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Outbreak of war


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What do people think about roughly when the treaty of coursant collapses and the "second great galactic war starts"?


The war seems to start at different places in different storylines. In most of the class storylines it takes place at the beginning of act 3 after you leave hoth, however this wouldn't make sense because this takes place after taris, balmorra, quesh and hoth, which contain clear open conflict between the republic and empire. This indicates that peace must have broken down at the end of act 1, (like in the sith inquistors storyline). There has been conflict between republic and empire before this, for example on nar shadder, and the works and jedi temple on corusant, however the theme is here that this is all covert stuff and operations that can skirt around the treaty of coursant, however the conflict on taris, for imperial story, and balmorra for republic is clearly plantery invasions, which they could not get away with in a cold war, also the impression of quesh and hoth are the same, in which imperial and republic troops are openly fighting each other.


Has anyone else got any opinion's on this continual discrepancy?

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It starts at different times for different classes because they don't happen at the same time,

I saw Darth Decimus at the Dark Council at the end of the Sith Warrior class and he dies in the end for every Republic player on Corellia, Thanaton was there as well, and he dies at the end of the Sith Inquisitor storyline

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It occurs during the time skip between Chapters 2 and 3, at least for the classes with a time skip. For classes that lack an implied time skip, it happens during the chapter 2 finale/chapter 3 intro. While there are hostilities on Balmorra, Taris, Quesh, and Hoth they apparently aren't enough to trigger an official reignition of hostilities. Heck the main readon the Imperial are even on Quesh is to goad the Republic into being the ones to restart the war.
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I believe the war ignites during the Trooper story



In act 2, you are tasked with destroying a super weapon, named the Gauntlet, which can destroy ships in one shot, even in hyperspace. After destroying the weapon, you are contacted by an Imperial General (who becomes the primary antagonist of act 3), who claims the super weapon was to be used for peaceful purposes and uses the destruction of the Gauntlet, as an excuse to attack Republic space, starting the 2nd war.


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It occurs during the time skip between Chapters 2 and 3, at least for the classes with a time skip. For classes that lack an implied time skip, it happens during the chapter 2 finale/chapter 3 intro. While there are hostilities on Balmorra, Taris, Quesh, and Hoth they apparently aren't enough to trigger an official reignition of hostilities. Heck the main readon the Imperial are even on Quesh is to goad the Republic into being the ones to restart the war.


Good point about quesh, now that I remember he did say something about goading the republic into open war, however the situation with taris and balmorra was a full on armed invasion, in any cold war in any universe that would be a full on act of war, it would be like saying, for example in the real cold war if the soviet union launched an assault on western Germany and killing many US troops and the US government saying, hmm I'am not sure if this is enough hostile action to fight back. I don't why bioware couldn't have kept events a more consistent in all aspects of the game, and i think they might need to research more into the definition of a cold war.

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Pretty much what Ranadiel said. All though Chapter I is full of proxy wars and small flareups in the Cold War,like real world Cold Wars.


I hate it when people insist that the Trooper story solely re-ignites the war, while it is a significant event, all the classes play a role in touching off the war again(like the SW murdering the War Trust).

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Good point about quesh, now that I remember he did say something about goading the republic into open war, however the situation with taris and balmorra was a full on armed invasion, in any cold war in any universe that would be a full on act of war, it would be like saying, for example in the real cold war if the soviet union launched an assault on western Germany and killing many US troops and the US government saying, hmm I'am not sure if this is enough hostile action to fight back. I don't why bioware couldn't have kept events a more consistent in all aspects of the game, and i think they might need to research more into the definition of a cold war.


Balmorra is actually easy to explain as to why it doesn't set off a reignition of the war. The rebels were the primary fighting force in the war on Balmorra. They were the ones to fight back the Empire and force them off the planet, the Republic's presence there was small enough that they can politically deny being responsible. We just don't get a good sense for this in game because of how much we interact with the Republic commanders coordinating the efforts.


Taris....is a bit more of a stretch. The best explnation that I can come up with would really be that the incident on Taris is buried by the Republic. The leadership doesn't want to admit that they lost a planet to Imperial forces, it wasn't a major population center, and it was someplace that they had already had trouble colonizing. It becomes announced that the Taris recolonization has failed because the enviorment is too hostile and they leave out any mention of the Imperial's role as they silently build their forces.


I hate it when people insist that the Trooper story solely re-ignites the war, while it is a significant event, all the classes play a role in touching off the war again(like the SW murdering the War Trust).


I think you would have to really stretch to make an argument that the SI helped reignite the war. If my memory serves me right the SI only really fights the Republic on Balmorra in Chapter 2. Everyone else is involved in some event that is partially responsible for the restarting of the war(although I can't remember what the BH did which contributed).

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I think you would have to really stretch to make an argument that the SI helped reignite the war. If my memory serves me right the SI only really fights the Republic on Balmorra in Chapter 2. Everyone else is involved in some event that is partially responsible for the restarting of the war(although I can't remember what the BH did which contributed).


I was distracted by my daughter running amok and forgot to add in my example that each class directly or indirectly contributes to the war going hot i.e the SW killing the War Trust(direct) and anyone finishing the planetary quests(indirect) which are proxy wars and flareups and serve to slowly push the factions closer and closer to open war again.

Edited by Temeluchus
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