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(L,F&E 85) Changes


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<The next morning>


Sarai was aware of a subtle tension as she reported for drill but she ignored it. She still hurt, and would for some time. But the pain was minimal compared to what it had been and she had to stay in shape. She took her place in the ranks of silent Bladeborn and did not react as Ji slipped into place beside her. Ji looked… good. Much better than she had before. The young insect was virtually glowing with life and energy now, a very difference bug than she had been before Majistrona’s people had come and healed her. Sarai kept her pleasure from her body posture, she knew Ji blamed herself for what Saria had gone through. But it was the duty of a proper queen to look after her subjects, and while Sarai did not consider herself a proper queen, she knew that she had done the right thing. Besides… It had been fun telling Majistrona and her whole swarm to ‘flarg off’. Her mental ramblings cut off as the training master addressed her.


<Initiate Sarai.> Masterblade Reekia’s voice was calm, and low for a Wookiee. < Have you been cleared for drill?> Sarai bowed her head as was proper. She was not expecting Reekia to chuckle. <You wouldn’t lie to me, would you, Sarai?>


“Uh…No…” Sarai stumbled, unsure of what to say. “Ona cleared me for basic drills, but nothing beyond that. I need to keep my form up.” She froze in place as Reekia walked up to her and scrutinized her with sight and Force.


<It will hurt you for some time.> Reekia finally said. <Until the carapace that you had removed grows back it will be tender. Your body has been taxed overtime in regenerating your internal injuries. The skin will take longer to harden.> Sarai did not move, flinch or cry out as a long furred finger touched the soft spot on her abdomen gently. Even gentle, it hurt like fire. Reekia sighed and looked Sarai in the eyes. <If you hurt yourself, Ona will be angry with me. So don’t.> She looked at Ji and the other students and nodded to them. <If she starts to hurt, TELL ME. She won’t. Stubborn bug.> A soft chuckle swept the ranks nearby but all the Bladeborn nodded to the masterblade. Sarai nodded to the masterblade. It was nothing more than the truth. The Wookiee shook her head and resumed her place in front of the group. <Very well… Form one, by the numbers. Keep to the drill and slow…> She drew her blade and at that signal, every one of the assembled Bladeborn did the same.


Sarai did as all the others around her, she drew her training sword in the prescribed manner, sweeping the horizontal clearing cut across her front and then bringing her sword to the ready position, with both of her upper manipulators holding the hilt and the point of the blade straight up and down in front at eye level. Well, mid eye level, since she had six of them now. She started the cuts, feeling a slight pulling in her abdomen as she maintained the proper position. Having four legs instead of two helped somewhat for balance’s sake, but in other regards it was a pain in the shebs. She focused on trying to make her cuts as perfect as possible. She could not go back as far as she had been able to as a human, the abdomen was in the way. But her strikes were just as powerful and now they were even more precise than they had been. She finished the drill in time with the others around her and her sword went back to her side. As a training sword made of wood, her weapon did not have a scabbard, but she mimicked the moves that others did with steel blades. The idea was to get the patterns so ingrained that they would be done without fail, perfectly, every time. She figured in, oh… ten years or so, she would be a reasonably good swordsinsect. If she survived that long of course. When the training master commanded, she started the second drill, ignoring the pain that began in her gut. But others did not.


Stop Ji said softly in Sarai’s mind. You will hurt yourself, Sarai. There is no dishonor in being hurt. There is in being stupid about it. Sarai paused in midstrike and sighed. She put her sword back in its illusionary scabbard and waited for the drill to finish. Nothing other than an all out attack would stop a Bladeborn drill. People had been known to drop dead in the middle of them rather that to face the ire of the instructor. Speaking of…


<Sarai?> Reekia’s voice was unemotional. <You did not finish the drill.>


“I…” Sarai sighed and met the training master’s gaze. “I cannot. The pain has increased and my retainer just reminded me of the difference between honor and stupidity. I want to continue…” Her voice was crestfallen.


<You will.> Reekia’s voice was gentle now. <But not today.> She waved and Sarai bowed to her, and started for the side. <Observe and learn. I will quiz you later on what you observe.> Sarai sat in formal pose, ignoring the twinges from her abdomen and watched as the ranks closed in around the hole that she had left and started the next drill. She paid close attention. Reekia was a highly demanding teacher.


She was enjoying watching the various initiates and Bladeborn work out, adding ideas to her own repertoire for practice or use when a sudden stillness swept the room. She looked around, unsure, and froze on seeing a gray furred form standing in the hatchway. The Bladeborn finished their drill and Reekia did not start the next, instead she looked at the newcomer as did Sarai.


Sarai knew Olanagychew. He had been distant at first, but then she had come to know him. He was strong, loyal, funny and kind. This was not the being she knew. He strode into the room as if he hadn’t care in the world, and in his hands… She went completely still in place as she saw two long sweeps of metal, one in each hand. Ryyk blades were hand made by Wookiees from whatever metal they had available on their forest homeworld of Kashyyk. The blades that Olana held were magnificent. They were held almost negligently, but even Sarai with her limited experience could see that his stance, indeed, his entire being was focused on something now. Where was his bowcaster? Then she remembered. He wouldn’t ever carry a bowcaster again after shooting Sharra accidentally, so why would he…? She tensed. A challenge? Here? Now?


“No…” She breathed, but a gentle hand held her in place. She looked up to see Sharra Kalenath had somehow managed to enter the room and get to her side without her noticing. It was no surprise when her husband appeared beside her, his face intent.


“He needs to do this.” Will’s voice was quiet, only for her ears. “Stay out of it, Sarai.”


“But…” Sarai started to protest, but subsided when Sharra turned a sorrowful glance to her. Something was very, very wrong here. And not with her or… Wait a sec? What was Olana doing?


The Wookiee stopped just outside the nearly invisible mark that denoted the training space and bowed formally to the training master. Sarai was not the only one who felt shocked as the Wookiee acted in a proper traditional manner. Sarai noted that although his head went down, his eyes stayed up, watching, ready. Reekia looked at him and nodded.


<Bladeborn.> His voice was flat as he rose from his bow. <I am Olanagychew, son of Warbacca and Gimmiroo. I have been told you train in ancient styles. I am a student of the sword as well as unarmed fighting. I would observe if you allow.>


<We would be honored.> There was no sarcasm in Reekia’s voice was she nodded to the older Wookiee. <Will you join our drill?>


<Gladly.> A space opened up and the gray furred form moved into the slot and assumed a ready stance with his blades.


Sarai watched in awe as the Bladeborn finished their drill. Olana matched very single move, his strikes were perfectly focused, his steps and counters sure, crisp and clean. Everything about him spoke of long practice with blades. When had he become a blademaster? She turned startled eyes to Will, who shrugged. She was not the only one watching him. Reekia spoke quietly.


<Bladeborn. Classes start in thirty. Until then, pair up and spar. But no blood!> She cautioned. <Ona is getting annoyed with so many injuries. Basics only. If you cannot keep the basics you will not be able to do anything else.> She rose and walked to where Olana was standing, his blades again held negligently. She nodded to him. <You honor us with your presence, master berserker.> Sarai was hardly the only one who jumped at that. Olana? A master class Wookiee sword fighter? She knew he was a martial artist specializing in Teras Kasi and a Wookiee art called Wrruushi but this?


<’Master’ was a long time ago. I was…a different being.> Olana said quietly. <Thank you for the drill. It felt… good. After so long.>


<May I ask for a sparring session? With no obligation.> Reekia asked in an odd tone. Sarai could not fathom it. Was she pleading? What was she asking? What the hell? Olana recoiled as if struck. <I mean no offense…> Reekia said hastily.


<None taken…> Olana said as he looked her over. <Training weapons?> Reekia nodded, a sour look on her face.


<Our healer is…> She grimaced. <…somewhat annoyed with the number of minor and not so minor wounds that we have taken in training recently.>


<The more you sweat in training,…> Olana started and Reekia continued with him.


<…the less you bleed in war.> She grinned at his expression. < Indeed. But three students had broken bones yesterday alone.>


<Three?> Olana asked softly and then paused as Reekia waved an aggravated hand at the closest sparring session. It was clear that despite her injunction, the Bladeborn involved were going all out. He barked a sour chuckle. <I see students have not changed much over the centuries.>


<Nope. Pardon me.> Reekia replied sourly and then roared. When she was sure she had everyone’s attention she snarled at them. <I said basics! Anyone who winds up in Medical gets to explain to Chari why. Clear?> The students had all frozen in place. They nodded and started, much more slowly and carefully, to test each other. She walked to a rack of practice weapons and nodded to Olana. <Choose your weapon. Or weapons.>


Olana walked to the rack, put his blades carefully up on the rack and examined several until he found two that were to his liking. Then he walked to a cleared spot and waited. Reeki nodded to Sarai, Sharra and Will before racking her own sword and picking up a training sword herself. She moved to face Olana and the whole room paused what they were doing as other Bladeborn realized what was happening. Reekia looked around with a glare and all of the sparring sessions went back to swinging. But many eyes were on the pair of Wookiees now. A tight smile crossed her face that vanished as Olana bowed to her and she returned it.


“What is going on?” Sarai whispered carefully to Sharra. Something more than training duel was happening here. She could feel it. But what? How long had Olana been watching?


“You will see…” Sharra replied just as softly.

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For an interminable time, maybe three or four minutes, neither of the duelists moved. When they finally did, it was impossible, even for Sarai’s Force sensitive and sharp multiple eyes, to see who moved first. One moment, both were still, the next both were in motion. Training swords met with deafening cracks in complicated sequences. Strikes from above, from below, from the sides and then from behind, each were countered by the other. Olana’s two swords were blur of wood and Reekia’s single blade was just as fast if not faster. Around and around, the two combatants moved, their legs and elbows lashing out as well as the blades, but each time, the strikes were either deflected or avoided.


As mistakes went, it was minute. One of Olana’s parries was just a bit off and Reekia managed to slam his right hand sword hard enough to shatter it. Far from cowed, Olana took a fast step back, gripped his left hand sword in both hands and charged in again. The two combatants went at it hammer and tongs. First Reekia was pushed back, and then Olana. Finally, the wooden swords that they had both chosen had taken enough punishment and both snapped off cleanly at the same instant. The pieces went flying only to be caught in the Force by the watchers. Every single Bladeborn in the room, which had to be most of the Order, was watching now. Sarai looked up to see a red skinned form enter, look at the tableau and smile as she strode to stand beside Will. Chari was shaking her head, but remained silent.


Olana threw the hilt of his blade down and dove at his opponent, hands outstretched to pummel. Reekia waited, her stance set, only to be taken unaware by a leg sweep. She hopped over it, but was off balance as Olana pressed his advantage. Everywhere she went, either to attack or retreat, he seemed to be able to counter. Finally, she managed to get a strike in, but she squawked as her arm was caught in gray furred hands and, almost gently it seemed, she was pulled off her feet. She went flying with a speed that belied whatever gentleness the throw had seemed to have but she landed on her feet just inside the large ring of Bladeborn that had formed around the two Wookiees by now, rolled to her feet and charged back into the fray. The two Wookiees merged in place, fists, elbows and other strikes flying at speeds that if not Force enhanced, were close to it. Sarai watched in awe as Reekia managed to connect with a knee strike that seemed to stagger Olana. She moved in for another strike, but squawked again as both his hands somehow came up under her guard and slammed in both her sides. She went down hard, gasping for breath. Olana looked at her and stepped back, giving her time to recover. She shook her head and spoke hoarsely.


<Your bout.> She croaked out in pain filled breath <Well fought.> Sarai felt incredulity from all around her. Even Chari seemed at a loss for words as Reekia rose slowly and bowed to Olana. <Your reputation is well earned, Olanagychew, son of Warbacca and Gimmiroo.> She staggered a bit and caught herself. <What was that? The underarm strike with the two hands? I am sure I have never seen it before.>


<I would be surprised if you had.> Was that ironic humor in Olana’s voice now? No it couldn’t be… <It is not a formal move, more a desperation tactic. You had me.>


<Hardly.> Reekia said with a grunt. She paused as Olana assumed a stance and beckoned her to watch.


<Slow.> He started to repeat the strikes he had done in slow motion and then stopped. Even Sarai could see that there was a wide unguarded spot in the middle of his stance, one that had been hidden by the sheer speed he had been utilizing. <If you had connected with the strike you started, I would have been incapacitated at the very least. You probably would have stopped your strike, but… It’s instinctive to react that way. Muscle memory and all.>


<I understand.> Reekia said and then bowed deeply to the older Wookiee. <I probably would have stopped short… But… I cannot trust myself sometimes. Chari…> She turned to her fellow master. I think I better go see Ona…> She said holding her ribs.


