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WoW Loses 1.1M Subscribers, Down to 9.1M


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No they didnt, they said break even point was 500k and they were well above it, and they were just under 1 mil.


WoWs numbers have been fudged since they went into china, know why, cos china dont have subs and they are the bulk of wows playerbase. On the highest count wow outside of china counted for 4.6 mil actual subs all the others were pay by the hour none subs.


SWTOR doesnt have any pay by the hours so all subs are actual subs.


Please stop with the just under 1 million. You know, I know and everyone knows thats not the case and it is just above 500k witheveryone that can log into the game being counted. That includes F2P players, even the ones that tried it and havent logged in after the first week. If it was just under 1 million they would have said about a million.


If they had 1 million subs or even close say 900,000 that would be 6 million dollars per month over the 500k they needed to break even. Instead actual paying subs is well under 500k and thats why they made the mad rush to get the F2P into action so they can hopefully make some money from the cash shops.

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Claims that WoW is down to ''only 4 millions real players'' are....


A)A bit chidlike at this point, where we did not managed to hold more than a quarter of those subs for six months.


B)Neglect the fact that ''asian'' subs also include Taiwanese and Korean players, who can be extremely hardcore players.

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Please stop with the just under 1 million. You know, I know and everyone knows thats not the case and it is just above 500k witheveryone that can log into the game being counted. That includes F2P players, even the ones that tried it and havent logged in after the first week. If it was just under 1 million they would have said about a million.


If they had 1 million subs or even close say 900,000 that would be 6 million dollars per month over the 500k they needed to break even. Instead actual paying subs is well under 500k and thats why they made the mad rush to get the F2P into action so they can hopefully make some money from the cash shops.

this here is the truth


not biodrone crap

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OMG your a idiot


this game is going FREE TO PLAY!!!!!


read the front page of this website.


they sub is staying so they can try and make money on top of the cash shop that will soon be the main focus of this game. do you really think this game is going to get better? bugs fixed? new fresh content with full VO? space combat that is new ???


wake up it isnt going to happen


and to all that say Lotrs is a good game since f2p... what utter crap they talk, its full of bots/gold farmers and the content is small and reused, BUt the cash shop is always full of new items for you to buy.


this is what swtor will turn into and this is what EA want all games to be, nothing more than an iphone app game on your PC.


Swtors next big rival is Dragonvale not WoW or ESO.. lol


OMG you are an idiot...


This game RETAINS its SUB MODEL and adds in an OPTIONAL F2P MECHANISM...


read the front page of this website.


Just because you keep denying it, does not make it true.


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Like i said in a post before


lets see what happens next in Q3.


lets see if..


1 - EA says the numbers numbers

2 - your above the 500k magic number

3 - MoP brings back the players for wow


3. Maybe you should read the Diablo 3 boards? Blizz's reputation is lying in the gutter and many, many people have stated that they will not be buying ANY Blizz game ever again....



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Is this the WoW forums or SWTOR forums? So confused.



3. Maybe you should read the Diablo 3 boards? Blizz's reputation is lying in the gutter and many, many people have stated that they will not be buying ANY Blizz game ever again....



That proves what? Anybody unhappy about a game makes silly threats like that. I can easily say the same thing, and you'll never know whether I kept my word or not.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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Yeah I guess I experessed wrong myself , I should just state that they weren´t able to keep this game with just PTP model because this game tanked hard and because they maded subpar MMO , hence why they will go with FTP model from now on.


Well this is the point, its keeping the sub model so the people on subs have zero restrition to future content, they will have to pay for fluff but they will get cartel coins to buy stuff. F2P players will have the game to 50, have to buy extra content they want via cartel coins, those players will be able to only purchase parts of the game they wish to play.


Now im not a super fan of F2P but aslong as the subs cover all my content i do not really care.

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Please stop with the just under 1 million. You know, I know and everyone knows thats not the case and it is just above 500k witheveryone that can log into the game being counted. That includes F2P players, even the ones that tried it and havent logged in after the first week. If it was just under 1 million they would have said about a million.


If they had 1 million subs or even close say 900,000 that would be 6 million dollars per month over the 500k they needed to break even. Instead actual paying subs is well under 500k and thats why they made the mad rush to get the F2P into action so they can hopefully make some money from the cash shops.


You know, i know what, if you have facts show them otherwise go away. simples.

