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Diverse Game play


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I like to stay informed about TOR and upcoming content.


Going f2p is great, but when I see new content is just more war zones more flash points this is not new this is just added content, your adding more ferris wheels to an already great theme park.


May I suggest some other game activites, these may be sandbox elements.


Pod and swoop racing, quest lines to build your racer's then race them against other players, this could be cross server, so we could have a real racer champ, you could que like warzones to take part, you could also have a viewing area for people to cheer on thier friends. There is allot you could do with this. A leader board


Cantina games, with gambling, all the current known star wars card games.


Open world DAOC style pvp, faction based where every one gets something out of it, relics, bases to defend, how about a zone that lets us have a battle in one of the major capitals of either faction, without it not being in the normal game world.


space, let my friends on my ship and man a gun, lets have multi player ships battles both pve and pvp.


Decorate your ship if this is our home let us move things around, get objects, trohpy's and the like for the ship, or give us an apartment style homes in the captial city's or off the space staions.


I think you are not addressing the issue of why people are leaving, this game they are leaving because they are board with the same activites every other game has out there, I have been playing this model since eq. I think the f2p will be huge, but I don't see them staying around, unless you can give us the feel of our toons living in the world and not just playing through it. The free to play people will get board for the same reasons as everyone else has.


Thanks for reading this and I hope you pass some of the ideas along.:) This is Star Wars, we have endless possabilities..

Edited by kevlarto
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