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Paying Guild Organizers and other thoughts on partial F2P


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I was thinking about F2P and this is what I thought. I love the class quests and pve part of the game, but eventually everyone will have done all the class quest lines and by that time have grown long tired of the other quests so that all that will be left is endgame content.


The most exciting parts of the endgame to me are the operations and warzones. Operations because of the coordination necassary, the puzzles, the excitment of taking on a hardmode boss and knowing that if you're tanking and you mess up everyone is gonna be ticked at you, or if you're healling everyone is counting on that sweet lemonade drop, or if your dps-ing you better get that droid off the healer because if you don't it's a wipe. Warzones because of the competition and because of the potential for drama, there is nothing like fighting your way to a node and knocking an enemy off it just before he turns the gun against your ship, or passing the huttball to a compatriot just as you are smashed into oblivion.


But warzones and operations need coordination, and the groupfinder tool can really suck. It doesnt' find groups for hardmode operations, or 16 man operations, and it doesn't coordinate a ranked warzone team. The best way to coordinate warzones and operations are found in good guilds. Guilds that have good leaders set up a website and designate times that raids will be going on and ranked teams will be running. Some set up story mode raids for new 50's. Progressing through the levels of raids is essential to the gear hunt that comes in when you hit 50. So why not pay guilf leaders, EA / Bioware, to run guilds and do these things.


Then maybe more subscribers would be willing to pay for the good content, because they would know it was realisticly available to them.

Edited by Bleearghughh
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I am not trying to be rude, but the way you organized your thoughts made it hard to follow. You should have broken that one very large paragraph to multiple paragraphs. Again, not trying to be rude,


Second I'm not exactly sure who would "pay" to be in a guild like that, especially when anyone can join a guild for free and an officer would do those duties until he or she got burned out and was replaced. Not many people are willing to pay real or pretend money for something when they could get it for free.


Think about it this way, how are you going to sell the idea? I don't think saying something like "So, what's going to happen is we're going to tell you what time you have to be on line, what your role is going to be, who you're going to group with (and what their role will be), and then you are going to pay us X amount for the because we let you in our guild" would actually work. Not when they could go on line when the want, play what role they want, group with who they want, and not spend a single credit on a guild fee.


Who knows, it might work, and I wish you luck.

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Not a bad idea, but not realistic either. I disagree that people wouldnt pay to be in such a guild. Good guilds are hard to find and why not pay for convenience? However , bioware/ea isn't going to to personally run something like that and how would they set-up a player base system??? Corporations like ea don't pay their customers. At most they would give them cartel coins or some other bs.


I think the best bet is to enchance the group finder tool so that it is more useful. I think you should be able to find groups for heroics, flashpoints, ops, and different levels of PvP (beginner, intermediate, and hardcore). It should allow all players to access all content in a convenient way.


In fact, because of F2P (or pay as you go) they might do something like that, if they are smart, so they can charge more people $$$ to unlock and play that content as non-subscribers.

Edited by sumuser
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