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Star Trek vs Star Wars (multiple scenarios)


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Yes I said Alpha, I should have said Delta.


As for the rest... You are a Star Trek fan. You are always going to make Trek come out on top no matter what. The numbers aren't balonie, Trek would lose. You are using your own personal preference to create your own desired outcome.


Believe that Trek is the best all you want. The numbers say otherwise and the numbers don't lie.


Now your scenario is even more laughable...


1. You're suggesting the Empire would be able to calculate a trip to a planet across a Galaxy that they have no clue how to get to (face the facts, since the Empire has no clue about our galaxy from an astrogation standpoint, their fleet is more likely to come out of hyperspace in the middle of a super nova than actually finding Earth.

2. In case you hadn't noticed the Delta Quadrant is Borg space, and with all due respect, the Empire is even less likely of being able to take on the Borg, than being able to take on the Federation (and the Borg are about the only ones in the Delta Quadrant (aside from Voyager), that had a clue where Federation space was, let alone Earth).


So now, your Imperial Navy is picking a fight with the Borg, whom they will need to beat before they can even attempt to head to the Alpha Quadrant...


I don't think the force is with the Empire, putting it mildly, if they show up in the middle of Borg Space.


And well it did bring transphasic torpedo technology too... (And treaty of Algeron between Romulans and Federation which prohibited Federation from developing cloakingdevices and transphasic technology in general was nullified by the the treaty Romulan-Klingon-Federation alliance signed with Dominion after Founders surrendered)


Didn't want to resort to bringing it up, but yeah considering the Federation at that point had torpedoes that could 1 shot Borg Cubes and Tactical Cubes, I don't think the Imperial fleet would last very long. Particularly when we could potentially see a Shuttle craft 1 shotting a Super Star Destroyer.


Not to mention, a Star Trek ship equipped with a quantum slipstream drive can actually see where it is going, which makes that drive functionally superior to hyperdrives.

Edited by GarfieldJL
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You do know Federation did get equivalent of hyperdrive when Voyager returned home- quantumslipstream transwarp drives. I just took few years to hammer out the bugs.


True... Voyager´s prototype drive failed after short time, and they did not have reasources to build another in years onboard the ship. And generaly Voyager was never built to travel at slipstream velocities (or to be blunt trough subspace) so it would reaquire at minimum a hull overhaul.


And well it did bring transphasic torpedo technology too... (And treaty of Algeron between Romulans and Federation which prohibited Federation from developing cloakingdevices and transphasic technology in general was nullified by the the treaty Romulan-Klingon-Federation alliance signed with Dominion after Founders surrendered)


Still, technology won't save the Federation. They have to go rebel: hidden bases, hit&run attacks, get the people on their side.


(If we assume comparable tech levels, which is the only fair thing I can think about, because both sides say they are vastly advanced compared to the other.)



Didn't want to resort to bringing it up, but yeah considering the Federation at that point had torpedoes that could 1 shot Borg Cubes and Tactical Cubes, I don't think the Imperial fleet would last very long. Particularly when we could potentially see a Shuttle craft 1 shotting a Super Star Destroyer.


Not to mention, a Star Trek ship equipped with a quantum slipstream drive can actually see where it is going, which makes that drive functionally superior to hyperdrives.


come on, no one shot arguments. I've heard it from the Star Wars side, and only because it comes from the Star Trek side I am not more likely to accept it. And why do we have to take the highest possible tech level for Star Trek. We're not sending them against the Rakata.

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Now your scenario is even more laughable...


Uh huh...


Again... A normal rock... Thrown by a normal human... Can shatter the hull armor of a Star Trek ship. You keep ignoring that. If you really want to nit pick... I already said I was game. We use the numbers, or you admit that by the numbers Trek loses and that in your "What if" universe, Trek wins.

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Star Wars lasers can't penetrate Star Trek shields. Game Over for Star Wars.


Hell, lasers can't even penetrate a Starfleet frigate's navigation deflector. :p


How do they handle against plasma beam weaponry?:rak_03:

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Think OP should read up on the star wars books when it comes to fact about the star wars universe.

