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Future Idea's for this game


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One idea that I really hope the bioware team looks into would be PVP starship area's, I love the space missions but it can get easy when playing any mission long enough, that being said each player acts differently even in the same situation. If Bioware could make a map for you to use your spaceships in pvp mode where you can fly anywhere up, down, left, right, what ever. make it like you would any map, if you fly past an exhaust point well then you Die and go back to the captial ship and either go home or keep trying to win the battle. For my idea you would need at least 2 maps, the first map that people can just go to and fly around and if you find any action you act upon it, the 2nd map would be like a warzone, where 8 people have to fly from their capital ship to the enemy's capital ship and try to destroy it, meaning you'll need to keep people around to protect your capital ship, plus you have to send some ships out to try to take out the enemy. This game is already great, but stuff like this would put it over the top IMO
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