of it. She gave of herself completely, willingly, gladly. Once I was healed and started to study, she introduced me to a larger world. She and I never shared a bed, we were never quite right together, but she did teach me how to kiss.” Jina said with a fond smile of memory.


“What happened to her?” Zana asked quietly. “From how you say it, she is dead.”


“She died during Malgus’ attack.” Jina said sadly. “From what I understand, defending her patients from Sith who wanted easy kills after Malgus killed Ven Zallow and the defenses broke. But that was years later. She taught me about feelings, about love and lust, and no they are not the same thing. For her, it was all clinical, all things she could pull out and examine.” Jina sighed. “Because of her, I never had the same reaction to differing relationships that other people have had. Then I met Melita and everything went straight to hell.” But she was smiling even more fondly in memory as she said that.


“So… What I feel…” Zana said slowly. “Even around you…”


“…is normal.” Jina said kindly. “You are not even a teenager yet, Zana. Your body is honed as a weapon, but it is changing. You should be able to explore your feelings, your desires. I wish you had listened to me. I wish you hadn’t come, but… I understand…” The Jedi was weeping quietly now. “I won’t question your honor again. Get some sleep, Zana. I have first shift.” She finished her tea, rose and put it in the cleanser before walking the short distance to the cockpit, leaving Zana to think in silence.

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“Your sniveling is pointless, mercenary.” The man in black robes snarled loudly. “We will take this place, we will have revenge.” He stood in the shadow of a building, his face intent on the holo terminal nearby that showed an irate female human.


Sniveling? Come right ahead, slimeball.” The female in the holo snarled right back at him. “Let’s see how many of your cannon fodder are left after they cross my perimeter. Oh, and have you told them that there is a Force Plague in here? Oh, no of course you haven’t. It’s not important that they know they are about to breach a quarantine zone…”


Jina shook her head, bemused at the sight that greeted her as she stepped out of the alleyway leading to what had been Cranna’s clinic. She had been to Anchorhead a number of times, but she had never seen so many Imperial troops in it. The closest troops looked at her and she shrugged. They obviously did not know what to make of her silver armor. It was unlike any Jedi or Sith armor after all. She kept her hands from her sabers as she spoke, she wasn’t here to fight.


“I would say ‘Take me to your leader’, but I think that is him over there…” She said quietly with a wave at the man in black. “I need to talk to him. Do we have a problem?” She asked politely and the troops stared at each other before shaking their heads and making way for her. “Good.” Her hands were not on her lightsabers, but they were close as the man in black turned and saw her.


“Who the…”He paused as he took in her armor. “Who are you?” He asked arrogantly. “You interfere in business of the Empire.”


“My name is Jina Darkstorm, Third of the Seven.” Jina said in the silence that suddenly fell around her. “And you interfere in the business of the Seven. Your Emperor has given us authorization to operate in this area, so unless you have a pertinent and germane reason for being in my way, I ‘suggest’…” Her voice was calm, but her eyes were flashing. “You move.” It had been one hell of a shock when Dia had told her about that, but… It did make sense. The nanites were threat to everything. Did she trust the Imperials? Not hardly. But it would make some things a little easier.


“The Seven?” The Sith asked incredulously. Then he laughed. “This is a joke. Jina Darkstorm is a…” He paused, taking in her lightsabers and her calm. “You are a Jedi Shoot her!” He commanded as his saber flew to his hand. Jina’s sabers were in hand now, but she did not ignite them.


“I am giving you one more chance, Sith.” Jina said calmly. “Do not defy the will of your Emperor.”


“I do not answer to weak willed Jedi fools!” He said as he ignited his saber. But then his face took on a surprised cast as a blaster sounded from nearby. He fell without a sound, the back of his robes smoking and Jina shrugged as she returned her blades to her side. His saber fell from his dead hand, deactivating as it hit the ground. The troops were all staring at her as she spoke to the empty air.


“What are you doing following that idiot?” The Jedi asked sourly and a black armored form stepped out of the shadows, his rifle at high port. Musano Vorren’s face was stern. She squashed her feelings hard. It really wasn’t his fault that he had tortured her for information once. Nor was it hers that she had broken many of his bones tossing him against a bulkhead later. They were never going to like each other, but they understood each other just fine.


“Orders are orders, Ma’am.” Vorren shrugged. “Until he did something unforgivable, I was stuck. The Seven are under Imperial decree of noninterference however. So… I am walking a tightrope here, Jina.”


“I know.” Jina nodded. “What is going on?” She asked as the troops shuffled uneasily.


“We were attacked here.” Vorren said, his face angry. “I lost…” He broke off as Jina inhaled sharply.


“You lost Olandas and Gev.” It wasn’t a question. “Firdlump took them.” Also not a question. “Cranna’s people were also attacked. They lost their chief administrator.” Vorren looked at her oddly and she shrugged. “I have tried to keep in touch with what is happening. So two of yours, one of Cranna’s?”


“Yeah. Professional snatches.” Vorren nodded, but then shrugged. “Makes no sense though. Why Olandas? Why Gev? Why not me?”


“Were you here when they were taken?” Jina asked slowly. He shook his head and she sighed. “That is probably why. If you had been, you would have been snatched too.” He gave her a look and she sighed. “You are good agent, but not that good. Why all the troops then?” Vorren made a face.


“The Republic ship Firdlump came in opened fire on the clinic.” Jina stiffened, but Vorren laughed. “Cranna is one sneaky slug. And I say that with respect. She had a military grade shield generator hidden in there. Deflected the bombardment nicely, but…” He shrugged.


“Oh…” Jina pursed her lips in thought. “No... The Empire could not just ignore that, now could they?” Vorren shook his head and Jina sighed. “So… Your orders?”


“Find and secure any Imperial technology inside the clinic.” Jina winced and Vorren nodded. “Yeah, the unlamented commander tried a pair of assault droids to ‘intimidate the enemy into surrender’ and they blew them apart. Idiot boy Hatus here…” He kicked the smoking Sith corpse. “…was about to order a full scale assault.”


“Glad I got here when I did.” Jina mused. “Would have been one hell of a mess. Mind if I…?” She waved at the silent walls of the clinic. Walls that she knew hid a great deal of firepower, most of it far beyond what was available to common civilians.


“Have at.” Vorren said sourly. “I need to contact my bosses and explain what just happened.”


“Blame me.” Jina said quietly as she started for the holo terminal. “Everyone else does…” She smiled as she looked at the terminal. The female mercenary’s face was a study. “Hello Aleesa.”


“You are crazy woman.” Aleesa said softly. “I thought I was, but you are.”


“It’s been said.” Jina said with a sigh. “How you doing?”


“Cranna stocked this place for a siege. A plague is pretty much the same thing.” Aleesa said slowly. “We are good. For now.”


“You know you are not going to hold out against the Imperial Military, Aleesa.” Jina said as she looked around at all the hardware and the many obviously uncomfortable troops watching her. “Do you have Imperial tech?”


“Not a lot.” Aleesa said quietly. “And what we have we are willing to surrender.” Jina looked at her and Aleesa sighed. “We are not stupid, Jina. We knew we couldn’t win. But that son of a murglak kept pushing. He didn’t bother to talk, just demanded complete surrender and sent in droids when we balked at him breaching the quarantine.”


“Sounds familiar.” Jina agreed sourly. “Well, he is no longer a problem. Vorren is in temporary charge. He is a reasonably decent sort. How bad is the plague…?” Jina broke off as Aleesa gulped. “That bad…?”


“Worse.” Aleesa said slowly. “We have four cases. Three of which are critical. It definitely spreads by touch, but it may mutate, if it does… Or jumps to non-Force sensitive beings… We are ready in case it does. A class seven thermal warhead will leave no trace of it.”


“Or the clinic… Aleesa…And all the people inside…” Jina said slowly. Then she shook her head sadly. “Did anyone contact you with my information request?”


“Yes.” Aleesa said as she turned aside for a moment and then nodded as she turned back to face Jina. “We found what you sought. The Republic battlewagon was the Courageous. The shuttle ID plates are in the datadump I just sent to your ship. What little info we have on the snatch teams as well. Jina… I…”


“It is okay, Aleesa.” Jina said with a sad smile. “I better get Vorren in on this, let you two coordinate the searches that you know they will have to perform.” She waved Vorren over and nodded to him. “You heard.” It wasn’t a question, the agent had some serious eavesdropping gear at his beck and call.


“How do you want to do this, Ma’am?” Vorren asked the holographic mercenary.


“We have the Imperial tech that Cranna managed to acquire loaded into shipping containers.” Aleesa said slowly. “I can allow one team of your people across the perimeter to search. They should be in full hazmat, just in case. They will be escorted by troops in full hazmat. But agent…” She cautioned and she tilted her head as he smiled.


“No eavesdropping devices.” Vorren said slowly. “No cameras, no bugs of any kind. I know you can detect them.” He said with a sour smile. “So nice to work with professionals. Even opposing side professionals.”


“Agreed.” Aleesa smiled. “We do have one hiccup though. We just IDed our latest Jane Doe plague victim.” Jina and Vorren looked at her and Aleesa sighed. “Her name is Amarath Shades.”


“Amarath…” Jina tensed. The Kiffar tech had been working with Will to find Nia…? “But… She isn’t Force sensitive…”


“Apparently she is.” Aleesa said sourly. “But that is not the problem. The problem is that a certain Lord General Darmuk ordered her detained by Imperial Security. We had to slag her ship where it crashed, not that there was much left of it.” Jina stared at the holo and then at Vorren.


“Hmmm…” Vorren said with a grimace. “Well, if she is quarantined, and I assume unconscious if she has the plague…?” Aleesa nodded. “We are going to have to leave guards here, outside your perimeter to help enforce your quarantine. So she is detained.” Jina and Aleesa both stared at him and he shrugged. “What? I don’t want Will mad at me…” ‘Again…’ He added sotto voice. Jina chuckled at his tone.


“I will leave it in your hands. Good luck the both of you.” Jina nodded to both and started away. She had a hunt to continue.

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<Nar Shaddaa>


“Have I mentioned recently how much I hate Nar Shaddaa?” Zana asked sourly as she followed Jina through the bazaar level of the Vertical City. “Even if the Bladeborn did not have Imperial bounties on them, I hate this place…” She snarled as beggar reached out towards her and the ragged human male found something else to do.


“I don’t like it much either.” Jina admitted. “But this is where our quarry was seen next, so…”


“Why would a senator come here?” Zana asked sourly. “This is not Republic space. His authority, what he had, did not extend here.”


“That may be why.” Jina said slowly. Then she stiffened, “Aw fierfek…” She sighed as a pair of armored forms blocked her and Zana’s path. Her smile was kind when she spoke however. “You are blocking the way, friend.” Zana did not move, but her sense in the Force was a coiled spring and her hand was very close to the hilt of her sword.


“You are worth a lot.” The larger of the two said snidely. “You gonna do this easy or hard?”


“Worth a lot to who?” Jina asked, her tone noncommittal as she glanced around casually. The crowd had vanished as if by magic. Two other armored figures slouched nearby, but Jina did not need the Force to know that both were watching her and Zana. “I think you have mistaken me for someone else.”


“Gorbak the Hutt wants to talk to you, Jina Darkstorm.” The smaller of the two, a brown skinned Twi’lek, said quietly. “Easy or hard, makes no difference.” His posture said that while his companion was a bit of a blowhard, he knew what he was facing. His casualness was a façade. He was ready to fight.


“Well…” Jina blinked and then smiled. “Guess what? I wanted to talk to him too.” Both toughs stiffened at that. She shrugged and relaxed. “So… You going take us to him?”


“Eventually.” The larger thug said with a smirk that froze as Jina’s expression vanished. When the Jedi spoke, it was calm, quiet, and totally matter of fact.


“Let me make this perfectly clear.” Jina said slowly, her hands hanging loose in front of her. “I do need to talk to Gorbak the Hutt. I need some information he has. But if you lay so much as a finger out of place on myself or my companion, I will cut it off.” Her tone never changed and her eyes never left the smaller thug, who did not move at all. “The four backup scum you have secreted around this area are good, no question. They are not that good.”


“Ah to heck with this!” The larger thug exclaimed. “The money is for alive, I will take you alive. And have some fun in the process.” His hands dropped and blasters flew into them, but Jina had her sabers ignited. The smaller thug didn’t move. The large thug fired, but Jina was in motion.


Fire came in from three other angles, but suddenly the five thugs attacking Jina found themselves facing both a Jedi and something just as scary. Zana was small, not even into her teen growth spurt. It didn't matter. Zana fought in silence, the only noise the hissing of her blade as it cut through the air, and through the unfortunate Gran lowlife who had been focused on the Jedi instead of the ypung Bladeborn. He had a bare moment to scream as three feet of razor sharp Force enhanced steel cut into his flesh and then he fell sobbing as both his arms fell off, cleaved at the elbow. The sobbing cut off abruptly. Bladeborn rarely left live enemies behind them and Zana was no exception. Her lightning fast thrust tore the three eyed alien’s throat out. The other two thugs near her turned to face her, but Jina was also in motion.


The loudmouth thug lasted exactly four seconds after Jina’s blades ignited. At the end of her first attack, her foe was lying in the ground, clutching the smoldering remnants of his thighs and screaming. Then she jumped, closing the distance in an instant with an Aqualish who was bringing a heavy repeater up towards Zana. A quick slash of both blades and he fell, never to rise again. That left the odds even, and both remaining thugs threw their weapons away as Jina and Zana both started towards them. Jina paused, Zana did not. Her blade was held ready as she started to attack, only to draw herself up short as Jina coughed.


“I think we made our point, yes?” Jina asked the smaller of the two thugs who had accosted her initially. He had not moved from his spot. He had not moved at all. He was not afraid, Jina realized, cautious, but not afraid. That made him far more dangerous than any of the hired muscle. She felt Zana’s realization of the same and both women focused on him.


“You have.” The Twi’lek smiled. “Your reputation is well deserved. You are who we expected.”


“There was doubt?” Jina asked as her blades deactivated and the hilts went back to her belt. Zana cleaned her sword on the coat of the dead Gran before sheathing it. But the Bladeborn did not relax.


“Anyone can use a name.” The Twi’lek said snidely. “I am Srali Fortuna. If you would come with me, Gorbak would like to talk to you.”


“Jina…” Zana said in a low voice. “It has to be a trap…”


“Of course it is a trap.” Jina said as the Twi’lek’s face went still. “But we do need that information, so the easiest way to get the information we need is to walk right into it.” She smiled at the Twi’lek who suddenly looked far less confident. “And you do know that the very first person to get sliced will be the one closest to us…” He started to sidle away, but Jina smiled again. There was nothing nice or polite about her smile. “Maybe you should lead the way, just to avoid any… misunderstandings? Or we could do this the hard way…” Her face turned cold as she tapped her lightsaber hilts meaningfully.


“I…” The Twi’lek sighed and nodded. He smiled at her. “You are crazy human. I like that. Follow me.”

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It was easy. With Fortuna guiding them, and the judicious use of the Force, Jina and Zana were ushered into the Hutt’s place of business with no problems at all. Fortuna relaxed a bit as Jina and Zana showed no signs of hostility, but did not relax completely. He stiffened as Jina walked right by a pair of Gammoreans with her lightsabers in plain view, but he said nothing when the guards ignored them. The presence of Zana’s hand on her hilt a half step behind him was probably the reason. Even without the Force, one could taste her contempt and willingness to kill. The building was a fortress, but Jina and Zana walked right in. After all, they had been invited, right? Once past the defenses, Fortuna led the way through winding corridors.


JIna Darkstorm had dealt with a number of Hutts both before and after she met Cranna, so she was unsurprised to find Gorbak seated on a dais surrounded by guards, thugs and various other kinds of lowlifes. She WAS surprised to find him obviously getting ready to listen to a musical number. Her guide paused and she and Zana paused as well. She looked at the Twi’lek and Fortune leaned close.


“He doesn’t like it when people disturb his tunes…” The Twi’lek said nervously. “We really need to wait…” Jina shrugged.


She looked at Zana and paused. The girl was almost livid. Jina followed the Bladeborn’s gaze and felt her guts clench. Gorbak had two… well…calling them women was probably not quite accurate. They were obviously not of legal age for anything on most planets, but then again, this was Nar Shaddaa, the city where anything and everything was for sale. Both had blonde hair and despair in their eyes. Neither wore anything that might be called more than skimpy. One had something made of metal on, the other just wore rags. Jina touched Zana’s arm and shook her head slowly. Zana leaned close.