“No need.” Came a sour voice from the door. All eyes turned to see Ona, the chief healer of the Bladeborn standing there tapping her mechanical foot in exasperated disapproval. It made a ringing on the metal deck. “What did I tell you, Reekia? I didn’t want to see any of your people in Medical any time soon. You are one of your people, are you not?” She asked acerbically as she closed the distance and with gentle hands started exploring the injury. She looked up as Olana barked an interjection.


<My fault healer, not hers. If you must blame anyone, blame me.> Olana reclaimed his ryyk blades and then paused as Ona growled at him a sound more akin to a Wookiee than a Bothan. <It is not her fault.>


<Nor yours, scion of the trees.> More than one person blinked in surprise as Ona replied in almost perfect Shyiirwook. <But you are going to wait your turn, until I have seen to my sister’s ribs. Or did you think you could hide the fact that she broke your arm from me?> More than one person in the room drew a quick breath at that, but then Olanagychew laughed. It was a loud but delighted sound.


<I can see why Sharra and Will like you, Ona of the Bladeborn.> He nodded to her and sat, his blades going to his sides. <I don’t think I want to get on your bad side either.>


“Smart Wookiee…” Ona said as she ran gentle fingers up and down the fur of Reekia’s chest and then sighed. “You just had to let him hit you didn’t you, sister? Well, two ribs are broken. You will regenerate quickly, but no sparring until you do. That is at least two hours.” She turned to Olana. “Now you.” Olana held out his arm silently and Ona took it in gentle hands , turning it slowly one way and then the other. He didn’t flinch at all, but Ona did when she turned it one way. “Greenstick fracture. Should heal in half an hour or so. Do I need to strap you to a bed to keep you from hurting yourself more?” She asked sourly as she rose. Olana looked at her and shook his head slowly. She leaned close and Sarai was sure only her ears caught what Ona said then. ‘Be gentle. She is a lot more fragile than she looks or acts.’


Olana looked at Ona, and then rose and bowed formally. He extended his unhurt arm to Reekia who took his hand, unsure. He drew her to her feet, let her go and started for the door. Reekia started after him and then paused.


<Wait I…> She broke off as Chari coughed loudly.


“You two need to talk, Reekia.” Chari was grinning from ear to ear. “It’s handled. Go.”


<I…> Reekia stared at Chari and then she snarled at the students who were staring at her. <Did anyone say you could stop and gawk? Get back to sparring or I will tan the hides of all of you!> Charia assumed the pose of instructor as Reekia and Olana left the room.


“Um…” Sarai stared after them for a moment before turning to Sharra and speaking quietly. “Was that what I think it was?”


“Yep.” Will was grinning like a fool. “Wookiee courtship among fighters is not for the faint of heart…And it is about time the furball started living again.” He shook his head. “I think it will end better this time, don’t you, Sharra?”


“Oh yeah.” Sharra grinned. “According to Jemmino, his sister, the female who hunted him as a mate before was no fighter. She had no idea what to do when a master class fighter moved in on her in a courtship challenge. It wasn’t his fault that she fell from the tree when she jumped back. It certainly wasn’t his fault that she struck her head on the way down, before he could catch her.”


“Olana was mated?” Sarai asked incredulously. “You are kidding…”


“No, he wasn’t.” Will said sadly. “He was almost mated. She was hurt in the fight as Sharra said. He tended her as his mate, but she never woke from her injuries. Wookiees are tough, no question. But brain injuries will kill them just as surely as any other race. She just…wasted way…according to Jemmino… He swore he would never mate again.”


“Yep.” Sharra had a wide grin on her face now. “Just goes to show how little you males know sometimes. I think they will have fun, don’t you?”


“I so don’t want to know…” Sarai said faintly as she sat back in formal pose. The class had not been dismissed yet. Sharra and Will both gave her a squeeze and left quietly.

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Sarai was shaking her head, utterly dumbfounded, as she walked back to the quarters she had been given.


“What’s wrong?” Ji asked from beside her. “You feel…” She broke off. “Sarai… Um… I don’t know how to say this…Can you…?”


“Yes.” Sarai said softly. “I can hear your thoughts and feel your concerns, Ji. You can feel mine too, can’t you?” It wasn’t through the Force either. This was something else. When Sarai had been stuck in the pod, she had heard Ji’s voice soothing her. She hadn’t believed it, after all the whole point of getting into the nasty thing had been to cut herself off from mental contact.


“Yes.” Ji said softly. Sarai stopped at the door to the Sitolon quarters and nodded to her retainer. “Sarai… I…” Sarai shook her head and waved Ji in.


“Ji, we don’t know anything about what I can do or why. Is this normal? Probably not.” Sari had a grin in her voice now. “But nothing about my life has been normal since I was shanghaied to be a copy of Sara, so…” She shrugged all four of her shoulders. “We will deal. My concern is Masterblade Reekia. She was… um… uncomfortable.”


“Sarai…” Ji said softly.


“I know, I know…” Sarai said half heartedly. “It is her business, not ours, but still…” She paused as she looked inside the bay that housed Kicota’s nesting chamber and stiffened. It was totally dark. Pitch black in fact. “What the hell?”


“What?” Ji also stared into the bay, her sense in the Force going worried. “Um, Sarai… Mechanical malfunction you think?”


“No…” Sarai had her swords out now and took a careful step into the bay, her posture ready. “I can hear the air circulation. So… Someone turned the lights out…” Ji followed her in, her own blades ready. “Whoa!” Sarai cried out as the door behind her snapped shut after Ji and the world fell away.


When Sarai could see again, she blinked. Wait a sec…? She blinked? Sitolon did not have eyelids! She stared at herself and swallowed convulsively as she looked at herself. She was human again! Well, sort of. She felt things wafting on her head, so she had antennae even here. Wherever here was. She looked at herself. She was wearing armor she recognized. Bladeborn armor. A sword hung at her waist and she was alone. She couldn’t sense Ji. She shook herself and looked around. She was in a cavern, one she did not recognize. Stalactites and stalagmites proclaimed it a natural cavern, but there were markings on the walls that she did not recognize. The whole place felt… odd, but safe. She shook her head. Was this the Trial? She had thought she was going to have some warning before they sprang it on her. Maybe. As she took a step, a scream ripped through the air nearby and she was in motion, her sword in hand.


“Ji?” She shouted as she came around a corner to find… A young human woman? “What the…”


“Please don’t hurt me…” The girl was begging. “Please don’t eat me…” She was maybe fifteen and her face was streaked with tears. Her blue eyes were reddened and her blonde hair was a mess. She was covered in mud and scared out of her mind.


“Whoa…Easy.” Sarai said softly as she sheathed her sword and squatted down by the sobbing girl. “Eat you?” She asked incredulously. “Who would eat you? You look like you would taste terrible.” The girl stared at her with wide eyes and then recoiled.


“You are one of them!” She declared. “You… Stay away from me!” She shouted as she backed away, hands up in a warding gesture. “Stay away!”


“Hey…” Sarai paused. What was going on here? Something felt… off. Wrong. She shook her head. No matter what, this girl was hurt. She could see injuries now, scrapes and bruises mostly, but a couple of cuts that looked deep. Her duty was to help anyway she could. She didn’t move from her spot, instead she spoke soothingly. “Look, girl... What is your name? Mine is Sarai.”


“Stay away from me!” The girl screamed as she took another step back. Behind her a hole was visible in the floor and Sarai tensed but didn’t move.


“Girl, please…” Sarai sighed. “Stop. There is a hole in the floor behind you. If you take another step… No!” She screamed as the girl took another step back and fell, a thin wail sounding. It did not fade, the girl wasn’t gone! She darted to the hole at Force speed and saw the girl hanging from a ledge just below the lip. “Give me your hand!” She yelled as she reached as far as she could, trying to reach the girl. The girl shook her head, obviously not hearing her. “Give me your hand!” Sarai thundered. She suddenly felt something odd. She could make the girl do it. Somehow she knew she could make the girl reach for her. All it would take was a little mental twist… To save a life? She blinked again and snarled. “No. I won’t be that. Not now, not ever.” She said softly and threw herself into the darkness.


As she fell, she grabbed the ledge. Her arms nearly burst from their sockets, but she managed to hold on. She swung herself up into safety and then looked at the girl who stared at her, uncomprehendingly.


“Don’t struggle.” Sarai barked as she grabbed the girl, who seemed petrified now. She pulled the girl close and then tossed her up to surface. She heard an exclamation as the girl made it. She sighed as she looked at the lip of the hole. Too far to jump. Wait… Too far to jump without the Force. She opened herself to the Force and with a powerful leap, jumped up to stand at the edge of the hole. But what she saw made her freeze.


A large gold skinned Sitolon had the girl in its claws. The bug’s antennae were caressing the girl’s head and the girl’s eyes were closed. But she was relaxed. Too relaxed, as if sedated.


“Who are you?” Sarai asked softly as she took a step forward. “Are you going to eat her?”


“No.” The bug replied in a voice Sarai was sure she recognized. Was it her voice? Maybe. It was sad. “I didn’t mean to scare her. She has been through a lot. I just calmed her a bit. She was terrified. I don’t blame her.”


“Yeah.” Sarai said as she knelt in formal pose. “Me neither. I am Sarai. Are you?” If this was her trial, she would face herself, that was the whole point of the Bladeborn Trial, to face oneself.


“I thought so. But... I don’t know.” The bug admitted, sounding a bit sheepish. “This is…”


“Weird.” Sarai chorused with the bug. They both laughed. Then Sarai blew out a breath. “Well…What now?”


“Dunno…” The bug said softly. “If this were a Bladeborn test, there would be some kind of challenge to pass. But I am not going to fight you. And I think you just took the test, you saved her.”


“Glad to hear it.” Sarai said gratefully. “I wouldn’t have much of a chance.”


“You never know…” The bug replied and then stiffened. “She is waking. Can you talk to her? I don’t want to scare her again.” The bug lowered the girl slowly to the cave floor and stepped back into the shadows.


Sarai stood up, went to the girl’s side and took her hand in a gentle grip as the girl came awake with a strangled cry.


“Easy…” Sarai said softly, gently. “You are okay. You will be fine.”


“Will I?” The girl stared up at Sarai, her face a mask of fear and pain. “You look like the ones who hurt me. I don’t… I don’t remember what they did to me, but it hurt…” She was sobbing now and Sarai picked her up in gentle hands and held her while she cried. The girl pillowed her face in Sarai’s shoulder and cried for some time.


“They didn’t have a choice but to do what they did to you.” Sarai said after the girl had cried herself out. “They regret what they did, even now.”


“How…” The girl stared at Sarai but did not resist as Sarai hugged her. She relaxed and snuggled closer. “How could you know that?”


“Because you are part of me.” Sarai replied as she hugged the girl again and let her go. “”And so is she…” She inclined her head towards the shadows and the girl gave a squeak as the huge bug stepped out of them. “She won’t hurt you.”


“She looks like the ones who hurt me… But…” The girl did not resist as Saria embraced her again. “She is not one of them.”


“What color were they?” The girl stared up at her and Sarai pressed. “It’s important.”


“Silver…” The girl recoiled as Sarai did. “No… Don’t.”


“Shhh…It’s okay.” Sarai soothed the girl. “This makes no sense…The ones I remember were black…”


“Me too. Something is wrong.” The gold bug agreed. “Majorly wrong.”


“Yes there is.” Came a calm voice from nearby as a robed form stepped out of the shadows. It wore Jedi robes. Sarai hissed as she recognized the voice. She was unsurprised when the Jedi lowered her hood and it turned out to be a Togruta.


“Seer Ashla Ti. I might have known you would be involved.” She let go of the girl, but the girl grabbed her hands. “Easy, child. I need to talk to the Jedi.”


“No!” The girl cried. “She is with them! She was one of the ones who hurt me!” Sarai stiffened and she could see the Sitolon that was herself turning to scrutinize the Jedi as well.


“Is that so…?” Sarai said softly, her voice low and thick with menace. Her blade was in hand now and she heard hisses as the Sitolon drew her two blades. “Talk fast, Jedi.”