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If the number of subs was significantly above 500,000, EA would have used a higher number for the floor of their range.


It's that simple.


I mean, really. Reporting that subs are somewhere within a range of 500,000? At the very least, EA's record-keeping is spectacularly shoddy.

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Well this is the point, its keeping the sub model so the people on subs have zero restrition to future content, they will have to pay for fluff but they will get cartel coins to buy stuff. F2P players will have the game to 50, have to buy extra content they want via cartel coins, those players will be able to only purchase parts of the game they wish to play.


Now im not a super fan of F2P but aslong as the subs cover all my content i do not really care.




As a monthly subscriber my gameplay experience will not be affected. In fact, it will only be enhanced as I will be able to buy stuff out of the shop with my free Cartel Coins that I will get each month. If the F2P option does attract more players then the affect on my game play experience will be even more of a bonus (more players, more money, more content etc).


As long as the F2P option does not detract from my experience then I have no issue with it, even though, clearly it is not the way any of us wanted the game to pan out...



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Is this the WoW forums or SWTOR forums? So confused.




That proves what? Anybody unhappy about a game makes silly threats like that. I can easily say the same thing, and you'll never know whether I kept my word or not.


Blizz the Jawa makes games!? :eek:


On a serious note...Mass Effect 3 has probably had ramifactions too.


Not that I want to start THAT debate here. It can be reserved for the ME3 boards.

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This said, guys, both EA and Blizzard specifically and implicitely describe ''subs'' as people paying[/b for the game.


A free trial is NOT a subber. Period. If they count subbers as trial, their asses can be sued to oblivion.

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If the number of subs was significantly above 500,000, EA would have used a higher number for the floor of their range.


It's that simple.


I mean, really. Reporting that subs are somewhere within a range of 500,000? At the very least, EA's record-keeping is spectacularly shoddy.


All they said about 500k is that's the minimum needed to maintain balance so the shareholders didn't panic that they were losing money. That's the only time it came up.

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OMG you are an idiot...


This game RETAINS its SUB MODEL and adds in an OPTIONAL F2P MECHANISM...


read the front page of this website.


Just because you keep denying it, does not make it true.



How long you think thats going to last? All they are doing now is using the sub players for their money until they get F2P rolling. Then after that they will get rid of P2P and have it all F2P.


You can deny it all you want now, just like your type did with F2P in general before.

"Nope they are not going F2P they are just talking about the F2P to level 15" Remember all the people who love SWTOR stating that in every post?


Why do you think they are holding off on all the content they kept saying would be soon for? Its because they are going to have it linked heavily into the cash shop so F2P and sub players will pay more money so they can get it quicker. I am even willing to say that you will need a character on both sides at level 40 to complete the quest for HK-51 without paying any money, think the droid has been datamined to hoth so thats about level 40, but I bet you can buy the things you need for alot of cartel coins instead.


Let me save you some money. You know all those cartel coins you are getting. Save them up and dont buy all the stuff they first put out for coins so you spend all your coins. Save them for HK-51 because you are going to need them. Taking a wild guess but all the items needed for HK-51 will be almost the same amount of coins that a player that started during launch would be given. So again save them till HK-51 unless you want to wait of pay money for him

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Like i said in a post before


lets see what happens next in Q3.


lets see if..


1 - EA says the numbers numbers

2 - your above the 500k magic number

3 - MoP brings back the players for wow


When I played wow, everyone in my peer group did as well, I had about 30 irl friends/associates that played. When cata hit, they ALL quit, myself included. No one I know personally will be returning to wow ever, none of my 60 active guildmates will be returning to wow, even if they gave us the game for free. This has been a topic of discussion for a few days now, and its unanimous. We arent going to gw 2 either. We will have to stick with tor until something new/exciting comes out.


Id bet my bottom dollar that it wont be Titan.


Blizzard died a few years ago. Its living off of its own self perpetuating hype. Its a bubble of hot air. Its not a real by gamers for gamers company anymore, not like it used to be. The only IP they have left worth a dime is sc, and that game isnt exactly seeing some huge resurgence either. There is a huge active community of people who care, but its not exactly drawing in new players.


I hope valve releases an mmo someday.......

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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This said, guys, both EA and Blizzard specifically and implicitely describe ''subs'' as people paying[/b for the game.


A free trial is NOT a subber. Period. If they count subbers as trial, their asses can be sued to oblivion.


