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Help on Final Mission?


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OK, finally got to the final mission. I've played mostly as a Sith Warrior and played though that storyline three times now but nothing to prepare me for this fight.



So I'm an Evil Jedi Sentinel with most of my points in the middle tree and a few in thr far right. It's worked for me and I've had no issues with any boss so far. Now I watched a video of someone doing this on Youtube but in their video they seem to target one Emp all the time in the centre... but my Emp starts on the throne and then.. well I dunno.



It was late and I was tired but...any one point me to a relevant guide of help me out.. thanks

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Hope this helps!

Have you geared up T7 for the fight? You have to if you want any chance. There's a puzzle thing you can do, but I'd geared up T7 beforehand. Also, make sure you get Recruit gear; it's probably a lot better than what you have right now and it's completely free :D.


When you're in the fight, concentrate all of your DPS on the "real" Emperor. He'll summon clones; when he does use Force Sweep or Cyclone Strike and they'll go down in 1 shot. Keep your focus on the Emperor and interrupt when you can; you should be level 50 and have all of the interrupts you need.


I played as a Watchman spec and to be honest, this fight was really easy. It sounds like you're a Combat spec, and I've heard good things about that one too. Good luck!


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