“If he does anything to them while I am here, Ma’am…” Zana could have been carved from rock for all the emotion she showed now. “You know what I will do.” Jina flinched at the cold tone but nodded.


“Let’s try not to make a mess.” Jina said as the music started again. Then she winced anew. What the…? The music group was eclectic. A Dug was playing the drums, a Trandoshan was jamming on a guitar, two Bothans and a human were singing and what they were singing…


“I'm Henery the Eighth, I am,

Henery the Eighth I am, I am!

I got married to the widow next door,

She'd been married seven times before.

And every one was an Henery

She wouldn't have a Willie or a Sam

I'm her eighth old man named Henery

Henery the Eighth, I am!”



Jina stared flabbergasted at the Twi’lek who had guided them in. Fortuna looked sheepish. He shrugged. Jina sighed, it took all kinds, and Gorbak seemed to be in a good mood, he was laughing and singing along in Huttese. He had an absolutely horrid singing voice. She tried not to wince as he destroyed the refrain, no one else seemed to notice or dared to comment.


The auditory torture finally ended and Gorbak threw several coins at the group, who gathered them up and beat a hasty retreat. He was chortling as he looked around and then his eyes lit on Jina, no… Jina realized with a start, on Zana! Jina kicked herself as she realized that Zana had dyed her hair to blonde. Gorbak was well known for having a ’thing’ for blondes. The Bladeborn usually had her hair cut so short it was invisible, but she had let it grow out a little and was experimenting with colors. Gorbak laughed and spoke in Huttese, the droid at Gorbak’s back spoke evenly.


“Statement: Greetings, traveler. Welcome to the home of Gorbak the Hutt. The illustrious Gorbak asks how much for the girl?” Jina shook her head and stepped in front of Zana as the Bladeborn would have gone for her sword. She shook her head minutely and stepped forward.


“She is not for sale, Gorbak. Besides, you would not be able to afford her.” Jina said evenly as she stepped into a hastily cleared space in front of the dais. She could feel Zana’s readiness and sour amusement now. Jina did not miss the telltales of a trapdoor build into the floor under her feet. “My name is Jina Darkstorm.” At that name, a hush swept around the room. “I understand you wanted to talk to me?”


Gorbak laughed again, heartily. Then he spoke again, his eyes never leaving the Jedi’s. Jina shook her head and his eyes narrowed. The droid spoke again. “Statement: The mighty Gorbak offers the sum of thirty five thousand.”


“She is not for sale.” Jina said quietly. “I would hope we could find an amicable solution for this, but if not…” Her hands rested on her lightsabers now. Gorbak stared at the lightsabers and then his gaze turned thunderous. He shouted at the droid and it spoke slowly, almost afraid, if droid could be.


“Statement: How did you get past the guards with your weapons?”


“I am persuasive.” Jina said with a smile. There was nothing friendly about it. “And if you try and drop me into the pit below my feet… This will get very messy, very fast.” There was no threat in her words, just fact. “I am here to do some simple business. You have information I need. We can both profit here.”


Gorbak looked at her and then laughed again. The droid spoke softly again.


“Statement: The noble Gorbak asks how you intend to get out of here alive with that information.”


“I am good at improvising.” Jina said with a small laugh of her own. That was the trick of dealing with Hutts. Never show weakness, never back down. “While I am not carrying a thermal detonator or anything… You know who I am, and you know what I can do.”


Gorbak looked at the Jedi and then at her companion. He spoke softly and the droid translated.


“Statement: Does your companion also share your wish for death? Gorbak can offer so many interesting diversions.” Jina did not take her eyes from the Hutt, but she knew several of the guard had weapons ready now.


“It will cost you a lot more than you think, Gorbak.” Jina said quietly. “Zana, introduce yourself.”


The sound of a sword leaving it’s sheathe was loud in the silence that fell. Jina could literally taste the fear that swept the room as Zana’s blade became fully visible and everyone could see the design. The mark that adorned the blade was distinctive. A word swept around the room, in multiple languages. ‘Bladeborn’. Zana was well within reach of most of the room at Force enhanced speeds.


“My name is Zana of the Bladeborn, Gorbak the Hutt.” Zana said formally. “While I would prefer to remove your **** ridden form from existence, I am sworn to follow Jina in this situation. Threaten her, and you threaten me. If you threaten me, you threaten the Order. I do not think one as wise and illustrious as you would make such a mistake.”


Gorbak looked from Jina to Zana and then laughed again. He snapped something in Huttese and the floor in front of him fell open. But Jina had taken three quick steps back and her smile was vicious as his poleaxed expression centered on her when her sabers ignited in silver plumes, the crowd scattering.


“Did any of your sources mention that I studied Huttese?” Jina asked snidely. “And really, ‘Drop her’ was rather rude even for one of you slugs.” She shook her head as he looked fearful for the first time since she had entered. “Now, we are going to discuss things. Slowly, patiently and politely. Or Zana and I are going to find out exactly how much of you is fat, and how much is muscle.” She stepped forward as the crowd froze around her. “What would you prefer, Mighty Gorbak? Being cooked with lightsabers or filleted by a sword?”


Gorbak snarled a vile curse in Huttese but froze as the point of a sword caressed his throat. Zana was smiling and her smile as an echo of Jina’s.


“I would listen to her, slug.” Zana said, her face impassive except for that smile. “She is the nice one.”


“What is it going to be, Gorbak?” Jina said with no hint of give in her posture or voice. “We can both profit by this, or I can tear your organization part, starting with you, until I find someone who will give me the information I seek.” Gorbak snarled, but he did not move. “And one more thing while we are negotiating, the slaves you have here… They come with us. That is nonnegotiable.”

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<Four hours later, hyperspace>


“I can’t believe he backed down…” Zana said with a smile as she helped their newest ‘friend’ get into a new set of clothes. “I expected him to fight.”


“You have to understand, Zana…” Jina said with a smile. “Most Hutts are not warrior types. We know Cranna who is as un-Huttlike as she can possibly be. Most Hutts? Businessmen, criminal kingpins, administration types. Dangerous, to be sure. Hutts are large and physically robust. But they generally hire their fighting done. In the end, it cost him less to give us what we wanted and let us leave unmolested than to fight. A simple equation and he knew it. Fight and die or negotiate and live. He blustered of course, but I knew the moment he didn’t order his men to attack when you drew your sword that he would back down eventually.”


“Was he a coward then?” Zana asked as she finally got the tunic on right. The girl stared at her, eyes wide. Neither of the girls they had rescued had said a word since they had left Gorbak’s palace. Zana smiled at her. “It’s okay, girl. It is okay. Sleep if you can. We will take you somewhere safe.” The girl stared from Zana to Jina who smiled before replying to Zana.


“No, not a coward. He sat there under your sword and haggled every penny, every drop of information.” Jina said slowly as the girl slowly, carefully sat down on the bed and stretched out. “He just knew that the odds were slanted heavily in our favor at that time. Hutts live revenge though. If we ever run into of him again, bet on him making some kind of play against us, just because he can.”


“Will we?” Zana asked slowly, making sure the girl was comfortable before smiling again and getting up. the other girl had the top bunk. “Pleasant dreams, you all.” Zana said gently as she started for the door. She stopped as a small voice spoke up.


“Why…?” Zana turned and the upper bunk girl spoke again. “Why did you do that?” The girl seemed dazed.


“Because it was the right thing to do.” Zana said with a smile as she moved to the door. “You two going to be okay in here? I can leave the light on. It can be scary in the dark.”


“You took us…” The girl said slowly, her face confused. “What do you want us to do? I… I have never serviced a human before, but…I am willing…” She paused as Zana’s face froze. “Don’t beat me, please…” The girl cringed back on the bed, her face falling. “I haven’t done anything!”


“Child…” Zana said, forcing herself to relax, the girl was barely older than Zana herself. “I won’t hurt you. I won’t touch you again without your permission. I needed to get you out of those rags and clean. You are. What is your name? Mine is Zana.”


“My… My name…?” The girl said dubiously. “I…He called me Pilloa. I… Don’t….” She cringed back as Zana stepped back into the small room but stared as Zana took her sword off and handed it to Jina who took it without a word. The Jedi nodded and left the room, the door hissing shut behind her.


“I won’t hurt you.” Zana said in a gentle, soothing tone as she sat in the middle of the floor. “No one is going to hurt you again. I don’t know what he did to you, I do know he is never going to touch you again.” She extended a slow hand and sat there, hand upraised.


“What do you want us for?” Pilloa asked, scared. “You are not slavers, not like the ones who came to the orphanage. Who… took me… What do you want with us?”


“I want to help. You are hurting, deep, deep down…So deep you cannot see it, but inside your head and body, you are hurting.” Zana said in a sad voice. “I want to help that hurt. Will you let me?”


“You are scary…” Pilloa said as she backed up until she was against the wall of the small dormitory compartment. “You scared the master… You scared me…”


“I am sorry I scared you.” Zana said with a wince. “I am not sorry I scared him. You are free, girl.”


“Free…” The other girl said slowly, bitterly. “Yeah… Right… Until you sell us or use us or…” She broke off as Zana’s eyes fixed her. “I…”


“You are both free now.” Zana said slowly. “I do not own slaves. I will not own slaves. I wish I could go back in time, keep the horrors that I know you faced from happening to you. I cannot. All I can do is help you now. Will you let me?”


Let you?” The other girl asked sourly. “Since when do people like YOU care about…” She paused as Zana shook her head. “Are you going to beat me now?” She asked caustically, her tone and expression far older than her years.


“No.” Zana said sadly. “The refresher is yours. You will find food in the cupboard. Please don’t overeat, you will make yourselves sick. Rest well.” She rose and turned to go, only to pause as the girl who had spoken in such bitter tones spoke again, baffled.


“What do you want?” The girl asked softly. Her face unsure. “You… This makes no sense. Why are you acting this way?”


“Because I can.” Zana said without turning. “Because I want to. Because I know what it is to be used, to be degraded, to be something less than sentient to someone. To be a thing, to be kicked and beaten for doing what I was told, but it wasn’t want the master wanted.” Zana bowed her head and then spoke again. “Oh yes, I know about such things.”


“I…” The girl spoke in a hushed tone. “I am sorry… I…”


“Rest.” Zana said kindly, still not turning. “We will take you somewhere safe. To people who can help you start a new life.” She shook her head as she left the room. As she did, she heard the second girl exclaim.


“What is she…crazy? Backing down the master and then…acting like this…?” Zana smiled as the door cut off Pilloa’s response.


“Yes.” Zana said softly as she started for the cockpit. “I am.”

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It took longer than Zana had thought it would, but eventually, the door to the dormitory hissed open and the bitter voiced girl crept out. Zana did not move from her mediation position, but she did smile and the girl froze as she spoke. Zana worked to keep her voice gentle.


“You don’t have to sneak.” Zana said as she opened her eyes. She did not comment on the scared expression the girl wore. “This is really the only safe space on the ship besides the room you were in. Jina is in the cockpit and it is very cramped. Come…” She waved a hand at a chair near her. “Sit. You have questions.” The girl stared at her and Zana shook her head. “Pilloa, if that really is her name and not some fabrication by the Hutt, is younger and less hardened by what she endured. You were there longer, weren’t you?” Just to be fitted for a metal bikini like the girl had worn had likely taken some time. That kind of thing was not available off the rack. The girl nodded, the nerf in the headlamps look fading into a wary scowl. “Sit. Can’t sleep?” Zana asked gently.


“Why are you acting nice?” The girl asked slowly. “What is your angle?” She did not move and her posture showed she was ready to bolt.


“I am a member of an order of warriors called Bladeborn.” Zana said quietly, not moving from her spot. “One of our tents is ‘Harm no children’. It happens, every day, all over the galaxy. We cannot stop it everywhere, but when we can, we do.” Zana nodded to her. “They helped me, taught me how to live, how to fight and when to. I can help you.”


“Can you teach me how to fight?” The girl asked softly, warily. Her sense in the force was a fragile thing, scared and defiant all in one. “Like you can?” Zana shook her head and the girl tensed. “Why not?”


“You don’t have the Force, girl.” Zana replied, keeping her voice gentle. “What you have been through is horrible. It will mark you for the rest of your life. The question is whether or not you let it break you.”


“What do you care?” The girl snarled, not moving. “You are just going to throw us …” She paused as Zana rose, but then stared as Zana moved across the small room, putting as much space between her and the girl as possible. “You are not soft… Not with what you did to the master. But…”


“There are only two kinds of people in the galaxy, right?” Zana said softly, her face and voice sad. “Users and suckers. Right?” The girl stared at her and Zana shrugged. “I guess that makes me a sucker, right? Because I want to help and am not asking anything in return.”


“This doesn’t make sense…” The girl nearly wailed. “You make no sense…”


“You lack information.” Zana said kindly. “I can remedy that. I am not going to pretend that I can wave my hands and make everything better, because I can’t. You can sit if you wish.” Zana waved at a chair. “It has to be more comfortable than standing there, or sitting on the floor.”


The girl stared at her for a long moment and then, with a deep sigh, slowly walked towards the seat Zana had indicated. With a scowl, she felt the cushion gingerly. Only after she was sure it had no hidden surprises, did the girl sit. She sat on the edge of the seat, obviously ready to move. She sat and stared at Zana. The Bladeborn, for her part, did not move. She slowly closed her eyes and counted inside her head. The girl surprised her. It took until the count of two hundred before the girl spoke. Most children would have done something, anything, to fill the uncomfortable silence after thirty seconds or so.


“Leeni.” The girl said finally, her sense in the Force was baffled as she sat, obviously uncomfortable.


“What?” Zana asked softly, her voice calm. “What was that?” She asked kindly, although she had heard just fine.


“My name…” The girl said slowly, feeling her words out with great care. “I didn’t mean to be rude… My name is Leeni… I…” She was shuddering now. “You are… strange…”


“Oh Leeni…” Zana said with a sad smile. “You have no idea.” She sighed deeply and opened her eyes. “I am not going to tell you that this will be easy. I am not even going to tell you that you will be okay in the end. I don’t know. I am not a healer.” Zana shook her head. “But I do know about being a thing, being a toy. You can recover from this, you just have to want it enough.”


“I…” Leeni shook her head, her face a grimace. “I don’t know… The things he did to me…”


“The place we are taking you has healers.” Zana said gently. “They can help. But you have to want help, or nothing they do will. If you want an end bad enough, you will find a way.” Leeni froze and Zana sighed. “I won’t let you die on my watch.”


“How did you know…?” Leeni asked incredulous. “Did you read my mind?”


“How did I know you came out here looking for some means to kill yourself?” Zana asked softly and Leeni nodded. Zana shook her head. “I don’t need to read your mind. Because I did the exact same thing when I was finally freed from the mind control I was under. I remember it all…” Zana said, her eyes going far away. “They tried to soften my memories, ease my pain, but I fought. I wanted to remember, to hate. I didn’t realize that the hate was self destructive, that all I was doing was hurting myself. It took two Bladeborn to keep me from killing myself and then they sat me down and had a similar talk with me.” She shrugged. “If you want an end, you will find one. Nothing I do would stop you if you are totally determined to end your life. But I won’t help you kill yourself, and I won’t turn a blind eye.” Leeni stared at Zana her face astonished. Zana sighed, walked to one of the other chairs and sat. “You can fight, but I do not recommend it. My question for you is this. What do you want?”


“Me…?” Leeni asked, somewhat startled. “Why would my wishes matter?”


“Because I want to know what you want.” Zana said quietly. “Your wishes matter to me. I cannot reverse time, undo what you endured. But I can help you now. If you let me.” She held out her right hand, empty and palm upraised. “Please let me.”


“Can…” Leeni stammered slightly. “Can you make the dreams go away…?” She asked, dazed.


“No.” Zana said sadly. “Or at least… Mine haven’t. But you learn to live with them. Then you are in control, not the bastard or bastards who hurt you.”


“What is a bastard?” Leeni asked slowly. “I never got much education. People say that like it is an insult, but when someone called Gorbak that, he just laughed. Then he had the guy killed….” She swallowed heavily.


“Ah, Leeni… Come sit with me…I can help you.” She moved slightly and indicated the chair beside her. “The word ‘bastard’ is a human expression. It means a person whose parents were not married. In some societies and for some species, such as most human ones, it is an insult. Hutts are hermaphrodites, that is, they have both male and female characteristics inside their bodies. So, yes… I can see Gorbak being amused by the insult. He won’t touch you again.” Zana said slowly as the girl stared at her. “Ever.”


