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Quick Quinn Quotes


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In which a party is thrown thanks to Space Ants...




The trip to Nar Shaddaa had been twofold: one, to get rid of all the Malavai Swirl Athra had stashed onboard and two, to surprise Athra with a small party at the Cantina. Quinn placed a hand at the small of her back and led her to the private party room he had reserved. Overseer Tremel, Lord Rathari, Servant One, Servant Two, and the remaining crew were already there waiting for her arrival. When she entered the room, they cheered happily.


“Happy birthday, my lord,” Quinn said quietly.


She bounced up and down while clapping and whooping. To say she was excited and surprised would be an understatement.


“Did you set this up?” she asked happily.


“For the most part. The Space Ants helped,” he said stiffly.


She turned and smacked him on the chest. He recoiled with an over-exaggerated “oof”.


“Someone’s sooo getting birthday sex tonight,” Vette whispered to Jaesa.


“Athra is the birthday girl. Any sex today is birthday sex,” Jaesa whispered back.


“I don’t mean her,” Vette giggled.


Quinn led her to the birthday throne at the end of the table and presented her with a Hutt shaped cake covered in lightsaber candles. She squee’ed with glee.


“Make a wish, my lord,” Quinn said softly.


“The Wrath must wish!” Servant Two shouted.


“Dude, come on,” Servant One said, slapping Servant Two’s hand.


“Habit,” Servant Two muttered unhappily.


Athra blew out the candles and everyone clapped and cheered. Quinn dutifully served up the cake, serving Pierce last and giving him the Hutt tail. Pierce mouthed angry invectives at Quinn’s retreating back. Quinn flipped him one, albeit briefly, but long enough for Pierce to see. Jaesa had to force Pierce to sit down and gave him a bit of her cake to get him to stop trying to create a murder scene. Quinn took a seat near his wife.


“What did you wish for?” he asked her quietly.


“For the stupid Space Ants to not have carried away all my damn ice cream,” she muttered unhappily around a mouthful of cake.


Quinn leaned over and whispered something into her ear.




He nodded.


“Good night, everybody!” she announced suddenly, grabbing Quinn by the arm.


“Told ya,” Vette piped happily.

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In which that is what she said...



“That’s what she said!” Vette laughed one afternoon.


“That’s what who said?” Quinn asked, confused.




“She who? What are you talking about?”


“That’s… that’s what she said. It’s a joke.”


“Are you having a stroke?”


“Let me explain…”


Vette went on to explain the context of the “That’s what she said" joke. By the end of it, Quinn wasn’t sure if he should be gravely insulted or confused. He settled for a bit of both.


“And that’s the unsatisfying way to end that,” Vette muttered unhappily.


“That’s what she said,” Quinn said in monotone.


Vette lost it laughing.






I blame bright_ephemera and Vesaniae for this.


I regret nothing!!


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In which that is what she said...



“That’s what she said!” Vette laughed one afternoon.


“That’s what who said?” Quinn asked, confused.




“She who? What are you talking about?”


“That’s… that’s what she said. It’s a joke.”


“Are you having a stroke?”


“Let me explain…”


Vette went on to explain the context of the “That’s what she said" joke. By the end of it, Quinn wasn’t sure if he should be gravely insulted or confused. He settled for a bit of both.


“And that’s the unsatisfying way to end that,” Vette muttered unhappily.


“That’s what she said,” Quinn said in monotone.


Vette lost it laughing.






I blame bright_ephemera and Vesaniae for this.


I regret nothing!!

:D :D :D


By the way, this thread is awesome. Can't remember if I've commented here before or not, but here it is. :)

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:D He always was quick to master concepts.

When he wants to. He can be quite the dunderhead...





:D :D :D


By the way, this thread is awesome. Can't remember if I've commented here before or not, but here it is. :)

I don't know either! But, yes, here it is now. I can't stop staring at it. THE COLORS

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Decided to go ahead and post this here from the Short Story Challenge majiggy. A few edits made.


In which Quinn gathers himself by the short hairs and takes a leap...



Athra entered the bridge one afternoon to speak with Quinn. She only remembered to because he had sent fifteen different urgent messages to her asking for an audience. Anything to get him to stop!


“My Lord, there is something I wish to discuss with you when we have a moment of privacy,” Quinn said quietly.


“We have privacy now,” Athra stated.


