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Resolve Tweak Suggestion


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Personally, I have no problem with the way Resolve currently works. However, since it seems quite a few players do have a problem with it, that suggests the likelihood of it being changed is pretty large.


Therefore, I'm going to make a suggestion which I believe will satisfy everyone (to some extent).


Please give white-barred players (those in Resolve Mode) a 25% damage taken reduction buff.


This will keep the negative impact of giving your foe a white bar, while helping to alleviate a lot of the complaints about being stunned and killed.


Just a suggestion, of course, but I really do think that it is one that will contribute in a positive way to the enjoyment of PvP in SWTOR.

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25% Damage reduction is... quite a lot. So I'm forced to disagree. However, being stun-locked and murdered over and over is indeed quite frustrating. I can't tell you how many times my resolve bar has worn off before the CC does, and suddenly I'm stunned again and dead.


I think the simplest and most fair solution is to just make all CC abilities add to the Resolve bar. The fact that some add more than others is reasonable, but the fact that some don't even touch your Resolve is absurd. Any ability whatsoever that impairs movement or a players ability to attack with total freedom is a CC, plain and simple.


Other solutions include making Resolve last longer, or lowering the cooldown of our CC-break ability by 30 seconds.

I honestly believe the BEST solution is a moderate combination of all of the above.


Furthermore, Resolve should be equally applicable to PvE environments. The knockbacks alone in Torvix and Ilum make me want to die.

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I think the most frustrating part of Resolve for me is when I get CC'd, my bar turns white, but I'm still CC'd and getting wailed on. Then I die, and my full white bar gets wasted in the graveyard.


How fathomable would it be to implement it where, upon getting a full resolve bar, any CC on you is broken? Give you a chance to defend yourself and actually utilize your immunity.


I can see it pissing off people in Hutt Ball, but it doesn't seem like it would be a major imbalance in any other WZ. Sure, it might tempt the odd player to not even bother CC'ing if they see someone with an almost full bar, but I don't find that very discouraging. Currently the favor far outweighs the CC'er, and I am open to any solution that brings things back in balance.

Edited by Acento
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