“He…” Leeni shook her head. “He has a long reach…Everyone says so…” But she did


“He knows that if he reaches after you, he will draw back a bloody stump.” Zana said with no give in her voice. “You haven’t met the rest of my kin. I can hold your dreams at bay, Leeni. They will flee from me. But only if you want me to.” She patted the seat beside her again.


“I want to…” Leeni said slowly. “But… I…” She looked slightly green. Zana froze.


“Leeni…?” Her voice was horrified now. “It wasn’t just Gorbak who… did things to you, was it?”


“No.” Leeni said slowly, her face falling. “He shared us out when he got bored. I…”


“Leeni…It is not your fault. Your fear and pain are completely understandable.” Zana said slowly, not moving. “This is your choice. Not mine, not anyone else’s. If you can, stand up and walk to the chair beside mine. I will touch your head, nowhere else. You will go back into the room with Pilloa and go to bed. You will not dream.”


“I…” Leeni shook her head. “I can’t…” Shame colored her voice as she shuddered. Zana’s eyes narrowed.


“You didn’t have any issues when Jina helped you shower.” Zana shook her head slowly. “Is it me?”


“She…” Leeni shook her head, tears finally starting to fall. “She is… I don’t know… She was so gentle, so kind… You… You act kind, but you are hard…Like some of Gorbak’s…” She shuddered hard and then froze as Zana rose.


“Don’t move.” Zana stated as she started for the cockpit. She was unsurprised to see the hatch open and Jina step out, her face worried. Zana nodded and spoke slowly. “She needs help to sleep without dreams and fears my touch. I have this shift.” Jina smiled and as she passed, she spoke softly.


“Well done, Zana. We will make a Jedi out of you yet.” Then she was walking towards Leeni who looked poleaxed. “I was listening, Leeni. I can help. If you let me…”


Zana shook her head as she closed the hatch and spoke for her ears alone.


“Maker, I hope not.” She said sourly as she sat and checked the controls. “I really wouldn’t want to be a Jedi…This being nice is hard work.”

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“Something is wrong.” Jina said slowly as she worked to get the ship ready to exit hyperspace. ”You feel it too?” She asked he copilot.


“Yeah.” Zana said slowly. “Not sure what it is, more a ripple in the Force than a tremor. It isn’t danger, I know that. Maybe…” She said dubiously. “Drat, where is Idjit when we need him?”


“He is recovering, Zana.” Jina said with a frown. “He survived the Imperial review. But…” She shrugged. “Michelle says that he will be in the Deceiver’s medical bay for some time. She says he isn’t lucid now, and it may be a while before he is.” Zana snarled and Jina sighed. “Zana, he did it to save all of you. Do not dismiss his choice or his sacrifice.”


“I…” Zana shook her head. “I don’t. But the thought of Idjit, who we all revere and fear in equal measure, submitting meekly to something like that… It makes my blood boil.” She stared as Jina scoffed.


“Idjit? Meek?” Jina said in a totally astonished tone. “Since when? According to Michelle, everything they did to him just made him even more polite. When they asked if him if he had taken enough, and would give up his attempt at earning the Emperor’s pardon, he told them, politely, to take their heads out of their rear ends and use them for something other than gathering dust.” Her tone was vicious and Zana actually laughed. “I understand that he drove the three Sith Inquisitors assigned to his case totally bonkers.” She patted the Bladeborn on the shoulder. “He will be okay. Michelle says that he is alive, and he won. They could not break him. A first apparently for that set of Inquisitors. They apparently swore revenge on him or some such. But when the Emperor tells someone to desist, well, they do.”


“Or it gets messy and loud.” Zana agreed. “But only for a little while.”


“Agreed.” Jina sighed as she checked her readouts. “What do you think of this ‘Julia’ thing?”


“I don’t know…” Zana said slowly. “Leeni and Pilloa both think she is dead. She tried to escape, and Gorbak apparently has no patience for slaves who try and escape. Gorbak said she was dead. He doesn’t let slaves run away. That is why he keeps such detailed records. But Leeni said that a man dressed as a Republic Senator was there, and the timing…Julia tried the vent that led to the outside landing pad while he was there and Gorbak was distracted.”


“I don’t like this, Zana.” Jina said softly. “Why would Firdlump take children? Julia was not the only underage slave that Firdlump took, if he did take her. And to take more…? From orphanages, from other places. Places that they will not be missed by most… This really bothers me.”


“You and me both.” Zana said, a hard note entering her voice. “I shudder to think what he will do to them. Do you think he will add them to that ‘collective’ thing of his?”


“I don’t know.” Jina said soberly. “But we will find out eventually. Remember, don’t fight.”


“This is nuts, Jina. Totally nuts.” Zana said sourly. “Have I told you recently how totally nuts this is? How is doing this going to help us? And what do the rest of the Seven say about this?”


“I haven’t told them.” Jina said. She sighed as Zana froze solid in place. “I can keep my mind free of the link we share and I have. I think Will figured it out, that man is too sneaky by half, but… He didn’t try and stop me. So maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I dunno. I have a specialized crystal that I had the Sitolon make for me…They did, under protest.” She pulled a small object out of a pocket and looked at it, her gaze going far away. Then her gaze refocused on Zana who looked…scared. “There… All done…”


“Jina…” Zana said slowly and then stiffened as the woman in Jedi robes dropped the crystal to the floor and stepped on it. It shattered with a crack. “Jina!


“It is okay, Zana.” Jina said slowly. “I will not betray Sarai, Lohas or the Seven. They refused to do it to me, but I could do it to myself. All the memories I had of what the Seven talked about, plans, tricks, traps, thoughts… All I could focus on… Were transferred to that crystal.”


“And you broke it…” Zana shook her head slowly. “What about me?”


“You were there on occasion, Zana. But what did you see? What did you hear?” Jina asked the young Bladeborn gently as she sat back down. “I have planned this carefully, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. I just hope Cranna is there at the rendezvous. I don’t want to take these two poor kids into the firestorm we are flying into chasing the Courageous if we can help it.”


“Me neither.” Zana said, stunned. “So… Am I a danger?”


“Maybe.” Jina said slowly. “I don’t think so. While you have been present at some of our strategy sessions, we know that Firdlump had other agents aboard the ships we were on at the same time. You would be a source of intel. Current or germane intel? I don’t know.”


“That is why you didn’t want me to come…” Zana was horrified as realization dawned. “I am a threat… to you, to the Seven, to everyone…If they scan my mind, which they can…What have I done…?” She sat down heavily and put her face in her a hands. “I am a threat… to you…”


“Maybe.” Jina said slowly and sadly. “But… I am glad you came.” She said with a smile that did not reach her eyes. “I don’t know if I could do this…alone…”


“Jedi Darkstorm…” Zana said formally. “I know I may be a hindrance, but if I can help in any way, you have but to ask.”


“Bladeborn Zana…” Jina replied equally formal. “Thank you… I… What the…?” She exclaimed as ship jerked hard. The blue tunnel of hyperspace outside the viewport vanished from sight, the tunnel turning into streaks that quickly turned into pinpoints as the ship slowed to sublight speed. “What the… Check on the kids!” Jina snapped as she started checking controls. Zana nodded and started for the door. “Oh my god…” Jina’s horrified voice had Zana freezing.


“What?” Zana asked as she turned back. “Jina…?”


“We ran into an interdiction field.” Jina said, hitting controls. “Republic battleship at point six. It’s the Courageous!”


“A trap?” Zana snarled as she moved to the hatch. As it opened, both girls were heard asking what was going on, Zana moved to reassure them. “Can we evade? We have to get the girls out of here!”


“They are firing ion cannon!” Jina barked. “… Zana… Protect the girls! As we discussed, don’t resist! I will try and…” Whatever else the Jedi was going to say was lost in the deafening hiss and crackle of high power energy coruscating through delicate electronics as the Republic battleship’s high power cannon, designed to disable opposing dreadnoughts, hit the small, barely shielded transport like a hammer wielded by a god of thunder.


Zana was conscious for a moment, conscious of screams of pain from the two girls they had rescued from Gorbak, then a heartwrenching scream of horror and pain from Jina, and then the pain hit her. Nothing she had ever encountered had prepared the Bladeborn for the assault of high power ion energy on her nervous system. She was dimly aware of a high pitched scream of pain erupting from her throat. Then, mercifully, she blacked out.

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Zana was moving. No… She wasn’t. She was floating. No, she wasn’t. She was lying on something soft. Someone was peeling her skin off with something dull. She opened her mouth to scream, but it hurt. Everything hurt. Then, everything went away. When feeling came back, she hurt even worse than she had. Voices sounded somewhere nearby. She focused, trying to make sense of them, but her mind was fuzzy. Drugged?


“Tough kid…” A sad and gentle voice sounded. “She is coming around. She shouldn’t be, not with so many painkillers in her system.” Something rough tore across her forehead and she screamed. Or, she tried to. No sound came out. “Easy, girl… Easy…Shhh…” The gentle voice was kind and soothing. “You are very badly hurt, young lady. You should not be awake yet, but I know you Bladeborn types don’t do easy any more than Jedi do…”


Jedi… The thought percolated through Zana’s brain. What had happened? Where was she? Where was Jina? The last thing she remembered… She tensed. The last thing she remembered was the ship taking damage. She had been hurt, she remembered seeing energy coruscating from the walls of the ship, pouring into her, and… Hearing screams of pain from the others aboard. Wait… The others! Jina had told her to take care of the others! She tried to open her eyes and they would not. She tried to move and she couldn’t. Something was holding her in place. She struggled against whatever was holding her, she barely felt the restraints. She never felt them tear her flesh. She barely felt the hands that held her down effortlessly.


Easy, girl…” The gentle voice was back. “Easy… You can and will hurt yourself if you struggle. Doctor, I need a sedative here.”


“I don’t want to sedate her if we can help it, Olandas.” Another voice spoke up from nearby, this one calm and professional. “Force knows, she already has enough painkillers and sedatives in her system to drop a Rancor. I know we didn’t have a choice but to use the ion cannon, but sheesh. The trauma to her nervous system is causing all kinds of issues.” A gasp came from somewhere nearby and the doctor’s voice sharpened. ”What the…? What are you doing here, Meeliee?”


“Master tell me help.” A young voice sounded. There was something off about it. “Other medics busy with critical girl. Maybe I relax her? Calm her, help her sleep?” A long silence followed that statement.


“Meeliee, she has taken nerve damage.” The doctor’s voice was worried. “If you press too hard or too deep…”


“I careful…” Something rubbed Zana’s shoulders gently. But that gentle touch was enough to send waves of agony coursing through her. She convulsed and tried to scream again, the hands withdrew quickly. “She hurts! Even where skin healed?” The young sounding voice was scared now, but… For Zana? “Cold pack maybe?”


“Old folk remedy, but…” The doctor’s voice was thoughtful. “It might work. We need to cool her off anyway. Min, get a bucket, fill it halfway with water and then get some ice. Meeliee… Let’s see if there is anywhere she doesn’t have pain. This is going to be rough, Bladeborn, hang on… We are trying to help.”


What followed was agony piled on top of agony. Things touched her and every time, she tried to scream. The coolness of the objects that were placed against her barely registered. The pain they caused when placed against her skin eclipsed everything else, sending spiky hot pokers through her skull. It was such a shock when suddenly something touched her and didn’t hurt that she simply lay there for a moment, stunned.


“There…Right foot. It must have been insulated by her armor.” The doctor’s voice was quiet, still worried. “She reacted differently. Easy girl…” Zana couldn’t speak, but she could convey her relief as her body relaxed. “Meeliee… Add some more, let’s see if we can cool her off, ease her pain.”


It took ages. With no way to tell time, Zana could only writhe as the pain ebbed and flowed through her body, engulfing her in fiery red waves. Then, it cut off, as if it had been sliced with a sword. She was so glad that for a moment, she just lay there and tried not to cry. A male voice spoke up.


“I got here as quickly as I could. Wow...” The voice held awe. “If she was anyone but Bladeborn, she likely would have died from the shock alone. Tough little kid. How long has she been awake…?”


“Ten minutes… Her pain readings were off the scale. Can you hold her pain at bay?” The doctor’s voice had something odd in it. Distrust? Zana wasn’t sure. “We need to get her to sleep, or the burn treatment won’t take.”


“I can hold it.” The male voice assured her. “This is no strain on me. Worry about her…” Compassion flooded into her and Zana slowly relaxed as soft brushes touched her skin, leaving something that felt oily. Soothing numbness put out the fires that raged in her bones and blood.


“What about the others?” The doctor asked. “Did you save that one?” A horrified gap sounded from nearby. “Oh no…” The doctor’s voice was sad and sick now. “She was just a kid! She wasn't any older than this one!”


“She took too much damage, doctor.” The male voice was very sad now. “She never woke up. Thankfully. Maybe the master can do something, maybe not. We shall see.”


“Why the hell did they fire?” The doctor demanded as Zana floated slowly away from consciousness on a sea of bliss. “That ship was no threat.”


“Doctor…” The male voice said sourly. “That ship had one of the Seven on it. It was never not going to be a threat.” Zana wanted to ask who hadn’t survived, but she was fading. The male voice sounded close by. “That’s it, girl, that’s it. Sleep. When you wake, this will all be a bad memory…Everything will be better when you wake again. Everything will be easier when you have been implanted. Your pain can be managed much better that way.”


Zana froze on the edge of sleep. What? What did that mean…? She stiffened as it made sense. They were going to put control devices in her head! They were going to enslave her! She started struggling again, harder than before. She bit her lip and tasted copper.


“What the…?” The doctor’s voice was startled. “Why is she reacting like this? Damn it, hold her!”


No!” The male voice barked. “Let her go. Release the restraints!”


“Have you flipped, Vandar?” The doctor’s voice was angry now as small fingers starts fiddling with whatever was holding her. “Stop!”


“If we don’t, she will tear herself apart. I know you read the case files. You know how Bladeborn react to being out of control. Meeliee… Now…” Something was touching her now, gentle fingers were massaging her arms and shoulders as the straps that held her were eased. The voice spoke again, soothing, as the gentle fingers continued trying to relax her. “It’s not what you think, Bladeborn. We need to put controls in, to manage your pain. Drugs don’t work right on you stubborn sword swingers. You have electrical burns and nerve damage over most of your body, girl… Please…” Was he begging her?


“Oh…” The doctor’s voice was stunned and then, another touch was trying to soothe her. “Easy, girl… Easy…We won’t hurt you again. We had to, to try and soothe your pain. I am sorry…” Zana was shaking in reaction as her body fought to relax under the gentle fingers and she fought to stay in control. “Damn it, we are going to lose her! Sedative! Now!!”


Zana was struggling with everything she had, everything she knew, trying to stay in control of herself as waves of pain started crashing in again. Something else was trying to pull her under and she fought that too. She would not submit… She would…not… Something went snap inside her chest and everything stopped. Then an alarm started to wail.


“No!” The female doctor shouted as Zana faded again.

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Everything was gray. Zana stood alone and sighed deeply. Had she died? She wasn’t sure. This looked like the gray plain that the seers talked about. She had been here once before if so, the laughing man had pulled her to… Wait… What was his name? She wasn’t sure. Everything was hazy, indistinct. She stiffened as a soft, sad voice spoke from nearby.


“You gave us one heckof a scare, young lady.” Zana stiffened even further as a form appeared nearby. The male human had dark brown hair, blue eyes and a sad expression on his face. Zana recoiled. He raised an empty hand. “Easy… I am not going to hurt you.”


“Stay away from me…!” Zana said slowly as she took a step back. But she got no further from him. Was he following her, or was she actually moving? She couldn’t tell. “You are Firdlump!” She said, her tone defiant, but fear echoed underneath it.


“Yes I am.” The mass of intelligent nano machines said quietly, not moving. “I got here as quickly as I could. One of the girls you had with you needed my special care. She is alive again, if confused. You are in no danger, Zana of the Bladeborn. No one is going to hurt you. They had to cause pain, to ease your burns. Katherine blames herself, for causing cardiac arrest… It wasn’t her fault, or yours. If it is anyone’s fault, it is mine. I ordered the ion cannon to fire. I never would have believed that one of the Seven would be on such a poorly shielded ship. I hurt you and I killed that poor girl who was with you. I helped her, I can help you.” He took another slow step towards her.