He looked around the bridge nervously then nodded. “Right then.”


She waited patiently while the Captain gathered himself. He was always strange during private moments like these. If he wasn’t dodging her advances he was talking strategy and, right now, he seemed to be coming to grips with something. Maybe he was finally done dodging. Maybe he was –


“I’m a spy for Darth Baras,” he said stiffly.


Maybe he was a lying son of a b*tch!


“Come again?” Athra asked angrily.


He cleared his throat and tugged at his collar nervously. “I – I’m Darth Baras’ spy.” When she reached for one of her lightsabers, he put his hand up to stop her and took a step back. “But I can’t do that anymore!” he said quickly.


She let the saber dangle threateningly in her hand. He eyed it wearily until she spoke.


“What made you change your mind?” she asked with deadly calm.


He shifted his eyes to hers and licked his lips, his favorite nervous habit.


“As you know, Darth Baras saved my career after the fiasco known as Broysc,” he said quietly. She made a motion with her hand and he quickened his speech. “I swore my loyalty to him, but I’m falling in love with you.”


“You’re what?” she asked nearly dropping her saber.


“I – I’m falling in love with you,” he stuttered, dropping his defensive stance. “My feelings for you take precedence over my loyalty pledge to Baras,” he finished firmly.


She stared at him for a long moment. She could throw him out the airlock, but he had eventually come clean.


“Why did you wait until now to speak up?” she asked firmly.


“Because I think you’re falling in love with me… Am I wrong?” he asked quietly.


“If I say no, will you go back to spying and reporting to Baras?”


“Of course not.”


“Then I think we have much to talk about,” she said softly.


He nodded swiftly. “Of course. I have kept copies of all my correspondence with Baras.”


“I’m not talking about Baras,” she said lowly.


“Wha – oh… oh! Of – of course, my Lord,” he stammered pathetically.




"And then we'd have sex on the bridge!" Athra said happily.


Quinn stared at her strangely. She had the strangest fantasies.


"I don't see what's stopping us now, my lord," he said smartly.


"To the bridge!"

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I've been thinking lately, which is often quite dangerous... However, I feel the need to explain something about Athra and Quinn.


I have asked myself many times "Why do these two end up having sex all the time?" Well, as most of you will probably remember because you wanted to throw Quinn got an airlock after chopping off his man bits, there's a flirt option during the last bit of the cutscene after you beat Quinn half to death.


The flirt option

is to have Quinn make it up to you in the bedroom. With that in mind, he's been making it up to her. Repeatedly. All over the ship. And in dif- alright I'm done... sorry.



I can't be the only one who thought "Dear lord, this lady makes those two do it a loooooot." Or maybe I was...

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I don't know either! But, yes, here it is now. I can't stop staring at it. THE COLORS

Vesania(e) does mean madness, you know... ;)


Maybe he was finally done dodging. Maybe he was –


“I’m a spy for Darth Baras,” he said stiffly.


Maybe he was a lying son of a b*tch!


Lol, that's like every player's reaction to that summed up right there. :D

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I've been thinking lately, which is often quite dangerous... However, I feel the need to explain something about Athra and Quinn.


I have asked myself many times "Why do these two end up having sex all the time?" Well, as most of you will probably remember because you wanted to throw Quinn got an airlock after chopping off his man bits, there's a flirt option during the last bit of the cutscene after you beat Quinn half to death.


The flirt option

is to have Quinn make it up to you in the bedroom. With that in mind, he's been making it up to her. Repeatedly. All over the ship. And in dif- alright I'm done... sorry.



I can't be the only one who thought "Dear lord, this lady makes those two do it a loooooot." Or maybe I was...


There was someone who used to post in the Short Fic Thread who was a major Quinn fan girl. Between her and Bright_ they shaped my opinion of Quinn before I ever played the FemSW story. At one point, she said that in her head canon Quinn was very proper in public and then very dominant behind closed doors. I believe the phrase was, and I'm paraphrasing a bit here, her character got rug burns from the metal floors.



So, in my mind, Quinn is not at all minding having to 'make it up' to the Fem War. When i get to that point, I'm using that flirt.


