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Merc Damage


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I want to make a merc for PVP and while i know they are in a bad state im wondering what is mostly your priority when it comes to dealing damage.


I have a lowbie PT which i mostly use when bored and want to rocket punch people left and right while spaming flameburst and railgun but i am looking into finding some Merc love.


I love the idea behind the arsenal tree and just tossing out rockets like no tomorrow but i also know it suffers greatly because you are a glorified SAM turret.


My question is what is your priority damage when it comes to attacking someone? Im looking into the fact that maybe by the time i get the merc to 50 the new updates that are to go in on august/september would change the state mercs are in atm.

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Overall damage in a pug can be 280k - 420k but it all depends on the map and rated are a bit less because your going up against better teams that are organized. When it comes to crit shots i can hit from 3700 - 5000 DPS but shots like TM hit from 1800 - 3500 DPS and unload 1800 - 3000 i think.

I dont normally sit and watch the size of my hits tho.


Highest DPS for me is a little over 600k (pug)


Fully buffed i have 100.79% acc, 35% crit and 75% surge.

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unload is your friend.

pyro to proc free rail shot

arsenal for tonnes of damage..


arsenal- TM to proc free unload>unload>HSM and rail shot on the move.

Pyro- Incendary missile> rail shot > thermal detonator> rapid shots on the move, only stand still for unload.. keep moving /pillar humping.

only stat to stack is AIM.

currently buffed I'm at 42% crit, 72% surge. purely from eliminator set and aim augs as pyro.

get your WH weapons pronto as these will make a big difference from being a pest to being a pest with a sting.

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unload is your friend.

pyro to proc free rail shot

arsenal for tonnes of damage..


arsenal- TM to proc free unload>unload>HSM and rail shot on the move.

Pyro- Incendary missile> rail shot > thermal detonator> rapid shots on the move, only stand still for unload.. keep moving /pillar humping.

only stat to stack is AIM.

currently buffed I'm at 42% crit, 72% surge. purely from eliminator set and aim augs as pyro.

get your WH weapons pronto as these will make a big difference from being a pest to being a pest with a sting.

I want to be your teacher :) come to the dark side...

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Most of your DPS in Arsenal comes from Unload. Tracer Missile is to lower armor, give you Tracer Locks, and proc Unload again. If you need to fire on the move and your Heatseeker Missiles and Rail Shot are on cooldown, use Power Surge on a Tracer Missile.


No sorry for PVP use Power surge on a heal or your cast stun.. 100% more effective.

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