“This is not what you think, Sarai.” Jedi Master Ashla Ti did not draw her saber, indeed, did nothing at all. “I want to help...You don’t have all the information. I will give you what I know and leave. Okay?”


“Okay?” Sarai said dubiously. “Okay?” Now her voice held scorn. “You helped them do this to us!” She waved a hand at the bug and the scared girl at her feet. “You helped them! You lied to us, all of us. And now you dare ask me if it is okay…” She shook her head. “No, it is not okay. Get the flarg out of my mind!”


“Sarai, please…” The Jedi did not move at all. “Majistrona is dying.” A silence descended in the cave, or whatever it was and the Jedi continued. “What she did was wrong, no question. But why she did it…”


“My god…” The bug that faced the Jedi’s voice was stunned now. “She wanted me as a successor? What the kriff…?”


“She feels that none of her swarm are suitable.” Ashla Ti said quietly. “The only one who was, was Nana. And she… well…”


“Go ahead and say it. They killed her.”Sarai said flatly. “What I don’t get is why.”


“She doesn’t know.” Ashla Ti said quietly. “The drones that did it conveniently ‘suicided’ shortly afterward.” The Togruta made imaginary quotes at the word ‘suicided’. “She loved her daughter, despite their disagreements. Have no question about that. She did. Finding Nana dead tore her apart. What happened with you… well…” The Togruta’s face was sad now. “I asked, I begged, I tried to get her to listen, to see reason. But she needed a successor and she needed it right then. There was no time. It was a genetic imperative for her. What she did to you was wrong, but… The needs of the many, Sarai.”


“You are asking me to trust what you say.” Sarai’s voice was soft now, and her sword was still out. “You work for her. Why should I listen to you?” She asked belligerently.


“You are angry with her, with reason.” Ashla Ti did not react to Sarai’s posturing. “Do you blame her people for obeying her orders? Will you consign them all to oblivion for the actions of the queen? She did what she did, herself, to you. She knew you would never forget or forgive it. She stands ready to take whatever punishment you decree for her.”


“You are serious…” Sarai wasn’t sure which part of her said that. Whoever it was, it spoke for all of them. “Why you?” She asked softly. “Why are you here?” Ashla Ti sighed.


“I’m not.” The Togruta admitted. “I managed to piggyback my way into your Trial. It was the only way to get your attention without causing more problems that already exist. I know the Bladeborn will be upset. The Trial is supposed to be inviolate, a sacred time. But…”


“Who are you?” Sarai asked calmly, her sword poised. “You are not Ashla Ti.”


“No, I am not.” The Togruta form sighed again. “Sarai… please… I have already lost one sister to some threat I never knew existed and now I am losing my mother…” The Togruta form slumped and then in a graceful move, knelt. “I am begging you. Help me, Sarai Kalenath, you are my only hope.” Suddenly the Togruta vanished and the girl at Sarai’s feet screamed as a silver skinned bug appeared where the red skinned form had been. “I am sorry…” Ecien said as she bowed her head. “My life is yours…if you wish…”


“Why can’t you be queen?” The gold skinned bug hadn’t moved. Her blades were still poised. “Why would only Nana be suitable? You were the same age, right?”


“We were her children, birthed or adopted, we were trained to lead, but... Nana was fertile, with controls in place so she would not conceive while she traveled.” Ecien replied sadly. “I am not, and I won’t be. It’s as simple as that.”


“You are asking me to believe that your mother changed me…?” Sarai’s voice was dumbfounded. “As her successor…?”


“Yes.” Ecien replied and then froze as a pair of armored forms appeared nearby.


“Get away from her, you bit-…” Istara Sharlina Andal’s voice was stern, but broke off as she took in the scene. “Ecien…?” Istara sounded flabbergasted. “Sarai…? You okay?” Mama Lizard stepped over to where Sarai stood, putting herself between the silver bug and the three beings that were technically one.


“I am fine.” Sarai replied slowly. “I think… I think I took the test. Dunno if I passed or not.” She did not move as Mama Lizard hugged her gently, but did not take her eyes off the silver skinned bug.


“You passsed.” Mama smiled widely. “Well done Bladeborn Zarai.” But then her voice turned stern. “I would have thought that you of all people, Ecien, would have left her Trial alone.”


“She would not hear us. I don’t blame her.” Ecien did not move, which was wise. Her voice held deep sadness now. “I didn’t know. By blood and by steel, I swear I didn’t know. I didn’t know what happened until I got back and mother sent me after Sarai. She just told me to bring her back. She said that nothing else mattered. That Sarai had to come back. She never said why. Until I failed.”


“Ecien?” Istara asked softly. For a long time, she had counted the bug a friend, a sister. “Why?”


“She says Majistrona is dying.” Sarai replied before Ecien could. All eyes turned to her. “She says Majistrona chose me as her successor.”


“Nerfosssik!” Mama Lizard said softly but with menace as both axes leapt to her hands. “She is lying again.”


“Mama… wait…Please…” Sarai said slowly as the enraged Barabel would have started towards the slumped bug. Mama froze in place, Sarai’s tone was odd. Scared? “Ecien…?” Now her voice turned horrified. “What have you done?”


“I…” Ecien’s voice was sad, so sad now. “I failed. I failed my sister, I failed my mother, I failed Istara and I failed you… I thought I had killed you!”


“Ecien…” Sarai’s voice was gentle now as she repeated. “What have you done?” She took a step towards the bug and froze in place as Ecien rotated her upper manipulator, the one that bore the mark of a Bladeborn. Or, it had. Now it bore a scoured patch where the mark had been.


“Oh my god!” Istara blanched. “Ecien, no!” She had done the same thing once. Once the brand came off, the being had one mission, and then would do the quick path to redemption through a blade. It hadn’t worked out that way for Istara, she was still trying to finish her mission. But…


“My life is forfeit now. I have delivered my message. I can die with honor.” Ecien bowed her head. “I… I had to do this. I had to explain. I didn’t know. I thought I could do it quickly, get you, Sarai, with no one the wiser. My arrogance nearly got you killed. What you do with the information I have given you is up to you. My duty is done.”


“Ecien… wait…” Sarai’s voice was very gentle now. “Your duty is not done.” Istara and Mama Lizard both stared at her, but the other parts of herself looked at her and the human girl smiled. The bug couldn’t of course, but it radiated agreement. “Not yet.”


“What…?” Ecien froze in place as something seemed to travel from Saria. “No… No please… Just let me die!


“I never thought you for a quitter, Stuiamlanakolatalinecien.” Sarai said softly. “I have need of you.”


“No…” Ecien was begging now. “You can’t trust me. I can’t trust myself. I failed, Sarai! I nearly got you killed!”


“I don’t care.” Sarai said as she took another step and somehow was beside the slumped bug. Physical rules didn’t seem to apply here in this place. “The needs of the many, Ecien.” Ecien was crying as Saria touched her. Something flowed between them and Ecien’s sobs stilled. “Easy, Ecien. Go home, rest. It will be all right.” The bug vanished from the mental plane and Sarai sighed as she turned to see Mama Lizard and Istara staring at her. “She was telling the truth as she knows it. But there is only one way to be sure.”


“Your mothersss are going to flip…” Mama Lizard said sourly. “And there iz no way in hell you are going alone.”


“Good.” Sarai said softly as the two other hers bowed to her and vanished. “I… I think…” She shivered and then Mama had her in gentle clawed hands as she collapsed. “I…”


“I think it is time you went back to your body, Sarai.” Istara said gently. “I am not here, Sarai, this is a projection. But part of me will always be with you, battle sister. Eat and rest. Then you can talk to your family.”

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Sarai had been prepared for a long drawn out argument. But immediately on waking from her Trial, she had been overcome with exhaustion so profound that she had barely been able to eat something before crawling into her comfortable niche, curling up and going to sleep. She had managed to check on Ji first. The other bug had passed her own Trial, had eaten and then collapsed. Mama had said that it was normal, but Sarai had been worried until Kicota had agreed. Both had sent Sarai off to bed, with orders to sleep as long as she could. Her body however had other ideas and she woke at her normal hour, thirty minutes before drill started. She lay there for a moment, staring at her arm and the new mark on it. She was Bladeborn now. Why did she feel so…wrong? So flimsy? So… ill trained? Did all Bladeborn feel this way? She shook her head and crawled out of her niche to face the day.


“Good morning, liege.” Ji as always, was up before her. Sarai nodded to her retainer. “How did you sleep?”


“Like a log.” Sarai replied. “You?”


“The same… Um…Saria…?” Ji seemed unsure. But her voice and her sense in the Force were confused and unsure. “Is it supposed to feel like this? It’s like we missed something.”


“That isss normal.” Came a gentle voice from nearby and both turned to see the Barabel known as Mama Lizard standing at the door to their quarters. “Thingz have changed a great deal. But you feel no different, do you?” Both Sitolon nodded a bit dubiously and Mama Lizard nodded. “Good. You will continue to learn from now until the moment you die. But…” For a moment Mama was melancholy. “It isss never enough. You will alwayz be pussshed to learn more, be better, be fazter, be ssstronger. Both by your peerz and by yourssselvez.” Then she smiled widely and held out her arms. “But that is the future. For now, we deal with the now. Welcome, sssiztersss, daughterz. Come, join your family.”


“Um…” Sarai paused and shivered bit. “Have you told Sharra and Will about... um…?”


“That isss your duty.” Mama Lizard replied. “And you muzt face it now.”


“Can you shoot me instead?” Sarai asked, half whimsically. “Please?”


“Come, Sssarai, Ji.” Mama smiled and waved them to follow. “We zhall ssspeak over breakfazt.”


To Sarai’s amazement, almost her entire family was assembled for breakfast. Will and Sharra sat at a table that had apparently been set up. Juli sat beside Zinoa and Brianna, L’Trask sat beside Kicota who was chuckling at something the Trandoshan had said. Michelle was eating something that looked savory. Olana sat with… She stared. Reekia of the Bladeborn was smiling openly as she held the gray furred Wookiee’s hand! Mama Lizard nodded to Sarai and sat near the other end of the table, sitting with Jina Darkstorm and Mira. Sarai and Ji took places that had been reserved for them and started eating as the others continued their meal.


“Hail, Bladeborn.” Will said as he rose and bowed formally. But his formality was undone by the twinkle in his eyes. He smiled as he sat again. “Well done.”


“I…” Sarai paused and finished eating before speaking further. When she had filled herself, she spoke softly. “I need to say this, now, while I have the courage.” All activity stopped at Sarai’s soft words. “During my Trial, after my test, I was approached by Ecien.” A hiss went around the table, but Sarai’s continued in a soft, sad tone. “She...” She broke off, unable to meet their gazes.


“Sarai…” Sharra rose and moved to her daughter’s side. “What happened? Did she hurt you again?”


“Not physically. She just broke my heart, mom.” Sarai replied sadly. “She… she explained why Majistrona did what she did.” A pin dropping would have been deafening in the silence that ensued. “I…”


“Sarai… It’s okay.” Sharra said softly hugging the gold skinned insect. “We will make it okay.”


“No, it’s not.” Sarai said softly as she looked from Will to Mama. “You know about the prophecy, don’t you?” Will looked to Jina, Michelle and Mira and in unison all four of them nodded soberly. “I am sorry…” She had tears in her voice now, tears she could never shed again.


“It isss a prophecy, Zarai.” Mama Lizard said softly. “It isss not cazt in ssstone or metal. The future iz alwaysss in motion. I know Iztara would die before she would hurt Jina, but…” She slumped. “I do not know what the future holdsss.”


“Neither do I, Mama.” Sarai nodded to the clan mother of her order. “But… I must ask your leave to go.” Mama looked at her sadly and then nodded soberly.


“Iztara told me, before ssshe cut the connection… To say ‘Yez’.” Mama sounded calm, but it was a façade. Underneath, Sarai could feel the Barabel’s pain and fear. “I do not agree, but ssshe leadz. We follow. Ssshe said ‘yez’, I follow her ordersss. You may go but you will not go alone.”


“Sarai?” Sharra asked softly. “Go where?”


“Majistrona is dying, mother.” Sarai was ready for a storm of protests, denials, or shouts of rage and or fear. She was not ready for the silence that greeted her words. “I asked Ecien in a way she could not lie. Her mother is dying.”


“Good riddance, part of me says.” Juli Shanas Kalenath’s face was set. “But sad, part of me is.”