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Vesania(e) does mean madness, you know... ;)


Lol, that's like every player's reaction to that summed up right there. :D

Should've known it meant something crazy. Like... crazy. Things and stuff! And, yes, that's pretty much everyone's reaction outside of "You bastard, I loved you!"


in regards to your quote... what do you do when shock therapy fails? ;)


Or a boulder is in your way.... heh

Make Khem Val eat it.


My Sith Inquisitor informs me that it is then lightsaber time.

Or this... lol


There was someone who used to post in the Short Fic Thread who was a major Quinn fan girl. Between her and Bright_ they shaped my opinion of Quinn before I ever played the FemSW story. At one point, she said that in her head canon Quinn was very proper in public and then very dominant behind closed doors. I believe the phrase was, and I'm paraphrasing a bit here, her character got rug burns from the metal floors.



So, in my mind, Quinn is not at all minding having to 'make it up' to the Fem War. When i get to that point, I'm using that flirt.

I could see Quinn being a little more relaxed behind the relative safety of closed doors. He's an intensely private person. I can't speak toward his sexual proclivities though... lol. Enjoy the SW story. It is awesome!



Thanks for reading everyone!

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In which room service is ordered...



“Okay, dude, seriously, you need to stop showing up in my dreams,” Athra announced to dream Quinn.


It was strange being in a mostly black room with her husband standing in front of her in his usual parade rest.


“Why are you here this time?” she asked angrily, cocking her hip to one side and crossing her arms.


“I have no idea, my Lord,” Quinn said stiffly. “Perhaps you feel guilt about something. Spiking my tea for the hundredth time, perhaps?”


“No, it’s not that.”


Dream Quinn huffed a little. “I have asked you several times to stop it. I wish you would take it under advisement.”


“You got off light. I’ve read stories of people beating you to death, chopping off your head, torturing you, allowing you to live as a slave, and many other things I probably shouldn’t mention.”


“You ‘read’ these things, my Lord?”


“Did I say ‘read’? I meant… uh… something else,” Athra said with faux innocence.


“You’re lucky this is a dream and my actual body and consciousness is next to you sleeping,” dream Quinn huffed.


“Or what?” she asked testily.


“Or I’d slice your datapad to find out exactly what you’ve been reading. Speaking of, I think I’m waking up now.”


“Oh shi-”


Dream Quinn faded away with a smirk on his face. Athra forced herself awake and found real Quinn next to her sleeping quietly. Bullet dodged. She snuggled deeper into the covers and slipped back to sleep. Next to her, Quinn peeked an eye open to look at her. She was asleep. He reached under his pillow and pulled out her datapad. He had already broken through her horrible attempt at encryption. On her datapad he found hundreds of Quinn stories. He never felt so loved and hated at the same time. It was confusing.


“You stole my datapad,” Athra said groggily next to him.


“You mentioned stories. You know I am endlessly curious,” he replied evenly.


“You broke my encryption.”


“Mrs. Malavai Quinn is a horrible attempt at a password, my Lord.”


She pouted. “Shut up.”


“Which of these is your favorite story?”


“This one,” she said, pointing to one near the top of her list.


The Torturous Torture of Malavai Quinn,” he read. “Alright then, let’s read shall we.”


And they did. When they were finished morning had come and gone. The crew was used to them rising late on Quinn’s off days.


“Well, that was a torturous read,” Quinn said stiffly.


“Was that a pun?” Athra asked.


“Unintentional, my Lord.”


She huffed in disbelief.


“Truly,” he said firmly.


“It’s a little past lunch,” Athra said conversationally.


“Yes,” he murmured, still scrolling through her list of stories.


“Wanna stay in bed, read stories, and ask Twovee to provide room service?”


Quinn smiled and turned his head to her. “I knew there was a reason I married you.”


“Because I’m awesome?”


“Let’s go with that,” he teased.


She chuckled and pulled a spare datapad from the nightstand. Hmm, what to order for lunch.

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Cross posted from the Short Story Challenge thread.


Captain Malavai Quinn was having the worst day ever. When he rolled from bed, he actually rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thump. He quickly gathered himself from the floor and looked around to make sure no one was looking. Of course no one was, he was in his personal quarters, but he couldn’t stop the inset paranoia. He went about his morning routine. In the shower, he dropped his favorite bar of soap. It shattered into small pieces and it would take days to replace it. He sighed grumpily and washed up with the small pieces. Then he ran out of hot water. Cursing and sputtering, he finished his shower. He hadn’t had to take a cold shower since… never mind that.


