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Purely cosmetic, but come on.


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Back in about patch 1.1, maybe 1.2 at the latest, we were told we were getting the ability to toggle our hoods and the hoods of "our force using companions." I was sad to see that this was never implemented in the patch, and never mentioned by bioware again. My juggernaut has had a hood hanging on the back of his chest piece since about a week after hitting 50, and he simply cannot use it due to the inability to toggle this. The flipside being that I keep hearing about jedi wanting the option of lowering their hood, which is also resonable. I'd at least like to know why this wasn't implemented, but would prefer they put the option in. On the same note, why can't Twi'lek use hoods? Just have the lekku hide in the hood or have them come down the front. With no option to race change or notice on the race select that my twi'lek couldn't wear a hood, I feel cheated out of a small cosmetic part of my gear. Are they going to wait for free to play and make us buy the option?
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Back in about patch 1.1, maybe 1.2 at the latest, we were told we were getting the ability to toggle our hoods and the hoods of "our force using companions." I was sad to see that this was never implemented in the patch, and never mentioned by bioware again. My juggernaut has had a hood hanging on the back of his chest piece since about a week after hitting 50, and he simply cannot use it due to the inability to toggle this. The flipside being that I keep hearing about jedi wanting the option of lowering their hood, which is also resonable. I'd at least like to know why this wasn't implemented, but would prefer they put the option in. On the same note, why can't Twi'lek use hoods? Just have the lekku hide in the hood or have them come down the front. With no option to race change or notice on the race select that my twi'lek couldn't wear a hood, I feel cheated out of a small cosmetic part of my gear. Are they going to wait for free to play and make us buy the option?


FYI - Once the game adds the F2P option any features added will always be available to subscribers so you won't have to pay any extra should they add this feature.

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