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One piece of advice for community managers and developers


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The question that is never answered is the 'why?' question. Thank you for teasing us with information about the future of the game but we would love you to speak out more about what your aims are with the future of the game and why you made certain things how they are.


Like why so many quest objectives are not instanced.

Why did you make the dailies like they are rather than making them fun and less repetitive?

Why are there literally no sandbox elements to this game?

What were you thinking when you designed the rewards for this world event?

What will you be aiming to improve and achieve with upcoming changes to the game e.g. More things to do in the endgame, less repetitive things and more sandbox elements, improved world experiences?


There are many things that I'm sure you have reason for doing that you haven't given an explanation and have instead left people confused and dissatisfied. The 'why' question is the most important so please don't neglect it all the time ;)

Edited by omNOMNOMinator
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Dailies like the Black Hole to find the 4 Containers and destroy them is a example of bad concepts.


54 people looking for 4 boxes each is 216 boxes and only 9 are available so 216/9=24.3

This means you have at least 30 people driving around looking for the same 9 boxes to respawn.


Like I said before "Bad concepts"

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