“I know.” Sarai agreed softly. “I was ready to hate her, to rip her still beating heart out and eat it in front of her.” The rage in her voice made her pause and regain her control. “But now… I am calmer, and maybe a bit more grown up. There are no easy answers for grown-ups, are there?” All the adults in the room looked at one another and did not speak. She continued. “We need answers. And there is only one place to get them.”


“Mama…?” Sharra asked in a quiet voice. “You… You would agree to this? She is your subordinate…”


“For now, yesss.” Mama said quietly. “Zarai… Be sssure you want thiz.”


“I do not want this.” Sarai replied sourly. “I want to be Saria of the Bladeborn, no more, no less. I want to study the sword, and maybe some mechanical engineering and healing. I seem to have some aptitude for that. I do not want this.” She repeated. “But my wants are immaterial.”


“Why you?” Zinoa Trask Kalenath asked softly, the Trandoshan’s face worried. “If she could have done it to anyone, why you?”


“I don’t know.” Sarai said softly. “That is going to be the first thing I ask her when I go to the homeship. I have to meet her alone.” Now the room filled with protests, but none from Mama Lizard. She knew.

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“I half expected them to have guards here with blasters or swords.” Sharra said quietly as she walked with her daughter into the heart of the Sitolon homeship. “No matter what Ecien said.” The warrior woman that Sarai called ‘Mom’ wore full armor and hefted a heavy blaster cannon. This was a far cry from the old Sharra who had curled up in a sobbing ball every time she saw something with eight legs. Sarai wasn’t entirely sure how the docs had cured Sharra of her arachnophobia, but she was glad of it.


“They won’t. They know better.” Sarai replied softly, her tone worried as the group that had come with her walked from the hangar bay. She was worried. She had hoped that Istara would be able to come, but the Grandmaster was busy elsewhere. Even without Istara, Sarai was hardly unprotected. Will strode beside her and Sharra, a silver shadow. His helmet was on, his rifle was in hand and his sense in the Force was a hard, dangerous thing. Olanagychew walked beside them, blades at the ready. Beside him, Mama Lizard had her hands clasped in front of her. She appeared calm and controlled, but Sarai knew it would be the work of moments for her to draw her axes. However, it was the black robed form beside Mama had Sarai the most worried. “Especially now…”


Many of Sarai’s strange family had wanted to come. Juli, Zinoa, Brianna, all had put forth good arguments and impassioned pleas. Boss had wanted to send a squad of marines in full armor and with heavy weapons. Kicota had wanted to send a squad of her guards. Sarai had managed with some difficulty to keep those from coming. She was not, could not be, entirely sure this was not an elaborate trap. But Sara had just shown up in the hangar bay and boarded the ship with them, silently. Sarai figured no one really dared to tell her no, not even Will. Sharra had embraced Sara and then let her go. Sarai was worried. Sara was never what one would call stable, but… As if sensing her sister’s worry, Sara turned her head to face Sarai and a slow wink graced one eye. Sarai felt a bit relieved. No, Sara was not stable, by anyone’s estimation. But there was no one else that Sarai trusted more. Well…


“This is a mistake, Liege.” Ji said for about the fiftieth time. “You should have just sent me.”


“Ji…” Sarai’s voice was patient. She did not want to argue with her retainer, especially not in public and potentially hostile territory like this. “We have been over this. Some things need a personal touch. This is not something I can delegate.”


“You are not the only fertile queen…” Ji almost sounded as if she were pouting. She tensed. “I mean…”


“Ji…” Sarai shook her head. “Focus. I need you. Yes, they hurt us both. She hurt us both. But right now we need answers, not slaughter.” She looked at Will. “We still in communication?” He nodded silently and she exhaled in relief. They had set up contingency plans, just in case. If they lost comms for any reason, Boss was going to make sure the homeship did not leave the system, even if he had to blow the engines off of it. He would too. “Good.” Sarai said as she continued through the silent halls.


They continued on for a bit, they knew the way from the hangar bay to Majistrona’s nesting chamber. They had all been aboard quite a bit. But every other time they had been aboard, the halls had teemed with Sitolon, guards, drones, beings of various specialties working, moving, talking. Now… There was nothing. It was downright eerie. The she paused as a pair of beings came into sight ahead. Both were Sitolon and both were bowed. One had silver skin, the other was a droid.


“Ecien, Agnosa.” Sarai said as her strange cavalcade came to a halt near the two. “What word?”


“Sarai…” Ecien’s voice was a monotone. “The queen lives, barely. I… Please release me… I…”


“Ecien…” Sarai’s heart was moved by pity from the sheer pain and fear that Ecien was broadcasting now. “I cannot. I do not blame you. If you choose… Whatever you choose after this, none will gainsay. But for now, I need you.” Ecien slumped in place and remained silent. Sarai turned to Agnosa. “What of you?”


“I was wrong.” The ancient Sitolon head encased in the droid replied sadly. “I was so wrong. She didn’t tell anyone until we got back. I didn’t understand any better than Istara and the others. I don’t agree with what she was going to do with Istara and the others of the Seven, or what she did to you but…” She looked at Sarai and sorrow filled her tone. “It’s a genetic imperative, Sarai. It wasn’t something she could stop. She tried, she fought it. I think… I think that is what finally broke her.”


“Is she… aware?” Sarai asked softly in the silence that followed Agnosa’s words. “I need answers.”


“She is aware.” Ecien replied in a wooden tone. “She is waiting for you.”


“I understand.” Sarai nodded slowly. She looked at her family and shook her head. “I have to do this alone. Ji…” Ji bowed her head and sank to her haunches. “Thank you.” She nodded to her family and keyed the hatch.


She stepped into stillness. Always before, when she had entered Majistrona’s nesting chamber, the room had buzzed with activity. Now, the room was barren and still. Only the huge bulk that sat in the middle of it was the same, except… Majistrona was lying on her side, her clawed hands moving just a little. They stilled as Sarai entered the room.


“You…” Majsitrona’s voice was weak, almost inaudible. “You came. I didn’t think you would. After what I did.”


“I am incredibly angry, Majistrona.” Sarai replied as she stopped well out of reach. Her tone was flat and tightly controlled. “Ecien explained some. Not all. Why me?”


“You were my only choice.” Majistrona replied. “I would have explained… Asked your permission, for your help. But…” She shuddered a bit. “I didn’t dare let any of my swarm know…”


“Why?” Sarai asked quietly. “Why not elevate one of your swarm? Why not…” She made a sad noise. “Why did you kill Nana?”


“I didn’t.” Majistrona’s voice was blunt now, there was no deception, nothing hidden. “I don’t know who did. I…” She slumped now. “I can’t trust my own people, Sarai.”


“But…” Sarai broke off as Majistrona struggled to her feet, obviously hurting. “Majistrona… No…”


“I have hurt you.” Majistrona said formally. “I have done something utterly unforgivable to you. None of my people knew what I did to you. You slept through it; I had hoped to be able to explain, to try to anyway…” Now her voice was sad. “I had… suspicions for some time. That there was something off in my swarm. Nana felt it too, when she came back.” Sorrow suffused every fiber of the queen’s voice now. “I could not find what it was. I tried. I don’t know who killed Nana or why. I think it was to infuriate Istara.”


“It worked.” Sarai was pensive now. “But you started the change in me before that.”


“I knew I was dying, Sarai. Slowly. Old age is not something even our technology can fix, Agnosa being an exception and I would not wish for that kind of half life.” Majistrona’s voice was sad. “Only in hindsight do things start to make sense. Someone did not want Nana to succeed me. Nana would have made a good queen. She didn’t want the job any more than I did when I was her age. But like me, she understood duty. My body knew what was needed, but... I refused to do it. So it did it for me. I needed something to placate my people, since some of them could not accept Nana, she was a bit of a rebel after all. It was not supposed to like this. Your change was supposed to be slow, gradual and reversible. It was not supposed to hit you like it did. I am sorry.”


“Can you change me back?” Sarai was not sure about this, not at all.


“Yes.” Majistrona replied, one of her manipulators coming from under her body with a small vial. “It will take some time, much longer than your initial change took. This time, you will sleep through it all. I… I had no right to do what I did. My body said I needed a replacement and now.” She sounded as if she were crying. “I am sorry…” She repeated. “I don’t blame you for hating me. I was in a trance, a breeding trance and then I couldn’t undo it. I planned to explain, but I… I had to secure an heir, Sarai. I couldn’t stop myself. Nana was so mad at me…With reason.” The bug sounded as if she were crying now. “I set everything up, your change, Ji’s early waking in pain and fear, all that… To get you here to explain. Then Nana died, and then Istara’s…understandable irritation with me. Take it…” Majistrona slumped in place, her antennae drooping. Sarai took the vial from the queen’s claw and looked at it dispassionately. “Use it, Sarai… leave me to my deserved fate.”


“This would change me back into a copy of Sara?” Sarai was skeptical, with good reason.


“No.” Majistrona’s voice could barely be heard. She reached down and then held out a datapad. “It took a great deal of digging. But we found out who you were before Samuel took you.”


“I…” Sarai was trembling as she took the datapad with a free claw and keyed it on. A young human female face -blonde haired and blue eyed- one she didn’t know, smiled sadly at her from the screen. She read it quickly. “I was an orphan, a slave…” She mused.


“Gorbak the Hutt liked to keep tabs on all his slaves.” Majistrona replied. “He took full DNA samples, and kept a family history, just in case. It took some time, but we managed to get the sample from him.”


“So you planned to change me back the whole time?” Sarai asked, somewhat confused. “Then why…?” She broke as Majistrona shook her head.


“No. We started searching for your past when you came to us. We hoped to be able to undo what Samuel had done.” Majistrona replied tenderly. “I put that together when I woke from the trance I had been in. When… When I started your change into one of us. My body demanded that I reproduce a new heir and did a number of things while I was in a trance. I didn’t plan it, it wasn’t something I could stop. I tried, I swear I tried. You came to me, crying. I…” Majistrona was obviously having trouble holding onto her emotions. “I calmed you, let you sleep in my arms. And then… I slept and when I woke... I had injected you with the DNA rescriptor. It was a genetic imperative, once my body started dying, I had to secure a successor… I didn’t plan on doing it. I had the vial, as a backup, but I never planned on doing it to you. Nana found me, after I did it. She found me holding you while you slept. She was…incensed. I didn’t understand what I had done at first. Then I realized.” Now the sorrow in her voice was palpable. “I asked her to remain silent and she refused. I don’t blame her. The swarm thinks I killed her. There is no way I could have.”


“’The needs of the many’, Majistrona.” Sarai said coldly. She was not prepared for Majistrona to scream at her.


That does not give me cause to kill my own daughter!” Majistrona sank to the floor, heaving with effort. “I did not kill my daughter!” She calmed visibly and spoke more softly. “I did not understand at first all of what I had done to you. The trance was deep, I did not remember. Until you yelled me out of your mind after you woke from your cocoon, I had no idea. You are an Alpha Queen. The vial that I prepared made you an Alpha Queen. I am sorry.”


“What is an Alpha Queen?” Sarai asked as she watched the queen’s body heave. Majistrona did not have long at all now. She touched the queen on the arm gently. “Please, Majistrona…”


“An Alpha Queen has the ability to rule more than one swarm. They have the ability to bend other queens to their will.” Majistrona replied delicately. “Agnosa was the last of them, although we had forgotten her name. Sneaky witch. She has lost many of her abilities over time, but she remembers.”


“Do you trust her?” Sarai asked carefully. “Your troubles…” She stopped as Majistrona shook her head.


“Our troubles were from well before she arrived.” Majistrona sank onto her side again. “Yes, I trust her. She honestly wants to undo what she did. She could not hide who and what she was from me, but we both agreed to keep it silent. Until she told Istara, none of the rest of the swarm had any idea. Now they know.”


“What do you want?” Sarai asked gently. “Not Majistrona the queen, but Majistrona the mother, the being who I liked to think was my friend. What do you want?”


“I want you to take the vial.” Majistrona replied severely. “Use it. Change into the human you should have been. Have a long and happy life. Forget about us. Forget about the horrors we, the dark cousins and myself, inflicted upon you. Find a mate, have children and live a long, happy life. Ji can lead. She is young, but strong.” She sounded as if she was crying now. “Forget about me, and what I did to you. You deserve better than to be caught up in some ancient power struggle.”


