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Downgrading to Free-to-Play Account


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I hope BioWare does nothing stupid with this. I mean many subscribers drop from time to time the sub and return later, but losing every time stuff would not be very funny, so better BioWare gets this right or they won't get people to re-subscribe to the game.


You do not lose anything. You only lose access to it. Same as if you stop paying now.

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You do not lose anything. You only lose access to it. Same as if you stop paying now.


The part where you're confused is that isn't what we're saying.


Most of us aren't saying we want access to everything we have now if we stop paying when it goes F2P.


We're just saying we should have access to more than the people who never pay for anything (including never buying the retail box).


Even if it's just access to more bank space or more character slots, the simple act of purchasing the retail box should count for something after the game goes F2P.

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I sure hope they dont lock out my main character.


I have full rakata and some campaign pieces. I cleared all pve content over and over and over and am quite bored with it. I canceled my sub about 2 weeks ago, 3 days before f2p was announced.


If they let me keep my legacy perks from my main while i level an alt, then i shall return for f2p and maybe concider a sub for cartel points. If not, then i will not pay.


I find it quite ironic how some people in this thread claim that "its only free up to level 50!!!". Have you even played this game at 50? Its *********** boring. All you have to do is raid 4 hours per week to clear entire hard mode content or farm warzones as a zombie in an endless loop to be better geared. It is not fun. And those 2 boring aspects are unlockable by a sub.


The only truly fun thing in ths game that kept me logging on daily and does even now sometimes is making alts. The leveling from 1-50 is the most fun part of this damned game. So they are making 1-50 free to play. Well what else do you want lol? The 1-50 is the end game anyway.


As for them locking out our characters once account goes free to play, I think its a dick move more than anything else. I have been paying a sub and loggng almost daily for most of the time since launch. I have invested time in my character, kept my server from dying at a point when there were 20 people online on fleet at prime time. I bought the game client and oey for the full 60$ and payed them subs. The least they could do is let the person who payed the sub keep his character progress, gear, race, etc since they already got the money and keep the population happy.


Side note:

The only thing that would truly make me excited about this game was the HK unit. I was waiting for it. For a long time. And yet there is still no info on him. Bioware better let people like me get it even if f2p. I have been a very strong supporter of this game throughout all the dark times, but it feels like bioware is slapping me for it with every update of theirs. Suck my balls ea and bioware!

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how do you downgrade to a free account from monthly reoccurring? the option doesn't appear to exist under "subscription." I have been on this site for a *********** hour and can't believe how hard it is to find anything other than FAQ's with enough answers to make War and Peace look like a quick read.


please help!

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... I don't know of any other MMO that makes you lose items when you unsubscribe, this would be the first and it's an awful idea.


City of Heroes did something similar when they went F2P.


The character limits per server were lower for F2P players, so any subscribers that downgraded had to choose which characters they wanted to keep active. They could then purchase additional active slots under the F2P directive. In addition certain items and systems were locked out. Some you had to be a subscriber to use, others you could pay to open access to a F2P account.


So, it's not a first and I would expect TOR will have similar restrictions.


F2P players won't get as many character slots, so you'll probably have to choose which characters to keep active. F2P players won't have the same open access to the Legacy system, so you'll likely have to choose which parts you want to keep active, and so on.



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how do you downgrade to a free account from monthly reoccurring? the option doesn't appear to exist under "subscription." I have been on this site for a *********** hour and can't believe how hard it is to find anything other than FAQ's with enough answers to make War and Peace look like a quick read.


please help!


You can't downgrade yet. F2P hasn't launched yet. Wait until November.



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As for them locking out our characters once account goes free to play, I think its a dick move more than anything else. I have been paying a sub and loggng almost daily for most of the time since launch.


I think it is a even bigger dick move to suddenly drop to FTP. This game is worth the sub. You all need to be showing your support in the future of this game not your support in FTP.


I hate that this game is going FTP. I think they gave up on this game far too soon. Especially since it only has a issue because so many people are already bound to the games they play and don't have the time to play two MMO's. Believe me I know atleast 20 people that play another MMO and tried to play SWToR as well. The other MMO won out. It won because of the years they had in the other MMO.


These buisnesses releasing these games need to understand t factor. You are not just releasing a new MMO anymore. You are infact trying to get people to leave years invested in another game. What is so hard to understand with that?


This is a great game. It is not fail. It needs our support. Not us going the FTP route. Just keep showing your support in this game and you will never have to worry about possibly giving up anything. Instead you will keep getting more and more from it. Whats wrong with that?

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The part where you're confused is that isn't what we're saying.


Most of us aren't saying we want access to everything we have now if we stop paying when it goes F2P.


We're just saying we should have access to more than the people who never pay for anything (including never buying the retail box).


Even if it's just access to more bank space or more character slots, the simple act of purchasing the retail box should count for something after the game goes F2P.


You'll get a bunch of Cartel Coins for the months you've played and you can spend them to access more stuff.

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If I as a subscriber with 6 characters, 1 of them a level 50 with full BH and some campaign, were to decide to become a Free-to-play player, please tell me that I don't lose items like the FAQ suggests! I don't know of any other MMO that makes you lose items when you unsubscribe, this would be the first and it's an awful idea.


They have made it clear that nobody loses anything (ie: items, levels, etc) already earned. It's been said more then once by Bioware staff either in the forum or in publicly published Q&A. A player may lose access to some things in free (until they unlock it with coins, or choose to subscribe (players choice of how). An access loss is not the same as losing actual progress in the game (items, levels, etc.), because all you have to do is unlock it with coins, or subscribe for unlimited access to everything.

Edited by Andryah
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No, you are suffering from entitlement. It is a feeling of entitlement that makes you believe that things you had access to during your subcription phase should be available during a free-to-play phase.


Free-to-play accounts have restrictions, subcription accounts do not. Those are the two options. Nowhere on the chart deliniating the perks available to each is there a column for Free-to-play Accounts That Were Once Subcription Accounts.


Entitlement is exactly what is causing you to wail and beat your chest despite the basic facts presented. You feel you are entitled to access to things that a subbed player would have. The two-tiered account structure flies in the face of your expectations, yet you still fell entitled to the perks of subscription accounts.


This insistence that you have a right to things for no real reason other than "because I should" is the definition of entitled.


Yep yep.


The irony though is the entitled feel entitled about everything, including disregarding the logic and truth of what you have just shared. It's a circular malady.

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