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Acronym help......aoe


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DPS (Damage Per Second) refers to a class that specifies in dealing damage. Its sole purpose is to kill an enemy fast. DPS classes don't have very good defensive abilities, and can die fairly quickly.


Tanks specify in defense. They are hard to kill, and can deflect damage targeted at teammates to themselves. They can do a moderate amount of damage as well.


Healers are the third major role. They can be easy to kill, if focused on, but they are essential to any team since they keep the DPS players and Tank players alive.

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Aoe ?






What makes someone a tank?





A tank is a player who can take a lot of punishment, and aggro determines who what each enemy is attacking. generally tanks use skills that generate large amounts of it.


Tanks specify in defense. They are hard to kill, and can deflect damage targeted at teammates to themselves. They can do a moderate amount of damage as well.


These are both good answers. You can think of tanks as sort of the rodeo clowns of the game, keeping the angry bulls' attention focused on them so that the DPS - the damage dealers - can operate in safety.


Aggro/threat is the tool that the game's opponent AI uses to figure out which person in your group to attack. Tanks use their class threat management abilities - a lightsaber stance or a gas cylinder for their guns that mentions generating high threat in the ability tooltip - to generate more threat then their groupmates, and to "hold aggro" on the opponent - to keep its attention - while depending on their class survival tools and the assistance of the healer.


The tricky part for the DPS - and there are typically two in a Flashpoint group, to go with the one tank and the one healer - is to land the killing blow before the healer runs out of resources to maintain the tank's health with. The tank's job is to ensure they have a safe working environment in which to do this. It takes everyone in the group to make it work, so be nice to each other out there!


And welcome to the game!

Edited by Otembe
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