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Hammer Station is too high for level 15s

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This is annoying since the entire fp is doable until the final boss with lvl 15s in the group. You get to the final boss and can't finish the stupid thing because you've got lvl 15 players in the group who can't pull their weight.


Before you brush this off as a minor issue because of the level range, I want to remind you that the low levels are where you build your playerbase. This is the kind of thing that tends to turn off new players.


Its obvious there were some mistakes made in the development process such as putting in a PVP finder instead of a group finder at release. You guys really need to put issues like this and others regarding the LFG tool at a high priority.

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I hated when this FP was unlocked for me way back...that boss was a pain back then.


This is why I try to help low levels when I can but in all honesty maybe there should be a buff or something for players in that early FP.

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I've said this time to time for sure. there's several coordination and movement mechanics in the fight as well as adds and a boss who hits hard and doesn't take much damage.


factor in players are new'ish at that level, the gear is mostly green and quest rather than anything modded or purple/orange, players have only a couple skill points and don't have many of their class abilities.. most noteably the tanks don't have taunts, and the healers only have one slow-cast heal and little utility at those levels.


it is a perfect storm of overclocked difficulty and as a previous poster mentioned, making things annoying, not fun and too hard on new folks - especially healers and tanks which are typically fewer of in an MMO to begin with - just isn't fun.

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Not entirely true.


Yes, if you have 4 level 15 players who are new to the game and have lower level green gear, it's probably too hard.


With people that know the FP from other characters, and have all 4 buffs available, and know enough to use their commendations well, it's entirely do-able. (I tanked this on my new level 15 Vanguard 2 days ago, with 18 sage healer, 16 gunslinger, and 15 commando -- all 4 had legacy names).


If 2-3 of the players are experienced, it's probably enough to "carry" the other(s), as long as the weak/inexperienced person is doing DPS -- a new tank or healer probably can't cope.

Edited by Ancaglon
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You need to improve your tactics then, unless you're talking about a full group of 15's. I've leveled 5 chars from 16-20 almost exclusively trough Hammer Station, and with a few rare exceptions (due to people being unwilling to listen, such as tanks that just run up to the final boss and stands there instead of turning him around, or DPS that won't kill the adds etc, or people queuing as tank/healer despite being a DPS), I've never failed to complete it, despite often having 15's in the group. If it's a DPS, it's no big deal and we can just continue as normal, or if it's the tank and/or healer, there is usually a sorc, operative or merc in the group as DPS that I ask to off heal a bit when needed to compensate for the low levels.
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the most important thing that many people miss the first times your up against that boss is the gunfire he sprays will hit everyone in front of him. even if your far away. So it´s very important to turn him away from other people in your group. The rest of the mechanichs are harder to miss. Adds cant realy be missed and the mines is also quite hard to miss. When all the group knows all the fight then it´s not that hard.
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another thread of this old saw :rolleyes:


but the last boss is a mechanics check. if you don't learn the mechanics you die. of the 3 mechanics, turning the boss is the most important and falls on the tanks shoulders. second is add pickup, this fall to dps. third is avoiding the mines. after you learn these 3 its easy to manage.

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agree so much. I would love to se more bosses like this. With more than just 1 mechanic you have to watch.

tbh the worst boss for me while leveling was in Athiss (i think) the pvp type thing where you fight 4 bosses simultanious. It can be a pain doing if noone is over lv. Especially if the group cant reaply cc. or even worse have no cc. With no cc it´s damn close to impossible.

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Funny. I would have agreed with you in January, but my 15 tank just cleared it with 3 other 15s last week, so I think it's a skill issue. The only death came when I forgot how the bridge worked from not having done the FP in 8 months and stupidly fell off.
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  • 1 month later...
but the last boss is a mechanics check. if you don't learn the mechanics you die. of the 3 mechanics, turning the boss is the most important and falls on the tanks shoulders. second is add pickup, this fall to dps. third is avoiding the mines. after you learn these 3 its easy to manage.


There's one other issue, though, that I think transforms this battle from "fun and fluid" to "arrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!:mad:". That being, his ability to knock people into the pit for an instant death. Avoid mines, turn the boss away from the less tough teammates, oh and don't stand between him and the pit, ever, or you run a high risk of getting pinballed in. Sadly, few tanks can survive being sproinged into space.


Stick a force field up on that wall, and he'd be a lot more fun.

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Im stuck on the Hammer Station and I cant get out, and I cant beat it either.. I need help on either leaving the mission or completing it.. ASAP

I'm not I follow your question.


If you die, you respawn outside the flashpoint and are no longer in it. There is also an "exit area" button next to your minimap.


What do you mean when you say you can't get out?

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