“There is a problem with that, Majistrona.” Sarai said evenly when the queen wound down her rant. “I don’t know who I was before Samuel and Grun’das wiped my mind. But the being I am now… Living with the Kalenath family has taught me a number of things. I understand about duty and obligation now. Ji needs me.” Majistrona made a sound of disagreement, but Sarai was not finished. “Maybe she could take over from you, but it would drive her crazy.” She took a deep breath and then threw the vial as hard as she could at a wall.


No!” Majistrona wailed as she tried to catch the vial with the Force, but failed. She watched in shock as it hit the wall and shattered. “That was the only sample… Sarai… No…” Her voice was soft and defeated as she slumped to the floor, her abdomen pulsing with effort as she keened in fear and loss. She paused in her keen as Saria leaned forward and touched her antennae to Majistrona’s. “I…”


“I accept this burden, Majistrona, Queen of the Sitolon.” Sarai said formally. “I will discover who slew your eldest daughter. I will keep your younger daughter, now my subject, from immolating herself if I can. You have my word. The word of Sarai, queen.”


“You…” Majistrona’s voice was soft, scared. “You could have been human again…? Why…?”


“I am needed here.” Sarai said peacefully. “Among the Bladeborn, among the Kalenaths… I was an adoptee. They loved me, yes. But I had no true purpose. I had no calling. I joined the Bladeborn because Sara did. I enjoyed it, yes. But something was always missing. I wasn’t really needed…” Sarai’s voice was gentle now. “You need me. Your people need me. Rest now, Elder queen. Your swarm is now my swarm. They are safe, and will remain safe.”


“I…” Majistrona shivered slightly and then slumped in place. “I did not want this for you, Saria. My body demanded an heir and did this to you while my mind slept. I had no right to do this to you. I should have told you as soon as you woke from your nap in my arms, explained to you, Sharra and the others. But the humiliation of being out of control of myself… It hurt…All the rest; I did to get you back. It wasn’t what I wanted.”


“What we want is rarely what we need or get. The past is past, honored mother of many. I know what needs to be done. Rest now.” Sarai held Majsitrona’s head still with her upper arms. Her lower arms with their heavy duty claws darted in and with a sick crunch, sliced deep into the dying queen’s body, seeking the arteries that fed her major organs and then cutting them with surgical precision. Sarai held Majistrona’s pain at bay as the elder queen shuddered into death. “I knew that you could not give up. Queens are genetically incapable of giving up. Of going peacefully into the blackness. Sleep, my friend, my sister.”


“Sarai…” Majistrona’s voice was soft now and when she spoke again it was mental. Thank you… Those simple words held the deepest gratitude that Saria had ever felt. Then her mental touch vanished with the last of her life. Sarai held her for a long time, silent. When Saria spoke, it was older, wiser and sadder.




The hatch behind her opened and the group came in behind her. For a long moment there was silence and then Sarai spoke softly. “I did not want this. I do not want this. But this swarm needs me. I have found my place.”


Ji, Ecien and Agnosa all bowed formally. Will and Sharra, both with tears in their eyes, saluted. Mama Lizard and the black cloaked Sara stood silent for a moment before saluting as well. They all spoke in unison.


“The Queen is dead. Long live the Queen.”

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Parts were a royal pain, no pun intended. But parts were a lot of fun. Sarai had met so many beings, so quickly, that she was certain, even with her Sitolon memory, that there was no way she could remember them all. There were well over seven thousand Sitolon on the homeship. Most of them were shocked, but happy at meeting her, even if it was only mind to mind. She didn’t have TIME to go and meet each in person. Finally, the review of her swarm ended and Sarai sat back on her dais with a soft groan. She shook her head. She had never liked standing out from a crowd and now look at her! She was literally head and four shoulders above everyone in the swarm. But…not…


“Sarai?” Ji as always stood beside her. “Problem? Or just sour grapes?” Sarai snorted at the bronze skinned bug and Ji snickered. “I have no idea where that saying started, but it works. I bet if they hung you from your small claws to eviscerate you alive that you would be complaining that the color of the ropes didn’t match the décor.” Sarai couldn’t help it, the sheer humor in Ji’s voice had her laughing.


“I hereby appoint you…” Sarai said formally. “…chief ‘keep the queen’s head out of the clouds’ being.” She snorted. “Not that you wouldn’t anyway.” Then she sighed. The sound was easy for her to make, thank goodness. She still felt like a human, but maybe that would disappear in time. Maybe. “I don’t want to do this, Ji. I don’t…”


“I know.” For once there was no humor in Ji’s tone. “But you must. You cannot leave her hanging in limbo. You owe her that much.”


“I owe her a lot more than that.” Sarai said softly. “Sharra? Mama? Thoughts?”


The two females in question had taken seats near the queen’s dais. After Majistrona’s death, they had adjourned to a smaller chamber, one that Sarai set up quickly with help from lots of beings. It had the dais in the center, to show the center of power. It had shadows for Will and occasionally Sharra to lurk in. It even had a chair designed for a Barabel. Mama Lizard looked at Sharra and then sighed deeply.


“Ssshe made her choice Zarai.” Mama said softly. “Ssshe accepted the repercuzzionsss.” Sharra just shrugged.


“I know.” The golden skinned queen replied sadly. “Life isn’t fair and I know it. But I promised Majistrona I would look after her daughter, and letting her eviscerate herself just doesn’t seem right. I can’t just hold her either. That is not fair, to her. Something is bothering me though… Something about that patch on her arm…” Sarai took a deep breath and then spoke softly. “Let her in.”


The hatch opened and a slumped silver skinned form came in. Stuiamlanakolatalinecien’s posture was sad. The female Sitolon came to the center of the room and bowed to the queen. Sarai nodded to her and spoke. Protocol was strict for a reason, no one interrupted the queen.


“Stuiamlanakolatalinecien.” Sarai looked the older female up and down, hiding a mental wince. “I took you on as my own to keep you from extinguishing yourself. Your mother did not believe that you erred. You do. Explain.”


“I failed.” The bug known as Ecien said flatly. “I failed my mother, I failed my sister, and I failed you. I thought I had caused your death.” The residue of terror sang in her voice and Sarai was moved.


“That was the plan, Ecien.” Sarai said harshly. “To fake my death. But I am not dead, am I?”


“Uh…” Ecien slumped further. Any more and her head would be touching the ground. “No. But…”


“No ‘buts’, Ecien.” Sarai pressed. “Am I dead?”


“No.” Ecien admitted. “No thanks to me.” She froze as Sarai growled.


“Hush.” Sarai replied harshly, but then her voice softened. “Ecien, have you ever failed anything before?”


“What kind of a question is that?” Ecien bristled, only to draw warning coughs from both Mama and Sharra. “Um… Yes, your majesty, I have…”


“You are not thinking clearly.” Sarai replied. “Can you trust me, Ecien? Not just as queen of the swarm, but as someone outside of it, unfettered by your preconceptions?” Ecien was staring at her now and Sarai sighed. “You have gone through hell the last few days, due in no small part to my deceptions. Ecien… Come here…” Ecien was shaking her head, and apparently could not move. “Oh Ecien…” Sarai rose from her crouch and walked down from her dais.


“I…” Ecien took a step back, her posture frightened now. Then she slumped and knelt. “Make it quick… please…” She gave a sound almost like a squeak when, instead of striking her, Sarai embraced her. “No... I…”


“Shhh… Swarm daughter…” Saria crooned softly. “It is not your fault. You bear some responsibility for what happened. You chose to disregard my wishes when you attempted to capture me. But what happened to me was not your fault. You were under orders and I was not going to listen. You did the best you could.”


“I…” Ecien did not move, indeed did not even twitch as Sarai embraced her. “You cannot trust me, not after I broke Majistrona’s word…”


“Majistrona never gave me her word.” Sarai said in a snippy tone. “She said, and I quote ‘We won’t’. She never swore not to come after me. Ecien, Ecien…” She gave the older bug a shake. “I knew you would come after me. I didn’t know why. But I had to help Ji. And now I have to help you.”


“You…” Ecien’s voice was dumbstruck now. “You can’t… I cut off my mark.”


“Did you?” Sarai asked softly as she looked at Ecien’s upper left arm where a patch of chitin had been sawed off. “That looks too clean for you to have done it yourself. Did you?” She repeated.


“No…” Ecien admitted in a tired, sad voice. “My mother would not let me do it myself. She was sure I would cut off my own arm…She did it for me. I couldn’t watch. She said it was her last gift to me.”


“That isss… “ Mama’s sad voice came from nearby. “Zomewhat traditional actually…For femalesss to cut themzelvesss badly on trying.”


“I thought so.” Sarai said quietly. “Ecien… Look at your arm.” She rubbed the chitin over where Ecien’s Bladeborn mark had been gently and it…peeled. Ecien went stiff as a board.


“That is…” The silver skinned bug sounded in shock now as Sarai rubbed harder and the covering that had been in place, mimicking an organic bandage, cracked off, and Ecien’s Bladeborn mark shone through. “I… No… The intent was clear…”


“Is that, or is that not, your Bladeborn mark, Stuiamlanakolatalinecien?” Sarai asked relentlessly. “Well?” She prompted when Ecien did not respond.


“I…Yes it is, but…” Ecien sounded at a complete loss for words. “I can’t… Sarai please…”


“Your mother was one seriously sly barvette. And she loved you.” Sarai said gently as she embraced Ecien again. “So do I. I need you Ecien. Please don’t go.” She begged, but then stepped back. “I release you from your bond to me.” She bowed her head and stepped back again. “Do what you must.”


“Sarai…” Ecien stood frozen in place as Sarai mounted the dais again and sat. Then she bowed her head. “The ones who killed my sister still live.”


“I need more than vengeance, Ecien. I need a head of security I can trust.” Sarai shook her head as Ecien’s head shot up and all six of Ecien’s eyes bored into her. “I need someone who is willing to do whatever it takes. Even try to kidnap and insane larva. This is going to be messy beyond belief, Ecien. Far beyond belief. Your people do not kill each other. But now... One has. Maybe. We need to find out what happened and why.”


“Sarai…” Ecien’s voice was soft and then it went cold and hard. “My duty, my life, my death. Sword and soul, blood and bone. May my own blade end me if I transgress. I am honored and humbled by the duty you have given me, my liege.”


“Well, ‘I’ am scared.” Sarai said quietly. “I have no idea what I am doing. I am just making this crud up as I go.”


“Keep doing what you are doing, Sarai. You are doing fine.” Ecien replied easily as she moved to stand facing the door, in between the dais and the door. “Better than fine, actually, my liege. Far better than I would be anyway.”


“That is right, keep punting my head into the clouds.” Sarai groused. “Keep blowing smoke up my…” She broke off as Ji snarled at her. Ecien stiffened but Sarai was glad Ji could and would interrupt her. She feared the day when Ji would become overly formal.


“Calm down, Sarai.” Ji said acidly. “She is telling the truth. You KNOW I won’t let you get too far up before I deflate your ego.” Sarai startled herself with a chuckle and Ji nodded. “Better.”


“Ah, for the days of divine right of queens.” Sarai replied mercilessly, but her posture was of a bug barely restraining humor. “I could have you…” She broke off as Ecien coughed. “Yes?”


“Don’t even joke that, Sarai.” Ecien said softly. “You do have the power to order people tossed out an airlock. And most would go without a struggle.”


“I…” Sarai froze in place and then slumped. “Thank you, Ecien. Keep correcting me, in public if needed.” This last was a command. She shook herself. “Now… We need to figure out what my status is… Mama?” The Barabel nodded. Sarai had been a low ranked Bladeborn. Now…?


“You are hardly the firssst Bladeborn who haz been thrussst in zuch a posssition.” Mama replied evenly. “We even had one who waz named king of a backward planet after killing the leader there on Imperial Order. It wasss about… oh… zix hundred yearsss ago. There iz precedent for a temporary leave of absssence. And temporary may be az long as you need to care for your people.”


“Why have I never heard about this?” Saria asked softly and then stiffened. “It didn’t end well, did it?”


“No.” Mama said softly. “It did not. But we will be watching you and watching out for you.”


“Thank you.” Sarai said with feeling. “Mom?” Her voice broke a little as she turned to Sharra.


“I always knew you were intended for great things, Sarai.” Sharra was crying softly. “But I never expected this…”


“Don’t cry Mom.” Sarai extended a slow claw and Sharra took it in both hands. The human’s hands barely made it around the smallest claw that Sarai had. “I love you.”


