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AC for duo with a DPS Mercenary?


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My friend is playing a DPS Mercenary, and at the moment I'm an AC-less Agent.


We'll be questing and PVPing together. Which AC would go better with the Merc, particularly in PVP?


Either Sniper, or Op healer?


I love my healing operative. However, if you might want to DPS at all in endgame DO NOT go operative. Post-49 DPS Ops suck.

Snipers are great DPS ATM.

Edited by Tobradex
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I don't really know as a merc. The good old "tank/healer" combo in warzones is amazing. (Seriously, my operative healer with an assassin tank is close to invincible.) But if they're a healer too...well, might as well go DPS.
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Here's my honest, no QQing, opinion of what you should do.


You can really go both ways in this and not loose. You can roll a DPS Op or Sniper and you two would be fine in PvE and PvP, staying alive by blowing mobs away and both combining in WZs to do some great damage. If you roll heals, it will keep you guys alive much easier in both PvE and PvP since, as someone mentioned, the combo of heal/DPS is a very nice combo to have. He can easily deal the damage while you keep him up in health. The only think you should think about hard is the different play styles that Snipers and Ops have. Snipers would be next to the Merc in doing tons of damage at a distance and, for the most part, staying in one place. Ops, on the other hand, would be up close and personal (DPS wise anyways) while the Merc burned people from a distance.


Honestly, I think you could go either way with what AC you wanted and you both would be fine. The one advantage Op has is that you could respec if you changed your mind, while a Sniper would be stuck doing damage, albeit a lot more damage than an Op. So find what style of play you and your friend would enjoy the most and stick with that. Hope this helps.

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