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Your favorite PVP spec


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Long *** maths post quoted here


Just one quick question on your numbers

Seeing this

CG Crit = 726 (Remember, it is affected by Explosive Engineering now)
and doing a quick bit of napkin math (ie taking that number and adding 30% to it) are you using a screwy lethality spec without explosive engineering? This closes the gap significantly

Also in a rotation of that size you havent factored in the additional ticks from both DoT's Both specs will get these however full lethality will have 4 of them (unless CD ticks twice there will only be 4) effected by weakening blast which again closes the gap by another 1k or so.


If the first point is correct and factoring in the second one we then have almost identical damage in said burst rotation... and full leth can do it twice as often for the same energy which is where my energy management point comes in. Both specs do the same rotation again 18s later. Lethality loses 3548 damage for 20 energy less. Hybrid loses 7252 damage for the same energy cost (as you now lack the energy regen from cluster)

Edited by theangryllama
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  • 2 weeks later...

In addition to what was posted above I think there are some other factors not accounted for here like the extra 30% from devouring microbes on cull ticks when the target is <= 30%. That's significant for finishing a target off in my experience and not accounted for in your testing.


Once again I think saying full lethality for PvP is trash just isn't accurate. Burst from both specs when you take these factors into consideration is pretty close and you gain some utility with more points into lethality than from a hybrid spec.

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Can someone please show me the skilltree for the famed "hybrid" spec? I assume it's a combination of MM and Engineering?


I am currently striving for the 35/3/3 build, curious as to what hybrid can offer.


There is a engi/MM hybrid that has great burst to it as well, but these guys are talking about a leth/engi hybrid.

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Well, I've been playing around with all the specs, so I'll give my take on it. First of all, hybrids are a bad idea. I'll admit, there are times where I wish I could dip a little further into one of the other trees, but they just don't make up for the amount of good stuff you can get in the highest skill points.


Lethality is what I keep seeing mentioned as "the obvious choice", "a no-brainer decision", and "the highest DPS". While this may be true, it never really appealed to me. A hell of a lot of internal damage, but the worst with energy management, and if the healers catch on to what you're doing, they just check who you've targeted and double cleanse them. All your damage gone.


Engineering is a very interesting spec, with plenty of utility for PVP. Plasma Probe can shut down any objective with ease, as long as the enemy team has an engineer alive, there is no chance of planting a bomb or capturing a turret. They also have a good bit of survivability and burst damage, but it's on a relatively high cooldown. Energy management would be a bit of a problem, but they have some good skills to help deal with it.


Marksmanship spec is what I recommend starting with, respeccing later when you have enough levels in your belt for it. It relies the heaviest on cover, and is quite good at dealing with other snipers. Also has good use of Orbital Strike, with a reduced cooldown and cast time. The problem with it, is that the majority of their attacks suffer from armour reduction and defence stats, meaning there's a chance that your shots will miss when the chips are down. Has some very impressive numbers on crits, though, and arguably has the best burst of any spec.


Just my thoughts.


My hybrid beats out 99% of the snipers I play against so I wouldn't say its necessarily a bad approach. And while I am fairly solid and i'm not the most talented pvp'r out there so if I can make it work there is some merit.



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Still pretty fresh to level 50 pvp on mine, though he did get a pretty good jump start thanks to three bm pieces and a war hero piece coming via legacy armor from my main (along with starting out with the WH weapon).


So far I've been running 28 MM 13 Eng for the probe with its attached slow. Makes it great to impede squishiest from getting out of line of sight and helps a lot on knocking down huttball carriers as well. My original plan had been 13 lethality for the aoe dot+ slow, but the lower tier talents in engineering just seemed to mesh so much better.


Will likely play around with several specs as I al not too worried about min/maxing on an alt, but so far I am really liking either iteration of 28 MM 13 either other tree. The lack of aoe reduction hurts, but I don't find myself missing the series of shots reset or the little bit of energy boost from the 31 point mm


How do you get legacy BM and WH gear from your main?


Sorry if I'm being a noob, thanks.

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How do you get legacy BM and WH gear from your main?


Sorry if I'm being a noob, thanks.


You take a piece of legacy gear say for example the chest piece and you place the WH modifications (armors, mods, enhancements) onto the legacy chest piece, then you mail it to your alt. Can become pricey.

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