But if Blizz stuck to that definition then they cannot include Chinese players in their sub number....because they are not paying to play the game. We all know that around 5 mill of that 9.1 mill iare Chinese players though so....


Both Blizz/Acti and EA clearly massage their numbers in a variety of ways...it just makes me laugh when people assert that out of the two companies its only EA that does it and that WoW actually does have 10 mill "subscribers" lol.



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As a monthly subscriber my gameplay experience will not be affected. In fact, it will only be enhanced as I will be able to buy stuff out of the shop with my free Cartel Coins that I will get each month.


As long as the F2P option does not detract from my experience then I have no issue with it, even though, clearly it is not the way any of us wanted the game to pan out...




Oh it will because this game will now get even worser , community will become even worser with all the F2P kidos and just like with all MMOS which went with hybrid FTP-subscription model devs will focus more on creating fluffy items for their cash shop than actual content for the game.


And besides now when EA did cut out budget for TOR and when TOR has less manpower than before and when even EA stated how they consider this game as a miss for them what makes you think they will update the content on some timed manner when they couldnt even do that when this game had 1.7 million subs at one point ?

Edited by Lunablade
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Oh it will because this game will now get even worser , community will become even worser with all the F2P kidos and just like with all MMOS which went with hybrid FTP-subscritpion model devs will focus more on creating fluffy items for their cash shop than actual content for the game.


And besides now when EA did cut out budget for TOR and when TOR has less manpower than before and when even EA stated how they consider this game as a miss for them what makes you think they will update the content on some timed manner when they couldnt even do that when this game had 1.7 million subs at one point ?


Oh man the game will get worser...oh noes!!!!

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This said, guys, both EA and Blizzard specifically and implicitely describe ''subs'' as people paying[/b for the game.


A free trial is NOT a subber. Period. If they count subbers as trial, their asses can be sued to oblivion.


There are paying subs and non paying subs. They are both subs.


Where did they say that subs didnt include anyone but players that are paying?

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3. Maybe you should read the Diablo 3 boards? Blizz's reputation is lying in the gutter and many, many people have stated that they will not be buying ANY Blizz game ever again....



same can be said about EA and BW after this feck up


bioware screwed up Dragon age 2/ Mass effect 3 and now Swtor


yep good going there bioware

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How long you think thats going to last? All they are doing now is using the sub players for their money until they get F2P rolling. Then after that they will get rid of P2P and have it all F2P.


You can deny it all you want now, just like your type did with F2P in general before.

"Nope they are not going F2P they are just talking about the F2P to level 15" Remember all the people who love SWTOR stating that in every post?


Why do you think they are holding off on all the content they kept saying would be soon for? Its because they are going to have it linked heavily into the cash shop so F2P and sub players will pay more money so they can get it quicker. I am even willing to say that you will need a character on both sides at level 40 to complete the quest for HK-51 without paying any money, think the droid has been datamined to hoth so thats about level 40, but I bet you can buy the things you need for alot of cartel coins instead.


Let me save you some money. You know all those cartel coins you are getting. Save them up and dont buy all the stuff they first put out for coins so you spend all your coins. Save them for HK-51 because you are going to need them. Taking a wild guess but all the items needed for HK-51 will be almost the same amount of coins that a player that started during launch would be given. So again save them till HK-51 unless you want to wait of pay money for him


But as a subscription player I will receive free Cartel Coins every month...if I want to buy something out of the shop I will use my free Cartel Coins...so how am I losing out on anything?


Or as in the HK example I will just obtain him via the in game quest arc....


You have just come up with the answer to the biggest non problem I have ever seen. Congratz.



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If the number of subs was significantly above 500,000, EA would have used a higher number for the floor of their range.


It's that simple.


I mean, really. Reporting that subs are somewhere within a range of 500,000? At the very least, EA's record-keeping is spectacularly shoddy.




Current SWTOR "active accounts" must be around about 600,000 to 700,000 for them to use the language they did.



However "active accounts" takes in all the free trial accounts as well as accounts that aren't being played that have time left on them.


Which likely mean the "actively playing and paying accounts" is probably below the magic 500,000 number now. :(

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There are paying subs and non paying subs. They are both subs.


Where did they say that subs didnt include anyone but players that are paying?


In their investor call. They say it specifically. A sub is someone currently paying for the game.

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