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Combined GTN


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I just want to thank the DEV"S for making the GTN combined without a dark/light side GTN the 5 mil I spent for the terminal on my ship is now a worthless POS! I spent a lot of time and must say creds to work both ends... and now you make it well... ya .


Good luck in the future ... Fire the rest of you team please! EA This is your fault!

George Lucas will step in again im sure .

because something sucks in his opinion hello NGS

You worked a really sweet mmo into just another pos.

This will be canceled shortly but it will let the devs know my x2 subs are now buuuubyyy

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I just want to thank the DEV"S for making the GTN combined without a dark/light side GTN the 5 mil I spent for the terminal on my ship is now a worthless POS! I spent a lot of time and must say creds to work both ends... and now you make it well... ya .


Good luck in the future ... Fire the rest of you team please! EA This is your fault!

George Lucas will step in again im sure .

because something sucks in his opinion hello NGS

You worked a really sweet mmo into just another pos.

This will be canceled shortly but it will let the devs know my x2 subs are now buuuubyyy


Erm...wasn't the ship terminal before it was combined a Hutt faction terminal? At least on my old server (they combined before the transfers if I recall), Hutt faction GTM was same as dead.


Maybe I'm wrong, I've never used an on ship terminal but I'd think it would be a lot better to have one that can access all the markets, not the almost dead pre-combine Hutt one.


So unless the on ship one works in a way I don't know about, I have no idea what you're nerdrage rant is about.


(That and this happened MONTHS ago, unless you quit and just now got back into game, why nerdrage about it now?)


But let's go through the rest of your post here:


1) Combining the markets was probably a very GOOD decision. Getting rid of a dead market (Hutt) and combining the two factions into one means double the items to sell and so forth. So yeah, it was "their fault", it was an improbement.


2) George Lucas will step in..yes, because I'm sure he's also nerdraging about the marketplace of a game. Yes, it's a Lucasarts licensed game, but he has a few more licensed products out there then just this one game.


3) How do you know he thinks the market or this game in general sucks? You sure do seem to know a lot about what George Lucas knows. Even the SWG AFTER all the major changes that caused people to bail from it took from..whatever that date was, 2005 to 2011 to end. And not like he decided to not do another MMO with SOE, there's a Clone Wars MMO geared more for kids that's now hosted by SOE also. That tells me that he decided to let SWG end and this one start more so he'd not be competing with himself when it comes to licensed games. The Clone Wars one again is marketed to a different age bracket so having it also active doesn't hurt potential sales of any Star Wars mmo geared more toward adults.


4) Pure opinion at best on your part. That and I don't see how your nerdrage about the merging of the GTM, something done MONTHS ago suddenly makes this a "pos".


5) Bye! Should we all weep and cry over your nerdraging over cancelling two subscriptions? If you're this angry over ONE change that was done MONTHS ago, then it's best you do cancel. I'd hate to see the hissy fit when a real change happens.

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