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Star Wars fanboys playing SWTOR???


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I'm just curious: How many of you playing SWTOR is Star Wars fanboys?

And how many are MMO fans?

I'm asking because its seems that's less and less Star Wars fanboys ingame...


Fanboy! This is my first mmo .. Playing it because its Star Wars! and just realizing mmo are quite good ..



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I may be wrong but I don't think the OP was expecting the responses he got. Starting by calliing out "Fanboys" seem like a slight putdown on his part to the people playing the game.


Again, I may be wrong. But.....


You're absolutely right. I had never expected so much responses on this thread...

Using the term "fanboy" wasn't ment as a putdown on the people playing SWTOR, just as a term for Star Wars fans.

But from what I read it seems that a 'fanboy" has a little negative aura around it. It seems to me that they are known by a bad and rude behavior. Didn't know that at all. I live in Norway so I don't know that much about Star Wars culture in other countries etc America. Here in Norway we just use the term "fanboy" for a Star Wars fan. Seems like we are to few*Star Wars fans in Norway to begin to separate the "bad behavior fans" and the "good ones" :p


It's a very nice surprise to ser that it's so many Star Wars fans that play SWTOR, and good to see MMO fans here too, I think that the particular Star Wars fans can learn a lot of MMO.playing from you (I know that I have at least:) ). And of course it's good to see that fans of both is still around:)

After all this responses I feel like it's a good hope for SWTOR after all, at least both fans of MMO and Star Wars is still around:)

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