To put it like this, 1 X wing could blow up the newest Enterprise with 1 shot only.

Just because they are called laser weapons doesnt mean they are what we mean as laser weapons ;)




Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Do you really really want to play the game where we start nit picking flaws in the others tech? I mean... Do you seriously want to do that? You know... How Star Trek ships and shields can't handle a lightning strike? How about how shields aren't capable of stopping a normal missile? Do we want to get into the fact that they showed a normal rock, thrown by a human, shatter "tritanium plating" in an episode?


I mean... If you want to go there... We can but... Since Star Trek has had multiple TV shows they have had a lot more room for catastrophic mistakes.


You are trying to ignore the source material based on nit picks, also, it wasn't "wood" that broke the AT-ST, Durasteel is highly flexible, it was two logs slamming into it simultaneously causing it to deform which crushed the cockpit.


But if we want to play the nit-pick game...


We have seen a spear, thrown by a human, crack the hull of a Trek ship.


We have seen a normal lightning strike cause the sheilds to fail and fry "half of systems on the ship" and this went right through the shields mind you.


If a normal lightning bolt can do that, then I'd hate to see what an ion canon can do.




Explained in canon. There is something called inertial compensators at play that prevent the things you mentioned from happening. Judging from how people get knocked around on Trek ships from pretty much any impact no matter how weak it just shows Trek doesn't have them.


This isn't nitpicking at all. Star Wars canon stats that what happens in the movies is how it really happens. That means if anything in a book or tech manual says something different that contradicts the movies then its not true and the movies is the one you go with.


People say Star Wars weapons are inconsistent. This is not true. They are only inconsistent if you believe that they are in the 100 megaton power range or whatever. If you think of them as being MUCH lower like in our conventianl weapons power range then it all fits together nicely.


I don't know what Star Trek's canon policy is so I can't say if its the same but Im sure they have their own problems with contradictions.


As for the Durasteel.... hate to break this to you but if it's highly flexable then it doesn't matter what the material is if it has the same force as 2 logs then its going to deform. That means if a blaster hits with the same force as two logs then it will also deform.


Force is Force it doesn't matter if it is a physical force (two logs or a blaster hitting it), electrical force (think of say a lightning bolt) or what have you. If it hits with the same force that the two logs had its done.


So basically you yourself had just said that Durasteel is incredibly weak. Which is probably true it seems to have the strength of say aluminum but obviously must have other properties such as high heat resistance so they use it on reentry to planets.


Explained in canon. There is something called inertial compensators at play that prevent the things you mentioned from happening. Judging from how people get knocked around on Trek ships from pretty much any impact no matter how weak it just shows Trek doesn't have them.

... so magic? It doesn't surprise me they have an excuse for that but it doesn't matter as we have seen that Star Wars weapons do not have that kind of power. ( the death star being the exception of course) Of course since Star Wars weapons aren't firing nuclear bomb levels of power they could easily survive getting hit.


Speaking of their weapons lets go back to the targeting systems. So we have seen a vast majority of the Star Wars guns being fired and aimed manually. The Asteroid that hit the Star Destroyers bridge how come no one bothered to shoot that one? Didn't they see it coming? It wasn't moving that fast. If they had even basic tracking systems they would have been able to see it coming.



edit: OH and like I said earlier if Star Trek can produce a magnetic field around their ships then the Star Wars plasma based weapons are 100% useless

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Think OP should read up on the star wars books when it comes to fact about the star wars universe.

To put it like this, 1 X wing could blow up the newest Enterprise with 1 shot only.

Just because they are called laser weapons doesnt mean they are what we mean as laser weapons ;)





hate to break it to you but those numbers are wrong. As I said in an earlier post Dr. Saxon and his calculations are 100% wrong.


here's what I wrote in the earlier post


His assumptions are wrong to begin with.


1st. We see that when an asteroid hits the bridge of the Star Destroyer it blows up the EXACT same way as when its hit by a blaster. That means that it is not the blaster causing the explosion but something in the asteroid itself.


