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OK, you convinced me! I'm a subscriber. Now I got questions-


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I truly enjoy this game!! I ran FTP for a week, but if subscribing will keep this game online long enough for me to get GOOD at it, money well spent. I got 4 toons working at the moment, 2 dark and 2 light, checking out different possibilities. Got three of them to 15 pretty quick, and , BOOM ! Signed up, and ready to go....

I'm an ex-WOWhead, but actually an adult ( but still playing games). Ran with it for a couple of years, those folks got a LITTLE too serious about themselves and nasty, when it stopped being fun, I had to go. I tried STO, but it got a little repetitive, even tryed one of the final fantasys,(BORING). Champions Online was weak. So much for my background, here's my questions.

1- Is the strategy guide useful enough to buy?-

2- I prefer solo running, so i'm running on PvE servers. Is working mostly solo going to stunt my leveling? I'm still getting to know my toon's abilities, and don't feel comfortable enough to run with a group and pull my weight. I know leveling 4 different toons means I'm not going to get good with any one toon, but they all have their strong points.

I'm going to cut this short (too late)- Got more to ask, but let's see what the reaction to this post is. Sorry if this post is lame, first try.

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Welcome! Soloing shouldn't stunt anything, from my experience. I've gotten two toons to fifty, and another is early forties (when I have pretty much never had a max-level character in any other MMO before), and I can probably count the groups I've been in, which never lasted long, on one hand. It gets a bit harder once you reach the mid thirties, but you can solo everything (except most heroics and flashpoints, unless you're quite over-leveled). I suggest getting one of your characters through their chapter one story if you haven't, though, as that unlocks legacy (and I don't think the experience is retroactive). Oh, and pick a legacy name you like, because they currently don't have any way to change it.
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Welcome to SWtOR Park! Glad you enjoy the game...I still am, even after multiple 50's and tons of alts. to your qeustions:


1) nah. no guide worth it IMO. just read up on the stickies in your preferred class forums. If your a WOW vet then your used to the standard forum negativity...disregard for the most part. just browse the threads that look like they may provide useful information and keep your eyes open.


2) Solo is fine. I'm not a huge social player. Im in a good guild, and ill run HM's and Ops with them when i have the time, but 90% of my game is solo. here's a few solo tips:


* Don't be afraid to challenge yourself in Heroics. anything with "Heroic 2+" or "Heroic 4+" in the title are world quests that were designed for small groups. think of them as like mini-dungeons (like a wow instance). on most the servers nowadays, there are always people available to run with. So even though i prefer solo, I will still throw something out in chat about a heroic or two i may have in my log. An example is, "LF2M for Heroic 2+ saving my undershorts" you'd be amazed at how many responses you get. it's a quick and easy way to get some of those done.


learn all the skills the class has available, and use them frequently in solo work to get familiar with them. a skill that is not used often is a skill that you won't really ever use. Because I ignored my characters "break free" skill (each class has one that frees them from snares and stuns), I almost forgot it was there! but once I started doing end game group runs, i realized how useful it was...especially when i was healing or tanking, and i got stunned! But because i didn't use it early on. I don't really think about it until its too late.


Many of the SWtOR classes have skills like that...you only may use them once or twice a day, but they are wonderful in certain situations. some of those skills (like a guardian/juggernauts defensive skills) can mean the difference between dying or living when used regularly. so find those skills, and use them all!


And unlike WOW, most the people in this game are actually decent, and give you great advice (in game....forums are different matter). so don't be afreaid to pipe up in chat and ask! I see questions ranging from advanced stat placement to stuff as basic as "wheres my trainer!" and rarely do you get a snide response. it does happen more frequently on fleet if it does happen.


and there are also many guilds that are perfectly happy having the "mostly" solo player in them. We have quite a few in my guild, and they will still join in once in awhile for small group runs just because were doing them. and guilds are also very helpful in answering those questions your just a bit too shy to ask in general chat.

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