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Warm up the bus!


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Have to give yesterdays patch deployment a 0/5 rating. Our raiding guild had a boring night of dowing workd bosses except for NMP cause he was broken too! How much abuse do these people at EA/Bioware think the player base will continue to take. Paying subscriptioin fees monthly for a MMO that is as broken and busted as the day it came out of BETA. 7 years of dev'ing rushed to completion, released as a disaster, held together with duct tape ever since. EA/Bioware has been 60 days too late on everything they have done. I frankly have about had enough! I am one of the Star Wars lore geeks too, thats the sad part here. They took a storyline that could have been spun into to pure MMO gold and crapped all over it. 5 of our main raiders tonight have quit SWTOR and going back to WoW. ABout 25 of our guild have craved an exit strategy for GW2.


What will it take other than MASS HEMORAGING of subs to get you guys to realize the level of FAIL that went on here. I view my time here on SWTOR as not mispent or wasted, i had fun for most of it despite my class being effectively broken (Juggernaught). The failures of balancing PvP and PvE classes, The failure to release REAL ranked warzones, the failure to patch bugs that have been around since BETA, the furthur insulting of their player base by strangling information and timeline for fixes. Now with the legacy nerf, perks being given away at lower levels, EC being broken, and NO Forseeable timeline on a fix.... it would beg the question.... *** is going on In Austin texas! Are they throwing all night keggers? This game is going down in flames faster than Grant took Richmond, and not only arent they carrying water to dowse the flames, they are pumping Keirosine onto to it and chanting Burn baby Burn!.


Communicate with us, and not on Twatter or Facebook send out an email blast active subscribers will actually read. Lay out the plan and timeline for bug/content patches and releases and then by Zeus's beard hold your dev team to it! If they cant get the job done trust me in this economy we are there are Programmers who will work for food! Dont drive a wedge between the player base and the dev's. Mine and alot of other people's patience is growing very thin for a MMO that is going F2P in the fall. SOE ran SWG into the dirt but they made that MMO work and profitable till LA yanked the plug on em for running it into the ground. EA just replaced their CEO to appease thre shareholders, i doubt his successor will have a much better fate. Its kinda like the first mate taking over the helm of the titanic as it sank cause the captain jumped out a window!


Its not too late to right the ship though. This is not unsalvagable by any means but it will take everyone at EA/Bioware bailing water to do it. Question is are they still willing to do it?

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