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How to RP


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So, basicly I don't know how to RP. I just really don't know what to do to RP. I just came onto the Ebon Hawk and really want to do it I just can't get the words to say for some reason....


Can anyone give tips, suggestions?

Edited by SveinEternity
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Well, Im gonna start with the boiler plate explanation for RP that I always see. Did you ever play make-believe as a kid? Well, roleplay is that. But you can get away with it as you aren't prancing around in the street with a stick. So effectively; make believe for adults.


In RP you become your character. You are no longer 'Derp Derpington' from Ohio, you are Xyrias Zel'tros, the Bounty Hunter from the planet Ord Mantell. Now, before you plunge into Rp, you'll want to work out a few basic things for your character. This is the skeleton that supports the whole thing, not the meat of the character. Some people like to plot out a whole backstory and in-depth personality before their character (guilty as charged) before they even start playing, but some prefer making it up on the fly, starting with the bare bones and making it up as they go.


For you, seeing as you appear to be new, I would plan out your characters backstory. Where are you from? Why are you <insert class>? Think of a few past accomplishments and/or failures. Are you good or bad? Bad? Okay, would you shoot that little boy? No? Okay, so you're not ALL bad. Then you start to get in depth. For instance: You're playing a cool headed Bounty Hunter. He ALWAYS gets the job done and sticks to the contract like glue. But he has a soft spot for children (due to the fact he saw HIS Dad get murdered as a young boy and lived it rough). There is a pretty basic outline for a character.


I wouldn't use the story the game provides for you at all. Not everyone can be the winner of the Great Hunt, a member of Havoc Squad or Lord Zash's apprentice. And be careful to avoid becoming a Mary Sue. A Mary Sue is someone who is hideously over-powered, totally lacks flaws and is otherwise unbelievable. For example:-


Gary Stu is a Sith Lord, the illegitimate son of the Emperor. No-one ever knew who he was. He was found by the Jedi when abandoned. He grew up learning the Lightside, and was Satele Shan's apprenctice. He then learned he was a Sith and turned on the Jedi joining the Sith. He then mastered the Dark Side and is able to use both without any difficulty or hinderance. He is only 20 years old and women can't help but fall in love with him at a glance. The Emperor has made him his second in command. He is also immortal and cannot be killed.


That could not be more wrong. Most Rp'ers, upon meeting Gary Stu, would dismiss him. He is perhaps one of the worst Mary Sue's ever. Unless he was also part Rakatan or something? That is a big 'do not'.


And as for the 'words to say' part, start small. You're the new guy on campus. Don't burst into the local cantina, proclaiming you are Darth Such-and-such and everyone must give you all their money or be destroyed. I cannot, unfortunately, give you any Roleplaying hotspots on Ebon Hawk, but hopefully some other intrepid Roleplayer will be able too? Go in, and like I said, start small. Introduce yourself, strike up a conversation.


- "That's some fancy armour you're wearing. Republic issue, right? You military?"


- "Well I'll be, a Jedi? As I live and breathe. It's an honour, Master...?"


The casual 'cantina talk' roleplay may seem kinda dull, but it's only a stepping stone. Make friends and contacts and find yourself a nice roleplaying guild. Then the adventure really begins. Next thing you know you could be rescuing a stranded comrade from behind enemy lines, duelling a Sith Lord over the fate of a fallen friend or even marching in tandem with a squad of soldiers as you patrol the defences of a border fort.


Sorry for the essay. I hope some of this can be considered even remotely helpful?


TL;DR: Rp is basically make believe for adults, don't make a Mary Sue (an over the top unkillable character), don't claim any relation to major story characters (like Malgus or Satele), don't use the story the game gives you. Make sure you plan out some basic story for your character, this will come in helpful later. And start small. You can't instantly be the Sith Lord feared server wide. You have to work up to it.

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I'm on Ebon Hawk but I don't know what side you play on. For the Republic, the Fleet cantina and outer circle is pretty hopping. Tython is very popular around the Jedi Temple. Korriban for Empire is always crowded with role players. And Nar Shaddaa. The casinos are very popular.


I would like to point you in the direction of the guild Mireth. Not necessarily to join but the guild leader, pm me or find me in game for names, co runs a Fight Night on Nar Shaddaa for Republic and Empire with regularity and its incredibly popular. They are friendly always looking for people to join events.


I would hook up with an RP heavy guild. I would also try to branch out into more than 'cantina rp.' I find it dreadfully boring.


As for the RP itself, the above poster was awesome in explanation. Come up with a basic personality and back story but give yourself room to grow. Forget your SWTOR polished back story and come up with something yourself. You don't need to be a special snowflake to get noticed, the galaxy is full of under the radar smugglers and Jedi just trying to do the right thing.


Go here: http://swtor-rp.com/ebonhawk

http://mirethsyndicate.enjin.com/home is the Mireth site too. Lots of friendly people willing to point you in the direction of the RP.


This will hook up with other role players on the server. Maybe I'll see you around!


Lt. Ipha Kodrevas, Coruscant Medical

Edited by Morgani
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I'm going to be simpler then the other two.


To RP, think of how your character is. What they are to you? Lets say your character is a smuggler right? What did he do before he become involved in the events of SWTOR? Who is your character? Figure that out in your head, write it down if you like. Give your character a proper name, something that suits, it can be anything that's a persons name, not something like "DarthKiller53".


From there it's simple. Speak as your character. Do as your character would. Don't think about the UI, or the game elements. Just be your character. Say your approached by a jedi who wants to help. How would your character react? Figure that out, and then react in that manner. "Oh hell, not another holier then thou jedi. Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need your do-gooding cramping my style".


It really is that simple. RP is about playing your character and reacting as your character. There is one big rule, and its the only one you need to remember, don't play other peoples characters. Don't write reactions of other players, don't decide how other characters will feel. You RP only what your character does, not the other guy.


That's all you need to know. Your RPing in Star Wars, so adhere to Star Wars lore and world.

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Thanks to who posted!:) I'll be an Imperial Agent named Rexla on Hutta if anyone wants to come do some RP or what not.:) Morgani I would love to get involved in that guild! I'll go ahead and shoot you a PM.


EDIT: I just noticed its a Republic Guild lol however, I am wondering if I can still be apart of that considering her backstory....

Edited by SveinEternity
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Thanks to who posted!:) I'll be an Imperial Agent named Rexla on Hutta if anyone wants to come do some RP or what not.:) Morgani I would love to get involved in that guild! I'll go ahead and shoot you a PM.


EDIT: I just noticed its a Republic Guild lol however, I am wondering if I can still be apart of that considering her backstory....


That first link I posted, the one that's ebonhawk rp, will get you involved in the RP community on the server for both sides. Don't hesitate to sign up there and start getting familiar with people.

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