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WoW Loses 1.1M Subscribers, Down to 9.1M


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Why do you throw that 9mill figure around like its fact?


WoW does not have anywher near that many subs. Yes, it's an old game, yes it is still doing well...very well compared to TOR but let's at least be objective. Maybe 4 mill subs would be accurate.


Chinese players who do not have a subscription do not count as subscribers.




but clearly they do when they tell there stake holders that the game has 9.1 million subs


how many did EA tell us they had......



thats right they didnt they hide the real number and said we are above 500k but below 1 million... wow 500k spread thats some arse cover.

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To be fair, unless someone brings out an MMO that blows people away like WoW has, all MMOs will end up here faster and faster. The sub model failed unfortunately because game makers haven't been able to make it clear what a sub pays for. A hybrid set up with f2p and sub options should've come sooner probably for all MMOs so people had a clearer idea what the advantages were of subs and if that was worth it to you.


Some people play f2p because it's free and end up paying more than they ever would on a sub because of their cash shop spendings. Math isn't for everyone, but the bottom line is that the sub model is a limitiation on the MMO market. Also bringing out an unfinished game is a bit if suicide move. They probably thought that they could get away with it because it was Star Wars. That doesn't work for everybody as they've seen and that is very much EA's own fault.


And yes I still play and no I never played WoW :)


Well for starters when a new MMO comes out, it needs to have a lot of features.


Too many people say, oh but vanilla wow didn't have that, so why should xxx new MMO have that. Well guess what, you are not competing against vanilla wow.


A bad thing for SWTOR was the terrible engine. Ilum was a disaster, was impossible to play. I've played GW2 in beta and that had even bigger battles and not one bit of lag. It ran very smooth.


I wish Bioware had more time to develop this game on release, but they had EA breathing down their necks.


This game does make a great 1-50 experience for the first time (it's boring on alts, apart from class story), but it's end game is terrible, buggy, slow and boring.

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Why do people keep trying to compare SWTOR to WoW.


In the end your feelings will just get hurt. Let's see....


WoW loses 1.1 million. Down to 9.1 million after many years.


Star Wars The Old Republic.


Biggest MMO Budget, Biggest Hyped, Biggest Name(s) loses more than 1.1 million subs.


In less than 7-8 months. After tons of come back offers and free trials. After tons of incentives to keep players.


And is now Free 2 Play.

Edited by Tiaa
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That's what you get when you take something that even the developers say was nothing but a joke and turning it into a reality.. add the fact that it all screams Kung Fu Panda coupled with that the whole Asian inspiration and Monk class in general just doesn't belong in WoW.


While those subscription numbers will be back up by about 2m at least come two months time, blizz really shot themselves in the foot with the Pandas.

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but clearly they do when they tell there stake holders that the game has 9.1 million subs


how many did EA tell us they had......



thats right they didnt they hide the real number and said we are above 500k but below 1 million... wow 500k spread thats some arse cover.


You are delusional.


Of course EA massaged their sub numbers to investors. I have never stated they did not do that.


But if you think that Blizz's 9.1 million does not include about 4 mill phantom Chinese players who do not even have a subscription, plus players who were conned into buying a 1 year pass and no longer even play the game then you are living in a dream world. I have no issue with people pointing out EA/BW's failings but to try and suggest that WoW figures are somehow true and only EA massage their sub numbers is complete lunacy.



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Why do people keep trying to compare SWTOR to WoW.


In the end your feelings will just get hurt. Let's see....


WoW loses 1.1 million. Down to 9.1 million after many years.


Star Wars The Old Republic.


Biggest MMO Budget, Biggest Hyped, Biggest Name(s) loses more than 1.1 million subs.


In less than 8-9 months. After tons of come back offers and free trials. After tons of incentives to keep players.


And is now Free 2 Play.


Why do people keep saying WoW has 9.1 mill subs? Thier numbers are massaged even more than EAs.



Edited by ImperialSun
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cription numbers will be back up by about 2m at least come two months time, blizz really shot themselves in the foot with the Pandas.


Pandas are cool and certainly better than another 20 dragons. People leave WoW because it is the same old game they have been playing for the last 8 years. Everything comes to an end.


SWTOR had the best chance in the industry to take those people tired with WoW away but they blew it making a clone and not even getting that right.

Edited by vandana_
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Is WoW free 2 play?




What has that got to do with anything? I commented on the fact that you quoted 9.1 mill subs as if it was a fact?


Are you saying you actually believe that the number is 9.1 mill and not more like 4 mill?


/cute :)



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What has that got to do with anything? I commented on the fact that you quoted 9.1 mill subs as if it was a fact?


Are you saying you actually believe that the number is 9.1 mill and not more like 4 mill?


/cute :)




Yeah, Yeah. But um...


Is WoW free 2 play?




P.S. Tiaa

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What has that got to do with anything? I commented on the fact that you quoted 9.1 mill subs as if it was a fact?


Are you saying you actually believe that the number is 9.1 mill and not more like 4 mill?


/cute :)




Why can't he/she count outside europe and NA?


For subs in asia, they make more money than our normal subs.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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It's not a dream. People dropped their accounts temporarily because they didn't want to pay for content that isn't new, and they wait for MoP.


So, it's not a dream.


I played WOW for 6 years, I wont go back for MoP, I wont go back if they take it free to play. I honestly wouldnt go back if they payed ME the 15 dollars per month.:rolleyes:

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Yeah, yeah. But um.......


Should wow be free 2 play


Is mop been in open beta during the time it lost 1.1 mil, what does that say about mop.




Coulda, Woulda, Shoula, Maybe...


Come on guys. It's a simple question.


Which game is free 2 play?



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WoW has microtransactions, and endless trial, so does swtor, The f2p model they are bringing in is a glorified endless trial anyway.


Yes WoW has microtransactions, a cash shop and is still pay to play.


Now which MMO has endless free trials, had the biggest budget, had four big names backing them and tons of hype...


And still went F2P? What game is that?!

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Yeah, yeah. But um.......


Should wow be free 2 play


Is mop been in open beta during the time it lost 1.1 mil, what does that say about mop.



No. They're making far more money as a subscription game. Subscription games with healthy subscriber bases make far more money than F2P games.


You'll note it's only games that see their subscriber numbers fall off a cliff that switch models.

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No. They're making far more money as a subscription game. Subscription games with healthy subscriber bases make far more money than F2P games.


You'll note it's only games that see their subscriber numbers fall off a cliff that switch models.


Notice how Free to play is only an Option in this game, and all Advantages of being Free to play are going to be Negated once Free to play hits in november, by then we will already have 1.4, and maybe even 1.5

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