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so i did a pug lfg a few times


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So I thought I would try heroic lfg this weekend. Ive tanked/healed/dps'd a many instances with guild before. This weekend thought i would try the heroic lfg.


Took me three times to complete.


o First, a guy said /sigh on the first pull. I know you can bypass the initial mobs, but when i did it that way, we were in combat for half the game. It takes a minute to kill them, so I did just that.


o Later as we are going by mobs on the way to the first boss, i am killing them as well. The guy really seems to be having a breakdown. One of his comments was "why are you killing these guys, you ****?" I replied, "fun?". He kept on and I just put him on ignore and quit.


o Second instance, one of the dps takes to long to get started. I just left. I figure if he needs time to prep, he can do so with another player. I figure if you are not ready to accept queue, don't click accept.


o Third instance, no one dies, things go really smooth. They did want to bypass some mobs so I oblige. But I just wonder why not simply kill them.





Let me get this straight.



You wanted to take time to kill most of the mobs on the first instance...which takes time.


But you couldn't wait for the guy to get ready in the second run?


You are a hypocrite.

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this games community is pretty terrible to be honest it was really nice the first few months but went downhill quickly


I honestly have almost no issues in game. I have no big problems with the community. The WoW community is much worse.


Now this games FORUMS are terrible. It's filled with tons of posts looking for self validation. It's name calling and insults. Much, much worse than actually being in the game.

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The problem is people just suck. I don't mean not good at their classes but more of a my way or the highway mentality, and also a lets take 2 mins to save us having to do 2 mins and 10 seconds of fighting. As facerollingly easy as most HMs are with anything short of 40's greens to skip some of the trash people do is just plain silly imo. Yes there are some where you can skip a ton of trash easily but there are also many times were you do a lot of screwing around to save yourself a 15 second fight. Really? We gotta take 4 different paths to save us from killing two grps of 4 each? Adding 30 seconds to the FP is something to rage and get bent out of shape over?


If you only have 15 mins to run a FP and 20 mins is just waaaay too much maybe you just shouldn't queue at all.

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OP, you do realise those very same people you're talking about could have made a similar thread about you for wasting their time and being a little ***** about it by not talking it over.


In the first example you waste time by killing trash that is of no value then in the second example you get annoyed because your time is being wasted? Seems kinda hypocritical and selfish to me.

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The best way to PUG is to work it out with the group ahead of time what your expectations are. Do you want to skip as much as possible? Do you want to space bar conversations? Have you never done the instance before and need explanations of mechanics? Most people will be pretty accommodating as long as everyone is up front about their expectations early.


PUGing a group requires compromise. If you are the only person who wants something done a specific way, then just go with the majority or politely quit if you feel it's going to become an issue for you. The content isn't going anywhere, and any decisions you make in Flashpoints don't have long standing repercussions that are going to require you to delete your character and start over.

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