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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crezelle of the Chimera


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why am i doing this lol. I never wrote fan fiction untill this forum. i failed english, a few times. I can't organise my writing worth a crap. oh well you was warned.


basically im redoing my agent on another server, and i figured maybe would be fun to do a planet-by planet write up of my main's journey. *shrug*




The Chimera: a beast of legend is often depicted as great lion with the heads of a goat and serpent also sprouting from it’s back and tail. In more recent terms, it can be used to describe any creature made up of the parts of many others. It can symbolise both confliction of incompatible elements forced to work as one, or harmony despite the fact.




She discarded that name. She discarded her family, her culture.


She was young and had blundered. To be a chiss was to be able to not let one’s emotions hinder action. She was too soft hearted, too impressionable, and too dependant on those around her.


She was to be exiled because of it. Because she let her emotions get the better of her, and had become intimate with her partner in the secret police. She was careless and the affair had left her with child. She could have held cover if she had the proof of her interactions snuffed out, a simple injection and it would be gone, but her heart was too soft.


But as soft as she was, she was effective. Outside her shame, she was notorious amongst those in the system. To waste her talents on a momentary slip of judgement was impracticable. Silently, swiftly, she was sent off to the empire.


Her family still loved, still cared. Even her former lover was insistent to keep in touch, even asking to marry before she left. Her child would be in good hands. But she had to cut them off completely. Her new work makes enemies. If she wanted to protect them, all ties to her past had to be cut.

She was no longer Kurez’eru’da, she was Crezelle.


Hutta. Her first mission.


From the moment she stepped off the shuttle, till she left the planet, the entire mission was… grungy. Open gunfights in the streets between hutt gangs. Smugglers, spice sellers, thugs, mercenaries and every flavour of ill repute pandered openly in the cantinas. Every surface and element of the planet itself was tainted with pollution and debris.


But the empire had interest in this planet, and so she went to work. Like the beast with different heads, she switched into the role of a rogue pirate. She paid homage to the local hutt, her mark, solidified her image with seduction, dealing with spice traders, and being a gun for hire for small jobs. She played a game of words with an abrasive ratataki. She tugged at political strings like a puppeteer, priming a receptive lieutenant of the hutt to imperial persuasion, then bringing him to favour.


Or at least she would, if those sith would learn to not meddle in affairs. The pawn she was priming to sway the hutt to imperial favour was compromised due to some young sith punks having fun. The man’s sons were left dead and crippled. By sith. No way he would ally with the empire now. He was to vanish. She promised herself to harden up, to follow orders, and not compromise on morals alone.


But he only had to disappear, right? Keeper wouldn’t notice if there was no body? Just tell the pawn to run and not be seen, and everything would be ok!


Not really. Soon after, she got a letter from Keeper, suspicious about an incident soon after, that while circumstantial, was still too close for comfort. Why else was the surviving son’s hospital room stormed by mercenaries, coming in and retrieving the boy.


Crez sighed. She HAD to harden up.

Edited by Crezelle
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Crez! Squee!


The real question is, are you making substantially the same gameplay choices with the new incarnation? There's so much potential content to cover...


prolly, but i'll do some esc'ing out


Very nice, Crez!



Edited by Crezelle
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Nicely done Crez!



Yay at this thread and I love your agent's backstory!


hehe thanks, i had to explain away the fact one of crez's kids was dark blue and tall, while her latter 2 (so far) kids were fair skinned and black haired. not to mention you get to tease vector about some mysterious " man at home"

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Kaliyo and Kaas




How in the galaxy did she get stuck with her? How did keeper reason that such a loose canon would be an asset?


Ether way, it was the lot Crez had been given, and she would accept it. She always accepted the decisions of her superiors. This was pushing it, but she will complied. There were terms in the contract Kaliyo had brought up at HQ, so there might be more to her than she was given.


Ether way, she didn’t ask about the details of the mission; she followed and shot. And she was street smart. And perhaps, maybe, she was fun to be around when in the proper mood. They even jokingly agreed on a system to share the men encountered; Kaliyo gets the rich ones, Crez gets the smart ones.


” What if we find a man that’s both rich and smart?”


Kaliyo simply grinned.


…. Definitely can’t trust her.


Dromund Kaas


It was actually a very beautiful planet. Perhaps if one were to take out the feuding sith lord battles, slave rebellions, secretive cult communes, and the never ending sense that you are being watched, the slightest wrong move would get you ether incarcerated, or shot on the spot by guard droids. Other than that, quite stunning.


Dromund Kaas is owned by sith. Sith get into everything. She learned her job was to keep collateral dammage to a minimum, and to clean up after the sith.


One in particular, Darth Jadus, had given interest to the new agent, she could only speculate it was because she was an alien, a novelty. He had directly requested she head the missions he ordered, and even requested she have an audience with him.


He was imposing, his voice both lulling and assertive. He spoke of great ambitions, and a future in his image. She was scared. She would not speak of her fear, for that was revealing a weakness, but he sensed it, smelled it. He told her it was the powers of the dark side overwhelming her, and she would be a vessel of it. This meeting was an inoculation.. a baptism almost. She would bow to him and accept it.


She bowed, but only out of fear. Fear, and her ingrained training to front as whatever type of person that is needed to reach an objective the most efficiently. She did not want to be any part of this sith’s game, but she knew refusing him would only bring disaster. Perhaps she could fade out of his interest as time went by, and he found a new target of fancy, or outright find an excuse to move out his radar in a future mission.


As luck had it, her chance to escape the sith’s unwanted attentions had not only appeared, but were made absolute. He was dead. A terrorist cell managed to take down his massive flagship, with thousands of souls on board. Had Jadus had some premonition to the attack? He had sent Crezelle to crack down on a wing of terrorists, which in hind sight had been a red herring to draw attention away from the attack on the ship.


Relief had to wait. Crezelle now had the burden of cracking down on the killers of her past fear.

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