If I had a pistol and shot 10 propane tanks and they all explode you wouldn't say that the gun has that power would you? You wouldn't think that if i fired it a person they would explode just like the propane tanks. However that is exactly what Curtis Saxon did. Which of course is wrong.


2nd. The Siesmac charge scene. Basicly the same thing as the Star Destroyer scene. We see Jango firing and blowing up asteroids left and right then when he gets direct hits on Obi Wan with his shields down it barely even scratches it.


Now you might say "well thats because Dura steel can with stand the megaton explosions from basters"



Problem with that thinking is that in ROTJ he see a AT ST get smashed by 2 tree logs with out so much as splintering the tree. So we know for a fact that Dura steel isn't that strong and why would it need to? Space ships don't need reenforced hulls to with stand great pressure and they have "energy shields" which can withstand blaster fire.

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hate to break it to you but those numbers are wrong. As I said in an earlier post Dr. Saxon and his calculations are 100% wrong.


here's what I wrote in the earlier post


His assumptions are wrong to begin with.


1st. We see that when an asteroid hits the bridge of the Star Destroyer it blows up the EXACT same way as when its hit by a blaster. That means that it is not the blaster causing the explosion but something in the asteroid itself.


If I had a pistol and shot 10 propane tanks and they all explode you wouldn't say that the gun has that power would you? You wouldn't think that if i fired it a person they would explode just like the propane tanks. However that is exactly what Curtis Saxon did. Which of course is wrong.


2nd. The Siesmac charge scene. Basicly the same thing as the Star Destroyer scene. We see Jango firing and blowing up asteroids left and right then when he gets direct hits on Obi Wan with his shields down it barely even scratches it.


Now you might say "well thats because Dura steel can with stand the megaton explosions from basters"



Problem with that thinking is that in ROTJ he see a AT ST get smashed by 2 tree logs with out so much as splintering the tree. So we know for a fact that Dura steel isn't that strong and why would it need to? Space ships don't need reenforced hulls to with stand great pressure and they have "energy shields" which can withstand blaster fire.


You do understand not everything is made of durasteel ? cost way to much, pretty sure the Empire have

10 000 + small walkers made, and only the best things have the best steel,.just like we have on earth.

Just check out those books, what i said is true, i know some of the more die hard star trek fans like to belive those things but they are so off it's silly, i'm a star trek fan myself btw.


To put things in perspective, the death star can destroy a entire world in 1 second, the death star is only 1/4 i belive

in size compared to out moon, and our moon is 1/4 as big as earth if i'm not mistaken, every ship piut together in the entire star trek universe could not do that.Not even the Borg could do that.

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You do realize that Star Trek has its own share of tactical geniuses...


Anyways, you guys are operating under quite a few faulty assumptions.



The Enterprise NCC-1701 could actually follow the ion trails of other ships, even get a rough idea of what ship it was. The idea that even the ToS Enterprise wouldn't notice a planetary ion canon being powered up is simply ridiculous. Then there is the fact the computers on a Galaxy Class Starship were capable of making course corrections to avoid objects while the ship is traveling faster-than-light. Considering the computer can actually impliment Red Alert, since it actually has some intelligence and Red Alert raises the shields, you are not going to get a surprise shot from an Ion Canon against a Galaxy Class Starship.

Fair enough, but I was actually referring to Borg Cubes. My apologies if it came across wrong.
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You do understand not everything is made of durasteel ? cost way to much, pretty sure the Empire have

10 000 + small walkers made, and only the best things have the best steel,.just like we have on earth.

Just check out those books, what i said is true, i know some of the more die hard star trek fans like to belive those things but they are so off it's silly, i'm a star trek fan myself btw.


To put things in perspective, the death star can destroy a entire world in 1 second, the death star is only 1/4 i belive

in size compared to out moon, and our moon is 1/4 as big as earth if i'm not mistaken, every ship piut together in the entire star trek universe could not do that.Not even the Borg could do that.


I agree everything isn't made of Durasteel but At-St are. Those books arent the ones that are canon it's the ICCS that are the "official" ones now.


and Like I said earlier all of Star Wars weapons since they are plasma based would be 100% ineffective against a ship that can generate a magnetic field.


btw I'm a Star Wars fan. never cared much for Star Trek too boring for me.

