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Hitting 50 tonite with max comms and legacy armor


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Posted on sentinel side too. this side is a little more active


So I'm gonna hit 50 tonite on my alt sentinel. After a few more matches ill have 2k wz and already have 3500 ranked.


I have already got all 5 armor pieces from my main sent via legacy. They are a mix of Bm and some wh.


I am torn what to do. This is an alt and i am getting Gw2 but will play a lot until then and when gw2 goes down and such.


1 can buy wh vindicator saber take mods from bm and put in another offhand. Then only have like 500 wz comms left and buy rest recruit. I hate recruit i really do.

2. I can just buy both bm weapons by converting around 1000 ranked to warzone then buy 2 implants or just 1 ear. I think the math lines up.


3 just convert all ranked get both bm weapons and buy as much bm as possible. Prob onlg need to buy recruit implants and relics. Toon woukd be strongest this way but we all know how screwed u get by reconverting.


Any input will be appreciated. I'm at work now so will be pondering this all day.

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Ugh. I know reconverting sucks but so does blowing every last comm to get only 2 weapons. 1 of which is a marginal upgrade like most wh.

The other side of me thinking of just decking in full bm is because with this toon and my main i can immediatly start stocking up on wh sage gloves and vinicator gloves. Get the power mods and enhance and min max right away. First I'd probably get the wh implants and ears. For my shadow those were like the best upgrades.


Like i said this is an alt. The embarrassment and awfulness of wearing a bunch of recruit will drive me nuts i know it. Idk the wh mainhand is awesome. Decisions to make tonite

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