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Sentinel/Marauder, Light/Dark Side, & Crew Skills Guides


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Heya guys!! Welcome to your one stop shop for Skeleton Jack's Guides!




Advanced Mechanics: Centering/Fury


Basic Mechanics Primer for SWTOR


Crew Skills for SWTOR made simple.


Cross Faction Abilities: Sentinel & Marauder


Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior Primer


Leveling Combat/Carnage: JK Sentinel / SW Marauder


Leveling Focus/Rage: JK Sentinel / SW Marauder


Leveling Watchman/Annihilation: JK Sentinel / SW Marauder


Light/Dark Side Primer



"Who are you Skeleton Jack and why should your opinions matter?"


I am Skeleton Jack, the Death Knight from WoW. You can check the Site Meter posted on my website to see that it's done 3.8 million hits and 7.3 million views as just a blog due to my previous work. I was also interviewed by World of Raids and put up as a front page article due to my knowledge of WoW, DK's, and the level of contributions I made to the community. And I dropped Muru in Sunwell before the 3.0 nerf.


I've been in Server Rank 1 guilds multiple times, a top 10 US guild, and I've joined Not Steamboat for SWTOR which was at one point World Ranked 13 (they were the previous number 1 Oceanic guild before they disbanded). I've been hardcore raiding for years and I've got the experience and knowledge to back my observations and opinions.


My website has never been a revenue source, it's a hobby. And my goal has always been to help players improve their game. So long as people take something positive away from my advice then I've accomplished my goal.



For the long version of who I am see my website: http://www.skeletonjack.com/about/



If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or track me down through my Contact page.

As I create more guides I will update this post. If you like these guides please leave a response to keep them in the public eye.

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