“Sarai…” This from the shadows as Will stepped out of them. His voice was gentle, but adamant. “You need to understand… Matter of fact… I think I may try and get you to talk to Firalia, Mira’s mom, sometime. Your people have to come first, Sarai. If it comes down to it, choosing between your family and your people…” He stopped talking as Sarai made a strangled sound.


“It won’t come to that. You are my people too.” Sarai protested. “She is my mom….” Sharra gave her claw a squeeze and Sarai continued. “…and you are my dad in every way that matters. I won’t hurt you.”


“Sarai…” Will sighed and shook his head. “I cannot explain it. You need to talk to Mira or Firalia. They understand. For now, I have to go. I have to find Nia before it is too late.”


“Any help that I-“ ‘We’ muttered Ecien and Ji in unison- Sarai nodded. “-okay…okay… Any help ’WE’ can give, you have but to ask. You know this.”


“The places I have to go, Sarai…” Will’s face and voice were hard now. “…and the things I have to do… I will not involve you in them. You have enough issues of your own. But once I find Nia, she will need care and a safe place to recover.” He paused as Sarai nodded.


“Bring our sister home, dad.” Will nodded to the being who had been his adopted daughter and left without another word. Sarai shook herself a little. “So… What is next?”


“I have a request, if I may…?” Sharra’s voice was soft and worried now. “It’s a little… odd…”


“Odd strange or odd dangerous?” Sarai whimsically. “It must be odd, for you to… say…” She broke off as she saw a desolate look come over Sharra’s face. “Mom…?”


“I need to talk to Nolikas, as soon as possible.” Sharra’s face was bleak now. “The Dragons need help.”


“The…” Sarai drew in a deep breath. “Oh… yeah… that would be odd. What can we do?”


“Um…” Sharra shook her head slowly. “Can you contact Nolikas? We need to see if she can help… Surioa seems to think she has found the codes to remove the Dragon’s implants safely but she doesn’t have Nolikas’ skill in surgery. If she did find the codes… then…”


“Then they may be able to have normal lives again.” Sarai said softly in the silence that followed Sharra trailing off. “I need to talk to Queen Firalia anyway. Let’s see if Nolikas can rendezvous near Naboo…”

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Sarai greeted Nolikas as the Jedi was escorted into the main chamber that the swarm had insisted that Sarai take. It still felt…wrong to be in the place Majistrona had lived and died, but at the same time, it felt right too. Odd.


“Jedi Nolikas, I am glad to see you.” Sara nodded and bit back a sigh as the Jedi bowed. Yes, she was royalty now, but man, she hated some of the pomp and circumstance. “I am glad you could make it.”


“Your message was vague.” Nolikas replied in her odd tone as she turned to face the dais. Rakata pronounced Basic with a distinct accent, one that was easy to understand, but also easy to recognize. Not that a Rakata would be hard to recognize. The huge bulbous head, the eyes on stalks, the small mouth, all pointed to a descendant of the Infinite Empire. But Nolikas served the Jedi Order as a surgeon and a healer. No one who met her doubted her competence or her compassion. “But when…” She paused and stiffened. “I assumed it was Majistrona giving the message… Who are you?”


“Majistrona is dead.” Sarai replied sadly. “I am Sarai, her successor.” She was sure she had startled the Jedi although it was hard to tell, even with the Force.


“Sarai?” Nolikas’ voice was cautious now. “Sarai Kalenath?”


“I was. It’s…” Sarai shrugged all four shoulders and continued in a somewhat humorous tone. “A bit complicated.”


“I bet…” Nolikas replied, her posture relaxing. “Majistrona…died…? You have my condolences.”


“I am not sure how I feel about that to tell the truth, Healer.” Sarai admitted. “She changed me into this form without my permission. But…” She shrugged again. “She needed me. Her people need me, so… I am here.”


“What seems to be the trouble?” Nolikas fell into healer mode easily. It was what she did. “You seem fine, but then again, I don’t know a lot about your people, er… your form…”


“You know about as much as I do.” Sarai said with a chuckle. She waved towards a set of seats that’s he had commanded her drones to install. “You can sit if you wish. This may be a long talk.” Nolikas looked at the gold skinned bug and nodded slowly. She took a seat and sat carefully, her posture erect as she focused on Sarai. “I asked you hear for a specific reason. What do you know about Dragon Squadron?”


“Dragon Squadron?” Nolikas shook her head. “Very little. I know they were Republic fighter pilots who were killed at the Battle of Coruscant. Except…” She paused. “I think I heard something about them being back, but that makes no sense.”


“Yes it does.” Sarai replied quietly. “If you realize that the squadron was created using implant technology provided by Republic Intelligence’s Special Branch.” At those word, Nolikas went utterly rigid. She had spent a great deal of time and effort helping victims of Special Branch. Sarai nodded to her. “Yes, it is as bad as it sounds. They called for volunteers for a secret project, who came in droves. We don’t know how many of them died in the process, but it was a bunch. The survivors became Dragon Squadron, including Will, my foster father.”


“Will is…Was… you foster father?” Nolikas asked faintly. “I mean…” She shook her head, confused.


“Maria adopted me. When she died…” Sarai could not bite back a sob but then she shook herself and spoke evenly. “When she died, Sharra and Will took me in. When I changed… Well. They still consider me their daughter.”


“Someone did this to you against your will?” Nolika grimaced. “I bet Will was just so enthused about that.”


“No… Like I said… It was and is complicated.” Sarai sighed again. “Anyway... The Dragons need help. The implants that were put in were… What did he say…?” She mused for a moment. “My chief healer said they were more intrusive than the others. And they have self destructs of course in case of capture.”


“More…?” Nolikas blanched, hard to see on Rakata skin, but easily visible in the Force. “How did they stay sane?”


“They didn’t.” Sarai said flatly. “Every one of them, including my adopted sister Brianna, has a disorder of some kind. No one knows this except for Special Branch, but recently they tried to ambush the Stormhawk. They failed, but half of the Dragons were killed. The remainder are a mess, most of them hurt. Their medic found what she thinks are the codes for deactivating the self destructs in the implants.”


“Six left then…” Nolikas mused, her expression serene, but her sense in the Force horrified. “You do not sound convinced.”


“I am not.” Sarai admitted. “It feels… too easy. Like a trap.”


“Traps can work two ways.” Nolikas replied absently, her mind obviously racing. “What do you need from me?”


“Your expertise in dealing with such things.” Sarai said quietly. “My people have tech that has to be seen to be believed, but it cannot be replicated and it…dies if taken too far from the ship. It’s all organic. They do not have much skill in dealing with technological terrors like the implants that Special Branch uses.”


“Sarai…” Nolikas said sadly. “Brianna’s implants are different. Even if I can remove them from the rest of the Dragons…I won't be able to remove hers.”


“I know.” Sarai replied just as sadly. “So does she.”

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“So… Your majesty…” The soft voice came from nowhere after Nolikas had left to go to Medical and start working with Agnosa and Hplion. “How does it feel?” Sarai turned to see a black cloaked form step from the shadows.


“Hello Sara.” Sarai sighed. “It is a royal pain.” She snickered at the black haired girl’s expression. “Sorry, couldn’t resist. How are you?”


“Better.” Sara replied. She had remained in the background, working to keep herself sane was a full time job in and of itself. “Having a team of Bladeborn come here is a bit…off… It feels… good, but at the same time…” Sara shook her head, unable to vocalize her issues.


“Hey, sis, come here…” Sarai held out her arms and Sara came close, slowly, carefully. Much like beaten canine, Sarai thought with a mental wince. Sarai enclosed Sara slowly and carefully in her arms, giving comfort without enclosing completely. “It is okay Sara. Even if I was not Bladeborn myself, I am not about to leave you all hanging. You all need a place to hide, a place to train. You need a place to grow, a safe place. I can and will give you that.”


“Oh Sarai…” Sara hugged her sister once and then retreated a bit. “You are seriously stubborn. You told Sharra that Majistrona had found your past? Was it…?” She paused as Sarai nodded.


“It was bad.” Sarai admitted. “As bad as what happened to me with Samuel was, I think what happened before was worse. I was a slave, Sara. To Gorbak the Hutt.” An indrawn breath told Sarai that yes, Sara knew about that Hutt. “Yes, as far as I know, he treated me like the rest of his.” To Gorbak, slaves were toys, playthings. And pretty girls? They were his ‘special’ playthings. Sarai shook her head as Sara’s face turned thunderous. “Sara…calm… It is the past. I never thought I would say this, but I am glad that Grun’Das wiped my memory. If half of what I have read about that Hutt is true…” Now she sounded sick. “There is no way I would have avoided his notice. He apparently has a ‘thing’ for blondes.”


“Ugh…” Sarai made a gagging sound and then she came close and embraced her sister again. “I may be selfish here, Sarai, but I am glad you are here. Even if the road you followed was horrid and laced with pain and fear, I for one am glad you are here.”


“Well…” Sarai embraced Sara gently again. “I couldn’t have done this without your inspiration, Sara. So many times, I have just wanted to curl up and go completely bonkers. But with your example…” Sara stared at her and Sarai shrugged. “You are inspirational, Sara. To me at the very least.”


“Now I know you are crazy.” Sara said with just a hint of quaver in her voice. “Do you want me to be here when you talk to Firalia?”


“I would appreciate it.” Sarai said quietly. “I know nothing about being a queen. All the others keep saying I will figure it out, but what if I make a mistake? My own life, I can hazard easily. But my subjects lives?” Sarai slumped a bit in place. “Thousands of beings are relying on me. I don’t want to let them down.”


“Then you know more than you think.” A quiet voice came from the door and both females turned to see a silver garbed young woman enter. The girl was nine but her eyes, like Sara’s, were haunted by pain and fear most of the time. But now, she was smiling. “I greet you, Queen Sarai.”


“Come off it, Mira.” Sarai said caustically. “Or should I call you Natasha Anastasia Regina?”


“As your Majesty wishes.” Mira, Seventh of the Seven, was not smiling now as she took another step in and bowed formally. “And no, I am not joking.”


“Mira…” Sarai’s voice was plaintive now. She shook her head as Sara retreated a step. “Please…”


“This will be hard, Sarai.” Mira’s voice was sympathetic, but unyielding. “Probably the hardest lesson you will ever learn. You are queen.” Her voice was flat now. “There is an old saying ‘Lead, follow, or get the flarg out of the way.’ It works. You must lead, Sarai. It will never be easy. But they need you.” All activity stopped as the door behind Mira opened and two female forms entered. Sharra led an older woman in a nondescript flightsuit into the room. Mira looked at her and cried. “Mom!”


The Queen of Naboo was crying as she embraced the silver garbed dynamo who swarmed into her arms. Natasha was crying as well as she hugged the older woman tight. Finally, the Queen of Naboo squeezed her daughter again and spoke evenly.


“Duty first, Tasha.” Firalia Regina was of middle years, but her face and posture were worn by care and grief. She held her daughter by the shoulders and nodded to Sarai, one monarch to another. “Queen Sarai.”


“Queen Firalia.” Sarai nodded to the visiting queen. “You honor my home with your visit. I wish we had time to become better acquainted.”


“Time waits for no being, Queen Sarai.” Firalia replied evenly. “But you have allowed me to see my daughter again. For that…? Anything within reason I can do for you I will.”


“I…” Sarai slumped in place. “Help…?” She asked plaintively. “I know nothing about being a monarch. All I know is what I have read, or seen on the holo-vids and I know that is all bunk. What do I…? What can I…? I…” She shook her head again and sighed. She forced herself to relax. “I request any advice you may have.”


“That…” Firalia had a small smile on her face now. “What you just did says to me that you will be a better monarch than many I have known, Queen Sarai.” Sarai stared at her and Firalia smiled wider. “You are scared. Of course you are. Sharra was a bit vague when she told me how you wound up as Queen here, when last I knew you were a human girl. But you moved beyond your fear, you did what you had to. Why?” She pressed gently.


“My people need me to be strong.” Sarai replied somewhat dazed. “Is it…always like this?”


“I am not going to lie to you, Sarai.” Firalia’s voice was sad now. “It will be rough. I don’t know your history, but if you hang around this lunatic…” She gave Sharra a poke in the ribs and Sharra grinned in response. “…it cannot be all happy, pretty and nice. But you have to realize something now. What came before is over. Your people need you.”


“What if…” Sarai started and then paused as Queen Firalia looked at her. “What if my family and my people conflict? I… Will said something-” She broke off mid word as a look of profound pain crossed the Queen’s face. “Queen Firalia…?”


