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Rage Spec


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First of all, if you want people to not flame you, ditch the GIANT RED type.


Second, it's perfectly viable for Marauders, it's just that the other specs tend to offer more. Carnage burst is more reliable in that they can't get away from it, at least the Gore-> Ravage portion, and it's less of a one trick pony sort of thing; whereas SMASH is very touchy with its hitbox.


Annihilation is generally more durable with it's self heals, and it has better interrupting capabilities.


Also, even though the Juggs and Maras do rage equally well now, I think most people are still used to the time when Juggs did it better.

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for PVE = anni

pvp = carnage or rage will work fine, I prefer carnage for team play/ranked warzones because I get better use out of predation, heal debuffs, etc. Rage is a nice spec but if you want to gear towards it you will need to drop a lot of the crit & accuracy that comes with the marauder gear and get power surge.

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I'm on Rage spec and all I can say is that it's very satisfying to see 4k+ crits every time you charge up. People don't Usualy expect you to be on rage so the poor sods don't know what hit them. Edited by Martinic
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