He stepped from the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, and stopped at the sink. He didn’t wash his hair because screw that, that water is cold. It left him feeling grubbier than a Nar Shaddaa sewer. He grumped a bit and reached for his toothbrush and toothpaste. He squeezed the tube to find it empty. Someone was out to get him today. He brushed his teeth with just water, feeling wholly unsatisfied with his morning.


He left the refresher and shivered as the cold air of the ship rushed to greet him. He grumbled all the way to his closet and pulled out his uniform. There was nothing that could go wrong with a perfectly tailored unifo- RIIIP – son of a b*tch. He stomped to the closet and pulled his spare uniform from his time on Balmorra. Stars, he hated this thing, but it would do until he had time to mend the new hole in his uniform pants. He would’ve been much happier if the tear was on the crotch and not on the butt.


With a huff he grabbed his datapad from the desk to find the battery dead. He’d have to use his spare. Fine.


He made his way to the bridge without incident. The rest of the crew was probably sleeping and he was glad. He sighed happily as he stood, staring out the windows as the stars streaked by. A bad start to a day could be fixed by thirty minutes of intense parade rest.* When his thirty minutes had finished, he turned and walked to his favorite console. He pressed a few buttons then hissed in pain. He upturned his fingers and found a split nail. The universe was out to get him today.


His day didn’t get any better. His stock of ration bars had expired, it would take three weeks to get in new soap, he was out of thread to fix his pants, and his nail had split down to the quick. Not to mention that there was no more toothpaste onboard and no one seemed to care he was having a crap day. He felt like pouting. So he did. In parade rest. On the bridge. For thirty minutes.


When his shift was over, he grumbled all the way to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a dusty bottle of something-or-other and a tumbler. He sat down hard and poured himself a full glass of whatever and drank it in three gulps. He shuddered and sputtered a bit.


“Rough day?” Athra asked quietly as she slipped into the seat next to him.


“You could say that, my Lord,” he said quietly as he poured another glass of whatever-the-hell.


“I can make it all better,” she whispered huskily.


“It would break every protocol in the book,” he murmured into his glass. She pouted until – “Screw it, I’ve had a sh*t day.”


“Yes, finally!” she cheered.


When she dragged him into her bedroom, the clock turned to 00:00.





Special thanks to Reil for inspiring the "thirty minutes of intense parade rest" bit.


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In which Quinn can cure sleeplessness...



“I haven’t been able to sleep lately,” Athra complained one evening.


“I have a cure for that, my Lord,” Quinn said stiffly.


Athra grinned at him. “Really?” She waggled her brows. He blinked at her, thinking she was having a fit of some kind. Maybe she needed to sneeze.


“Yes, follow me.”


Athra followed him to the engine room. Quinn pulled his toolbox from nowhere and handed it to her.


“The engine needs a thorough tune-up and cleaning,” he said stiffly.


“Really?” Athra asked, disbelief clear in her voice.




She cleaned the engine with him looking over her shoulder the entire time. By the time she was done, she was extremely tired.


“Well, I’m tired now. Considerably less aroused, but tired,” she sighed.


“You did well, my Lord,” Quinn said lightly. He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.


“Really? This is one of your turn-ons?”


He didn’t respond. He just kept waggling his damn eyebrows.


“Oh, fine,” she huffed.

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No I will just start at the end and go from there so hahahahahahaha....ha


That works, too. They're not in any particular order, lol.


I just read the whole thread. I'm such a fangirl for the captain, and i'm loving your stories. Keep up the great work! :)


*sighs dreamily* The Captain... :p I shall keep up the great work as long as inspriation strikes me... with a bat... upside the head... repeatedly...



Thanks for reading everyone!

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In which Quinn has the tea scared out of him...



“I’m pregnant,” Athra said one morning over breakfast. If she had been thinking, she would have waited until after Quinn had eaten. As it was, he choked on his tea and spat it across the table into her face. Coughing and sputtering, Quinn tossed her his handkerchief.


“You’re what?” he asked, still coughing lightly.


“Well, I’m not sure, but I’ve missed a certain monthly visitor,” Athra said grumpily.


“Isn’t that the kind of thing you double check before scaring your husband half to death?”


“I thought you were ready for fatherhood and devoted to my legacy?”