“I can’t help you.” Queen Firalia finally said after a moment. Her voice was sad and there was great pain in her sense in the Force. “I know that choice, intimately. I made a bad choice once and…” She bowed her head. “My people paid for my choice.”


“That was my dad, wasn’t it?” Mira asked in the silence that followed. “The usurper?”


“Yes, Mira.” Firalia replied. “That was your father. My heart broke that day, when I sentenced him to public hanging. But there was no alternative. He broke the law, and not in any minor ways.” Her voice was rueful now. “I don’t know now if I loved him or not, Mira, but he broke the law. Not only that, but he caused the deaths of hundreds of my subjects. Many of whom were non-combatants. I can only hope that you do not ever face such a choice, Queen Sarai.”


“Me too.” Sarai replied in a somewhat dazed tone. She had hoped for some kind of advice. Not this! “I guess I just keep muddling through this.”


“That is all any of us can do.” Queen Firalia said quietly. “I need to go; they can only hold the ship for a short period. Even faked engine trouble will have repercussions.”


“It’s not faked.” Sharra said with a grin as she hugged Firalia again. “You be careful.”


Me?” Firalia replied, obviously faking being shocked. “You are the one who hangs around Will. You need to be careful.” She turned to Sarai and nodded again. “Thank you for letting me see my daughter again.”


“Things have changed mother, a bit…” Mira spoke up slowly. “I can probably come home. But I probably should not.”


“I don’t want to know, do I?” Firalia asked her daughter who shook her head slowly. “Oh Tasha…” She hugged Mira again. “I am sorry…” With that, she was gone and Sharra with her. Sarai sighed and started for her quarters, Mira following.


“You didn’t tell her.” Sarai said in a calm tone. “Why not?”


“It is only a prophecy, Queen Sarai.” Mira replied. “I don’t care if it says I am going to become some kind of a machine with no human emotions. I will not burden her with that. They are going to legitimatize Helen anyway, so the heir problem is taken care of.”


“They are?” Sarai and Sara both chorused. The bug and the human looked at each other and shared a laugh. Sarai was chuckling when she spoke again. “Well, it’s about time. But what does Helen think of this?”


“I don’t know.” Mira actually shuddered. “I bet that conversation is going to be… loud…”


“I bet.” Sarai said dubiously as the strange cavalcade entered her chamber. “Well, how are you, Mira? The nightmares easing?”


“Yes, thank you.” Mira said with a smile. “I never would have expected this place to be soothing, but Agnosa and Hpilon are doing what they can. Your help as well has been wonderful. I don’t think the nightmares will ever go away completely. But with the help you all are giving me, I will deal.”


“Of course you will, Mira and we will continue to help.” Sarai said soothingly. “Come here…” Her voice turned wry as Mira swarmed into her arms. “Oof, you are gaining weight!” She teased.


“I am not!” Mira protested. “It’s muscle.”


“Suuuure it is.” Sarai teased again, her antennae coming down and Mira relaxed as Sarai soothed the torment inside her skull. “Rest, Mira. Rest in the arms of Ashla…” Mira gave a contented sigh and fell into an untroubled sleep. Sarai looked, but Sara was gone as silently as she had arrived. The queen nodded soberly and prepared herself to tend to her friend. She would not leave Mira to face her nightmares alone. It might be a long night, but Mira was a friend. Sarai would do what she could to aid the young girl who had been so hurt. It was the least she could do.

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<Two days later>


Helen!” Sarai and Mira both shouted in unison as they saw the hover gurney that was propelled out of the bounty hunter ship by a hulking Trandoshan warrior. On it, Helen Regina lay as if asleep. But the bandages that showed under the sheet that covered her covered her were extensive. The reptilian being’s demeanor was… sad. Sarai immediately send a request for healers through the hivemind and it was acknowledged.


“What happened?“ Sarai demanded.


“Bounty.” The male Trandoshan said quietly in broken Basic. “Went bad…Helen hurt, need medics.”


“Is she…stable?” Mira asked, obviously wanting to go to her sister’s side, but unsure. “I…” The Trandoshan nodded.


“Not going to die.” He laughed a bit sourly. “Nothing can kill crazy human woman.” Mira snorted as she darted to Helen’s side, but looked as if she didn’t dare touch the sleeping woman.


“Medics are coming. Hold tight here.” Sarai commanded and the Trandoshan, followed by several more, all of whom bore signs of wounds, stood in the middle of the bay, obviously uncomfortable. Sarai shook her head. “I speak no Dosh, can you tell us what happened?”


“I can…” A smallish Trandoshan female followed the gurney into the hangar bay spoke in excellent Basic. “I am Der’Daask… Helen was helping me work on my Basic. We were sent to Dantooine, to discover the cause of vanishings? No, that is not right…” She paused thinking hard. “Of disappearances. All young, all female, all human.”


“Oh no…” Sarai shook her head. She could just see Helen doing that, yes. Her family was nothing if not brave to the point of foolhardiness sometimes. “Why her? Why now…? Let me guess. She decided to be bait.”


“We argued. She insisted. We were close by.” Der’Daask protested half heartedly. “We were close at hand. We knew where she was. Until she vanished. It took us an hour to find her.” The small Trandoshan seemed almost in tears now. “We found her like this. The scum who had her…” She snarled and showed teeth, a serious insult in Trandoshan society. “He fought. He died. We collected the bounty, but Helen has not woken. We fear for her. We went to Cranna, she sent us to Stormhawk, who sent us to you.” Der’Daask shook her head. “Can you help Helen?”


“We will do our best.” Sarai said as medics came running onto the hangar bay. They took one look and shooed the Trandoshans away from the gurney to start working. The large Trandoshan snarled at them, but Sarai shook her head. “Easy, let them work.” The Trandoshan looked at her and then nodded acquiescence. The medics started working and then froze.


“My queen… She has been exposed to nanites…” Hpilon said in a tone of shock.


What?” Saria shouted and then her focus landed on the Trandoshans who looked confused. Her blade and blaster were in separate hands now, both pointed at the Trandoshans, who froze as other weapons came alive around the hangar bay, automated and held in claws of Sitolon. “All of you, drop your weapons. Now!” The bark of command had them all tensing, but what had them freezing was the activation cycle of a blaster cannon. Sarai did not need to turn to know that Sharra had her weapon out and ready.


“I would do what she says.” Sharra’s voice was mellow, almost.


“What are nanites?” Der’daask asked softly, without moving to comply. “We cannot help Helen without our weapons.” She didn’t move. None of the Trandoshans moved.


“You cannot help her if you are dead either.” Sarai said, calming. “Nanites are tiny machines designed to take control of the people they are inserted into. Did a Jedi try and ‘help’ Helen?”


“There was a Jedi at the landing bay. We asked for help. He gave it. He stabilized her, as best he could for transport, he said.” Der’Daask was, if anything, even more confused. “Why would someone like a Jedi do this to Helen?”


“To lead him to us.” Sarai replied softly. She did not take her focus from the Trandoshans who looked worried now. But then she felt a presence approach and nodded. “Ecien, can you deactivate the nanites inside Helen?”


“Yes.” Ecien’s voice was solemn as she approached Helen. She touched the human on the shoulder and took a deep breath. A pulse of power was felt by everyone who had the Force and Ecien drooped a little. “I think… They did not feel like trackers. They felt like healing ones. What was the name of the Jedi who said he helped?”


“He said his name was Vandar.” Der’Daask froze in place as even more weapons moved to cover her and her kin. “Is that bad?”


“Very.” Sarai replied coldly. “Until we are sure you are not a threat, you will be placed in a secure facility. You will be fed well. Your injuries are healing, but we will give what aid we can. Do not abuse what trust we give you.” There was no mistaking the menace in Sarai’s tone now.


“Until Helen healed…” The large Trandoshan said softly. “We go nowhere.” He laid his rifle on the deck and started removing ordnance from his person. His team followed suit. “Need rest anyway… Long hard hunt…” Once he was done, he bowed and spoke formally to Sarai. “Me Cradaask, leader of hunt. Where you want us go?”


“I am Sarai, leader of this swarm.” Sarai replied in equally formal tones. “Follow Ecien. She will see you to quarters.” Ecien nodded and started off. The Trandoshans followed, leaving a large pile of weaponry on the deck. As the medics started the gurney on its way to Medical Sarai shook her head slowly. “Vandar… helping…? Now that makes no sense at all…”


“Some kind of trap.” Sharra’s voice was confused though. “It has to be.”


“We will see.” Sarai replied as she started off. She had lots to do before she could check on Helen in medical.

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As luck, or the Force would have it, Sarai was there when Helen woke. Mira of course had not left her sister’s side. They had almost resorted to a sedative to get Mira to sleep at all, but when the girl had drifted off in a chair beside her sister’s fluid filled tank, no one had dared moved her, just made her more comfortable. Helen had been floating in the tank for eight hours, her head the only thing above the level of restorative fluid. Sarai nodded as Mira jumped. She waved a claw for Mira to speak.


“Helen…?” Mira’s voice was tentative. “Can you hear me?” The hurt woman in the bed madae a face that was probably the best grimace she could do.


“Who…? Wha…?” Helen’s voice was muffled by the mask that covered her nose and mouth but perfectly audible to both Sarai and Mira. The hurt woman stiffened as she tried to open her eyes and couldn’t. The medics had taped them shut due to the fact that the burn solution she was immersed up to her face in was bad for eyes. “Hey!” She started to struggle but Mira was on it.


“Easy… Easy…Your eyes are taped shut because you are in a burn tank. ” Mira brushed Helen’s cheek gently. “It’s okay, Helen. It’s me, Natasha. You are fine, you are safe… You are floating in a burn tank. Do you hurt?” Important question. Helen had liquid burns over about fifty percent of her body. If they drugged her too much she could simply slide away, stop responding to outside stimuli. But the fluid was designed to be soothing to charred skin and nerves.


“Na… Natasha? No I don’t hurt…” Helen grimaced again as memory flooded in, slow due to the painkillers. “I… No! Cradaask! I have to…” She tried to move and couldn’t, the restraints holding her shoulders and neck in place were soft and padded, but well beyond her ability to break. She was too weak to move anything else. “What the…?”


“Easy, Helen.” Now Natasha’s voice was stern as she stroked Helen’s short hair, the only part of her that was not covered by apparatus or fluid. “You scared the hell out of me, woman. You are safe, your friends are safe. Be calm, sister. It’s okay. You will be okay.”


“I….” Helen was shuddering now. “I couldn’t fight. I couldn’t do anything… He…” Tears started falling from the corners of her eyes.


“Oh Helen…It’s okay.” Mira’s voice was gentle now. “You are safe now. What happened?”


“It was a bounty.” Helen said in the dazed voice that was all she could manage as she relaxed slowly. “A bad one. The guy was hiding out in the wilds of Dantooine, no contact with anyone. Except when he snatched young human females. We went after him.”


“They told me you acted as bait.” Mira’s voice held disapproval now. “Don’t you know what usually happens to bait?” It got eaten.


“Yeah.” Helen sighed as she relaxed a little more. “It was the only way. He would have vanished again, snatched another girl and not shown up for a year. It was his pattern. Serial killers always have a pattern.”


“So you became his next victim… Helen...” Mira’s voice was exasperated now. “Do you have any idea what mother is going to say?”


“It worked….” Helen defended her actions as best she could through the painkillers in her system. “Didn’t plan on him cutting my clothes off and dumping them. All but one of the trackers were hidden in my clothes.”


“Well, your friends found you. Just in time from what I understand.” Mira had relief in her voice now. She licked her lips nervously. “What did he do to you, Helen?” Sarai stiffened as a bolt of terror shot through Helen, but the woman focused herself before replying.


“I…” Helen’s voice was tautly controlled. “I don’t remember if he violated me…” She broke off as Sarai spoke up.


“The medics say he didn’t. They say it would have left physical evidence that is not there.” Sarai kept her voice low and soothing. “I am Sarai, Helen Regina. You are safe here, be calm. Your ordeals are over and we will see you healed to the best of our ability.” Helen smiled a bit sheepishly as Mira stroked her head again.


“Well, that is one relief…” Helen sighed as she relaxed a bit more. “He was a wacko.” Her voice was more her old self now, but it held and undercurrent of terror. “The girls he took…” She was shivering now and Sarai leaned close to project calm and sympathy to the hurt woman. Helen relaxed little. “Crazy Mon Cal made a garden with them.”


