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Return of the Bounty Hunter


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I took a break for a bit from the game, mostly to get a fresh perspective. Resubbed yesterday for a month to give the game a look at the changes that have occurred.


I am a strict pvper, as I find pve requires a schedule I normally can't honor. So I have fun blasting other players. I run a pyro build that includes TD(Not really sure if it'd be worth much without that backload spike anyway). Didn't waste any time hitting the WZs.


It wasn't too bad for the most part, with the assassin/shadow being much more manageable than they were a few months ago. Alot of the lessons I learned the hard way (kiting mechanics, and taking high ground overwatch positions in WZs that have 'em) paid off big dividends. I was doing really well inflicting damage, and moving. The big thing about a pyro merc is not to get picked up as a target. Work in groups, and skirt the edges where possible. Know when to bail out of a fight and regroup. Something I picked up playing the game.


In fact, I pretty much breezed through the night right up until I ran into intelligent sentinels. Hot fudge, I got LTFU'd(Lit the **** up). Not sure if they ran in a premade, or what was happening. Team support wasn't too good, with no communication at all. Composition was terrible for that one. It happens. That didn't bother me.


What bothered me was when I got into a 1v1 fight with one of the sentinels. Scoot, shoot, snare and CC the gap closers. I played it perfectly right up until he hit 25%. He popped his damage mitigator, which I promptly stunned. He'd been smart enough to hold his breaker for that, and with my KB applied already he was CC immune. He closed, and tore me apart inflicting a ghastly 18k damage faster than an Assassin could. There really wasn't anywhere to go for me, but I tried. Even cleansed his dots, which went right back on. I dumped what I had left on him DoTs and TD at least scoring a revenge kill.


In the short time he had to be next to me, he shredded me. Is there something I don't know BHs? They've always been dangerous and a priority kill for me. But he ran me over like I wasn't there when he finally got to me.


Aside from that incident, the game has seen some interesting improvements. Not too fond of the new craft system which nerfed my Armormech craft completely, but thats ok. The PvP is better balanced than it was in may.

Edited by Azrienov
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Well... I've got to say my first impressions of my return to the game have well and truly been demolished. What I thought was a good rebalancing turned sour when I got run over by a legion of assault vanguards. Sentinels are still a bit too much in my mind for a class with no strong self preservation skills that don't feed the CC bar.


I actually saw my first hacker tonight. A couple of ***. specced Vans were porting around in Civil War. Makes it hard to draw people away from one objective so you can claim it while they over extend. Those two would just appear and a 2v2 instantly became a 4v2. I guess they were dragging the cursor, or clicking at the spot they wanted to go to. They just started popping from one spot to another in a general direction.


The merc AC still doesn't have a suitable skill set for its classification. Unless you spec for it, you have as many CCs as a sniper who does more damage, and suffers less in return. I'm not sure who they have on this issue, but I've got a feeling that whoever it is must be paying more attention to something they patently believe is more a priority. Maybe it is, but it seems like a gross oversight in self preservation of a ranged character. Especially true when the only useful snare you get is a specced snare. Poor design all around, and probably aimed more at pve than PvP. Can't balance a class for both. You just end up spending alot of time, effort, and money in failing at it.

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welcome back,

yep what you see is all we seem we will get. Devs have either left the building or are waiting to loose every remaining sub before getting off their butts.

either try and find a reason to enjoy playing saber weilders or get use to getting close to killing someone only for them to hit their "sorry I can't loose" button.

you will still beat poorly played sents/maraurders and powertechs but any half decent/geared will simply tear you up.


If i had a dollar for every sent i get to 30% hp only for them to ignore any further damage and either finish me off easily or vanish.. I could probably pay a Dev to comment in these forums.

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