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Faction Indecisions - Advice Greatly Appreciated


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Hey guys, I'm in a silly situation but have been sat for around 4 weeks trying to decide what to do so thought I'd ask your opinion.


I rolled a Trooper on release as I felt Republic was the way to go due to liking the look of Commandos. I got my commando to level 41 and started to sway towards PvP where I realised they were lacking in some areas. I then began researching online and wanted to play a Vanguard as my main instead as I felt it suited me more.


... But before doing so I thought 'Wouldn't it be cool to have a Sith Vanguard when I took my helmet off?!?' :)


So I levelled a Sith Sorcerer to 50 to unlock the race and began really enjoying the versatility of the class in a support/dps role in PvP. He's been sat at 50 for a month now and the Sith race is unlocked, however while I was levelling him I also tried a Powertech who is at level 25 and I've took a Scoundrel to 11 and a Sentinel to 10.


My problem is I've now realised that Empire is just as good socially as Republic and cannot decide which faction to choose, I hoped to join a decent guild and make a few friends to play with which would have made my decision but as of yet I've not found one I wanted to join (The Nightmare Lands Server).


Should I stick to my original plan and make my Sith Vanguard which means doing the trooper story again :( but I'd have a cool looking character :)


OR stick to Empire as I've put a lot of work into my Sorcerer who is Battlemaster geared now, and continue on with a Bounty Hunter instead, passing up the Race Unlock I originally rolled this character for.


There seems to be decent guilds on both sides that I can apply to so that isn't helping either.


As I said, a silly situation, what would you do? :)

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This may seem a bit unhelpful, but the desicion should be entirely yours. There is no real advantage to picking one faction over the other. Sure there are cries of "IMBALANCE" ringing in the forums, but I personally have characters in both factions and don't see a significant difference. It all boils down to simply, which do you prefer? You've played a commando to 41, and a sorc to 50, which is good enough exposure to both factions. Based on your experiences, which side did you feel was more fun?


Another thing to consider is guild membership. My guild is a primarily Republic guild. While we do have an Imperial analogue, most of our time is spent on the Republic side, so most of us are loyal pubs. Since you haven't joined a guild yet, look into them. See what guilds on what faction can offer you the kind of game experience you want, be it hardcore endgame progression, or PvP. Look at how many players you recognise and play with on either faction, and factor all of that into picking a home.


Good luck!

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Join a guild on both sides then play whatever you wish at the time.


Also if you wanted a sith vanguard level one, doing the storylines again usually isnt that bad and you can make different choices etc..


Personally i would say level an Agent, best storyline in the game out of the ones I have done (I've done it twice now :p)

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Why not just chose both and play whatever you feel like playing at the time. I am leveling 4 characters right now and have been for a couple of months. I just play whatever character strikes my fancy at the moment. If I get bored or feel like a change, I just bounce to another character.
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Well I really appreciate all the thoughtful inputs on my (non) problem :) As somebody said it IS my decision I'm just in a place of indecision right now. Maybe I shall do as most have suggested and continue with both for a while and surely something will sway me eventually.


Very intrigued at what you say about the Agent storyline as I had very much fancied trying an Operative or Sniper.


Thank you all! In case others are having similar indecision I will post my resolution should I reach one :D

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Like already stated there are good and there are bad on both factions so just choose one that "YOU" like to play, I would play the one that is the most fun, Now I have leveled serveral characters up to 35-40 level just to ending up wiping them out because I want to try this or try that and I found out that you have to play a class that ypu love to level all the way to 50 ....


Now I did kinda what you did I leveled my BH to 50 (by the way BEST STORY LINE EVER) she is a Chiss because I wanted to make a Chiss Sentinal which I did just to wipe him out at 25th level when I got my Sith Sorcerer to 50 to make a Sith Sentinal which as of right now I'm currently leveling, so like I said its really on what you want to play and if you happen to get a kickbutt looking character in the prosess then go with it ;)

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I've done th Jedi knight, bouty hunter, most of the imperial agent, and some of the trooper, smuggler, and sith warrior stories and I agree wth a previous post about imp agent being the best out of the all of the stories I've played at least. Actually found myself thinking about conversation choices for a while several times trying to figure out what the consequences would be, and being light side on the imperial side makes it more interesting I think. Most of my other characters id be like "meh" and pick whichever i thought might result in the most hilarious dialogue line. Not to bash smuggler because I'm looking forward to leveling my gunslinger but if you were only interested in the class abilities I would say roll an agent instead - better story, better looking armor, etc. honestly, my healer operative is probably my new favorite character.


But it really is up to you - I've got toons on both sides and have met ppl I regularly group with on both sides as well. Either way you'll probably have fun.


Sith trooper is a good idea though I have to say Lolz

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This won't help much either, but look at it this way.

You have 8 slots to play with and the only limiting factor is your patience and interest.


Interests change, With Scoundrel (both advanced classes), Sentinal (both advanced classes), Consular (both advanced classes), Vanguard, and Bounty Hunter I don't get bored, and if i do, I play another.


The story changes depending on your choices. I've seen my wife not have the options I have on certain characters.

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