Stay away from me!” Zana screamed as she tried to move, but now her limbs seemed to be mired in quicksand. “Stay…” She was shivering now as an ache started inside her head. It came from deep, deep inside her head. Firdlump raised a slow, empty hand.


“Zana… Please…” But Zana just kept fighting to free herself. “Dang it…” Firdlump sighed and then he vanished. The plain around her vanished. She stiffened as she realized she was somewhere else.


She was sitting on a couch, something warm was wrapped around her and gentle arms held her. She was in someone’s lap, the female, yes, it was a female human, was crooning to her, nonsense words meant to soothe, to calm. Gentle hands were caressing her, stimulating calm. Zana was whimpering and gasping for breath as pain built in her head. She screamed and tried to move, but couldn’t.


“Easy, girl…” A new voice. An older female voice, kind and concerned. “I don’t understand everything that is going on here, but you have to listen to me. If you don’t, you are going to die.”


“Just kill me…” Zana’s voice could have shattered rock. “Won’t be a slave…”


“You are not a slave, Zana of the Bladeborn.” The female voice said quietly, hands started rubbing her arms and shoulders again, trying to soothe. “He can enslave you. He doesn’t want to.”


“Yeah… Right…” Zana said sarcastically as she tried to shy away from the arms that held her. “Let me go…”


“If I do…” The voice was still kind and the arms held her close. “…you will hurt yourself. I don’t want that to happen. You are special, Zana of the Bladeborn. Very special. We don’t want to lose you.”


“Yeah…” Zana scoffed, trying to fight the kindness that was seeping into her despite her best efforts. “More…drones… More… slaves… More mindless followers…” Her vision was blurring now as consciousness started to fade again. She bit her lip to stay conscious.


“Oh Zana…” The voice was a little chiding now. “It is not like that. It is not awful. Please, girl, just relax, let it ease you in. Everything will be fine, if you just relax. We can help you. The collective will welcome you.” Those last few words had fear shooting through Zana. Adrenaline followed right on the heels of the fear. They were trying to pull her into their mind mass!


Never!” Zana screamed as he finally managed to get her limbs to work. She slammed herself away from the couch, forcing herself to her feet, ignoring the pain that shot through her whole body now. She choked out words. “Let… Me… Go!” She spun to look at the woman who had been holding her. The couch was clear, the black haired woman on it was clear, everything else was blurry, indistinct.


“Zana no!” The woman did not move from the couch. Her green eyes were glistening. “Zana… You are hurting yourself.” She raised empty, pleading hands. “Calm down, please…”


Zana was shaking hard, trying to look around, to find an escape. But nothing was visible except the couch. Then an incredible stabbing pain erupted inside her skull. Without sense of transition, she was lying on the ground, her throat burning. Gentle hands were holding her as she retched.


“I need some help here.” The woman said loudly and suddenly several other female forms appeared nearby. “We need to cool her off, calm her down…She is fighting the implantation. If she does…”


“She will kill herself.” Another human female said slowly. “Bath?”


“Maybe…” The green eyed woman was picking Zana up. The Bladeborn tried to fight, but none of her muscles were working. Something happened and she was floating. She opened her eyes and found herself lying in a tub. The water was warm and the pain was gone. But… Her hands were strapped to the sides of the tub and something was holding her neck above the level of the water. She couldn’t move at all. The green eyed woman appeared again, kneeling beside the tub. “Zana… please listen to me… You are very badly hurt. We are trying to help you.”


“Trying to make me a slave…” Zana said slowly, having to force each word out. “Flarg you…” Now the woman’s voice turned exasperated.


“You are stubborn, girl. But enough.” Something like a shock flew through Zana. It didn’t hurt, but she lost control of all her body for a moment. She screamed as her body slumped in the bath. Nothing hurt, but she had no control! “We don’t want to hurt you. But we have to keep you from moving. Don’t struggle, girl. It will be okay.”


“Maria…” A surgical gowned being appeared nearby. “She has hurt herself. The damage…” The female doctor shook her head. “Stupid girl, we are trying to help!


“Flarg…You…” Zana gasped out, pain flowing again. She welcomed it, it brought focus. A hand traced her forehead and she snapped at it, but it didn’t flinch away. She bit again and something grabbed her jaw. Something was forced in between her lips and something else tightened around her head.


“This is going to be rough, Maria.” The doctor said as odd looking paddles appeared in her hands. “You may not want to watch.” Someone that Zana could not see took hold of her head and something firm strapped it down tighter. She struggled, but the hands that held her, while gentle, were far beyond her ability to resist.


“I’ll stay, Menglan. Maybe a friendly face and voice will help her somehow? Maybe.” The older woman said sadly. “Oh girl, why won’t you listen?”


“It is what they do.” The doctor said sadly as she placed the paddles on either side of Zana’s head. “Even as young as she is... It is what Bladeborn are. They fight, it is all they know. We will show you a better way, girl. When you wake up.”


A hum built and then something the likes of which Zana had never encountered flared in between her ears. But it wasn’t pain. It was pleasure. She had a bare millisecond to feel it and scream before she blacked out.

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“Zana…” Someone was shaking her gently. “Come on, girl, you had a nightmare…”


Zana swung a round house punch at her tormenter, trying to push the being that was shaking her hard now away. But…all she managed to do was feebly move her hand. It was caught in a sheet and she rolled slightly, trying to get free of the encompassing fabric. She had been in a cell? Or in a medical bay? Or…something…? Nothing was clear in her head. Everything was foggy, indistinct.


“Come ON, Zana.” The young voice said sourly. “We are going to be late for breakfast. Get up lazybones!”


“Who you calling lazy…?” Zana asked sourly as her eyes opened. But what greeted them was utterly insane. Instead of a medical bay, or even a prison cell, she was lying on a bed in a small room. She stared around. The walls were covered with bright posters, some of which had long haired men in odd costumes holding guitars. Others had cartoons of some kind, ones she did not recognize. Not that she had even really been a cartoon person, but… She groaned as pain stabbed through her skull.


“Earth to Zana… Come in Zana…” The voice of her tormenter came again and Zana turned to focus on the…girl? “Sheesh…I know you can drink more than I can, girl, but sheesh…”


“What?” Zana asked, her expression befuddled. “Who…?” The girl stared at her and blinked.


“What the hell did you drink last night?” The girl took hold of Zanas right wrist despite Zana’s struggles and held it for a moment. “Hmmm… Your pulse is high. Oh Zana…” The girl’s voice was exasperated now as she looked closely into Zana’s eyes. “Tell me you did not take any drugs last night.”


“I…” Zana shook her head. “I don’t remember…” She tried to bring memory to light, but it stubbornly resisted her. “Who are you?” At that, the girl sat back on her heels and stared again.


“You don’t remember me?” The girl asked. “Your roommate? Oh dear…” She shook her head. “Thank god we have a decent clinic here. Okay… Here is what we are going to do. I am going to get you clean, get you dressed, get you fed, and then we go talk to the doc.”


“No…” Zana said slowly. “I think…” She sat up, and winced, her head was pounding harder. She focused herself and the pain faded. “I am good, I am good, just give me a minute.”


“If we wait too long, the good stuff will be gone.” The girl said sourly. “It is first come, first served. And since you seem to have dribbled out your brains last night, my name is Julia. Your roommate.” She enunciated the last word heavily. “You know, your friend, your confidant, your ‘clean up after you vomit all over the floor’ girl?”


“Julia…?” Zana said softly. That sounded…familiar, but not. “I don’t know what happened. Its all hazy… Like a dream…”


“Come on…” Julia said gently. “Let’s get you clean and dressed.” She helped Zana into the shower, and then into the gaudiest clothes Zana had even seen. The outfit was… She was too befuddled to argue when Julia helped her into faded, obviously purposely ripped pants, but the top… At that, she balked.


“I can’t wear that…” Zana said sourly as she pushed the pink halter top away. “There is nothing to it.” She pawed through the drawer that Julia had gotten the top from, but there was nothing else in there even remotely resembling proper attire. Everything was gaudy, tacky, showed way too much skin or all three. “What the…?”


“Here…” Julia said quietly. “That is your ‘party’ drawer.” She opened another drawer and Zana was happy to see a set of neatly folded shirts, none of which were anything like the nasty stuff. She shut the ‘party’ drawer with a wince and pulled out a clean shirt. “There you go.” Julia smiled. “You look almost human.” She grinned wider as Zana growled at her. “At least some things haven’t changed. You are still a sour ****. Come on lets go eat.”


Zana followed the other girl out of the room, and then out of the building. It was very odd. She knew this girl. Or did she? She couldn’t…quite…bring it to mind. But she focused on behaving as Julia did. She blinked. Had that bush been there a moment before? What was happening to her? She looked left and right, seeing things that looked… out of place. A ground vehicle parked in a totally off the wall location, a street sign that declared ‘stop’ but no traffic to stop, a pair of students… She blinked and they were standing on the ground. Why had she thought they were standing on the side of the building? This was getting too weird.


They took a left turn and were walking along a path towards a large building in the distance when a loud voice spoke from somewhere nearby.


“Hey, Julia!” Julia turned her head to the side and winced before hurrying her steps.


“Keep walking, Zana.” The girl whispered. “Ignore him and he will go away.”


“Hey, Julia…” The large boy or small man was weaving as he walked towards the two. “Got time for a drink…?”


“No, Miguel.” Julia said with a tired sigh. “We have to get breakfast and then we have to get…” She broke off with a squeak as the man stepped into her path. His grin was slightly off. He reeked of alcohol. She shook her head. “How many times must I tell you, Miguel…? We are done. Over. Through. Quits. Besides… One more infraction and you get suspended. Move.”


“Don’t be like that, honey.” The man said with a leer. “You would…” He paused as Zana moved between the two.


“She said…” Zana said, not taking her eyes from the drunk’s. She did not raise her voice or move her hands, but something dark and terrible shone in her eyes. “Move.” The young man, obviously not yet fully grown, looked at her and froze. A puddle formed at his feet. He stepped out of the girl’s way and they continued on.


“Damn, girl…” Julia said when they were out of earshot. “What did you have last night? You never did that before.” Zana looked at her and shrugged. The two girls continued to the building with no further incidents. Zana was so preoccupied with her companion that she barely noticed the building. Inside, it was loud, but orderly as hundreds of young beings went about getting food. A lien had formed passing the food serving area and they joined the line. An old woman with black hair, green eyes, and a wide smile served them both generous portions.


Zana and Julia ate in silence and then Julia nodded and led Zana to take the trays of empty food to a pile of them. It went against the grain for Zana not to clean up after herself, but Julia was pulling her.


“Come on, Zana…” Julia said urgently. “We need to go see the doc…”


“I am okay…” Zana protested. This all did seem familiar. But… Not… “I just need to…”


“Come on.” Julia took her arm gently and led her out of the food building. Zana never noticed the screen of eating students fade behind her or the two women who appeared to talk to the woman who had served them.


“Poor dear…” The green eyed woman said with a sad sigh. “Will she be okay?”


“I don’t know, Maria.” The woman with long hair that mimicked fur said gently. “She fought so hard… She hurt herself so badly. Either way we will take care of her, but if we want a coherent sister, we have to ease her into the next step. If she fights again…” All three winced.


“Then we need to keep her calm, Katherine.” The last woman said with a scowl. “Whose idea was the drunk?”


“Mine.” The woman with fur that now showed clearly spoke slowly. “She is quite bright. She was picking up small inconsistencies in the projection. This construct won’t hold her for much longer.”


“It won’t have to.” The old woman said with a sad frown. “If we can keep her calm long enough the master can put her brain structure back together, then everything will be fine. We just need to keep her calm and distracted, maybe ease her into the whole without scaring her or forcing her to fight. She wasn’t going to fight the drunk, she just wanted him to move.”


“If you say so…” The third woman said sourly. “Okay I have to get into place. Keep her as calm as you can.” The other women nodded and all three vanished.

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Do you believe in destiny, Zana? A kindly female voice startled Zana. Did she know the speaker?


“You okay?” Zana jerked awake and wasn’t sure where she was for a moment. She made a face and relaxed as she realized she was still sitting in the chair she had been guided to by the receptionist when she and Julia had arrived at the small clinic that served the campus. The female voice spoke, worried. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Zana looked up into concerned eyes. The woman hadn’t been there when Zana had come in. “I asked if you were okay. You looked… I dunno. Like you were having a nightmare.”


“Shouldn’t be sleeping…” Zana said noncommittally to the human female who sat across from her now. The woman was obviously uncomfortable and from the bruises that showed, it was clear why, if not what had happened to her. “How long…?” She looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. She had been sitting in the chair for forty-five minutes. Small wonder she had dozed off. Julia had wanted to stay, but a half meant glare from Zana had sent the girl scampering. She had classes. What classes, Zana wasn’t sure, but she did have classes. She looked at the receptionist but the woman was busy talking on the phone so she sighed and sat back in her chair, trying to get comfortable and stay awake. “Joy…”


“What are you here for?” The woman asked curiously, and then paused. “Not that it is really any of my business.” She shook her head and then laughed sourly. “I am here because I skateboarded myself into a wall again. At least I didn’t break anything this time… I am Hala.”


“Zana. And as for why I am here? I am feeling odd.” Zana said slowly. “Everything is… off… Like I am not really here.”


“Are you pregnant?” Hala asked slowly, her face intent. “I mean… This is a co-ed school and all, and I know we have a bunch of…” She broke off as Zana froze.


“I don’t know.” Zana said after a moment “I don’t think so. I just…” She sighed. “Apparently I went out drinking last night and I can’t remember a darn thing.”


“At all?” Hala asked dubiously. “I have been drunk on occasion, and lost hours as a result, but… From your face and voice it is more than that.”


“Everything is hazy.” Zana said quietly, sadly. “Everything is indistinct. I feel I know things, but nothing is clear. I just…” She slumped. “I am scared.” Hala stared at her and smiled gently.


“Hey…” The girl’s voice was gentle. “It’s okay. The docs here are first rate. They can fix you up. They are always fixing me up.” She sighed. “I always seem to be back in here. At least nothing is broken this time.” Both looked up as an older woman in a nurse’s uniform came around a corner and looked at them. “Yes?” Hala asked slowly.


“Which one of you is Zana?” The woman asked, her face a mask of professional courtesy. Her hair was odd. Zana couldn’t tell if it was hair, or a mane. It looked more like fur than hair. Then she blinked and it was just long brown hair.


“That is me.” Zana said as she rose. “Hope they get to you soon, Hala.” She said politely as she followed the nurse.


“They will.” Hala said as she sat back with a groan. “Good luck Zana… Now I get to sit here and be bored for…” Whatever else she was saying was cut off as the nurse led Zana through the small, quiet clinic.


The nurse led Zana into an exam room and smiled at her. “Up you get, dear. I need to check your vitals and such and the doctor will be a few minutes.”


“Have at.” Zana said in a resigned tone as she sat on the exam table. It felt… odd. Sort of sponge-y. She stared at the table and then at the nurse who shrugged.


“New design.” The nurse said gently. “It is SUPPOSED to be more comfortable. Personally, I find it kind of creepy, but… Hey…” She started pulling gear out of a cabinet. “We pulled your records. You have been here before so you know what to do…” She broke off as Zana cleared her throat, embarrassed. “What?” She asked, curiously.


“I don’t remember…” Zana said after a moment. “I mean… I don’t remember being here before. Nothing is… quite…”


“You don’t remember?” The nurse asked incredulous. “What happened?”


“I don’t know.” Zana felt her eyes start to burn and forced herself to remain calm. “I woke up this morning and everything is hazy. Nothing is clear. I feel… off…”


“Easy…” The woman said gently. “We will figure this out.” She paused as Zana flinched. “What?”


“I don’t know.” Zana admitted after a moment of searching her mind. “But when you said ‘Easy’ I thought I knew your voice. But… I don’t…” To her horror, she started to cry. “I don’t…”


“It’s okay…” The nurse said gently, taking Zana’s hands in her own. “You are scared. You have reason to be. We will help you. Now, let me check you out, okay?” Zana sat and let the nurse do what she had to. The woman was a professional. It took barely two minutes for her to take Zana’s pulse, blood pressure and temperature. She wrote all of her findings on a paper and then turned back to Zana. Her face was kind as she came to the girl’s side. “It is okay, Zana. We will help you. Just relax and the doc will be in soon.”


