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Boost the damage on Charged Bolts


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Charged Bolts was nerfed back when you guys decided Grav Round was doing too much damage and I still don't see the reason why. If you were gunnery spec you would never use CB so I don't see the need to nerf it for those of us who run assault spec. I can still pull some decent dps in raids as assault but it's not as good as gunnery.


Could you guys give us an increase in damage on CB? or maybe increase the chance it will refresh HIB? or even reduce it's casting time so it fits more with the mobility of assault for PVP.

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I would rather they put a talent in the Assault tree to make CB instant cast and change the endurance talent to be 100% chance to proc plasma cell (33.33% per point, rounded up).


i would love this so much.



i would especially love to be able to spec outside of gunnery while specced assault.

as it is, putting the last 10 points you have into gunnery is really nonnegotiable.

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I'd love that but even I think that would be a bit OP. No way they'll give us a 30m instant cast with 100% chance to proc plasma cell.


I think it would be more realistic to reduce its damage but give it a higher chance to reset HIB and make the endurance talent increase the chance to proc plasma cell on all our attacks.

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I'd love that but even I think that would be a bit OP. No way they'll give us a 30m instant cast with 100% chance to proc plasma cell.


I think it would be more realistic to reduce its damage but give it a higher chance to reset HIB and make the endurance talent increase the chance to proc plasma cell on all our attacks.


Honestly I don't think it'd be that OP, but either way something needs to be done, and the longer we go the more I'm convinced nothing will be done. They need to decide what they want the class to be in PVP. We don't have the defenses (both to damage and to interrupts) to be a turret, and we can't run away well enough to be a really good kiter.

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I agree that they don't seem to know what to do with the class for PVP. Nerfing our damage in 1.2 and yet leaving classes like Pyrotech/Marauders alone seems kinda stupid to me. I just wish the Devs would come out and say if the class is performing as intended or if they plan to buff it.
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I'd love that but even I think that would be a bit OP. No way they'll give us a 30m instant cast with 100% chance to proc plasma cell.


I think it would be more realistic to reduce its damage but give it a higher chance to reset HIB and make the endurance talent increase the chance to proc plasma cell on all our attacks.


why is it OP powertech and vanguard they have both a spammable 1 button smash that can do uber damage, aka flame burst...

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