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Hey guys,


Lets inject some humour into this. Although I think this is a fairly accurate capture of our discussion:

Star Wars vs. Star Trek (DMP Edition)


Watch the whole thing, they give both sides a moment of superiority so both sides get to feel smug.


This isn't nitpicking at all. Star Wars canon stats that what happens in the movies is how it really happens... I don't know what Star Trek's canon policy is so I can't say if its the same but Im sure they have their own problems with contradictions.


Canon policy is the same: if something happened in an episode or movie that contradicts something in a novel or technical manual, what happened on screen wins. However, the technical manual that was produced for TNG was actually written by someone tasked specifically in ensuring consistency throughout the series. He did a very good job of staying true to this and the TNG / OS series are fairly consistent. The larger problems arose with the additional series and the later movies.


The one that irritates me the most has to do with speed. It is never clear whether there is a speed faster than Warp 10. It is hinted that Warp 10 (as achieved in Voyager) is instantaneous flight throughout the Universe. At other points in TNG we see vessels proceeding at Warp 14 and taking quite some time to make it to their objective. At some points we are told the Neutral Zone with the Romulan Empire is months travel from Earth (OS/TNG), in First Contact they are able to travel from said Neutral Zone to our solar systems after learning about a battle, and arriving while the battle is still going on (Battles do not take "months" in Star Trek).


Star Wars has less inconsistencies if you ask me (at least in technology, in character motivation it abounds!); because there is less on-screen time and the ultimate reason for how things work in Star Wars is "magic". Star Wars events happen because Lucas wants them to happen and fans accept this without question, while Star Trek fans demand to know how everything on the Enterprise works, from communicators, to holodecks, to shields, to replicators, to the warp drive, and get pretty irritated if writers don't adhere to this.


edit: OH and like I said earlier if Star Trek can produce a magnetic field around their ships then the Star Wars plasma based weapons are 100% useless


This talk about penetrating a Star Ship's hull with rocks is fairly meaningless. I really don't care as Star Ship navigational deflectors (always on) could take pretty much any standard shot from a Star Wars ship (not the death star of course).


- Arcada

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This isn't nitpicking at all. Star Wars canon stats that what happens in the movies is how it really happens. That means if anything in a book or tech manual says something different that contradicts the movies then its not true and the movies is the one you go with.




Star Wars canon states that technical filming issues are not considered canon unless there is a direct canonical statement in the film.


This was covered by Leland Chee more than once.


There are always certain technological flaws in something, for example: Speeders aren't translucent, though in Episode V you can see through the frame of the ship during the pilot's eye view sequences. A stormtrooper's armor cracking when he falls down, that is a technological glitch. Things that you are using to justify your argument are simply debunked.


Star Wars is pretty smart about this.


The tech manuals are 100% correct their numbers are correct. The only way there is a canon conflict is if you can prove that someone was shooting on the highest setting. Your argument of, "Well the hull didn't buckle!" only proves that Star Wars hulls can take forces up to the amount being tossed out.


You also have to take into consideration that physics doesn't work the same way in Star Wars, as in literally in Star Wars there is sound in space.


As for Trek tech's canon rules... There is no Trek canon. Literally. They don't even bother to try. As they have said, their technology can do whatever the writer needs them to do. That is why, if you watch the series, there are about a million things which can be solved by "Reversing the polarity of the main deflector array" because Star Trek tech is straight up magic.


One episode they can fly through a star unharmed.... The next episode the hull can't take the heat from a plasma spike (which is far less than the star, I promise you)... The next episode they are shrugging off laser beams and laughing about it... The next episode a laser carves a chunk of the Enterprise out so it can study it and the crew (Happens in Encounter at Farpoint)...


Star Trek tech is the most unscientific and inconsistent tech in Science Fiction.

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As for the Durasteel.... hate to break this to you but if it's highly flexable then it doesn't matter what the material is if it has the same force as 2 logs then its going to deform. That means if a blaster hits with the same force as two logs then it will also deform.