Zana shook her head slowly, trying to think. But something kept returning to her mind. Someone had asked her if she believed in destiny. It hadn’t been Hala, someone else? That hadn’t clicked at the time, but now… Now it felt… Something was wrong. Something was seriously wrong. Seriously off. She focused herself, deep, deep down and then…


She opened her eyes and screamed. No sound came out, but she screamed and screamed and screamed. She struggled but whatever was holding her to the table was too strong for her to break.


“What the…?” A soft, scared voice sounded form the horrific looking form bending close to her. “She is awake! Doctor!” A loud curse preceded her slide into sleep again.

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“Zana…?” A kind voice had her slowly waking. It sounded familiar. She opened her eyes, but… they wouldn’t. She tried to move and she couldn’t. The voice shook a bit. “No…” Something rubbed her arm and she relaxed against her will as something soothed her body. “Child, you are badly hurt. Very badly hurt. Please… Please…” The voice was begging her. “Don’t struggle.” Zana opened her mouth and was surprised when she spoke evenly.


“Who are you?” She asked, trying to keep her tone moderate. “What are you doing to me?”


“My name is Ecmin.” The gentle touch was back and it soothed her somehow. “I know you are scared, I know things are not making any sense to you, but you have to understand. You are so badly hurt…” The voice was scared now. “We don’t want to lose you, girl. We don’t. Please… Let us help you.”


“What have you done to me?” Zana asked slowly. She could feel…things… happening to her. She felt pressure on her head. Nothing hurt, but it felt as if something should. “What are you doing to me?”


“We were trying to keep you asleep while you were healed. That didn’t work.” Ecmin’s voice was sour now. “You are too tough for your own good, girl.”


“And… The school? The girl, the clinic…? None of that was real…” Zana asked slowly, her mind trying to make sense of things. “What was that?”


“No it wasn’t. It was a mental construct populated by some of our people.” Ecmin said sadly. “I argued, said that you would see right through it, as you did. I wanted to tell you the truth from the beginning, that you are hurt and we wanted to help. But we did achieve consensus on the construct eventually. It might have worked, except you are seriously strong of mind too. We needed to keep you calm while the master works to repair the damage. We have to help you, Zana. Your injuries are due to our carelessness.”


“How…bad…?” Zana said slowly. For a long moment, Ecmin did not respond and Zana spoke again, a little sharper. “How bad…?” She demanded.


“You have brain damage girl.” Ecmin said slowly. Zana stiffened and the touch was back, a gentle rub on her shoulder and arm now, soothing, calming. “It’s not good.” Was Ecmin crying? It sure sounded like it. “That is why you cannot remember. Your memory center was damaged. We have repaired what we could, and our master is doing what he can, but…”


“What happened?” Zana asked slowly. “What did you do to me?” Ecmin sighed.


“We fired on the ship you were on. We used ion cannon, but the energy blew right through the puny shields your transport had and surged through every electrical system aboard, blowing them out and arcing to anything and everything nearby.” Zana stiffened, but the gentle touch was back, keeping her body relaxed. Ecmin’s voice was horrified now. “You were… burned by the energy. It seared your nerves as well. Why it didn’t fry your brain and kill you, I have no idea.”


“In that case…” Zana said slowly as she remembered some things, but… It was odd. Some things came easily to her mind, others not. “I should be a vegetable, or at the very least, screaming my lungs out in pain.”


“We had to, Zana.” Ecmin apologized. “I am sorry but we had no choice. We put a device inside your head, inside the pain center of your brain, to control your pain, keep you from feeling it. And…while we were doing that, you jerked inside the surgical droid performing the operation. It retracted as soon as you did, but significant damage was done.” More than one set of hands were soothing her now. Zana was gasping in fear as Ecmin sighed. “We need to keep you calm, Zana. If you jerk around any more…”


“What are you doing to me?” Zana asked after a moment, slowing her pulse through sheer force of will. “Now I mean. I feel pressure, and movement… It shouldn’t be here…”


“We are repairing the damage, Zana.” Ecmin said kindly. “And while we do, I want to talk to you. I think that if we explain what is happening and why, you will understand and stay calm.”


“Why did you fire on the ship I was on?” Zana asked slowly. “Things are…so hazy…” She sighed. “I can… almost…”


“Zana, do not push this.” Ecmin’s voice was worried. “Don’t push your brain yet. It has had several horrible shocks. But… I think we can help.”


“How?” Zana said after swallowing nervously. Who could blame her? “If I have brain damage, then I have brain damage.”


“Because we can help.” Ecmin’s voice was incredibly gentle now. “I am going to do something and it will frighten you. I need you to stay as still as you can, okay?”


“What are you going to do?” Zana asked softly, stretching out, trying to hear or sense whatever was about to happen. Then pain erupted in her head and she groaned.


Zana!” Ecmin’s voice was sharp with fear now. “Don’t do that…! Easy…Here, take my claw.” Something touched her hand and she grasped… something that felt hard and sharp. “This is going to feel… odd…”


Something seeped into Zana’s mind. It was… alien, strange, different. She couldn’t understand why it felt like that until it touched her core, her innermost self and then… she gasped. The concern and fear, indeed, the love that the massed mind was showing her was intense. It moderated immediately and she relaxed as the touch faded slightly. She felt bereft when it left.


“What…?” Zana pleaded desperately. “What was that…?”


“That is our collective mind, Zana.” Ecmin said gently. “We are worried about you. We want to help you. But only if you let us.”


“What is the downside?” Zana asked slowly. “There has to be one…”


“There are.” Ecmin said slowly. “First, it is for life. If you join us, well… I don’t think it is possible for you to leave. Not that anyone seems to want to. Second, kiss privacy goodbye. We try and be somewhat courteous, but if one of us is unhappy, then all of us are until we can help. Third, it gets crowded sometimes in our heads with so many people’s thoughts seeping in. Fourth, we have a lot of enemies, people who think we enslave victims to join us. We don’t, not anymore. It’s not that at all.”


“And the upside?” Zana asked slowly. “Since obviously people do join it…”


“Well…” Ecmin had a smile in her voice now. “We like to help our brothers and sisters. If one of us is in pain, we can ease that pain by sharing it out amongst all of us, lessening it. We are never alone, never short of people who truly care for us. We serve a good cause. Our means…” Ecmin sighed. “I am not surprised that people call us evil for some of the things we have done. We are trying to make the galaxy an ordered, peaceful place. No war, no fear, no doubt, no hate…” Something gentle stroked Zana’s head. “You don’t need to choose now. We can ease your pain.”


“Poor recompense if I just lie here.” Zana said slowly. “What do I do?” A soft sob escaping her lips had her pausing. What the…? Why was she so scared? It sounded marvelous. “Ecmin?”


“Relax sister.” Ecmin’s voice was tender now. “Let us help you…” The touch was back on her forehead and…


A wave of euphoria swept through Zana as she was buoyed up by many minds into a place among them. She barely felt her pain and fear now as the many facets of the collective greeted her and took her negative emotions into themselves, lessening them, giving of their strength. She was crying softly as the kindness filtered down to her.


Don’t cry sister. The collective said gently. Welcome home…

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“Zana?” A voice pulled the Bladeborn out of her musing. “What is wrong?”


Zana looked up for her bed to see one of the doctors enter her room. Katherine was a Cathar and her fur shone in the light of the room. They had cut the lights down since Zana’s nerves, including her optic ones, were still recovering from the shocks that she had taken. The pain was manageable now, even without the collective and the painkillers they were slowly weaning her off of.


“Oh, hi Katherine.” Zana said as she squirmed slightly, putting away the datapad she had been reading. There wasn’t much else to do. She was confined to the bed until the docs said otherwise. Now that she could see through their eyes and sample their memories, Zana was utterly amazed that she had survived. The blackened, crisped thing that the troops had hauled from the blasted transport had been barely breathing and had looked more like a piece of meat that had fallen into a fire than a human. “I…” She shook her head slowly as Katherine sat beside her, careful to avoid the IV lines and oxygen mask. The docs were not going to let her out of medical for some time.


“Don’t dwell on it, Zana.” Katherine said gently as she stroked the recumbent human’s hand gently. “You didn’t die and you are not going to on my watch. Clear?” This last was in a tone of menace that was somehow whimsical as well.


“I can’t believe I was so scared of this…” Zana said with a sigh as she sank back into the hard pillows that a nurse named Min had piled for her. The bed inclined of course, but she found that having a pile was better in some regards. “Looking back, I was so stupid.”


“We all fear change, Zana.” Katherine said gently. “I know I did. But that is not what is bothering you, is it?”


“That is creepy, doc.” Zana said with a grimace. “You know my mind better than I do.” Katherine just looked at her and Zana sighed. “I don’t know. I am missing something. A lot of things I know…” She said hastily as Katherine started to reassure her. “But this…” She shook her head. “What happened to the Jedi I was with? She is not in the collective.”


“No.” Katherine sighed sadly. “No, she is not.”


“It is about her, I… I think…” Zana said dubiously. “Are you sure you can’t work on my brain any more than you have? This…’holes in my memory’ deal is getting old.”


“We have done as much as we can safely Zana. Anything more would do more harm than good.” Katherine said quietly. “We have told you this. I know your short term memory is fine.”


“Yeah…” Zana said with a grimace. “I just have difficulty accepting that huge parts of my life are now blank spots. I mean, I remember the Bladeborn, most of them. I remember the cult…” She swallowed a little and Katherine gave her hand a squeeze. “I remember… Jina saving me from… What is his name…? The laughing guy?”


“Ravishaw.” Katherine said with a grimace of her own. “He was ordered to make you an agent. He was trying when Jina stopped him. Like we have said, the master’s means are ruthless, anything goes as long as the goal is met. The goal is noble…” She shook her head.


“The goal is a wonderful one.” Zana agreed with a smile. “We need to find a better way to achieve it. One that does not involve pain. How did any of you manage to quell mine without going mad? It was…” Her face looked a little green and Katherine moved to reassure her.


“It was bad, yes. But it is what we do. Your skin has regenerated, your nerves have healed for the most part. The other damage may heal in time. We hope so.” Katherine said gently as she ran her hand along Zana’s cheek beside the mask. “For now, just relax and let us help you recover. It’s okay. You are okay. I am glad. We didn’t want to hurt you. I know how the Bladeborn feel about surrender, and I hope…” She broke off as Zana went white.” Zana…?”


“Oh my god…” Zana said slowly and then she was struggling, trying to rise.


Zana!” Katherine barked as she held the girl down. “Stay still! If you try and get up, you are going to puke and pass out, not necessarily in that order. The inside of your head is at best a jigsaw puzzle right now. What is wrong?”


“I forgot…” Zana said, her face ashen in fear and grief. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I forgot!” She tried to swing her legs off the bed, but Katherine blocked them easily. “I have to talk to Jina!” The collective, feeling her fear and pain, came to her aid, helping her to cope, but at the same time, she found her body relaxing. A single word came floating to her mind.




“Katherine…” Zana begged, her face horrified. “Where is Jina? Is she alive? Did you put her in stasis or carbonite?” Katherine was readying a hypo and Zana cried out. “Katherine, please!”


“You need to relax, Zana. You need to recover with no distractions.” Katherine said gently, her face sorrowful as she approached the bed. “We hurt you so very badly.” She paused as Zana slumped in the bed. “Zana…?” She asked as she injected the girl with a minor sedative. Between that and the collective, Zana would rest easily.


“Not your fault…” Zana’s voice slurred as the sedative took hold. “She told me not to resist…My bad…”


What did you say?” Katherine recoiled slightly, recovering the syringe carefully and popping the needle into a sharps bin for disposal. “Zana…?” She came close to the bedside as the collective also prompted her with a worried interrogative.


“Can’t remember why, but… She told me to do what you wanted…To surrender without fighting…Argued…but…agreed eventually.” Zana was barely audible now. “I… I disobeyed… So scared… My fault… My injuries are my…” Her eyes closed slowly and her breathing eased into sleep patterns.


“That doesn’t make any sense at all.” Katherine said slowly to the empty air. “Why would Jina Darkstorm tell a Bladeborn not to fight? We need to figure this out. I am on my way. Min…” She turned and a small girl in nurse’s attire came in and nodded.


“I don’t understand…” Min said slowly. Her face was very worried as she took a seat by the bed. Not that they needed a live person in the room with all the medical gear, but sometimes, having a living, breathing comforter helped. “The Bladeborn fight, it is what they do. Why would Jina…?”


“I don’t know.” Katherine said slowly. “But we better find out, fast.”

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What did she say?” Firdlump’s voice was sharp as Katherine met with him in his office. Odd how a mass of intelligent microscopic machines could act surprised. The small base that they had built on a moon had grown substantially. But with so many willing hands, even unskilled ones, the work took very little time. The actual heavy building and lifting was done by Firdlump and his nanites, but the setting up? The members of the collective did that. “I have been…distracted. Jina Darkstorm is not reacting to our treatments. The first implantation attempts failed, they just didn’t work. Didn’t hurt her. The went in fine, no complications and just… didn’t work.”


“Zana said that Jina told her not to fight…” Katherine repeated in a stunned tone, she was getting over her shock at such an impossibility. “That makes no sense at all. Jina lives to fight. Everything I have heard about her, everything I got from talking to her before, she truly likes to fight. She always enjoyed pushing herself to her limits. And Bladeborn fight. It is what they do. It is what they are trained to do. Even a ten year old like Zana, it is what she does. It is all they know. Why would Jina…?” Katherine shook her head, baffled. The collective shared her confusion. “I, we, don’t understand…”


“The implantation took this time. Third time is the charm and all.” Doctor Menglan said softly from her spot near the wall. “It is just a matter of time until we can access her mind.” The doctor was lucid. She repeatedly warned the collective that she was going to lose her mind again, to not trust her. But the collective kept working to keep her sane because everyone agreed that she was a better doctor while sane. And she was a friend. “Well, time and how much it hurts her.”


“I am not so sure…” Firdlump mused, pacing. He acted so human on occasion it was downright frightening. “Whatever the bugs did to her… Nothing the nanites do affects her. She just ignores them. They enter her bloodstream and then they go dormant.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t make sense.”


“She is a threat.” Menglan said softly. “To you, to the collective… To everything. We need to neutralize the threat. Sooner or later, she will get hostile, and when she does…”


“Has she resisted at all?” Katherine asked slowly. Much of this was beyond her understanding, but she knew medical matters and matters of the heart. “I mean…” She stammered slightly as both Menglan and Firdlump looked at her. But Firdlump smiled gently and waved for her to continue. “Her injuries have been tended. She knows who we are and where she is. She IS lucid. She obeyed the instructions I gave her with no complaints. She had nothing hidden anywhere in her body. Even internal physical searches of her body have found nothing. No nanites, no bombs, no trackers, no suicide devices… Nothing.”


“It has to be a trap of some kind.” Menglan insisted. “One of the Seven would not just walk into our hands. And this one has fought us, hard.”


“All of them have, doctor.” Firdlump said thoughtfully. “Gorbak’s information was accurate. It allowed us to ambush the ship, but… Looking back… It seems too easy.”


“She humiliated Gorbak in front of his people. She took two of his 'toys' away from him. ” Katherine mused. “Wouldn’t she know how a Hutt would react?”


“She dealt with Cranna…” Firdlump said slowly. “But… Good point. She had to know his agents would get hold of her flight plan. And why file one at all on Nar Shaddaa? They are not known for formality. Unless…” He blinked and confusion shone on his face.


“Unless she wanted us to find her…?” Katherine stiffened in place. “This makes no sense. None of this makes any sense. This…” She shrugged helplessly, totally baffled.


“This stinks.” Menglan retorted sourly. “It has to be a trap of some kind. I understand and agree that we need to figure out what the bugs did to her. We need to figure out how she is resisting the collective’s attempts at communication. She can’t hear us and we can’t hear her, even through the implants. That should not be possible. But she is too dangerous. We should wipe her mind.”


“Doctor…” Firdlump said slowly as Katherine’s face turned horrified. “I won’t do that to her without a darned good reason. She is who she is. If we can get through to her, she will make an exceptionally powerful ally.” Katherine stared from Menglan to Firdlump, her face working. “I know she is your friend, Katherine. It goes against the grain. I don’t want to hurt her, but as Menglan says, she is a threat. A powerful one we brought into our midst. I will not let her threaten the collective.”


“We can put her in stasis, coldsleep or carbonite.” Katherine said slowly. “I mean, there are alternatives.”


“We need access to her, doctor.” Firdlump said kindly. “We need to be able to read her mind. We need to know how they did what they did to her, and how to counter it. If the rest of the Seven have had these things done to them, then turning any of them will be incredibly difficult, if possible at all.”


