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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please give us something...


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They don't exist. Anywhere. There's enough datamined information to let us know this."
The same datamining that produces server population numbers? Since Bioware does not allow API access to their data to be mined (other than the combat logs), those are just best guesses.

No, they don't. Nothing about the story is changed depending on your "choices."
NPCs live, NPCs die, and some NPCs who are spared come back with class story relevance like the Sith Warrior's Lord Rathari. (Sorry ... no spoilers here.)

The fact that your story is exactly the same as my story is the very definition of "not personal."
If I'm looking for an experience that personal, video games wouldn't make the list of places I'd look for it.

And the Grey vendors are located...?
Dark Side / Light Side vendors in fleet. They sell orange custom and rare blue equipment items and relics whose levels unlock based on character and Dark Side / Light Side levels.

Or (and this is a whacky thought, I know), they could listen to and act on the customers' feedback, like they claimed they supposedly do..
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.1's ability delay fix.
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.2's customizable UI (they hit a home run with this one.)
  • Bioware listens: Orange custom gear whose use was extended through level 50 HMs.
  • Bioware listens: They sucked it up, made the PR-sensitive choice to consolidate servers and now server populations are thriving because of it
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.3's Groupfinder
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.3's RWZs
  • Bioware fixes stuff.

If the Bioware devs have to resort to semantics and misdirection, then that is all that needs to be said for how truthful and honest they are. And if that is what the defenders of Bioware have to resort to, then that is all that needs to be said for how desperate they are.
If I felt that way when I first woke up every morning I might be hurting for some payback too. Edited by GalacticKegger
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In decline? I was just on tatooine in instance 2. That has never happened to me before on that planet. Fleet had 250+ people and I never found WZ matches and FP groups this quick before. So unless Tuesday suddenly became primetime, methinks there is no decline atm. Edited by Gokkus
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The same datamining that produces server population numbers? Since Bioware does not allow API access to their data to be mined (other than the combat logs), those are just best guesses.

No. The same datamining that produces the actual items in the game. You know. Like lightsabre crystals? Or gear?


NPCs live, NPCs die, and some NPCs who are spared come back with class story relevance like the Sith Warrior's Lord Rathari. (Sorry ... no spoilers here.)

And that changes the story itself...how?


If I'm looking for an experience that personal, video games wouldn't make the list of places I'd look for it.

Then I guess they shouldn't have made the claim that the story is personal, eh?


Dark Side / Light Side vendors in fleet. They sell orange custom and rare blue equipment items and relics whose levels unlock based on character and Dark Side / Light Side levels.

And again. The GREY vendors are located...?


  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.1's ability delay fix.
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.2's customizable UI (they hit a home run with this one.)
  • Bioware listens: Orange custom gear whose use was extended through level 50 HMs.
  • Bioware listens: They sucked it up, made the PR-sensitive choice to consolidate servers and now server populations are thriving because of it
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.3's Groupfinder
  • Bioware listens: Patch 1.3's RWZs
  • Bioware fixes stuff.

Now. What about :

  • Togruta/Nautolan/Kel Dor/insert some other species choice here
  • Purple/white crystals
  • Full customisation for gear
  • GREY JEDI/SITH VENDORS (just in case you still think I'm talking about Light Side/Dark Side vendors, I put it in capitals for you)
  • Gear for Consulars/Inquisitors that aren't skirts
  • Mouse over targetting
  • Day/night and weather cycles
  • Gear that wasn't inspired by WoW (ie. the huge shoulders and ridiculous attachments to the gear)
  • Vibrostaves that can be used by Consulars and Inquisitors
  • SGRAs
  • Chat bubbles
  • Ability to sit in chairs
  • Mini-games like pazaak


If I felt that way when I first woke up every morning I might be hurting for some payback too.


Oh look. A snide, passive-aggressive response. Because that, in no way, is something that is common by the people in this forum. How original of you.

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If the game was based on that, then it would have been the catastrophe you have alluded to. But it's not so it wasn't.


What the game is "based on", whatever that may mean, is irrelevent.


They actively sold the game on RvR, but didn't deliver any.


If a manufactuer says a car has a speedometer before selling it......... it probably should have a speedometer when you buy it.

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No. The same datamining that produces the actual items in the game. You know. Like lightsabre crystals? Or gear?



And that changes the story itself...how?



Then I guess they shouldn't have made the claim that the story is personal, eh?



And again. The GREY vendors are located...?



Now. What about :

  • Togruta/Nautolan/Kel Dor/insert some other species choice here
  • Purple/white crystals
  • Full customisation for gear
  • GREY JEDI/SITH VENDORS (just in case you still think I'm talking about Light Side/Dark Side vendors, I put it in capitals for you)
  • Gear for Consulars/Inquisitors that aren't skirts
  • Mouse over targetting
  • Day/night and weather cycles
  • Gear that wasn't inspired by WoW (ie. the huge shoulders and ridiculous attachments to the gear)
  • Vibrostaves that can be used by Consulars and Inquisitors
  • SGRAs
  • Chat bubbles
  • Ability to sit in chairs
  • Mini-games like pazaak


Oh look. A snide, passive-aggressive response. Because that, in no way, is something that is common by the people in this forum. How original of you.

Here is how I see it ... you win regardless of whether or not you actually do win or how valid or invalid anyone's point is. Someone mentions how simple their approach is to having fun playing a video game and opinion assassins get their panties in a wad and spend pages upon pages trying to prove how wrong that simple approach is. Whatever. I have enough self esteem for us both. Whenever you're ready to exhale there's plenty of beer in the fridge.


Time to login and blow stuff up. It's been real. Cheers! :D

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The server numbers are once again in sharp decline


Hyperbole, not substantiated by facts, easily disproved by logging into the game and actually checking populations.


and the thing i'm hearing most is lack of information.


says who? Little voices?? Sources please.

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They don't need PLAYERS. They need REVENUE. There's a subtle but important difference that leads us directly to the answer: Third-party advertising in the launcher at first and eventually in the game itself. :eek:


Revenue for them, active accounts on the servers for the player base.



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/sign to most of what the OP said


On that note (haha):


The aforementioned initiative is intended to improve communication between the fans, the Community Team, and the development team by creating focused specializations. In short, going forward, each Community Team member will be specifically focused on a particular aspect of our game (PvP, Crew Skills, Operations, etc) and paired up with the appropriate developer so that they can respond to players more efficiently. We’re still finalizing details internally, but as soon as every aspect of this project is in place, we will let you all know. We’re all very excited about this and can’t wait to share more.



Edited by NRN_Hawk
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