“A what?” Mira exclaimed. “A garden…? Oh no…”


“A garden of plastic statues.” Helen was shivering. “It was… It was in a cave, I remember that. I woke up from the drugs he had given me… I was strapped down, couldn’t move or talk or anything. He never spoke, just gave me a drug that paralyzed me, unstrapped me, put my limbs in the positions he wanted and then started pouring molten plastic all over me…. It hurt… Oh my god it hurt…” She was crying again and both Mira and Sarai tried to soothe her. “I could see plastic statues all around the cave, all posed. The other girls he had taken… for years, he had done the same thing to them. Posed them for his amusement and then… Entombed them alive in plastic.” She was crying again.


“It’s okay, Helen.” Mira said as she stroked her sister’s head again, calming. “It will be okay. He is dead, you are alive. Your friends stopped him. Permanently, from what I understand.”


“I know.” Helen’s voice was still one step short of terrified but she calmed a little under Mira’s ministrations. “I was… The plastic had reached my chest…I remember that. It hurt… so much… I was praying for the plastic to reach my head and suffocate me when they burst in. I saw them shoot the guy. They freaked when they found me… It got fuzzy after that. I know they had to get the plastic off… I…” She shook her head as far is it would go, which wasn’t far. “Had the weirdest dreams. I could swear I saw Vandar Tokare during one of my lucid moments.”


“Apparently you did.” Mira replied in a toneless voice. “He apparently saved your life.”


“Why would Vandar save me?” Helen asked softly, confused. “We are enemies. Aren’t we?”


“No idea.” Mira replied. “Okay… Helen… You are going to sleep again, and when you wake, you will be home. Give mom my love.”


“What…?” Helen was even more confused. “I can’t go home.”


“Yes, you can.” Mira replied sadly. “The Naboo people demanded to know who your father was. Mom finally had to explain about Will, and when she did, they all agreed. It was apparently unanimous in the Parliament. Anyone who disagreed kept his, her or its mouth shut. You are legitimate again, Helen.”


“I… What…?” Helen stiffened in her restraints. “I can’t… Cradaask and the others need me.”


“Your people need you.” Sarai replied not unkindly. “The Trandoshans have all said they will follow you wherever you go. That kind of loyalty cannot be bought, only earned, Helen Regina, do not cast it aside lightly.”


“I…” Helen was crying again. “What kind of leader feels like this…? Weak and sick and crying all the time?”


“You are hurt, sister. You were burned over much of your body. No wonder even the Stormhawk sent you to us.” Mira’s hand was soothing as it rubbed Helen’s scalp again. “You will feel much better when you wake again.” She nodded to a medic who touched a control. Helen slid into sleep again her features easing as she lost consciousness. Sarai looked at her and Mira slumped, nodded to her and the medics and rose from her chair. Mira nodded to Sarai and followed the queen from the room. She maintained her brave front until they were out of Medical and then she started to cry. “Oh my god…”


“She will make a full recovery, Mira.” Sarai promised as she hugged the young human gently. “You know we wouldn’t lie about that. You need real rest now. Come.”


“I know… It’s just… this is likely the last time I will see her.” Mira replied, her face smoothing as she reasserted control over herself. “I do love her, even if I barely know her.”


“The future is always in motion, Mira.” Sarai replied evenly. “We are looking into alternatives. We are not going to just let you fall into that prophecy face first.”


“Thanks.” Mira said sadly. “Now…?”


“Now, you sleep…” Sarai had a vicious smile in her voice now. “And we hunt for a traitor.”

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Sarai had put Mira to bed with Sharra’s help. Sitolon anatomy was good for a number of things, rending and tearing enemies came to mind, but small scale manual dexterity was not one of her fortes now. She had Mira ensconced in a monitored room, if the girl had nightmares again, Sarai would know and be able to help. She was unsurprised to find Ecien waiting for her when she arrived back in her chamber. The young queen nodded to the silver bug and assumed her space before speaking. Ji took her place beside Sarai and the queen nodded to her retainer and then to her chief of security.


“You have a report, Ecien?” Sarai asked quietly as she looked the older bug over. Ecien looked mostly the same as always. But there was a subtle tension in her now. As if she did not want to say what she had to. Sarai kept her voice calm and gentle. “Go ahead.”


“I have a report, my queen.” Ecien said formally. “I believe I have discovered what happened to my sister Nana.”


“So soon?” Sarai was surprised. She knew Ecien was quick, but there were thousands of Sitolon aboard the homeship. “What have you found out?”


“I focused my efforts on beings who have been off the ship for various reasons.” Ecien was now barely in control of herself. Her anger was easy to see in her quivering, let alone feel in the Force. She gave a small squeak as Sarai leaned down and caressed her antennae with the queen’s own. She gave Ecien what she could of calming, soothing emotion. Ecien relaxed slowly. “Thank you Sarai… I… This really bothers me.”


“I knew it was going to be bad.” Sarai replied evenly. “You never do get easy jobs do you, Ecien? What did you find?”


“Some of the drones who were taken off the ship have been tampered with.” Ecien’s voice was tautly controlled now. “I have gone through the drones, and beings I trust have helped. Agnosa has been great help.” The praise in Ecien’s voice was grudging.


“Ecien, she never lied to you.” Sarai said in mild reproof. The silver bug nodded to accept the rebuke. “She did have cause to be reticent.”


“I know.” Ecien replied sourly. “It’s just… deception of this kind really goes against the grain. <Honesty>, right?”


“Yes, <Honesty>…” Sarai replied sadly. “The Code of the Bladeborn is strict, with good reason. But when we deal with dishonorable foes… We must take care not to act as they do but we also must protect ourselves. A hard path indeed.”


“Yes, my queen.” Ecien said with no trace of annoyance, although she knew the code as well or better than Sarai. She paused as Sarai sighed deeply.”Sarai?”


“Ji… This is my first or second royal command…” Ji stared at Sarai and then nodded. “If I persist in speaking the obvious because I can… slug me.” Ji made a sound somewhere between a sigh, a snort and a groan. “I am serious here. If I get so busy monologuing…” She broke off as Ecien laughed. “Yes?” She asked Ecien in a haughty voice.


“The day you start monologuing, Sarai,I am going to take up human knitting.” The silver bug’s voice was wicked and Sarai laughed hard. “Not going to happen.”


“You are bad, Ecien.” But Sari kept laughing softly. The image of a six foot tall, four armed being knitting was just too funny. It was moment before she could control her mirth, but finally she managed. “Oh I needed that. Okay, what did you find?” She said, her tone becoming serious.


“We found traces of very subtle manipulation in the minds of several worker drones.” Ecien’s voice was soft and angry now, but not at anything else. “They were with me, my queen, when I left the last time to go to Correllia. They stayed on the ship, they…” She made a sound of disapproval. “They are limited. No offense to them, but they lack intelligence. We have various kinds of drones. Has anyone told you?”


“No.” Sarai said flatly. “Sit down and enlighten me.”


“Very well.” Ecien said as she sat. “We have three basic castes. Warriors, workers, and royalty. You are royalty.”


“Well, duh.” Ji interjected, only to recoil at a swat from Sarai. “Hey!”


“Be polite, Ji.” Sarai’s tone was calm, but a command and Ji subsided a bit. “Please continue, Ecien.”


“Our castes are not set in stone.” Ecien continued. “I started as a worker myself. I was elevated to royalty due to service. The lowest tier of workers are barely sentient. They are useful for basic repetitive work, cleaning and such. I had eight of them on my ship when I went to Correllia to look for Istara’s sister. I also had a medic and a pilot, both of whom were warrior caste, but very different. Neither of them shows signs of tampering, they both volunteered to be scrutinized deeply. I did. There was nothing.”


“What of the workers? What did you find?” Sarai asked softly. She looked at Ecien as the silver skinned bug seemed to wilt. “Ecien?”


“You know of the Dark Cousins, they hurt you, changed you.” Ecien said softly. “These workers have been tampered with using techniques that the Dark Cousins used.”


“Ecien, that is not possible…” Sarai said softly and with not a small amount of fear. “Will blew up the queen. Kicota and her swarm are the last of them.” She stared at the silver bug as Ecien shook her head. “Ecien…?”


“Apparently not.” Ecien replied softly. “And that means we have to resume our strictest security standards. You will have guards assigned to you, Sarai.” Sarai bristled about Ecien was unmoved. “Sarai… Please… If anything happens to you, we are screwed as a race.” Sarai stared at the silver bug but then nodded dubiously. “Thank you, Sarai. Ji, as another soon to be fertile female, will also have a full guard.”


“Hey!” Ji protested, but broke off and subsided as both Ecien and Sarai glared at her. “Okay, okay… I have a while before I molt and start laying anyway.”


“A couple of decades.” Sarai agreed. “Ecien… What do the hivemind memories say about having more than one queen?”


“Normally, a very bad thing. But you are an Alpha, so… your guess is as good as mine.” Ecien admitted. “Agnosa however says that it can be handled. She is ready to report when you have time.”


“Later.” Sarai replied somewhat absently. “If there is another swarm of Dark Cousins out there, we need to find them and deal with them before they grow to dangerous size or try and breed themselves a queen.”


“That’s just it, Sarai…” Ecien’s voice was worried now. “The only kind of being who could have tampered so carefully with workers, leaving a buried command that piggybacked into others with so few traces…”


“You mean…” Ecien nodded and Sarai stared at the silver bug, scared out of her mind. Her voice was horrified now. “A queen…” She said softly.


“Yes. A Dark Queen.” Ecien agreed softly.


“Flarg me…” Sarai said softly and then she straightened. “Okay. We warn the Stormhawk, and my family. We warn the Seven. What else can we do?”


“We get ready to move, fast.” Ecien replied softly. “We won’t get a lot of time to plan or move. And you need to talk to the Empire.”


“Thanks.” Sarai replied with some heat, but subsided as Ji touched her arm gently. “I know, I know… they will not stop looking for us or hunting the Bladeborn. I need to think of what to say.”


“They understand about successions, Sarai.” Ecien replied gently. “Not nonviolent ones, but they do understand. We just need to keep the dialogue open.”


“Who can I trust with such a thing?” Sarai asked softly. “I know I would be out of my depth.”


“I would do it myself…” Ecien said softly. “But you need me for other things. Let me see if I can find someone. For now… Sarai…” Her voice turned gentle. “You need to go to your nesting chamber.”


“I…” Saria sighed and shook her head in resignation. “It’s time?”


“It’s time.” Ecien said softly as she came close and offered her antennae to the queen. Sarai brushed Ecien’s with her own and sighed deeply. “Don’t worry, Sarai. It will be uncomfortable, but it doesn’t hurt. We won’t let you hurt.”


“No, it’s just a pain.” Sarai said softly as she started for the door, and her destiny. She saw Ji biting back mirth and snarled at the younger queen. “Just you wait, Ji. Just you wait. Not that long and you will have to go through this.”


“I am sorry, Sarai… It’s just…” Ji sighed and bowed. “You will make great mother, Sarai.” She bowed again as Sarai snarled at her. “You will.”


“All this great and wonderful technology and I still have to provide heirs…” Sarai muttered quietly as she left the room., Ecien followed and stopped short as Sarai did. “What the…?” Two lines of warrior Sitolon, armed and armored stood lining either side of the corridor. In unison, they saluted. “You didn’t…” She accused Ecien who preened. “You did, didn’t you? You told everybody, didn’t you? I wanted it to be private…” Her voice was small now.


“Your human mother is waiting with the healers in the nesting chamber, my queen. Everything is ready for you.” Ecien replied evenly. “We honor you, Sarai. I doubt there was one human in a million who could have gone through the changes you did without going mad. And then you chose to help us. We honor you and we will protect you.” Ecien repeated and Sarai tensed as the soldiers all saluted.


“I think I did go mad.” Sarai muttered, but it was inaudible as she returned the salutes and started towards her nesting chamber, her young and her future. “But… thanks…I have had enough sudden changes for one lifetime…I am sick of changes.”


“Well, lets hope that we can give you some stability then.” Ecein replied evenly as she followed. “Change in and of itself is not a bad thing, but… Yes, let’s avoid any more sudden ones, shall we?”


“Yes, please” Both Ji and Sarai said together. They laughed and continued towards their future.

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((This was a LOT longer than my usual ones, but it was fun. Sarai has reason to be sick of changes though. Comments or suggestions always appreciated. Flames might get stuck tending new Sitolon larvae. Sarai is going to need lot of help. Its going to be... messy...))
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