“Master…” Katherine said softly. “We are missing something. Something blatant. Something…” She broke off as Firldlump shook his head.


“I know you like her, Katherine, but we must preserve the collective.” He sighed deeply. “Menglan, get your gear ready. Full invasive brain scans. We need answers.” The doctor bowed and left the room. Katherine stared at him and the Cathar’s face was working as she tried not to cry. Firdlump patted her arm. “It’s okay, Katherine. If we cna help it, she will feel no pain. We are not heartless. We are not going to treat her like an experimental animal.”


“We are treating her like an experimental animal. What am I missing? I am missing something.” Katherine said softly, tears starting to fall. “She hasn’t resisted. That is not like her. Even the colonoscopy she did not resist and I know it hurt her to be so out of control of her body. Has she talked at all?”


“No.” Firdlump said sadly. “Even Vandar couldn’t get her to speak. We all thought her anger at what happened between them would get her to open up, but if anything it had the opposite effect. She ignored him.”


“Maybe that’s it…” Katherine said slowly. “Maybe we need to get someone to talk to her she doesn’t know?”


“Katherine….” Firdlump’s voice was exasperated. “The collective’s choice is clear.”


“We do make mistakes.” Katherine said sadly, not arguing, just sad. “I hurt Zana. I assumed she wouldn’t be able to fight in the machine. That is my mistake. Vandar warned me and I didn’t listen. We are missing something…” Katherine wiped her tears away with her sleeve. “Maybe we need someone to talk to her that she doesn't know. Give me one more chance. Please?”


“Katherine…” Firdlump sighed. “What do you have in mind? I don’t want to hurt her. Even Menglan’s gentlest probes will hurt her. We can try to keep her pain nullified, but they will hurt her.”


“We could use one of the Republic troops, but I don’t know if she would talk to them or not. Probably not… We need someone who understands her situation… But with no history…” Katherine mused. “I knew her… Zana knew her of course, even if she were mobile, which she is not and will not be for a while. Vandar is out. The girls we found on the ship are out. Olandas is out… Brakon is off doing work for us… Maria is out… Ecmin?” She asked slowly as her gaze traveled to her master. “She doesn’t know Ecmin.”


“She knew Min…” Firdlump said slowly. “But not Ecmin. Katherine…” He groaned sourly. “We can’t risk Ecmin. Her larvae need her.” Fidlump said with a scowl as Katherine nodded, but the Cathar’s face was intent. “Doctor…”


“We won’t.” Katherine said with a smile. “I know just how to do this safely…Over a vidlink. With your permission?” Firdlump sighed and nodded. “I am on it. I will get done before Menglan is ready.” She darted out the door.

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“Okay…” Ecmin said dubiously when Katherine finished explaining the situation. Not that she had to. The collective had appraised Ecmin as soon as Katherine had put forth her idea. But it helped sometimes to verbalize things. When thinking at lightspeed, mortal brains missed things and often were four or five steps ahead before they realized a mistake had been made. At lightspeed, going back and fixing things was quick, but it was still annoying. “What do you need me to do?”


“Just talk to her, see if she will talk to you. Dang this…” Katherine was working the console in Ecmin’s nest chamber and having difficulty. The console had been set up for claws, not fingers. “They never added the regular keyboard you asked for?”


“Maintenance is tasked out with critical jobs.” Ecmin said quietly as she moved to Katherine’s side. “I didn’t ask Olandas. She hasn’t left her room in days, trying to crack that blasted encryption. We need to… Aw drat…” She and Katherine shared an exasperated sigh with the rest of the massed minds as the collective looked at their extremely dedicated sister. Olandas was snoring with her head on her desk. Ecmin’s tone turned exasperated. “She fell asleep on her keys. Again.”


“That girl has the sense of a houseplant.” Katherine complained in fond exasperation herself as she scanned her sister’s sleeping mind. “Smart yes, but… I think she is okay. We better send Meeliee in again, she is going to be seriously sore from sleeping in that position.”


“Dense.” Ecmin agreed. “Send a nurse too, just to be sure she didn’t hurt herself this time.” Katherine nodded and sent the request through the collective. In moments both responders were on the way to Olandas’ quarters.


“At least she wasn’t in the tub this time…” Katherine said with a shudder. “I am so glad you checked on her that time. We really need to set a guard, or something, just to keep her out of trouble. She focuses so tightly, so fixedly on what she is doing, she ignores minor things like food, water, open power lines, possible drowning…”


“Someone who can keep up with her?” Ecmin said with a laugh. They both watched through the collective as the brown furred Meeliee and a young human nurse entered Olandas’ room to check on her. They watched with some amusement as Olandas woke confused, only to find herself led to her bed and laid down. Every argument that the tech tried fell on deaf ears as the nurse checked her over, then, when Olandas tried to get up, the Bothan masseuse went to work on her. In mere minutes, Olandas was gasping and moaning under the skilled fingers of the collective’s specialist in relaxation. “That has got her.” Ecmin said with satisfaction as she and Katherine both cut their connections. Privacy was not really an issue. No one was going to pry unless lives were at stake. But it did not seem polite to watch.


“Zana is young, but quite bright, and she is tough enough to stand up to Olandas.” Katherine said thoughtfully. “But Olandas prefers females and Zana does have that little issue…”


“Hmmm… A phobia or… Something else….? Oh…” Ecmin’s sounded sick as Katherine showed her a bit of what they managed to recover from Zana’s memory. “Oh… I never thought I would say this, but thank god the Bladeborn slaughtered those scum! To do that to a kid…” Ecmin’s voice was sad now. “Poor girl. I know she is a Bladeborn and all, but she has been so hurt. And now her memory is so messed up. Any chance of it regenerating?” She asked slowly and Katherine winced and shook her head. The bug slumped. “We will help her.”


“Yes we will.” Katherine agreed. “Now we need to see if we can help Jina. There…” She said triumphantly as she got the screen to come up as she wanted it to. It showed a female human form strapped to a bed, with oxygen mask, IVs and medical monitor leads attached to her. Tubes came out from under the sheet that Katherine had spread over her for modesty purposes and went to bags beside the bed. “I agree she is a threat. But… I don’t like strapping her down. She hasn’t fought at all. Not like Zana.”


“What Menglan is going to do to her…” Ecmin’s voice held fear now. “I don’t like this, sister.”


“Me neither. But maybe…” The Cathar sighed and keyed a control. “Your mike is live.” Ecmin nodded to her and spoke evenly.


“Ma’am?” The bug asked politely. “Can you hear me?” The woman on the screen did not react. “Jedi Darkstorm, please talk to us. Please…?” Ecmin begged. “I want to help. We have healed your injuries. Please talk to me.” Both women smiled as Jina’s mouth opened and she spoke. But her tone… Tired was understandable after the wringer that the docs had put her through. Sorrowful?


“You are Ecmin.” It was not a question. “You don’t sound like Min at all. I bid you a fair…day I guess, Queen.” Jina Darkstorm said formally.


“It is day.” Ecmin agreed. “What is wrong? You sound sad.”


“All of this…” Jina’s voice was resigned now. “All this pain, suffering, angst, death… For nothing… I should have known better. I should have seen it. Oh Zana, I am so sorry...” Both the Cathar and the Sitolon shared a confused look.


“May I call you Jina?” Ecmin asked politely. “I don’t want to be rude.”


“You can call me whatever you want, child.” Jina said with a sigh. “I am… so tired of conflict. So tired… I need a rest… Yes… A rest…”


“Jina then.” Ecmin said with a gentle sigh. “I wish I could greet you in person. But…They can’t figure out why things are not working.” She broke off as Jina nodded. Her head was the only part of her body that was not strapped down. And that was just because she might vomit. She had limited range of motion, but she could nod and turn it from side to side. “What, Jina?”


“I don’t know why it isn’t working, child.” Jina said soberly. “I do know that the docs won’t be able to figure out why. So do what you have to do. I won’t fight. I am so sick of fighting…” She sighed deeply and deep, deep sadness was heard in her voice.


“Jina…?” Ecmin asked softly, worried. “What is wrong?”


“You hear the stories, you read the records. But it doesn’t prepare you.” Jina said sadly. “I have seen people who had the Force swirling about them. I was always with that old coot Jolee Bindo on that. Swirling Force just means that something is going to happen. Not some great destiny or horrid doom or whatever. Some people, Jedi and Sith, have said that I have the Force swirling about me. I never believed. Not until now.”


“Jina…” Katherine’s voice was soothing now. “We can help. Let us…”


“No you can’t, Katherine.” Both Ecmin and Katherine stared at the screen as a tear fell from the Jedi’s eye. “I would hope that someday I would see you free. But this is no fairy tale. This will not have a happy ending.”


“It can.” Katherine protested. “I am not a slave, Jina. We can help you!”


“No, you can’t.” Jina said softly with a sad little chuckle. “All this time, all this effort and I am smack dab where the Force wanted me… Funny… in a sad kind of way.”


“You are not making sense, Jina.” Katherine said softly. “What do you mean?”


“I had a vision through the Force a while back.” Jina said, her tone turning unemotional as she controlled herself. “Zana, the young Bladeborn who swore her service to me, shared it. In the vision, I see Istara Sharlina Andal. She is raging, angrier than I have ever seen her. I have an odd weapon in hand. I try to stun her, knock her out so no one gets killed. I am wearing armor, it slows me down. She turns on me... and…kills me.” Both the bug and the Cathar hissed in horror. “I woke up screaming from my meditation.” Now the Jedi was crying softly. “I don’t want Istara to kill me. I don’t want her to blame herself for killing me. It won’t be her fault, I know that, but she will blame herself anyway. She will kill herself in remorse, try to anyway. Don’t let her…”


“Jina…” Ecmin said gently. “It is a vision, a possible future. Now that we know about it, we can avert it. Be calm.”


“You don’t understand, Ecmin.” Jina said calmly but sadly. “Everything I have done to try and avoid my death at Istara’s hands has led me right to it. In the vision… There was a voice I didn’t know, trying to calm Istara down before she charged me.” The Jedi sighed deeply. “I didn’t know it and now I do. It was your voice, Ecmin.”

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“You believe her.” Firdlump’s voice was totally neutral. “You know how good a liar she is.”


“She wasn’t lying.” Ecmin said slowly. “Maybe she could fool the machinery that was monitoring her. Maybe she could fool Katherine and myself. But you have all seen the recording, and felt what we did through the collective. Was she faking her fear? It wasn’t for herself. She was scared to death for Zana and Istara.” The holo of the Sitolon queen, she couldn’t leave her nesting chamber until her larvae were grown, shrugged. “Vandar, what do you say?”


“The Force works in mysterious ways.” The ancient green Jedi master said sadly. “Jina believes it. That is perfectly clear. Zana doesn’t remember it, but her fear for Jina is clear.” All of the others in the room, Menglan, Katherine, Olandas and Firdlump all looked at him. “I believe her.”


“So do I.” Katherine said softly, her face working. “She is not afraid for herself, she is afraid for her friend. Everything I remember about Jina Darkstorm tells me that this is how she would respond if a friend was going to be hurt. Find a way to stop it from happening.” She looked around and Olandas slumped before speaking.


“Jina is the best liar I have ever met.” Olandas said, manifestly against her will. “Better than any politician, any Imperial agent, any Sith. She sat there, while Vorren tore her knee apart, and blithely lied to him while her system was full of chemical persuaders. I… I can’t trust anything I hear from her.”Olandas was crying softly as Katherine stared at her. “I am sorry, sister. I can’t trust her. We can’t hear her mind and she can’t hear us.” Katherine slumped, but patted Olandas shoulder. “I am sorry…” Olandas said again as she buried her face in Katherine’s shoulder.


“Not your fault, Olandas.” Katherine said gently. “Menglan?” The Cathar asked quietly.


The doctor looked away from the group for a minute. When she turned back, her face was bleak.


“I…” Menglan sighed deeply and shook her head. “We can’t hear her mind. We can’t even feel it at all. We can’t trust her. I am sorry, Katherine, but we can’t trust her. She has fought us… hard. She has cost us dearly. She would be an admirable sister, but… We can’t get through to her. Could we even clone her, as strong as her mental blocks are?” She asked Firdlump who looked thoughtful.


“We could clone her…” Firdlump said slowly. “It wouldn’t be her. It would have her face, her voice, but it wouldn’t be Jina Darkstorm.” He sighed. “I don’t want to choose this. I am conflicted. If we can get through to her, she will be a massive advantage to us. If we can't, then we have to deny her to our enemies.” He paused as the door opened. Firdlump shook his head as a back haired woman stepped in, her pose hesitant. “Maria…?”


“I was distracted. One of the kids started a food fight.” Maria Kalenath said slowly. “I apologize for being tardy.”


“It’s all right.” Firdlump said with a smile. “You do better with the kids than anyone else. We are expecting one more and… Ah…” he nodded as an armored form entered and shut the door behind him. With Kunda Gev in the room, it was starting to feel cramped. The bounty hunter nodded and stepped to a corner, out of the way. Olandas ran to him and hugged the hunter tight, burying her face in his shoulder. He sighed and rubbed her head gently. “You both have been following?” It wasn’t really a question. Both Gev and Maria nodded. “Thoughts?” Gev looked to Maria who waved for him to speak.


“She is a threat.” Gev’s voice was neutral. “Just because she hasn’t fought, doesn’t mean she can’t. Anyone who can lay on a bed and lie while a professional interrogates them with drugs and pain is not to been taken lightly.” Firdlump nodded but Gev wasn’t done. “That said, I don’t know anything about the Force. It exists of course, it works for some people. We need to figure out how she is blocking us, and if we can counter it.” He shrugged and started consoling Olandas. They were a good pair.


“Maria…?” Firdlump prompted gently.


“She was a friend. A good friend.” Maria Kalenath said slowly. “I want to help her, help the pain I can see in her eyes. But if I go in there…” She was crying softly.


“We don’t know how the Seven communicate. If your son sees you… Bad doesn’t begin to cover that.” Menglan said quietly as she moved to stand beside Maria, offering support. “If they communicate through the hivemind, we can block it. If not…”


“This is going to hurt her either way, isn’t it?” Maria asked softly. Menglan bit her lip and nodded. “Then we have to get through to her, and we have to do it soon.” Her resolve rang through the collective. “And if she is telling the truth… What can we do?”


“We can put her in hibernation of some kind. Stasis, coldsleep or carbonite.” Firdlump said gently. “We will keep her away from Istara, if we ever get our hands on Istara. Katherine… We will try not to hurt her…And if we do get Istara, we will keep the two of them separated.” Katherine bowed her head and nodded. “Are we agreed then?” All the others in the room nodded. “Menglan, what do you need?”


“I don’t know how much power it is going to take to break the blocks.” Menglan said slowly. “I don’t know how she is going to react, physically or emotionally. I am going to need help. Katherine and Vandar at the very least. Olandas to work the machine, she has defter hands than I do.” Olandas nodded. “We are going to have to be very delicate on this. A wrong move, a misstep and she could be a vegetable. If only she wasn’t immune to your nanites…” Menglan said sourly, her thoughts obviously racing. “Do you think you could make contact if you could touch her, Ecmin?”


“Physically?” Ecmin asked dubiously. “Maybe. I don’t know. Master…?”


“Move Jina directly to Ecmin?” Menglan nodded and Firdlump mused on that. “If we take proper precautions there should not be any issues from the hivemind. Should not.” Firdlump said sourly. “Our opponents are nothing if not sneaky.”


“Brakon sent a list of passengers to pick up.” Gev said quietly from the corner where he had finally calmed the excited tech. “Glad I don’t have to lock any of them up. I wouldn’t have space.” He swept Olandas up in his arms and carried her towards the door.


“Wait…” Vandar said slowly as the group started to disperse. “Something… Don’t go alone.” Vandar said to the baffled bounty hunter.


“What?” The hunter asked carefully as Olandas stared at the Jedi from his arms. “A Force thing?”


“Yeah.” Vandar said quietly. “When you said that. A tremor in the Force. Something bad, very bad. Just… don’t go alone…”


“Okay, Gev. Take a team.” Gev started to protest and Firdlump cut him off. “I know your ship is too small. Take one of the sanitized transports. Doctor, I can have Ecmin’s chamber set up for Jina by morning. Will that be enough prep time?” Gev and Menglan both nodded. “I don’t want to do this, but we don’t have a choice.” Maria nodded and left quietly, muttering something about idiot children.