“I also thought we would discuss the matter beforehand,” he grumbled.


“Yes, yes, you and your Infant Contingency Reports,” she muttered. “Please stop sending me an updated one every few weeks.”


“I’m going to send one every day now,” he said evenly.


“Whatever for?”


“To ensure you actually check to make sure you’re pregnant before you go around scaring the life out of people.”


“You mean you.”


“Especially me.”


Athra crossed her arms and huffed.


“What?” he asked quietly.


“I thought you’d have a happier response,” she pouted.


“If we had been trying, yes, I would be incredibly happy. As it is, suddenly announcing you’re pregnant ruins my tea time, among other things,” he said stiffly. “Now, if you’re not careful, that tea will stain your armor as I’m sure it’s been spiked with one of your damn truth serums.”


“I didn’t spike it this time,” she smiled.


Quinn blinked slowly at her. “You’ve been conditioning me to tell the truth whenever I have tea. That’s diabolical.” He paused for a moment. “I have never been more in love with you than I am at this very moment.”


Athra grinned then waggled her eyebrows. Quinn sighed dramatically and put down his tea.


“Very well,” he said stiffly, “but I’m using every protection method in the book this time.”


Athra giggled quietly.


“Take me, you unbridled stallion!” she said emphatically.


“I assure you, I’ve been bridled, trained, and am up to date on my shots,” he said lightly.


Athra’s laughter traveled through the ship as she and Quinn departed for the bedroom. And he really did use every protection method in the book, much to Athra’s chagrin.

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In which a Hutt ball fan is revealed...




“Oh Quinnie-poo,” Athra said in sing-song as she entered the bridge.


“No,” he said stiffly.


“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask,” she said grumpily.


“Anything that begins with that horrible nickname or any variation thereof is, in general, a horrible suggestion. They also make me question your sanity and mine for marrying you.”


Athra scoffed. “You’re awfully testy this afternoon.”


Quinn sighed quietly.


“Wait… is something really bothering you?” she asked gently.


“Something the Lieutenant said the other day has been bothering me,” he admitted quietly.


“You’re letting Pierce get to you?”


“Not so loud!” Quinn said quickly.


Athra turned and looked out the doorway. The crew had gone off somewhere convenient, but she closed the door leading to the bridge anyway. Quinn relaxed a bit.


“What did he say?” she asked.


He remained focused on his consoles for a few moments then turned to her with a serious expression.


“Oh dear,” Athra said quietly. “He didn’t?”


“Yes,” he answered stiffly.








“No, Athra.”


“Oh, come on, the Frog-Dogs suck every year!”


“They can rally!” he said angrily.


“They don’t even have a healer half the time!”


“It’s not their fault it’s a completely random set-up! Who the hell draws lots on a profession team!?”


“The Frog-Dogs, apparently.”


He huffed and crossed his arms.


“Aww, do you want me to buy the team?”


“I own the team,” he said quietly. “What I need is a new coach.”


“Wait, you own a professional Hutt ball team?” Athra asked in disbelief.


“Yes,” he said stiffly. “Why the hell else would I watch a team get skewered all the time?”




He blinked slowly.




“There’s nothing to enjoy when your team is the one losing,” he said bitterly.


“Ya know, Pierce has been looking for a new assignment since I do nothing, but run from my duties as Wrath,” Athra said evenly.




“Oh, come on, at least give him a try.”


“No, and there’s no argument you can levy that will force me to consider otherwise,” he said stubbornly.


She grinned wolfishly.


“That’s not a-”


“Challenge accepted!” she said happily.


“I should have never let you watch How I Met Your Sith Lord…” he sighed. “Very well, try your best.”


She reached him in three short steps, pulled him down to her, and whispered something into his ear. He swallowed roughly.


“That’s not fair,” he whined.


“It’s entirely fair,” she said lowly.


“You’re evil,” he whispered. Then he ran. As fast as his legs could carry him. To somewhere far away. Athra grinned. She always loved a good chase.








Fun fact: I was actually going to do a story called How I Met Your Sith Lord where Quinn is tormenting his children with his rendition on how he met, betrayed, married, and did other stuff with their mother. Then I realized that's not funny. So then I was going to do one called How I Betrayed Your Sith Lord and realized... no... that's not funny either. Because Quinn isn't funny. He just isn't.... *snickers*


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