That isn't how force works. You really need to understand how things work before you state that.


There is a huge difference between impact and electricity. A lightning bolt isn't going to have the same impact force as a swinging log.


This comes down to a physics equation of momentum = mass x velocity.


This is why people, in real life, can survive a lightning strike without getting splattered into paste but yet a falling log will flatten them. Don't make statements that show you don't understand how physics applies to things when you are trying to argue physics.

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You do understand not everything is made of durasteel ? cost way to much, pretty sure the Empire have

10 000 + small walkers made, and only the best things have the best steel,.just like we have on earth.

Just check out those books, what i said is true, i know some of the more die hard star trek fans like to belive those things but they are so off it's silly, i'm a star trek fan myself btw.


To put things in perspective, the death star can destroy a entire world in 1 second, the death star is only 1/4 i belive

in size compared to out moon, and our moon is 1/4 as big as earth if i'm not mistaken, every ship piut together in the entire star trek universe could not do that.Not even the Borg could do that.




12 seconds. The ship that did it was a lot smaller than the Death Star.



10 seconds.



But of course the Federation doesn't have this technology and doesn't try to develop it.


Fair enough, but I was actually referring to Borg Cubes. My apologies if it came across wrong.


one of the big ion cannons could disable the Borg cube. After a while it would restart. The ion cannon could disable it again. This happens a few times, but then the Borg have adapted. :eek:



You also have to take into consideration that physics doesn't work the same way in Star Wars, as in literally in Star Wars there is sound in space.


Then the numbers would be different in our universe. So if a Star Wars power attack a Star Trek power in our universe, they are... toned down probably, because of the power of plot devices.

And the Federation wouldn't attack something in the Star Wars universe. If a ship gets lost there, the power of the plot device won't change the numbers to make the situation more threatening, and only the idea of one of the tech genius will allow them to come home unharmed.


Well, the Borg would just send cube after cube until they assimilate a Star Wars vessel.

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Who? Except Deathstar superlaser there is no sustained beam weapon in Star Wars... only pulse weapons.


But plasma can be pulsed. Do you remember the weapons the Earth soldiers used in ENT season 3? That were pulsed plasma rifles.

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Hey guys,

The one that irritates me the most has to do with speed. It is never clear whether there is a speed faster than Warp 10. It is hinted that Warp 10 (as achieved in Voyager) is instantaneous flight throughout the Universe. At other points in TNG we see vessels proceeding at Warp 14 and taking quite some time to make it to their objective. At some points we are told the Neutral Zone with the Romulan Empire is months travel from Earth (OS/TNG), in First Contact they are able to travel from said Neutral Zone to our solar systems after learning about a battle, and arriving while the battle is still going on (Battles do not take "months" in Star Trek).


Warp 10 in conventional warp drive term- (so called "Alcubierre drive" if you want to google it as field solution of general relativity) effectively means that ship folds the spacetime on itself. That is however pretty much useless in terms of travel since navigation gets impossible.


Faster speeds are generaly called "transwarp" and it is either quantum slipstream, or some sort of artificial wormhole (like Borg Transwarp hub...). And Romulan Neutral Zone is rather close to Earth. (Archer stumbled into it with warp 4 ship after year of flight which definitely was NOT a straight line...)


Scaling gets a bit questionable then.

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Warp 10 in conventional warp drive term- (so called "Alcubierre drive" if you want to google it as field solution of general relativity) effectively means that ship folds the spacetime on itself. That is however pretty much useless in terms of travel since navigation gets impossible.


Faster speeds are generaly called "transwarp" and it is either quantum slipstream, or some sort of artificial wormhole (like Borg Transwarp hub...). And Romulan Neutral Zone is rather close to Earth. (Archer stumbled into it with warp 4 ship after year of flight which definitely was NOT a straight line...)


Scaling gets a bit questionable then.


In the TNG Episode "All Good Things..." the NCC 1701-E could go to Warp 15 as stated by Captain Riker.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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But plasma can be pulsed. Do you remember the weapons the Earth soldiers used in ENT season 3? they were pulsed plasma rifles.