“We will be as gentle as we can be.” Menglan steered Katherine’s sobbing form out of the room gently. “But it is for the best.” Firdlump remained for a moment and then looked at the holo of Ecmin.


“What is wrong, Ecmin?” Firdlump said gently. “I feel your distress.”


“I may not be that powerful in the Force, master. After all, I was cloned from a padawan.” Ecmin said quietly. “But I have a really bad feeling about this…”


“Me too, Ecmin.” Firdlump agreed softly. “Me too…”

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“Did you ever think it would come to his?” Jina asked calmly as the machinery lowered itself around her body. She didn’t move. Not that she could move. Every limb was strapped down tightly. She did not flinch, even when needles and tubes started finding sensitive spots. “I never did, Vandar. I never saw any of this coming… I guess I WAS blind.”


“No, Jina…” Vandar said in a sad voice as the female Jedi was prepared for the final stages of the experiment to access her mind. “I never saw this outcome either. I saw you. The moment I saw you on Tralus, I knew who you were. Third of the Seven. But not this. This road remains a mystery.”


“Yeah.” She grunted bit as something stung her, but did not move. “This is very uncomfortable. Is all this really needed?”


“We need to keep Ecmin safe, Jina.” Vandar’s hand traced her cheek, a gentle soothing touch. “This is the only want to move you without anyone we don’t want accessing your eyes.”


“I wouldn’t hurt her.” Jina protested half heartedly. “She is as much a victim as you are. More. You slimes cut off her antennae.”


“We didn’t cut them, Jina.” Katherine said, her face a mass of wet fur as she stepped closer to the gurney Jina was attached to. “We were as gentle as we could be. But, Jina… She killed her children… We had to do something to keep the hivemind from attacking her…”


“The hivemind?” Jina asked incredulously. “You… You really think…?” The Jedi slumped in her bonds. “You won’t believe me, but I better tell you now, while I can. The hivemind did not do that to her.”


“Jina…” Katherine said, exasperated. “There were alien thoughts in her head, I felt them.”


“The hivemind, hell all of us, were just as horrified by what she did as you all were.” Jina said sadly. “Sitolon do not kill one another. And they certainly do not kill eggs. Something else made her do that, something external. Watch her. Something else is at work here. When you… When you hurt her… We all felt it.” Katherine and Vandar both froze. “We did not order her to kill her children. We wanted to save them too. We tried to stop her…”


“You felt it…?” Vandar’s voice was horrified. “Jina…”


“The Sitolon understand. They even accept what you did. The punishment for murder among their people is mindwipe.” Jina said sadly. “They feel that she premeditatedly murdered her children. The Seven don’t completely agree, but that is just us. So, the mindwipe was justified by Sitolon law. Cutting off her antennae though… That was beyond the pale. That poor child… that poor, poor child…” The Jedi was crying softly now. “We all heard her scream in her mind, and then…nothing. I didn’t recognize the voice until she talked to me here. I hope your collective can help her. Because without access to the hivemind, nothing else will.”


“We will help her, Jina.” Katherine said sadly. “Now we have to try and help you.”


“You can’t.” Jina calmed herself. “You will try everything you know, but you can’t. Destiny will not be averted now. Not your fault.” Her voice was resigned now. “Do what you have to.”


“I need to intubate you, Jina.” Katherine said slowly. “We can’t let your airway be compromised.” She was not expecting the bound Jedi to laugh.


“Do I look like I can object?” Jina said in a devilish tone. “I am a little tied up here, or tied down, or…something.”


“Jina!” Katherine surprised herself with a laugh. “Oh Jina…” She rubbed her hand along the Jedi’s cheek. “You are taking this a lot better than I expected. I personally would be screaming.”


“Laugh or scream?” Jina said sourly. “I prefer…” She grunted as something pinched her hard on the inside of her leg then it hurt, very badly. “To laugh…” She gasped. “That…” She managed to get words out. “…hurts…” Katherine started fiddling with controls and the pain ebbed. “Thank you…”


“We don’t want to hurt you, Jina.” Katherine said sadly. “All of the arterial shunts are now in place. Stupid droid tried to shove it into your femur. Better?”


“Yes.” Jina said as she relaxed. “Look, about Zana… Can you at least try and keep her from getting killed when Istara kills me?”


“We are not going let Istara kill you, Jina.” Katherine said, exasperated. “If all else fails, I will put you in stasis myself. Come, on Jina, open wide…” She held up a laryngoscope and Jina sighed but did as instructed. Katherine was a pro. In less than half a minute, she had the tube in place securing Jina’s airway and was recovering the scope. The Jedi sighed deeply and closed her eyes. “It will be okay, Jina. It will okay…” Katherine said, trying to convince herself as much as the bound Jedi as she patted Jina’s shoulder. “Relax, sleep if you can.” Jina made a snorting noise through her nose and Katherine sighed. “I know, but… try…” Katherine pulled a tube out of a drawer on the gurney and connected it to the intubation tube. “There we go, oxygen is ready if you need it.” She turned to the door and spoke softly. “We are ready.”


The gurney stated moving. Katherine and Vandar followed it as it slowly crossed the room and out the door into another room. The journey through the corridors was silent, Jina couldn’t talk and the other two were lost in their own thoughts. An airlock arrangement had been set up and the gurney travelled into the lock. When it opened, Ecmin was standing there, her posture sad.


“We are ready too.” The Sitolon guided the gurney to the side where an ominous looking machine lay waiting. “You don’t have to stay Katherine.”


“She is my friend.” Katherine said stolidly. “I stay.”


“Ah, Katherine…” A surgical garbed form came up and Doctor Menglan spoke to Jina. “Jina this is going to hurt. We cannot deaden the nerves in your head too much without killing you. So… I need you to remain as still as you can. This should not take long. You can hurt or kill yourself if you move at all. So… Don’t please…” Jina was breathing hard as the doctor moved a panel on the gurney, exposing the underside of her shaved head. The doctor took a small device and ran it over various parts of Jina’s head. “This numbs the surface area at least. Easy, girl… Easy…” The doctor crooned as she moved a device into place. “A sting…” The device clamped onto the restraints holding Jina’s head and two tiny silver needles shot out, stabbing deep into the back of the bound Jedi’s head simultaneously. Jina didn’t move, but a gasp came from the tube. “Good girl… There we go, that part is done, two more…” Katherine moved forward, taking Jina’s bound hand in her own, offering her own strength. Two more devices moved to either side of Jina’s head and two more needles shot out, piercing her skull just in front of her ears. Jina groaned, but didn’t move.


“Last one…” Menglan crooned. “Easy girl, almost there…” She swung a menacing looking device over Jina’s forehead. It settled over her head with a click. The last needle shot out, spearing the woman’s forehead. Jina jerked, but her head did not move. Something like a strangled scream came from the tube in Jina’s mouth. Katherine was stroking her hand, Vandar her other hand. Menglan was quick to soothe the bound woman. “Easy, Jina, Easy, all done. That was rough, I know. Coming out, they won’t hurt at all. Take a moment, easy, calm yourself. Pain is over.”


Tears were falling down the Jedi’s face and Katherine was crying softly as well as she stroked Jina’s hand. Vandar slumped and then with a sigh, let the room.


“Can you sense her, Ecmin?” Menglan asked after a moment of stroking the Jedi’s arm and shoulder. Ecmin made a noise of negative from where she sat, connected to the Jedi by wires that ran from metal knobs on her head to the machinery around Jina. Menglan tensed. “At all?”


“I can feel…something…” Ecmin said slowly, confused. “But it is weird…It is like it is there, but not. Not like any human mind I have touched. It is… Jina… But it isn’t…” She sounded confused and odd.


“What do you mean?” Katherine asked, her worry for Jina in contest with her worry for Ecmin. “Ecmin, are you okay?”


“I don’t…” Then everything stopped as Ecmin screamed. “No! Stop it! Pull her out! Pull her out now!


“Ecmin!” Katherine dashed to the queen . ”What…?”


“It wasn’t the hivemind! It was me! My subconscious!” Ecmin screamed in horror. “Unhook her! Get me out of her mind before… No…!” She cried. “No! Jina, no!


“What the…” Menglan froze as Jina convulsed. Luckily, her body was strapped down too tightly to move, but it fought the straps. “No!” She shouted and retracted her gear swiftly. “Oh my god… The needles have withdrawn, but I am reading damage, massive intercranial damage… What the…? The needles didn’t do that!” She stared at the brain scans, ones that now showed no activity. Monitors went off as the bound Jedi’s body reacted to the sudden loss of brain activity by shutting down.“Starting resuscitation!”


“Jina… no… Please…” Ecmin was begging as she crept toward the gurney, trailing the wires attached to her skull. “No… It was me. My subconscious… I will make this right. I swear I will make this right!”


“Ecmin! Stay back!” Katherine said sharply as she worked with Menglan to resuscitate the Jedi. The bug reached out to the still form on the gurney. “What are you doing?”


“Saving Jina!” Ecmin said in a tone of iron as she touched the Jedi's limp arm and then collapsed.

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“It is not your fault, Ecmin.” A sad voice greeted the queen as she came to herself in the odd gray plain dreamscape that many minds could share. Jina Darkstorm stood nearby, clad in her silver armor. But her form was phased! Parts of it seemed to be there, other parts were not. The Jedi’s face was remote, but kind. “Don’t blame yourself.”


“All the signs were right there…” Ecmin said as she took a step, but seemed to get no closer to the Jedi. “Jina, you have to come back. You have to come back now…”


“I can’t, Ecmin.” Jina said kindly. “I am dead. My body could not handle the stresses.”


Nerf osik!” Ecmin screamed as she lunged towards the Jedi only to find Jina exactly as far from her as she had been. “Jina… please… Just take my claw, I can take you back.”


“No, you can’t.” Jina said, her face serene, but sad. “What will be, will be. I have no doubt that they can bring my body back, keep it alive. Maybe even grow a new personality in it. But it won’t be me.” She stiffened, sorrow and pain wracking her face. “Ecmin, I don’t have lot of time.”


“Jina, please…” The bug begged. “I killed my first children. Don’t make me responsible for your death too.”


“It wasn’t you, Ecmin.” Jina staggered a step and then fell to one knee. “It wasn’t you…”


“Yes it was.” Ecmin snarled angrily. “I felt the power inside me, I felt it attack you. I did that. My own subconscious did that. To my children before, and to you now.”


“Ecmin…” Jina was gasping now, but somehow, every time Ecmin tried to close the distance, the Jedi moved. Somehow she was always just out of reach. “It wasn’t you. Someone was controlling you. Not Firdlump, not the Hivemind, not Vandar… Someone else. It felt… familiar, but not.”


“Jina…” Ecmin was heaving in grief now. “Let me help you!”


“You… can’t…” Jina collapsed into a heap, her chest heaving as she fought for air. “Whoever attacked me through you knew what they were doing. Too much damage, too fast. I am sorry Ecmin, I wanted…” Ecmin could finally reach Jina and she scooped the fallen Jedi up in her claws, keening. “I wanted to help you. But it is not for me to do.” Her hand came up and caressed the metal knobs that had replaced Ecmin’s antennae. She smiled fondly. “You are such…a beautiful bug…”


“Jina, don’t leave me, please…” The bug sounded so lost and alone now. “I can save part of you. But only if you let me.”


“Do what you must, Ecmin.” The Jedi smiled, but then her face froze and her voice was sharp with fear when she spoke again. “Ecmin, don’t move…” Ecmin froze in place. The Force was screaming ‘Danger’ at Ecmin now that she could focus beyond her grief and fear. Jina’s voice called out towards something or someone behind the bug. “She is a victim Will! Don’t hurt her!


Will? Will Kalenath? Ecmin went very still, she knew her life was bare moments from being snuffed out. Ecmin laid Jina’s quivering form down on the gray matter that made up the surface of the plain and stepped back, her posture submissive.


“I did this… Do what you must…” The bug said quietly.


“No, you didn’t.” The cold male voice scared her more than anything she had ever encountered before. Ecmin did not dare look up as armored boots stepped closer. “Jina, did you get any sense on who it was?”


“No.” Jina said and then coughed hard. “It felt…familiar, but…not… Will… I am sorry… Tell Sharra and the others… I… am…” Her voice cut off with dreadful finality.


“Jina…?” Ecmin asked, her tone pleading., “Jina!” She shouted as she looked up and the form of the Jedi was still and she paused. Was it…? Yes it was dissipating. “No!” But she didn’t dare move.


“Jina said it is not your fault.” Ecmin’s multiple eyes were pulled against her will to where a black armored form stood nearby. His slouch of apparent indifference was just that, apparent. He was coiled and ready to fight. His green eyes were a pair of primed turbolasers aimed at her soul. “I trusted her. I don’t trust you, Ecmin. Or you, Firdlump.”


“Will Kalenath…” Ecmin went utterly still as the form of her master appeared nearby. His voice was ad and cautious. “Jina Darkstorm’s body lives and we have saved what we could of her mind.”


“Right…Like I can believe anything you say.” Will said indifferently. “You heard what she said. But of course you don’t believe it.”


“You are a master manipulator.” Fidlump said with a grimace. “Jina was one as well. We can’t trust anything you say.”


“Coming from you, that is a compliment.” Will might have been discussing the average amount of rain on Alderaan for all the emotion he was showing. “She thought that you would count her a threat, lock her up or put her in stasis, keep her from being killed by Istara that way. Silly that.” Now his voice was scornful. “Why try and keep a threat contained when you can play with it? Ecmin, leave. Now.” Ecmin shivered, his voice was so cold… So… So dead…


“Will Kalenath… No…” Ecmin suddenly was even more afraid. What was he going to do? “Don’t…”


“I am not going to do anything with you here, Ecmin.” Will said slowly. “Jina asked me not to hurt you and I won’t. I wouldn’t anyway. You are a slave and a victim. She didn’t say anything about the thing that holds your reins. In another ten seconds or so, he is going to try and take me. A while back, Jina said shooting and explosions wouldn’t work. I replied we haven’t tried yet. Now is as good a time as any.” Ecmin shuddered as he smiled. There was no humor in it and nothing remotely human. Death was staring at her from a human face as he reached up and a large mass snapped into his hand. As he brought it down, it expanded into the form of a heavy blaster cannon. “Ready to dance, scumbag?”


“I am not going to fight you, Will Kalenath.” Firdlump said soberly. “There has been enough death for one day. For what it is worth, you have my condolences.” With that, he touched Ecmin and they both vanished. Will stood there for a moment and then with a sigh, he holstered his blaster and vanished as well.


A few moments after that, a transparent, indistinct form composed of blue energy appeared on the plain. Jina Darkstorm was struggling against something that held her in place and swearing.


“You lousy good for nothing lying piece of poodoo. You flarging lying barvette! If you were not munking dead already, I would tear your frelling head off!” Finally, after several minutes, she calmed slightly. “Show yourself you witch!”


“Are you done Jina?” A blue skinned Twi’lek form appeared nearby, her face sorrowful and her posture old and tired. Her face was young, but her lekku drooped. “We didn’t have a choice.”


“Bull.” Jina snarled at the Twi’lek. “I may not be a seer, but I know that is bull, Ulaha. You sent me that vision, just so you could make it come true, didn’t you? You made that poor bug kill her kids! You made her kill me!


“It was needed.” The spirit of a dead padawan said sadly. “Come on, Jina, we have lots to do.”


“Flarg off!” Jina snarled at her. “I am not…” She grunted and fell to her spectral knees as power flared around her. “I. Won’t. Help. You!”


“You don’t understand, Jina. Yes you will.” Ulaha said sadly as the other Force ghost screamed. “Yes, you will…”

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“I can’t believe she is gone…” Katherine sobbed as she finished the connections to the still form on the gurney. It was breathing, but… “I can’t…She was always so strong, so brave…”


“She said… It wasn’t me…” Ecmin was still in shock as well. “I… I think it was…Will this work?” The queen asked, her voice holding faint hope. She had stepped back from where the docs were working, trying to bring Jina’s mind back. Her body was working, but it was an empty shell. Firdlump had come and done what he could. What little he could. The damage had been…extensive.


“I don’t know.” Menglan said sadly. “We have never tried this…If she became one with the Force as you say, then her mind is still out there, likely close by. We may be able to pull it back in.” She said softly as she finished the connections. “Maybe… What the…?” She spun as the hatch to the airlock opened and a staggering form came in. Menglan’s voice was half ire, half dismay. “Zana?”


The ten year old Bladeborn looked terrible. Tubes still stuck out of her body, but all looked to have been tied off. Monitor wires still hung from her gaunt form as well. Her patient gown was ripped in a half dozen places and she had raw patches on her elbows and knees, as if she had crawled a ways on them. Her head was still bandaged and her eyes were unfocused. She stared at the doctors and toppled.


Zana!” Katherine spun and blanched as she saw the young woman falling. She managed with some difficulty to catch the girl before she hit the floor. “What are you doing out of bed? Zana, you have hurt yourself…”


“Jina is in trouble…” Zana mumbled. “She needs you, Ecmin, I need to help… My oath… I owe her…”


“Zana…” Katherine gave the hurt girl a careful squeeze. “Jina is dead. We are trying to bring her back.”


“Won’t work…” Zana gasped out. “Someone has her trapped, on the plain… I...”


“On the plain?” Ecmin exclaimed. “Zana… What…?”


“I don’t know.” Zana said, gasping for air. “Someone woke me up, she said Jina was in trouble. I owe her, I remember that. I owe her!” She held out a desperate hand. “Ecmin… Please…”


Ecmin looked at the girl’s hand and then at the still form on the gurney. She made a sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan as she reached out to take the girl’s hand.


“Ecmin, no…” Katherine reached up to bat the claw away, but paused as a sound reverberated through the collective. A battlecry. Katherine stared at the bug and then nodded soberly. “They can’t fight all of us.” She eased Zana into a more comfortable position and nodded as Menglan reached out to take Ecmin’s other small claw. “Let show these bastards and get our new sister back!” Katherine snarled as the world fell away.




“Jina, come on.” Ulaha was begging the other Jedi spirit now. “We don’t have a lot of time. If the rest of the Seven find us, or… Oh no…”


You leave her alone!” A shout came as a Bladeborn appeared on the plain. It was Zana, but a far cry from the hurt and scared girl that Katherine had just been holding. This girl wore full brown armor and had a naked sword in hand as she stepped between the two spirits. “If you want her, you have to go through me.”


“I have no quarrel with you, Zana of the Bladeborn.” The spectral Twi’lek said. “But Jina is coming with me.”


“We do have a quarrel.” Zana said as her blade came up in a salute and then into a ready position. “I won’t let you take her.”


“Z…Zana…” Jina choked out. “N…No…She will…destroy.. you…”


“My choice, Jina.” Zana said slowly. “By my honor and by my oath, I am bound to serve. I am Bladeborn and you have hurt one who I owe a debt to, spirit. May I know your name?”


“I am Ulaha.” The Jedi said slowly as a blue lightsaber ignited in her hand. “I do not wish to fight you, child.”


“No, you make war on those who cannot fight back.” Zana said derisively. “I am no match for you with the Force, but I don’t need it here.” Ulaha moved, trying to pull Zana away from Jina, but the Bladeborn did not move. “What is it like, Jedi? To kill children?”


“I have not killed…” Ulaha broke off as Jina snarled at her.


“Don’t try and lie, Ulaha!” Jina said as she rose, her form becoming more solid. “You made Ecmin kill her children. A simple push with the Force, from self destructive impulses to murderous ones. You attacked me through her while my mental shields were down due to the experiment. You are no Jedi…”


“I did not do that, Jina.” Ulaha said softly. “To answer your question, Bladeborn, I do not kill children.”


“Eggs then.” Zana said softly, her focus never leaving the blue form. “Almost children. Why, spirit? Why doom them? Why drive a young mother mad? What had she done to you? What had Jina done to you to make her death necessary?”


“This is not what you think, child.” Ulaha’s saber vanished. She smiled and bowed. “It is time. Take her and go. May the Force be with you.”


“What kind of a trick…?” Zana asked sourly and then paused as the Jedi spirit vanished. “What the hell…?” She turned to her charge, worried. “Jina…?” Her sword vanished back into its sheathe as she saw the Jedi weaving on her feet.


“Zana…” Jina suddenly appeared completely solid again. “I…” She collapsed into Zana’s arms. “What… the…?”


“It is all right, Jina.” Zana said as she held the shuddering Jedi. “It is all right. Go back to your body, Jina…” She slumped. “You are free.”


“Zana…” Jina stared at the Bladeborn and sighed. “I can feel them through you now. Whatever was done to me has been undone. But the damage is too much.” She was crying now. “I don’t want to leave you to face this alone…But I can’t go back to my body either. Too much damage. Your debt is paid Bladeborn. I don’t know why she would back off from… you…”


“She didn’t.” Donal Firdlump said as he appeared nearby, not moving as Jina gave a squeak of alarm before calming. “She backed off from all of us. We were all willing to help Zana and you, Jina Darkstorm.”


“We are enemies.” Jina said carefully, rising to her full height and slipping out of Zana’s grasp easily. “The Seven will stand against you, now and… uh…” She shuddered. “What the hell have you done…?” She asked as she collapsed. Zana caught her again.


“Saved your life.” Firdlump said easily. “Welcome to the collective, sister.”


No!” Jina shouted, but then her eyes rolled up inside her head and Zana was crying as she eased Jina’s sleeping form back to the ground.


“It is all right, Jina.” Zana said sadly. “Everything will be all right now…” She was stroking Jina’s hair gently as they vanished from the plain.

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“That was… unexpected.” Ecmin said quietly as the group waited for their newest sister to wake. “Why would a Jedi spirit do such a thing? Hurt me, make me do such a terrible things, not once, but twice?” They had put Jina on a bunk that had been installed against one wall of Ecmin’s nesting chamber for just such a reason. They had figured that having her close to Ecmin might aid her recovery. Not that Ecmin was going to let the Jedi out of her sight.


“I don’t know, Ecmin.” Firdlump said sadly as he caressed Zana’s head. The girl was dozing now, the docs had been less than thrilled with her mad dash to Ecmin’s nesting chamber. “Should I punish Zana for disobeying or not?” He asked after a moment. “We told her to stay in the bed. None of us ordered her to. We all thought she had sense. I get the feeling she is going to be a lot like a younger Olandas in this regard. We will have to be very clear in our instructions.” He laughed a bit sourly and the tech swallowed heavily.


“I don’t mean to be a pain, Master.” Olandas said with a frown. “And she was trying to fulfill her oath. Do we punish her for that? For being who and what she is? Her brain was too fuzzy, she couldn’t make herself understood. We heard her, but we all thought she was just dreaming. If she hadn’t done that, what would have happened to Jina?”


“Good point. Very well, no punishment for this. That Jedi spirit was odd.” Firdlump mused as everyone nodded. The entire collective had been with Zana when she had gone to the plain to face Jina’s tormenter. “I don’t know if she was hurting Jina or restraining Jina, but Jina was definitely fighting her control.”


“Whoever she was, whatever she was doing, she proved herself an enemy.” Ecmin said softly from where she sat right beside Jina’s bed. She hadn’t wanted to let Jina out of her sight, and truth be told, no one wanted to argue. All the needed medical gear was here for the experiment that had gone so horribly wrong, so why take the chance? “I don’t care who she was. She hurt Jina. If I see her again, I am going to hurt her.”


“Ecmin…” Katherine said sadly as she rubbed the bug’s carapace, soothing, relaxing. “Vengeance isn’t the answer. Be calm. Jina is alive. She wasn’t earlier. That is a plus.”


“True… I…” Ecmin broke off as Jina moaned. “Jina…?” Ecmin’s voice was soft, careful now. The docs both moved close but did not crowd. “Jina, can you hear me?”


“Hurts…” Jina’s voice was low and odd. It wasn’t her normal tone. It sounded young, in pain and… off. All of the others looked at each other and the collective was wary as Ecmin moved closer to the bed.


“What hurts, Jina?” Ecmin said gently as she stroked Jina’s arm with a small claw. “We can help you. Just tell us what hurts.”


“Hurts…” Jina said, her form starting to shiver. “Hurts…” She was crying now as she curled up on herself.


“Jina…” Ecmin’s voice was very gentle now. “Where does it hurt?”


“Head… hurts…” Jina cried as she rocked in her fetal crouch. “Can’t… Can’t…” She was crying hard now. “Can’t…”


“Can’t what? What is wrong, Jina?” Ecmin asked, confused, turning to the docs who came close, scanners in hand. But everything stopped when Jina looked up at them and cried out as she tried to roll away from them. She was stymied by the wall and cringed against it, obviously terrified.


“No! No! Stay away! Bad people! Stay away!” Her tone was not the confident Jedi. No, this was a child. A scared, hurting child. “Stay away!”


“Jina, we are not going to hurt you.” Katherine worked to keep her voice calm and gentle. She stayed where she was, and when Menglan pulled out a syringe, the Cathar shook her head. Something was very wrong here. Sedating Jina might be a very bad idea. “Jina, please… hear our minds, feel us. We want to help. Please let us.”


“Bad people!” Jina declared, pulling her legs up as she sat against the wall the bunk was next to, hugging them to herself as she tried to curl away from the concerned doctors. “Feel you… Bad people! Mom! Where you? Why not hear? Why not feel? Mom!” She screamed. It was a desolate sound of grief, loss and pain. Both of the doctors took a step back as Jina wailed, trying to push herself back into the wall in her terror.


“Oh my god…” Katherine said softly as the collective tried to make sense of this bizarre change in the Jedi. “Menglan… Do you feel that?” She asked as she felt something odd from the Jedi through the collective, something fragmented. It was as if bits of the Jedi’s mind were not there.


“The damage…” Menglan’s face was pale. “We repaired everything we could, but… The damage was extreme. We pulled her mind back into a damaged brain and she couldn’t compensate… Oh no…No… Jina…” The doc was crying now.


“What?” Zana asked from her spot. Firdlump had a hand on her chest, easily holding her down. She didn’t try and move. She knew better. “What has happened to Jina?”


“The damage she took from the attack that came through Ecmin…” Menglan said heavily. “…caused irreparable harm to her brain. Not even the master can fix it. We shunted parts of her mind into other parts of her brain. It should have let her wake up the person she was… But…” She waved to where the Jedi was rocking and weeping now.


“So…” Zana said slowly as she looked up art Firdlump. “If you healed my brain damage, you can heal hers?”


“There is nothing more we can fix in her brain now, Zana.” Firdlump said sadly. “She is as healthy as she is going to be. She is fine.”


“How can that…?” Zana asked with a snarl as she waved at Jina’s quivering form. The young Bladeborn was nearly in tears. “Be fine…?”


“Zana…” Menglan’s voice was kind but incredibly sad. “Jina is not gone; she just…can’t make herself understood. She doesn’t understand, nothing is making sense to her. This will all be very confusing and frightening to her, and…” She bowed her head. “I don’t think she will get better, Zana.”


“No…” Zana’s face held horror now. “She said… On the plain… That the damage was too much… No… I wanted… I wanted to… Jina… no…” She started to cry and Firldump rubbed her hand gently.


“This is my responsibility. The attack came though me.” Ecmin said in the horrified silence that descended. “I will tend her. Maybe… Maybe we can find a way to help her.” She moved back to the bed, the doctors making way for her. “Jina… It’s okay, step mom’s here. Easy girl…” She moved very slowly, easing her not inconsiderable bulk closer to the woman as Jina wept in terror.


“Not mom…” Jina sobbed. “Where mom?”


“Jina…” Ecmin’s voice was gentle now as her small claws came in and took the sobbing woman by the shoulders, rubbing gently. “Your birth mother is dead. But I will take care of you. I can’t ever take her place, but I can help you. Please let me.” Her gentle voice and soothing touches calmed the frightened woman and Jina slumped, worn out. “Sleep now, Jina. Step-Mom bug is here and she won’t let anything else happen to you.”


She pulled Jina up into a gentle embrace. Then she eased the woman into a seat on her lower arms, almost a cradle. She rocked the woman as Jina fell asleep, tears still falling. Firdlump picked Zana up and the rest of the group left the nesting chamber in silence. Ecmin rocked Jina until Jina was fully asleep and then she sighed.


A voice spoke from nowhere, soft sad and female. “Ecmin… Remember…” The Sitolon queen jerked and then she slumped, careful not to jar the sleeping Jedi.


“I hate this…” She said softly to the empty air. “The monitors in here are mine. The collective has given me some privacy, for the moment and they have a hard time detecting you anyway. You can show yourselves. I don’t like deceiving her. I hated hurting her…”


“You are not deceiving her. And you did not hurt her.” A Force spirit, no two appeared nearby. Both were female, one was Ulaha, the Twi’lek from before and the other… “Ah, Jina, my poor brave girl…” Emily Darkstorm said sadly at her sleeping eldest daughter. Spectral tears fell in sheets. “It had to be, but… Take care of her, Ecmin. Please…?”


“Of course I will, Emily.” Ecmin said sadly as she rocked the hurt former Jedi in her lower arms. “I hate this, I hate lying to people. I hate hurting people. I wish you had killed me when you first made contact.”


“Ecmin…” Emily said sadly. “We talked about this. They would have made another. We had to keep them off balance while you tampered with the DNA samples. We offered, you chose. I am sorry about your children, but the collective knew you were going to do something. It had to be blatant and horrific enough for them to sever your link or none of what must happen will. We had to make them and the hivemind believe that the mindwipe worked. We had to… You did not do it. I did.”


“That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. I am a murderer or an accomplice to murder.” Ecmin said sadly. “And hurting Jina? How can you do that to your own daughter? Damage her brain enough to make her mentally retarded? Even through me?” Ecmin’s voice was sick as she stroked Jina’s hair gently. The hurt woman with the mind of a child sighed in her sleep and eased her tight fetal curl a little bit.


“It was the second hardest thing I have done in my life.” Emily said sadly. “The first was standing there and letting Michelle kill me. Jina is not dead, or gone. Hold to that.”


“I will.” Ecmin said softly then she stiffened. “They are asking me how she is doing. Emily…” The human shaped force ghost reached out and touched the Sitolon on head and then both vanished. Ecmin had slumped, she started, and then she sighed and rocked Jina again. “Rest Jina. Step-Mom will make it all better. It is what step-moms do, the hard things. Swirling Force or not, I will not let you tamely meet whatever destiny you saw. I won’t.” She carried the slumbering Jedi to her central spot and rocked her gently, singing a lullaby.




Three indistinct forms stood in a quite place on the gray plain.


“You think Ecmin can do it?” Ulaha’s voice held worry. “She is awfully young.”


“She is a mother.” Emily Darkstorm was sad, but proud as spectral tears fell freely. “She can do it.” She sighed. “I thought death would be an end to running around like a nutcase…”


“Never ends.” A sad male voice spoke. “Are you all right? It had to be done. The prophecy had to be kept on track.”


All right?” Emily snarled. “How can I be all right? I just lobotomized my eldest child, Bob! No I am not all right!” She was crying. “I… I am not…”


“I know.” The voice of Bob, the other nanite intelligence loose in the galaxy was sad. “But it had to be. She is not dead, Emily. Hold to that. Hold that tight, my dear.”


“I know it had to be done, but… Jina…” Emily’s sobs eased as someone, or something, comforted her. “Oh Jina… My poor Jina…”


“Easy, Emily…” Bob’s voice was kind and soothing. “Take what time you need. We have time, now.”


“I…” Emily sighed and her voice steadied. “I will be all right. She is not dead. Maybe… After this… We can do something for her… Maybe…”


“We will do what we can, Emily.” Bob promised her. “Anything I can do, I will. Your family has sacrificed as much as Will’s has. You have both earned anything I can do to aid you. Anything.” His soft words were a pledge.


“I may hold you to that.” Emily said softly as she calmed herself. “But for now… Now we need to try and head Will off somehow before he tears himself apart.”


“Be careful Emily.” Ulaha said slowly. “He may no longer have that nasty piece of hardware that you gave him, the one that strips the Force, but he has many tricks.” Emily just looked at the Twi’lek and Ulaha laughed softly. “Oh, right, forgot. You gave him most of them didn’t you?”


“It is not my destiny to die at his hands, Ulaha.” Emily said with a shrug. “Besides… I am dead already.”


“I am with Bindo and Jina.” Ulaha said softly. “The only destiny is one that we make. And this one we have to get right.”


“Agreed.” Emily said as her form vanished. Her resigned voice remained for a moment. “But it does tend to stay interesting around people the Force swirls around, huh?” Then it was gone.


“Interesting?” Ulaha said in a disbelieving voice. “Yeah… Right… You are one weird woman, Emily…” She was shaking her head as she vanished. Bob’s form remained for a moment before it too winked out.

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