Which makes it both orders of magnitude easier technology, and orders of magnitude less powerful.


Plus again I question parametres of "plasma" (that is really bad term when we consider weaponization) if it is just superheated condensated gas bolt then it effectively delivers just a thermal shock and some low amount of kinetic energy- which btw. is perfect weapon for combat inside starships as it´s effect on hull and machinery would be relatively low)


(BTW that seems blatantly obvious both in ST and SW, at least in terms of handheld weapons)


On the other hand if you make it superionized (and somehow manage to keep it both in electricaly excited states and condense it into bolt or beam you can effectively deliver so much charge to object that after it is deposited it will tear itself appart just by repulsive electric forces...) Plus the electric gradients easily slice through any imaginable shield fields (stoping it would require orders of magnitude more power than would be in beam or bolt, if you wanted to have field around whole ship)

(That btw were Tolan and Asgard Ion cannons in Stargate, and later Asgard beam weaponry)


However while I can imagine how to build first one (even if it didnt have much of range and power with our tech) I have no idea how to achieve second one... (and generaly except for lightsaber (which however requires Force in terms of crystal) I see no such needed technology avaiable in SW)

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In the TNG Episode "All Good Things..." the NCC 1701-E could go to Warp 15 as stated by Captain Riker.


Enterprise D, Admiral Riker... After serious retrofiting when he saved it from scrap yard, and you do know that was alternative future supposed to be decades after Enterprise D was actualy destroyed. (Star trek: Generations movie)

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Enterprise D, Admiral Riker... After serious retrofiting when he saved it from scrap yard, and you do know that was alternative future supposed to be decades after Enterprise D was actualy destroyed. (Star trek: Generations movie)


I just watched that Episode like a week ago, they said it was the E. It also had a third warp nacelle even though, according to Star Trek science the third nacelle would cause the warp bubble to collapse and destroy the ship. (According to the "science" they use, and yes I use the term loosely, nacelles need to be in even numbers.)

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However while I can imagine how to build first one (even if it didnt have much of range and power with our tech) I have no idea how to achieve second one... (and generaly except for lightsaber (which however requires Force in terms of crystal) I see no such needed technology avaiable in SW)


See the "Light Foil" a Star Wars weapon that was built by non-Sensitives. It is a ghetto lightsaber and doesn't use a crystal, thus no Force component. So there is a precedent for the tech.

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That isn't how force works. You really need to understand how things work before you state that.


There is a huge difference between impact and electricity. A lightning bolt isn't going to have the same impact force as a swinging log.


This comes down to a physics equation of momentum = mass x velocity.


This is why people, in real life, can survive a lightning strike without getting splattered into paste but yet a falling log will flatten them. Don't make statements that show you don't understand how physics applies to things when you are trying to argue physics.


ok first off the Stormtrooper armor sure fine it doesn't break but that doesn't matter as we have still seen it can't stop an arrow. THAT IS NOT a technical glitch either is the asteroid explosions.



as for your next arguement.... oh man you picked the wrong person. I have my masters in physics and I am working on my Doctorate.


You are wrong about lighting. Electrical force is still a force. I use it in my labs to teach my students. I set up a van de graaff generator and I use the force from the electrical discharges to push a small cart that has a metal plate on it. I then have my students use Coulombs law to calculate the force generated.


The reason why people survive lighting strikes is because that survive them don't actually get hit by the lighting. Remember electricity ALWAYS follows the path of least resistance. Why do you think lighting can break apart huge trees when it strikes???? It's because of the force that it hits with. So if you get a lightning bolt that has the same force of two logs hitting then yes you can crush an AT AT with a single lightning bolt.




I guess magic just broke apart that tree?


Oh hey lol a lightning bolt did more damage to that tree then the AT AT. ROFL.


Everyone here says you are really respectful and nice but it turns out your kind of rude especially when you are talking about things that are WAY out of your league.

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I'd love to see Data with a lightsaber. However, Wesley Crusher would probably be the most powerful main character in Star Trek because he can stop time on demand with some training. Give him a lightsaber, freeze time, and then behead the whole empire.
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